Lord Killanin [Lord Killanin]
Life 1914-1999 [Michael Morris; 3rd Baron Killanin]; b. London, 30 July; ed. Eton and Magdalene Coll., Cambridge; worked as political journalist; served in World War II, de-mobbing as major; appt. to International Olympic Committee as Irish representative and 6th President, 1952; promoted to senior vice-president, 1968; elected President, 1972, in the wake of the Munich Game, marred by a pro-Palestinian terrorist attack and massacre of Israeli athletes; succeeded by Juan Antonio Samaranch on resignation after Moscow Olympics and boycotts of that period, 1980; assisted John Ford with filming of The Quiet Man in Ireland; instrumental in setting up Ardmore Studio, Co. Wicklow; d. at home in Dublin, 25 April; bur. in family vault at New Cemetery, Galway, following funeral service in Spiddal.
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