Owen Kirwan

d.1803; a participant in Emmet rising; tried for high treason, 1 Sept. 1803 defended by John Philpot Curran and Leonard MacNally; executed by hanging [shot - sic ODNB]. ODNB

[See account of the trial of Owen Kirwan From the report of William Ridgeway, Esq. Barrister at law - whose account of the trial of Robert Emmet is taken as the most authoritative one - attached.]

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The text of the trial of treason of Owen Kirwan for high treason, in which he was indicted by O’GRady and defended by Curran, is given on the Carter and Kirwan Family History website - online. That text is to be found in the Speeches of J. P. Curran (1811 & edns.) and is reproduced from that website as attached.

Kirwan’s trial can also be found in A Compete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanours, compiled by T. B. Howell, Esq., FRS, FSA, and continued from the year 1783 to the present time: Thomas Jones Howell, Esq., Vol.XXVIII [being Vol. VII of the continuation] 42-44 George III - 1802-1803 (London: printed by Hansard for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Browne [&c.] 1820). [Available at Google Books online - accessed 16.02.2012.]

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