Finnegans Wake (1939): Various Quotations

“King Roderick O’Connor”
First draft - now FW380-83.


Bladyughfoulmoecklenburgwhurascortatrumpapornanennykocksapastippatappatupperstrippuckputtanach [090.31; Thunder Words also at 023.05., 044.20, 090.31, 113.09, 257.57, 314.08, 332.05, 414.19, and 424.20]

regginbow [003.14]

eyeful hoyth entirely [004.33]

004-006 [Fall; see Pt II: 257-58 & 353; Pt III: 499-501.

Bygmester Finnegan, of the Stuttering Hand, freeman’s maurer, livd in the broadest way immarginable in his rushlit toofarback for messuages before joshuan judges had given us numbers of Helviticus committed deuteronomy [...] [004.18-21]

eyeful hoyth entirely [004.33]

hierarchitectitipitoplofitical […] celescalating the himals and all [...] with burning bush abob of its baubletop [005.01]

whatever it was [...] he thried to two in the Fiendish Park [005.28-29; vide 196.09-11]

the owl globe wheels in view [006.29]

But, lo, as you would quaffoff his fraudstuff and sink teeth through the pyth of a flowerwhite bodey behold of him as behemoth for he is noewhemoe [007.13]

Hence when the clouds roll by, jamey, a proudseye is enjoyable of our mounding’s mass [007.36]

Penetrators are permitted into the museomound free. Welsh and Paddy Patkinses, one shelenk! Redisremembers invalids of old guard to find poussepousse poussypram to sate sort of their butt. For the passkey supply to the janitrix, the mistress Kathe. [008]

We may [...] hear nothing if we choose [...] though very crowd has its several tones and very trade has is clever mechanics and each harmonical has a point of its own [...] But all they are all there [...] as he lays dormont from the macroborg of Holdhard to the microbirg of Pied de Poudre. Behove this sound of Irish sense. really? Here English might be seen. Royally? []

How charmingly exquisite it reminds you of the outwashed engravure that we used to be blurring on the blotchwall of his innkempt house. [...] I say, the remaings of the outworn gravemure where used to be bluried the Ptollmens of the Incabus. [...] ‘Tis optophone which ontophanes. List! Wheatstone’s magic lyer. They will be tuggling foriver. They will be lichening for allof. They will be pretumbling forover. The harpsidischord shall be theirs for ollaves. [013.06-17]

So, how idler’s wind turning pages on pages, as innocens with anaclete play popeye antipop, the leavesof the living in the boke of the deeds, annals of themselves timing the ccles of events grand and national, bring fassilwise to pass how. [013.29-32]

Somewhere [...] between antedeluvious and annadominant the copyist must have fled with his scroll [014.16]

The babbelers with their thangas vain have been (confusium hold them!) they were and went; thigging thugs were and houhnhymn songtoms were and comely norgels and pollyfool fiansees. [015.12]

the ignorance that implies impression that knits knowledge that finds the nameform that whets the wits that conveys contacts that sweetens sensation that drives desire that adheres to attachment that dog death that bitches birth that entails the ensuances of existentiality. [018.24-29]

But the world, mind, is, was and will be writing its own wrunes for ever, man, on all matter that fall under the ban of our infrarational senses [...] [019.35]

that (the rapt one warns) is what papyr is meed of, hides and hints and misses in prints [020.01-11]

So may the priest of the seven worms and scalding tayboil, Papa Vestray, come never anear you as your hair grows wheater beside the Liffey that’s in Heaven. Hep, hep, hurrah there! Hero! Seven times thereto we salute you. The whole bag of kits [...] is where you flung them [...] the head boddylwatcher of the chempel is Isid, Totumcalmum, saith: I know thee metherjar, I know thee salvation boat. For we have performed upon thee [...] all the things [...] .. concerning thee in the matter of thy tombing. Howe of shipmen, steep wall! [026.6-24]

tourch of ivy to rekindle the flame on Felix Day [027.11]

writing a blue streak all over his bourseday shirt [027.11]

he is ee and no counter he who will be ultimendly respuncable for the hubbub caused in Edenborough [029.34-36].

an imposing everybody he always indeed looked, constantly the same as and equal to himself and maginficently well worthy of any and all such universalization [ 032.18]

a baser meaning has een read into these characters the literal sense of which decency can safely scarcely hint at [033.14-15]

homogenius man [034.14]

homogenius man [034.14]

confusioning of human races [035.05]

communism [...] usucapture [035.27]

Here line the refrains of. Some vote him Vike, some mote him Mike, some dub him Llyn and Phin while others hail him Lug Bug Dan Lop, Lex, Lax, Gunne or Guinn. Some apt him Arth, some bapt him Barth, Coll, Noll, soll, Will, Weel, Wall but I parse him Persse O’Reilly else he’s called no name at all. [044.20-24]

