Thomas P. ONeill
Life 1922-1996; librarian in National Library of Ireland; Sources of Irish Local History (Lib. Assoc. 1958); weekly column of local history in Galway Advertiser from 1984; contributed officially to anti-partition campaign as Lional Thomas; Fiontán Ó Leathlobhair (1962), on James Fintan Lalor, viewed from angle of Blackwells Commentaries and in the light of Lalors letters to Peel animadverting on OConnell and Repeal; seconded by de Valera to write his biography in Irish (De Valera, 1968), being translated by Pádraig Ó Fiannachta; issued in English as Éamonn de Valera (1970), and compressed by Lord Longford; wrote on the Famine; contributed to The Dublin Historical Record (viz., Discoverers and Discoveries: the Penal Laws and Dublin Property, 1983); an obituary by Pádraig Ó Snodaigh appeared in History Ireland, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Summer 1996).
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