Anthony Haly
fl.1634 [or Haley]; author of manuscript Rudimenta grammaticae Hibernicae (1643), MS 54 fols; held in Marshs Library and prob. part of his orig. collection, being the earliest copy of Bonaventure OHusseys [Giolla Brigdhe Ó hEódhasa] Latin-Irish grammar; completed at Louvain, 30th Dec. 1634; incls. numerous contractions, mistakes, and erasures; chapter information often synopsised as Compendium; scribes name occurs on first folio (In ussum Fris Anton. haij pro conventu Limericensi cum Sup. licentia) and also last folio (Haec breviter dicta sufficiant ad Dei, Deiparaeque Virg. S.P.N. Francsici necnon S. Anto. gloriam ett. Lovanij hac 30 Decemb. 1634, Fr Antonius Haij; the MS contains 5 other pieces, incl. Numerus et ordo liberorum et compendiosa tabula uteris Testamenti by Haley; also singular copy of 12pp. pamphlet of prayers, blessings and summaries of the Franciscan rule as Suim riaghlachas Phroinsais, printed in Louvain Irish type A, speculatively dates 1614; first page displays Irish alphabet as written out by Haley. (See Muriel McCarthy and Caroline Sherwood-Smith, eds., Hibernia Resurgens: Catalogue of Marshs Library, 1994, p.36-37.)
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