Joshua Jacob
Life 1790-1874; b. Knockfin, Maryborough (Portlaoise); oculist; ed. Dr Steevens Hospital, and Edinburgh, MD; also studied in Paris and London; settled in Dublin, 1819; co-fnd. Park St. School of Medicine; Prof. of Anatomy, Royal College of Surgeons,1826-69; president of RCSI; fnd. City of Dublin Hospital, 1832; ed. Dublin Medical Press (Vols. 1-42; 1839-59); Cyclopaedia of Anatomy; Cyclopaedia of Pracitcal Medicine; Treatise on Infammation of the Eye-ball (1849); Cataract and the Operation for tis Removal by Absorption (1851); discovered membrana Jacobi; d. England. ODNB DIB DIH
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