Corpo di barragio! You spoof of visibility in a freakfog [...] Therewith was released in that kingsrick of Humidia a poisoning volume of cloud barrage indeed. [048.01]

reamalgamerge [049.36; vide reamalgamate [575.27]

Me drames [...] has come through! Now let the centuple celves of my egourge [...] reamalgamerge in that indentity of undiscernibles where [...] may they ease to bidivil uns and [...] melt into peese! [049.32]

the sword of certainty that would idendifine the body never falls [051.06].

haardly creditable edventyres [051.14]

Television kills telephony in brothers’ broil. Our eyes demand their turn. Let them be seen! [052.18-19; vide bairdboard bombardment 349.07]

It scenes like a landescape [...] or some seem on some dimb Arras, dumb as Mum’s mutyness, this mimage of the seventyseventh kusin of kristansen is odable to os across the wineless Ere no oeder nor mere eerie nor liss potent of suggestion than in the tales of the tingmount. (Prigged!) [053.01-06]

on an Irish visavis [053.07]

I [...] be the massproduct of teamwork [54.14-15]

on the bunk of our breadwinner lies the cropse of our seedfather, a phrase which the establisher of the world by law might pretinately write across the chestfront of all manorwombanborn. [055.07]

Cycloptically through the windowdisks and with eddying awes the round eyes of the rundreisers, back to back, buck to bucker, on their airish chaunting car, beheld with intouristing anterestedness the clad pursue the bare, the bare the green, the green the frore, the frore the cladagain, as their convoy wheeled encirculingly abound the gigantig’s lifetree, our fireleaved loverlucky blomsterbohm, phoenix in our woodlessness, haughty, cacuminal, erubescent (repetition!) whose roots they be asches with lustres of peins. [055.22-30]

a huge chain envelope, written in seven divers stages of ink, from blacnessance to lavandaiette, ever pothook and pancrook bespaking the wisherwife, superscribed and subpencilled by yours A Laughable Party, with afterwrite, S.A.G., to Hyde and Cheek, Edenberry. [...] written in lappish language [66.18-19] [...] Black look white and white guard black, in siamixed twoatalk [66.19-21]

Earwicker, that patternmind, that paradigmatic ear, receptoretnetive as his of Dionysius [070.35-36]

a theory none too rectiline of the evoluation of human society [073.31]

Nash of Girahash [075.20]

falsemeaning adamelegy [077.26; cf. root language 424.17, ur sprogue 507.22 [Danish ursprog ]

The teak coffin, Pughglasspanelfitted, feets to the east.. Any number of conservative public bodies [...] made him, while his body still persisted, their present of a protem grave in Moyelta of the best Lough Neagh pattern, then much in demand among misonesans as the Isle of Man toda among limniphobes [...] her waters of her sillying waters of and there the brown peater aripple (may their quilt gild lightly over his somnolulutent form!) Whoforyou lies his last, by thewrath of Bog, lik the erst curst Hun in the bed of his treubleu Donawhu.

Best. This wastohavebeen underground heaven, or mole’s paradise, which was probably an inversion of phallopharos, intended to foster wheat crops and to ginger up the tourist trade [...] [076.10-35]

ever morphyl man of us fall back into trine [080.22-23]

Nichtian glossery which purveys aprioric roots from aposteriorious tongues this is nat language at any sinse of the world [083.10-12]

audible-vivible-gnosible-edible world [...] only to congitively conatively cogitabundantly sure of [088.06]

whether the audible-visible-gnosible-edible world exist [088.05-07]

cogitabundantly [088.07]

In the middle of the garth, then? That they mustn’t touch it. [090.12]

beginall [090.22]

yappanoise language [090.26]

ach bad clap [090.27]

The hilariohoot of Pegger’s Windup comjustled as neatly with the tristitone of the Wet Pinter’s as were they isce et ille equals of opposites, evolved by a onesame poweer of nature or of spirit, iste, as the sole condition and means of its himundher manifestation and polarised for reunion by the symphysis of their antipathies. [92.06-11]

leapgirls [092.25]

exfoliate [096.31]


In the name of Annah the Allmaziful, the Everliving, the Bringer of Plurabilities haloed be her eve, her singtime sung, her rill be run, unhemmed as it is uneven! 104.1-8]

traits featuring the chiaroscuro coalesce, their contraries eliminated, in one stable somebody [107-29-30]

mistridden past [110.30]

Midwinter was in the offing [...] the last reains of an outdoor meal by some unknown sunseeker or placehider illico way back in his mistridden past. What child of a strandlooper but keepy Kevin in the dispondful surroundings of such sneezeful cold would ever have trouved up on a strate that was called strete a motive of future saintity by euchring the finding of the Ardagh chalice by another hiely innocent and beachwalker whiles trying with pious clamour to wheedle Tipperaw raw raw reeraw puteters out of Now Sealand in spight of the patchpurple of the massacre, a dual a duel a die to day, goddam and biggod, sticks and stanks, of most of the Jacobiters. [FW110-11]

untitled mamafesta memorialising the Mosthighest [104.04]

then as to this radioscillating epiepistle to which, cotton, silk or samite, kohol, gall or brickdust, we must ceaselessly return, whereabouts exactly at present time in Siam, Hell or Tophet under that gloriosol which plays toucaloup with us in the Aludin’s Cove of our cagacity is that bright soandsuch to slip us the dinkum oil? [FW108]

