D. R. O’Conor

Daniel Roderick O’Conor; publ. Works (1798), with 2,673 subscribers.

The Works of Mr. Daniel Roderick O’Conor : consisting of moral, sentimental, pathetick, and descriptive pieces, in prose and verse, upon various subjects. Also, Odes on the creation, &c. A description of Loch-Lene, the celebrated lake of Killarney. As well as a select and critical abstract of Irish history, giving an account of one hundred and eighty-four monarchs, from Slainge the first, of the Belgian dynasty, to that of Roderick O’Conor, the last Milesian monarch of Ireland. In two volumes (Cork: J. Connor, Chatterton's-Buildings, Grand-Parade, [1798). [Subscribers listed in Vol. 2; copy in Cambridge UL; digital rep. Cengage Gale, 2009).