William Hamilton
Life [?]-1729; b. prob. in Co. Antrim; ed. MA TCD, 1696; LLD, 1700; arch-deacon of Armagh, 1700-29; The Exemplary Life and Character of James Bonnell, Esq., Late Accomptant General of Ireland (1704) [var. 1703]. ODNB DUB
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References Hyland Books (1997) lists The Exemplary Life and Character of James Bonnell, Esq., Late Accomptant General of Ireland [5th edn.; corr.[ (1807), xxviii (287)pp.; The Exemplary Life [...] of James Bonnell, Esq., Late Accomptant General of Ireland [Ist ed.] (1704 London). Fp. xx (232)pp., S-calf [£75].
Cathach Books (q.d.) lists The Life and character of James Bonnell [&c.] with a Sermon Preached at his Funeral by Edward Lord Bishop of Ardagh (London 1703) [prob. err.]
Belfast Central Library holds The Exemplary Life and Character of James Bonnell, Esq. (1704) [?err.]
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