No, assuredly, they are not justified, those gloompourers who grouse that letters have never been quite their old selves again since that wierd weekday in bleack Janiveer (yet how palmy the date in a waste’s oasis!) when to the shock of both, Biddy Doran looked at literature. [111.22]

a perfect signature on its own [115.08]

the human race itself were the Pythagorean sesquipedalia of the panepistemion [116.30]

in universal, in polygutteral, in each auxiliary neutral idiom, in sordumutics, florilingua, sheltafocal, flayflutter, a con’s cubane, a pro’s tutute, strassarab, ereperse and anythongue athall. [FW117]

it is not a miseffectual whyacinthinous riot of blots and blurs and bars and balls and hoops and wriggles and juxtaposed jottings linked by spurts of speed: it only looks as like it as damn it [...] cling to it as with drowning hands, hoping against hope all the while that, by the light of philophosy, (and may she never folsage us!) things will begin to clear up a bit one way or another within the next quarrel of an hour [...] as they ought to categorically, as, strictly between ourselves, there is a limit to all things so thins will never do. [118-19]

Chaosmos of Alle [118.21]

word as cunningly hidden in its maze of confused drapery as a fieldmouse in a nest of coloured ribbons [120.5-6]

the kindler of the paschal fire [128.34]

the heavenly one with his constellatria and his emanations [137.18-19]

New Free Woman with novel inside [145.29]

looking through at these accidents with the farofscope of television (this nightlife instrument []) [150.30-33]

in my own most spacious immensity as my ownhouse and micromost cosm when I am reassured by ratios that the cube of my volumes is to the surface of their subjects as the sphericity of these globes [...] is to the feracity of Fairynelly’s vacuum [150.35-151.07]

the morbidisation of the modern manorwoman type [151.05-6]

absolute zero [164.10]

This genre of portraiture of changs of mind to be truly torse should voke the bush soul [...] so I am leaving it to the experienced victim to complete th general suggestion by the addition of a wallop bound or [...] a congorool teal [165.18-21]

My unchanging Word is sacred. The word is my Wife to exponse and expound, to vend and to velnerate, and may the curlews crown our nuptias! Till breath us depart! Beware would you change with my years. [FW167]

first riddle of the universe [170.04]

crumbs of trektalk [172.29]

swatting his deadbest to think what under the canopies of Jensens Chrest would any sone of an Albiogenselman who had bin to an university think [173.11]

writing the mystery of himself in furniture [184.10]

then as to this radioscillating epiepistle to which, cotton, silk or samite, kohol, gall or brickdust, we must ceaselessly return, whereabouts exactly at present time in Siam, Hell or Tophet under that gloriosol which plays toucaloup with us in the Aludin’s Cove of our cagacity is that bright soandsuch to slip us the dinkum oil? [108]

down the long lane of [...] generations, more generations, and still more generations. [107.34]

Midwinter was in the offing [...] the last reains of an outdoor meal by some unknown sunseeker or placehider illico way back in his mistridden past. What child of a strandlooper but keepy Kevin in the dispondful surroundings of such sneezeful cold would ever have trouved up on a strate that was called strete a motive of future saintity by euchring the finding of the Ardagh chalice by another hiely innocent and beachwalker whiles trying with pious clamour to wheedle Tipperaw raw raw reeraw puteters out of Now Sealand in spight of the patchpurple of the massacre, a dual a duel a die to day, goddam and biggod, sticks and stanks, of most of the Jacobiters. [110-11]

Well, almost any photoist worth his chemicots will tip anyone asking him the teaser that if a negative of a horse happens to melt while drying, well, what you do get is, well, a positively grotesquesly distorted macromass of all sorts of horsehappy values and masses of meltwhile horse. Tip. Well, this freely must have occurred to our missive [111,26-30]

No, assuredly, they are not justified, those gloompourers who grouse that letters have never been quite their old selves again since that wierd weekday in bleack Janiveer (yet how palmy the date in a waste’s oasis!) when to the shock of both, Biddy Doran looked at literature. [111.22]

you is feeling like you was lost in the bush, boy? [112.3]

the human race itself were the Pythagorean sesquipedalia of the panepistemion [116.30]

in universal, in polygutteral, in each auxiliary neutral idiom, in sordumutics, florilingua, sheltafocal, flayflutter, a con’s cubane, a pro’s tutute, strassarab, ereperse and anythongue athall. [FW117]

the continually more or les intermisunderstanding minds of the anticollaborators, the as time went on as it will variously inflected, differently pronouced, otherwise spelled, changeably meaning vocablesignscripts [118]

