Sam Henry
Life 1870-1952 [North Antrim]; b. Coleraine; became an authority on North of Ireland folklore, and Excise Officer. Rowlock Rhymes, Songs of an Exile, Tales of the Antrim Seaboard, Dunluce and the Giants Causeway, St. Patricks Church, Coleraine. IF2
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Works Songs of the People (Coleraine 1924).
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References Desmond Clarke, Ireland in Fiction: A Guide to Irish Novels, Tales, Romances and Folklore [Pt. 2] (Cork: Royal Carbery 1985), lists A Hank of Yarns (Coleraine Chronicle 1940), 30 Ulster anecdotes, mostly humorous.
George-Denis Zimmerman, Thematique de lamour dans les ballades traditionelle irlandaises, in Études irlandaises (Lille 1979), bibl.,No. 124.
Ulster Libraries: University of Ulster Library (Morris Collection) holds Songs of the People: Selections from the Sam Henry Collection (Blackstaff 1979). British Library holds under North Antrim, [pseudonym of Sam Henry], Rowlock Rhymes and [non ital., sic] Songs of an Exile, edited and illustrated by S Henry (Belfast: Quota Press 1933), 86pp. ill. [plates]. Belfast Public Library, Dunluce and Giants Causeway [n.d.]; A Hank of Yarns [n.d.]; The Story of St. Patricks Church, Coleraine [n.d.]; Tales of the Antrim Seaboard [n.d.]; Ulster Folk Tales (1939).
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