Francis Johnston
Life 1761-1827; b. Armagh; himself the son of an architect and author of St. Georges Church, Temple St. [viz., Hardwicke Pl.]; also the Chapel Royal and the GPO; completed adaptation of Houses of Parliament; made alterations to the Vice-Regal
Lodge; designed Townley Hall (later the agricultural station of TCD); appt. adviser the Nelson Pillar project, 1808-09; involved in est. RHA, 1823, of which he was president for some years, and whose in Abbey St.
building he designed (destroyed in the 1916 Rising). DIH
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References See Christine Case & Alistair Rowan, The Buildings of Ireland, North Leinster (Penguin) and other architectural survey-histories.
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Notes Dolmen Press: St. Georges Church at Hardwicke Place, Dublin was adopted by Thomas Kinsella as the cover of a first collection by Donald Davie in the Dolmen Poets series of which Davie - then a professor of English in Trinity College, Dublin, was board member. In the event, a dummy only was produced since Davie returned to England and published there.
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