Chaosmos of Alle [118.21]

quickscribbler [122.02]

those ars all bellical, the highpriest’s hieroglyph of kettletom and oddsbones, wrasted redhandedly from our hallowed rubric prayer for truce with booty [122.07]

What second to none myther rector and maximost bridgemaker was the first to rise tall through his beanstale [...] than the giganteous Wellingtonia Sequoia [126.10]

was well known to claud conciliation cap on the esker of his hooth [126.14]

toweres, an edistoon amid the lampless, casting swannbeams on the deep [127.15]

the kindler of the paschal fire [128.34]

Cattermole hill, exmountain of flesh was reared up by stress and sank under strain [129.04]

blimp, blump; a dud lettr [...] a by-word, a sentence with surcease [129.07-09]

a simultaneous equator of elimbinated integras when three upon one is by inspection improper [131.32]

Mora and Lora had a hill of a high time looking down on his confusion till firm look in readiness, forward spear and the windfoot of curach strewed the lakemist of Lego over the last of his fields [134.13.]

flesch nuemaid motts [138.8]

and an he had the best bunbaked bricks in bould Babylong for his pitching plays he’d lost for the want of his wan wubblin wall? [139]

Now, to be on anew and basking again in the panorama of all flores of speech [...] [143.03; cf. floras 015.21]

The reverberration of knowcracking awes, the reconjungation of nodebinding ayes, the redissolusingness of mindmouldered ease and thereby hangs the Hoel of it [...] byhold at ones what is main and why tis twain, but one once meet melts in tother wants poignings [...] but Heng’s got a bit of Horsa’s nose and Jeff’s got a sign of Ham round his mouth and the beau that spun beautiful pales as it palls, what roseruds and oragious grows gelb and greem, blue out the ind of it! Violet’s dyed! then what would a fragazer seem to be seemself to seem seeming of, dimm it all? Answer: A collideorscape! [143.25-38]

gleechoreal [145.25; cf. community singing 397.10]

I thought ye knew all and more, ye auchtor, to explique to ones the significats of their exsystems with your nieu nivuluon lead. [148.16]

in my own most spacious immensity as my ownhouse and micromost cosm when I am reassured by ratios that the cube of my volumes is to the surface of their subjects as the sphericity of these globes. [151.35]

As my explanations here are probably above your understandings, lattlebrattons [...] I shall revert to a more expletive method which I frequently use when I have to sermo with muddlecrass pupils. Imagine for my purpose that you are a squad of urchins, snifflynosed, goslingnecked, clothyheaded, tangled in your lacings, tingled in your pants, etsitaraw, etcicero. [152.4-10]

some precise hour which we shall again agree to call absolute zero or the babbling pumpt of platinism [164.09-10]

My unchanging Word is sacred. The word is my Wife to exponse and expound, to vend and to velnerate, and may the curlews crown our nuptias! Till breath us depart! Beware would you change with my years. [167.29-31]

Shem is as short for Shemus as Jem is joky for Jacob. A few toughnecks are still getatable who pretend tht aboriginally he was of respectable stemming (he was an outlex between the lines of Ragonar Blaubarb and Horrild Hairwire and an inlaw to Capt. the Hon. and Rev. Mr Bbyrdwood de Trop Blogg was among his most distant connections) but every honest to goodness man in the land of the space of today knows that his back life will not stand being written about in black and white. [169.01-06]

if you ever came acrux it, we think it is a word conspicuously like canaille [173.01]

swatting his deadbest to think what under the canopies of Jensens Chrest would any sone of an Albiogenselman who had bin to an university think [173.11]

conclamazione [...] on as many boards round the panesthetic at the same time as possible [173.15]

Hirp! Hirp! for their Missed Understandings! chirps the Ballat of perc-Oreille. [175.7-28]

all their various styles of signature so as one day to utter an epical forged cheque on the public [181.15]

writing the mystery of himself in furniture [184.10]

dividual chaos [186.05]

shining keyman of the wilds of change [186.15]

O by the way, yes, another thing occurs to me. You let me tell you, with the utmost politness, were very ordinarily designed, your birthwrong was, to fal in with Plan, as our nationals should, as all nationists must, and do a certain office (what, I will not tell you) in a certain holy office (nor will I say where) during certain agonising office hours (a clerical party all to yourself) from such a year to such an hour on such and such a date and so much a week pro anno . [190.10-17]


Prence di Propagandi [209.02]

Anna was, Livia is, Plurabelle’s to be [215.24]

Unclean you are not. Outcaste thou are not. [...] Untouchable is not the scarecrown on you. You are pure. You are pure. You are in your puerity. You have not brought stinking members into the house of Amanti. ..Your head has been touched by the god Enel-Rah and your face has been brightened by the goddess Aruc-Ituc. Return, sainted youngling, and walk once more among us. [237.21-31]

