John T. Kelly
[?-?; fl. 1894]; secretary of the Southwark Irish Literary Club, c.1883; with W. B. Yeats he was the moving spirit behind the National Literary Society in the summer of 1892; attended first formal meeting at John OLearys
house on Mountjoy Sq. [127]; with John OLeary, he explained and urged the new departure at the Rotunda meeting, and John T. Kelly; appointed provisional secretary (See W. P. Ryan, The Irish Literary REviva, 1894, p.127.).
W. P. Ryan, The Irish Literary Revival (1894), 15ff.; John T Kelly writes to appeal that something be done for the grave of John Francis ODonnell at Kendal Green, resulting also in the publication of his poems, issued at Christmas 1890, a volume which stand unquestionable as one of the most creditable additions made to Irish literature in the latter half of our century [31]. Further information on the Dublin-based National Lit. Society - as above [Life].
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