Richard Helsham

?1682-1738; TCD BA, 1702; fellow 1704; lect. in maths, 1723-30; first Erasmus Smith Professor, 1724-38; Regius Prof. of Physic, 1733-38; Lectures on Natrual Philosphy ed. by Bryan Robinson (1739), became a teaching classic noted for its accessible account of the Newtonian universe, going through eleven reprint editions up to 1834; friend of Swift; died of cancer and requested that his head be severed from his body before burial. ODNB

There is an amusing biography in Charles Mollan, It’s Part of What We Are, Vol. I: Richard Boyle to John Tyndall (Dublin: RDS 2004), at pp.81-89- online [link kindly provided by Anne van Weerden].

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