We feel unspeechably thoughtless over it all here in Gizzygazzelle Tark’s bimboowood so pleasekindly communicake with the original sinse we are only yearning as yet how to burgeon [238.36-239.02]

It’s his last lap, Gigantic, fare him weal [242.20-21]

circumveiloped in obscuritads [244.15]

the fairness of promise with consonantia and avowals [249.16]

Turning and fingering over the most dantellising peaches in the lingerous longerous book of the dark [...] I know it is difficult but when you goche I go dead. Turn now to this patch of Smachiavelluti! Soot allours, he’s sure to spot it! [251.22-17]

And each was wrought with his other. And his countenance fell. [252.14]

while the treegrown girls, king’s game, if he deign so [252.21] exceedingly nice girls [252.25]

(what though of riches he have none and hope dashes on his hearts horizon) [252.26-27]

the thing is he must be made strait on the spot, no mere waterstichystuff in a selfmade world that you can’t believe a word he’s ritten in, not for pie, but one’s owned by natural rejection. [252.28]

who, in deesperation of deisperation at the diasporation of his diesparation, was found of the round of the sound of the lound of the
Lukkedoerendunandurraskewdylooshoofermoyportertoorysooysphalnabortansporthaokansakroidverjkapakkpakkapuk. [257.24-30] [Includes Danish. luk doren, Eng. ‘sport the oak’, Ir, dun an doras, It. chiudi l’uscio, Fr. fermez la porte, &c.]

And shall not Babel be with Lebab? [258.11]

For the Clearer of the Air from on high has spoken in tumbuldum tambladam to his tembledim tombaldoom worrild and, mogphonoised by that phonemanon, the unhappitents of the earth have terrerumbled from fimament unto fundament and from tweedledeedumms down to twiddledeedees.

Loud, hear us!

Loud, graciously hear us!

Now have thy children entered their habitations [...] Gov be thanked! Thou hast closed the portals of the habitations of they children and thou hast set thy guards thereby [...] that thy children may read in the book of the opening of the mind to light and err not in the darkness which is the afterthought of thy nomatter [...] [258.20-33]


Mater Mary Mercerycordial of the Dripping Nipples, milk’s a queer arrangement [260.F2]

in a more and more almightily expanding universe under one, there is rhymeless reason to believe, original sun. [263.24]

you may be as practical as is predicable but you must have the proper sort of accident to meet that kind of a being with a difference [264.13-15].

storiella as she is syung [267.7-8]

all is [...] inbourne [268]

as daft as you’re erse (268.L4).

our mistery of pain [270.22] volve the virgil page [270.25]

For as Anna was at the beginning lives yet and will return [277.12-13]

Sortes Virginianae [281.R1]

A survey of the factionables [...] Binomeans to be comprehendered [285.26]

jetsam litterage [292.16]

dunloop eath into ocher [295.33]

apexojesus [296.10]

the whome of your eternal geamater [296.30]

Pot pice pon patrilinear plop, if the osseletion of the okring give omen nome? [279.04]

beast of boredom, common sense [292.28]

we’re all found of our anmal matter [294.F5]

because ye left from me, because ye laughd on me, because, O me lonly son, ye are forgetting me, that our turfbrown mummy is acoming, alpilla, beltilla, celtilla, deltilla, running with her tidings, old th news of the great big world, sonnies had a scrap, woewoewoe! bab’s baby walk at seven months, waywayway! [194.20-25]

apexojesus [296.10]

the logos of somewome to that base anything [298.19]

Omnius Kollidimus . As Ollover Krumwell sayed when he slepped ueber his grannyamother. Kangeroose feathers. Who in the name of thunder’d ever believe you were that bolt? But you’re holy mooxed and gap-up the wrong palce [...] you simpletop domefool! Where’s your belest loiterman’s lamp? You must lap wandret down the bluishing refluction below. Her trunk’s not her brainbox. Yseen here the puncture. She he done it. Luck! See her good. [299.09-20]


all the charictures in the drame [302.31-32]

little rude hiding rod [307.F1]

woman formed mobile and man made static [309.33]

This harmonic condenser enginium (the Mole) they caused to be worked from a magazine battery (called the Mimmim Bimbim patent number 1132, Thorpetersen and Synds, Jomsburg, Selverbergen) which was tuned up by twintriodic singulvalvulous pipeless (lackslipping along as if their liffing deepunded on it) with a howdrocephalous enlargement, a gain control of circumcentric megacycles, ranging from the antidulibnium onto the serostaaatarian. [310.01-08]

pressures be to our hoary frother, the pop gave his sullen bulletaction and, bilge, sled a movement of cathartic emulsipotion [310.28]

whatever it was he reddled a ruad to riddle a rede for the sphinxish pairc [324.6-7]

spickspookspokesman of our specturesque silentiousness [327.32-4]

