Nathaniel Hooke
Life 1664-1738; b. Corballis, Co. Meath, son of John Hooke, and br. of John Hooke (1655-1712), sarjeant at law, of whom a son, Nathaniel (d.1763), wrote a History of Rome. ed. Glasgow and Cambridge, joined in the Monmouth Rising, conspired with Davners to raise an insurrection in London, and was exempted from the general pardon; surrendered and converted to Catholicism in 1688; joined Jacobite army at Boyne, and later entered Irish regiment in France; fought at Battle of Ramilles (1706), and went on missions to Scottish Jacobites in 1705 and 1707;
conducted diplomatic missions for Louis XIV; Commander of Order of St. Louis. m. Eleanor Susan Mac Carthy Reagh; took no part in the Jacobite Rising of 1715; his correspondence for 1703-07, partly transcribed by his nephew Nathaniel, is in the Bodleian, and was edited by Rev. W. D. Macray, for Roxburghe Club (1870-71); previously appeared in Revolutions dEcosse et dIrlande en 1707, 1708, 1709 (Hague, 1758), and in Macphersons Original Papers (1775); had son, also Nathaniel (1705-1744). ODNB
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Dictionary of National Biography [as in Life - supra].
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