Eamon Phoenix
Life 1953-2022; ed. St. Marys CBS Grammar School, Belfast; grad. QuB (History), and PhD. on Irish nationalism, 1983; taught at St. Michaels Coll., Belfast; Fellow at Inst. of Irish Studies, QUB; appt. lect. at Stranmillis Univ. College [TTC]; contrib. extensively to Irish News and broadcast with BBC NI; app. Chairperson of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust Northern Ireland and Irish Advisory Group on Decade of Commemorations; trustee of Ulster Hist. Foundation and organiser of lecture series for NI Community Relations Council; mbr. of National Famine Committee; an annual lecture in Education was estab. in his name at Stranmillis, Aug. 2023. [WIKI]
Works Northern Nationalism, Nationalist Politics: Partition and the Catholic Minority in Northern Ireland 1890-1940 (Ulster Hist. Foundation 1994), 507pp.
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