Be ye my protectors unto Mussabotomia before the guards of the city. Theres theres is a gentlemeants agreement. Womensch plode. To slope through heather till the foot. Join Anderoon and Co. If the flowers of speech valed the spirings of me rising the hiker I hilltapped the murk I mist my blezzerd way. [318.25-30]

hibernian knights underthanr [335.26]

And then. Be old. The next thing is. We are once amore as babes awondering in a wold made fresh where with the hen in the storyaboot we start from scratch [336.15-18]

written in smoke and blurred by mist and signed in solitude, sealed by night [337.13-14]

bulgeglarying stargapers razzledazzlingly full of eyes, full of balls, full of holes, full of buttons, full of stains, full of medals, full of blickblackblobs [339.19-21]

a lot of lasses and lads without damas or dads, but fresh and blued [341.33-34]

the great day and the druidful day come San Patrisky and the grand day, the excellent fine splendorous long agreeable toastworthy cylindrical day [347.16]

the rub, the rib, the queen of oldbyrdes [348.33]

The abnihilisation of the etym by the grisning of the grosning of the grinder of the grunder of the first lord of Hurtrford explodotonates through Parsuralia with an ivanmorinthorrorumble fragorombassity amidwhiches general uttermosts confussion are perceivable moletons skaping with mulicules while conventry plumpkins fairlygosmotherthemselves in the Landaunelegants of Pinkadindy. Similar scenatas are projectilised from Hullulullu, Bawlawayo, empyreal Raum and mordern Atems. They were precisely twelves of clocks, noon minutes, none seconds. At someseat of Oldanelang’s Longuerrig, by dawnybreak in Aira. [353.24-32]

if he dung dumb in his glass darkly speech lit face to face on allaround [355.09]

chipps [371.11]

In the buginning is the woid, in muddle is th sounddanc and thereinoftr you’re in the unbewised again [378.29-30]

Fowls, up! Tristy’s the spry young spark
That’ll tread her and wed her and bed her and red her
Without even winking the tail of a feather
And that’s how that chap’s going to make his money and mark! [383.11-14]

Taharan dynasty [380.20; cf. dynast days [393.07]

Anonmay’s left hinted palinode obviously inspiterebbed by a spispecious connexion [374.07-08]

for Earl Hoovedsoon’s choosing and Huber and Harmen orhowwhen theeuponthus (chchch!) eyslt of binnoculises memostinmust egotum sabcunsciously senses upers the deprofundity of multimathematical immaterialities wherebejubers in the pancosmic urge the allimmanence of that which Itself is Itself alone (hear! Ó hear, Caller Errin!) exteriorises on this ourherenow plane in disunited solod likeward and gushious bodies with (science, say!) perilwhitened passionpanting pugnoplangent intuitions of reunited selfdom (murky whey, abstrew adim!) in the higherdimissional selfless Allself. [394.32-95.02]

druve the massive virilvigtoury flshpst the both lines of forwards [...] rightjingbangshot into the goal of her gullet [395.31]

renulited their disunited [...] with a queeleetlecree of joysis crisis [395.32]

oldivirdual [396.20]

gleechoreal [145.25; cf. community singing 397.10]

It’s pithis full, The way is free. Their lot is cast. So to john for a john, johnajeams, led it be! [399]


all animated greatbritish and Irish objects nonviewable to human watchers [403.23-24]

And I pedge you my agricultural word by the hundred and sixty odds rods and cones of this even’s vision that young fellow looked the stuff, the Bel of Beau’s walk, a pride card if evger eas! [405.11.14]

In the name of the former and of the latter and of their holocaust. Allmen [419.09-10]

if sciencium (what’s what) can mute uns nought, a thought abought the great Sommeboddy within the Omnbiboss perhops an artsaccord (hoot’s hoot) might sing ums tumtim abutt the little Newbuddies that ring his panch. [415.15-19; cf: sifted science will do your arts good [440.19-20].

I would rather feel inclined to myself in the first place to describe Mr O’Shem the Draper with before letter as should I be accentually called irelitz [421.23]

I’m not at all surprised the saint kicked him whereby the sum taken Berkely showed the reason genrously [423.30]

root language [424.17]

Every dimmed letter in it is a copy and not a few of the sibills and wholly words I can show you in my Kingdom of Heaven. The lowquacity of him! With his three star monothong! Thaw! The last word in stolentelling! And what’s more rightdown lowbrown schisthematic robblement! [424.32-36]

I feel spirts of itchery outching out from all over me and only for the sludgemummer’s force in my hand to hold them the darkens alone knows what’ll who’ll be saying next. [439.15]

They sat that filmacoloured featured at the Mothrapurl skrene about Michan and his angeleens is corkyshows do marvaloos [443.34-36]

Sometime very presently now when yon clouds are dissipated after their forty years shower, the odds are, we shall all be hooked and happy, communistically, among the field-nights eliceam, elite of the elect, in the land of lost of time. Johannisburg’s a revelation! Deck the diamants that never die! So cut out the lonesome stuff! [453.30-33]

