Seamus Kelly
Life 1912-1979 [pseud. K]; b. Belfast; joined Irish Army; became Irish Times theatre critic in succession to Brinsley MacNamara,
1945; served as Irish Times Quidnunc columnist from 1946 [var. 1948]; appeared as a ships mate in John Hustons film of Moby Dick; reappointed to both Irish Times columns by Douglas Gageby, 1967. DUB
Brian Inglis, Downstart (Chatto & Windus 1990) - writes: [...] Demobbed, Seamus had found the job with Aer Lingus. I took an immediate dislike to him when we met. He had a face like a discontented tomahawk, thin-lipped
and, when he took a dislike - as he, also immediately, too to me - uncompromisingly hostile. [...] We thawed when we found we had a common enemy, bureaucracy. [...; &c.; p.149f.]
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