[Sir] Francis B. Head
Life 1793-1875; ed. Rochester Grammar School and Royal Military Academy; Royal Engineers, 1811; present at the Bttle of Waterloo; half-pay officer from 1825; engaged in management of gold and silver mining interests at River Plate; defended his conduct in Reports of the La Plala Mining Association (1827); rejoined army full-time major unattached; knighted, 1835; appt. lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, 1835; suppressed insurrection; baronet, 1836; resigned and returned to England via New York; contrib. to Quarterly Review; keen huntsman to age of 75; privy councillor, 1869; d. 20 July, Duppas Hall, Croydon; issued A Fortnight in Ireland (1852) and other works.
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Works Life of Bruce (1830); Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau, by an Old Man (1834); Narrative of Canadian Administration (1839); The Emigrant (1846); Highways and Dryways, the Britannic and Conway Tubular Bridges (1849); Stok[e]rs and Pokers (1849), on railways; The Defenceless State of Great Britain (1850); A Faggot of French Slicks (1852); A Fortnight in Ireland (1852) [see details]; Descriptive Essays (1856); On Kinglakes Crimean War (1853); The Horse and his Rider (186[0]) The Royal Engineer (1870); Life of Sir John Burgoyne (1872).
A Fortnight in Ireland (London: John Murray 1852), 400pp., ill., chaps. on Dublin, National Education, The Royal Irish Constabulary College of Maynooth, Tour of Mayo, Connemara, Degraded condition of the People, Tactics of the Irish Priesthood, &c. [See De Burca Cat. No. 44, 1997.]
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