Brave footsore Haun! Work your progress! Hold to! Now! Win out, ye divil ye! The silent cock shall crow at last. The west shall shake the east awake. Walk while ye have the night for morn, lightbreakfastbringer, morroweth whereon evey past shall full fost sleep. Amain. (FW473:20-25.)

deputising for gossipocracy and his station was a few perch to the weatherside of the knoll Asnoch [476.04]

Lord Lumen, coaching his preferred constellations in faith and doctrine [476.24; cf. constellations 405.10]

a mamalujo by his cubical crib [476.32.]

souls’ groupography [476.33.]

adamelegy [477.26]

soul’s groupography [476.33]

[accept this torn letter] of a linenhall valentino with my fondest and much left to tutor. X.X.X.X.’ [458.02]

that’s the point of eschatology our book of kills reaches for now in soandso many counterpoint words. What can’t be coded can be decorded if an ear aye seize what no eye ere grieved for [482.33-36]

Hell’s Confucium and the elements! Tootoo moohootch! Thot’s never the postal cleric, checking chinchin chat with nipponnippers! Halt there sob story to your lambdad’s tale. Are you roman cathrick 432? [485.35.-486.02]

Thot’s never the postal cleric, checking chinchin chat with nipponnippers [485.36]

numpa one Topside Tellmastoly fella [486.30]

When Lapac walks backwords he’s the darkest horse in Capalisoot [487.22]

The voice is the voice of jokeup, I fear. Are you imitation Roma now or Amor now [487.22-23]

Negoist Cabler [...] who is sender of the Hullo Eve Cenograph in prose or worse very Allso’s night [...] Noughtnoughtnought nein. [488.21]

When Lapac walks backwords he’s the darkest horse in Capalisoot [487.22]

alionola equal and opposite brunoipso id est, eternally opposed by Nola. Poor omniboose, singalow, singelarum: so is he! [488.09]

Fantasy! Funtasy on fantasy, amnaes fintasies! [493.18]

- Let Eiven bemember for Gates of Gold for their fadeless suns berayed her. Irises, Osirises! B thy mouth given unto thee! [...] Overseer of the house of the oversire of the seas, Nu-Mne, triumphant, sayeth: Fly as the hawk, cry as the corncrake. Ani Latch of the postern is thy name; shout!

- My heart, my mother! My heart, my coming forth of darkness! [493.27-35]

static babel [...] Whoishe whoishe whoishe linking in? Whoishe whoishe whoishe whoishe? [499.35]


awethorrorty [516.19]

for if we look at it verbally perhaps there is no true noun in active nature where every bally being - please read this mufto - is becoming in its owntown eyeballs [523.10]

What me and Frisky in our concensus [...] having successfully concluded our tour of bibel [...] wants to know is thisahere [523.30-32]

Supposedly, for an ethical fict, him, which the findings showed, to have taken his epscene licence before the norsect’s divisional respectively as regards them male privates and or concomitantly with all common or neuter respects to them [523] public exess females, whereas allbeit really sweet fillies, as was very properly held by the metropolitan in connection with this regrettable nuisance .. [523.33-24.03]

The great Finn may cumule [525.31]

What, Walker John Referent? Play your patmost! [526.18]

woman will water the wild world over [526.20-21]

Arise, sir ghostus! As long as you’ve lived there’ll be no other. [532.04]

What was thaas? Fog was whaas? To mult sleepth [555.01]

semiological agglutinative [565.12]

Sonly in your imagination [565.29]

Hear more of those voices! Always I am hearing them! [571.24-25]

Honuphrius is a concupiscent exservicemajor [572.21]

reamalgamate [575.27; cf. reamalgamerge [049.36]

he male man all unbracing to omniwomen [581.18]

a complex matter of pure form [...] the whole concreation [...] made amenable [...] first efficient cause [...] gets there every time [...] stillandbut one not all the selfsame and butstillone just the maim [581.28ff.]

Scant hope their and ours to escape life’s high carnage of semperidentity by subsisting peasemeal upon variables. [...] Bloody certain have we got to see to it ere the smellful demise surprends us on this concrete that down the gullies of the eras we may catch ourselves looking forward to what will in no time be staring you larrikins on the paostface in that multimirror magaron of returnities, whirled without end to end. [582.14-21]

And you may go rightoway back to your Aunty Dilluvia, Humphrey, after that! [585.32]

fetters to new desire, repeals an act of union to unite in bonds of schismacy 586.24-26]

he forged himself ahead like a blazing urbanorb [589.06]

wedded now evermore in annastomoses by a ground plan of the placehunter [585.22-23; cf. anastomosically assimilated 615.06]

tryomphal arch [590.07]

The eversower of the seeds of light to the cowld owld sowls that are in the domnatory of Defmut after the night of the carrying of the world of Nuahs and the night of making Mehs to cuddle up in a coddlepot, Pu Nuseht, lord of the risings in the yonderworld of Ntamplin, tohp triumphat, speaketh [593.20-24]

