Benjamin Hoadly

1676-1761 [var. Hoadley]; fellow Catherine Hall, Cambridge, 1697-1701; MA 1699; lect. St. Mildred’s, Puoultry, London, 1701-11; rector of St Peter-le-Poor, broad St., London, 1704-21; Streatham, 1710-23; chaplan to George I, 1715; opposed Occasional Conformity Bill and became spokesman for the Latitudinarians urging toleratance of non-Conformism; published Persuasive to Lay Conformity (1704), written against Calamy; Defence of Reasonableness of Conformity (1707); upheld whig doctrine of resistance against Atterbury and Bishop Blackall, 1709-10; contrib. satirical ‘Dedication to Pope Clement XI’ to Steele’s Account of State of the Roman Catholic Religion (1915);

elected bishop of Bangor, 1715-1721 and gave rise to Bangorian controversy with his ‘Preservative against Principles and Practises of Non-Jurors (1716) and The Nature of the Kingdom or Church of Christ (John Roberts 1717), the latter an ordination sermon; more than a thousand pamphlets published in the following years, being attacked by Swift, and Pope, but eulogised by Akensideand defended by John Toland; bishop of Hereford, 1721-23; attacked Atterbury in London Journal as “Britannicus”, 1721; bishop of Salisbury, 1723-34; pamphlets on foreign affairs, 1725; Essay on the Life and Writings of Dr. Samuel Clarke (1732); bishop of Winchester, 1734-61; advocated repeal of Corporation and Test Acts, 1736. ODNB

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