John Fleming

1814-1896 [Sean Pléimonn]; b. Ballyneil, parish of Mothel, Co. Waterford; ed. Kill village school; became a hedge-school teacher at Carrickbeg, later at Rathcormac, 1849-1881; exhausted the lump sum he accepted in lieu of pension on retirement; employed by RIA at £80 p.a. as assistant to Dr Atkinson, up to 1893; received an allowance from Dr. Maxwell Close; contrib. Life of Donncadh Ruadh Mac Conmara (1881) to Gaelic Journal [Irisleabar na Gaeilge], assisted David Comyn with editing the journal from 1882; succeeded Comyn as unpaid editor, 1884-92; wrote Irish lessons in National Teacher’s Journal, 1872-1877; published a life of Donnchadh Rua mac Con Mara in The Irishman, 1881; iss. edn. of Mac Con Mara’s poems in Gaelic Journal, 1884; d. 28 Jan., 33 South Frederick St. DIB DIW OCIL

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