Yet clarify begin at. [594.12]

the spearspid of dawnfire totouches ain the tablestoane at the centre of the macroliths [...] on this our peneplain of Fangaluvu Bight thense the horned cairns erge, stanserstanded [...] idol of isthmans [594.20-25]

gaunt grey ghostly gossips growing grubber in the glow [594.25-26]

an inedible yellowmeat turns out the invasable blackth [594.31]

Kwhat serves to rob with Alliman, saelor, a turnkeyed trot to Seapoint [...] you’re silenced at Henge Ceolleges, Exmooth, Ostbys for ost, boys [...] Whake? Hill of Hafid, Lambel on the up! [594.33-95.06]

there are two signs to turn to, the yest and the ist, [...] feeling aslip and wauking up [597.10-12]

It is a a sot of a swigswag, systomy dystomy, which everabody you ever anywhere at all doze. [597.21-22]


Polycarp pool, the pool of Innalavia, Saras the saft as, of meadew marge, atween Deltas Piscium and Sagittariastrion, whereinn once we lave ‘tis alve and vale, minnyhahing here nd hiarwather, a poddlebridges in a passabed, the river of lives, the regenerations of the incarnations of the emanations of the apparentations of Funn and Nin in Cleethabala, the kongdomain of the Alieni, an accorsaired race, infester of Libnud Ocean, Moylamore, let it be! [600.5-10]

A kind of a thinglike all tralogged then pubably it resymbles a pelvic or some kvind then props an acutebaked quadrangle with aslant off ohahnthenth a wenchyoumaycuddler, lying with her royalirish uppershoes among the theeckleaves. Signs are on of a merely by token than will still to be becoming upon there there once a here was world. [608.22-28]

It is the Chrytanthemlander with his porter of bonzes [...] moveyovering the cabrattlefield of slaine [609.34]

the other oriel [609.20]

help a crewn on the burkeley buy but he had holf his crown on the Eurasian Generalissimo. [610.11]

all too many much illusiones through photoprismic velamina of hueful panepiphanal world spectacurum of Lord Joss, the of which zoantholitic furniture, from mineral through vegetal to animal, not appear to full up together fallen man than under one photoreflection of the several iridal gradationes of solar light, that one which that part of it (furnit of huepanepi world) had shown itself (part of fur of huepanwor) unable to absorbere, wheras for numpa one puraduxed seer in seventh degree of wisdom of Entis-Onton he savvy inside true inwardness of reality, the Ding hvad in idself id est, all objects (of panepiwor) allsdes showd themselves in trues coloribus resplendent with sextuple gloria of light actually retained, untisintus, inside them (obs of epiwo) [611.16-24; cf. Yellaman’s lingas [...] chinchin 485.29-36]

no catchy all the preachybook [611.25]

murkblankered [612.21] monkblinkers 612.22]

the possible viritude of the sager and the probable eruberuption of the saint [612.25]

lamp of Jeeshees [612.34]

Feist of Taborneccles, scenopegia, come! Shamwork be in our scheining! And let every crisscouple be so crosscomplimentary, little eggons, youlk and meelk in a farbiger pancosmos. [613.08]

Our wholemole millwheeling vicocilometer, a tetreadomational gazebocroticon (the "Mamma Lujah" know to every schoolboy scandaller, be he Matty, Mark, Lukey or John-a-Donk), autokinatonetically preprovided with a clappercoupling smeltingworks exprogressive process (for the farmer, his son, and their homely codes, known as eggburst, eggblend, eggburial and hatch-as-hatch can) receives through a portal vein the dialytically separated elements of precedent decomposition for the very petpurpose of subsequent recombination so tha the heroticisms, catastrophes and eccentricities transmitted by the ancient legacy [614] of the past, type by tope, letter from litter, word at wored, with sendence of sundance, since the days of Plooney and Columcellas when Giacinta, Pervence and Margaret swayed over the all-too-ghoulishl and illurical and innnumantic in our mutter nation, all, anastomosically assimilated and preteridentified paraidiotically, in fact, the samebold gamebold adomic structure of our old Finnius the one [614-27-615.06]

that was the prick of the spindle that gave me the keys to dreamland [615.26]

last word of perfect language [615.06]

a youth in his florizel, a boy in innocence, peeling a twig, a child beside a weenywhite steed. The child we all love to place our hope in for ever [621.30-32].

You clouds will soon disappear looking forwards at a fine day [625.20]

Wrhps, that wind as if out of norewhee! As on the night of the Apophanypes. Jumpst shootst trhobbst into me mouth like a bogus and arrohs! [...] The swankysuits was boosting always, sure him, he was like me fad. But the swaggerest swell off Shackvulle Strutt [...] [626.04-16]

femelles will be preadaminant [671.23-24]

phallopharos [676.34]

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