[David] Fitzgerald
Life fl.1903; pseudonymous author of pamphlet contesting right of William III to make grants [of land]; presumably Irish and Catholic, and poss. dispossessed under Williamite Settlement in Ireland.
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Works The Exorbitant Grants of William the III examind and questiond: shewing the nature of grants in successive and elective monarchies and proving by law and history that crown-lands are inalienable, that resumptions
were common all the world over, and likewise shewing that where a prince hath no hereditary title he can make no hereditary right, and that kings set up by Parliament can dispose of no lands but with the consent of Parliament, which renders William the Thirds grants totally void. With reflections on each paragraph. (London: Printed & sold by B. Bragg 1703), 30pp., 4o. [COPAC Cat. cites ESTC as conjecturing that B. B[ragg] is David Fitzgerald.]
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