Pat Ingoldsby

1942- ; b. 25 Aug. at Malahide, Co. Dublin; bilingual poet, TV presenter, humourist and children’s writer; made regular appearances on the Lambert’s Bosco show in the late 1970s and hosted children’s TV shows on RTE in the 1980s (Pat’s Hat, and Pat’s Chat); his children"s play Yeukface [,] the Yeuk and the Spotty Grousler, was staged at the Peacock Th. (Dec. 1982), and sim. others; wrote a 2-hand one-acter, The Full Shilling (Gaiety Th. 1986; dir. John Lynch); wrote a column for the Irish Press, later collected as The Peculiar Sensation of Being Irish (1995); also issued Laugh Without Prejudice (1996); withdrew from media and can be met with selling his books on centre-city streets; iss. I Thought You'd Died Years Ago (2009); self-publishes through Willow publications; lives on Vernon, Rd., Clontarf, Dublin. WIKI

[ See Pat Ingoldsby’s web page; defunct at 25.08.2023. ]

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Poetry, Welcome to my head (Please Remove Your Boots) (1986); Salty Water (1988); Scandal Sisters (1990); How was it for you Doctor? (1994); Poems so fresh and so new ...Yahoo! (1995); If You Don’t Tell Anybody I Won ‘t (1996); See Liz She Spins (1997); Half a Hug (1998); Beautfiul Cracked Eyes (1999); The Blue Etee Wet (2000); Do Lámh I Mo Brá (2001); The Frenchwoman And The Sky (2003).

Plays, Hisself (Peacock Th.); When am I Gettin’ Me Clothes (Peacock Th.; adapted for Radio Eireann); The Dark Days of Denny Lacey (Radio 1); She Came Up From the Sea (Radio 1); Fire Is Far Enough (Radio 1); Liffey Ever Is (Radio 1)

Short stories, The Peculiar Sensation of Being Irish (Cork: Killeen Publs. 1995), 201pp.; Laugh Without Prejudice (Cork: Killeen Publs. 1996); In My Own Voice [CD].

For children, Zaney Tales (stories); Rhymin’ Simon (play); Yeukface the Yeuk and the Spotty Grousler (play); Tell Me A Story, Pat (cassette tape).

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Aubrey Malone, review of The Peculiar Sensation of Being Irish, in Books Ireland (Feb. 1996), p.24 [appreciative].

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Nationmaster webpage gives details: ‘ His most distinctive style of poetry is his humourist style. A recurring character, Wesley Quench, appears in roles such as the driver of a Flying See-Saw Brigade. Another poem, Vagina in the Vatican , depicts a vagina sneaking into the Vatican unstopped because no one knew what it was - except for a few who couldn’t let slip that they did’ [link].

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Bravo Bratislava!: Pat Ingoldsby’s books since 1998 are protected by the Bratislava Accord 1993 (Sect. 2 cre/009 manifest-minsk) preventing their contents appearing in school textbooks, exams, elocution classes or anything with the word “Arts” in it. (See Nationmaster - online.)

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