James Bryce Killen
Life 1845-1916; b. Kells, nr. Connor [var. Kells], Co. Antrim; ed. Belfast Academical Instit. and QUB, also QUC and QUG; Irish bar, 1869; left Ireland suspected of Fenianism; emig. America, returned and ed. The Northern Star, Belfast; m. dg. John Windele; supported Davitt; arrested nr. Sligo with Davitt and James Daly, 19 Nov. 1879, and charged with sedition; charges dropped; imprisoned later also for speeches and writings; pseud. A Mere Irishman; published verse in Northern Whig; Irishman, Shamrock [stories and poems], United Ireland; his pamphlets include The Incompatibles; United States of Europe; The Spirit of Irish History; Sister England; Lord Byron in Ireland; contrib. again to Shamrock in 1880s, and left for America again. PI DIH DUB