Terri Prone
Life Fiction-writer; issued The Scattering of Mrs Blake and Related Matters (q. date); Racing the Moon (1996); Running Before Daybreak (2001), spouses, pregnancy, traffic accidents, bereavement; Dancing with the Angel (2002); Swinging on a Star (1999), actresses and television; as Pamela Rowan, Honeymoon Hurricane (2006).
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Works Novels, Swinging on a Star (Dublin: Marino 1999; London: Hodder & Stoughton 2000), 352pp.; Running Before Daybreak (London: Hodder & Stoughton [Coronet] 2001), 372pp.; Dancing with an Angel (London: Hodder & Stoughton 2002), viii, 420pp.; As Pamela Rowan, Honeymoon Hurricane (Cork: Mercier Press 2006), 122pp.
Non-fiction, Just a Few Words (Dublin: Poolbeg 1989), 189pp.; The Scattering of Mrs Blake and Related Matters (Arlen House [q.date]), 116pp.; Racing the Moon (Marino Books 1996), 500pp.; Dancing with the Angel (London: Flame [2002]), 428pp.; Write and Get Paid for It (Dublin: Poolbeg 1989), 204pp.
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Commentary Racing the Moon characterised by John Dunne as P. G. Woodhouse meets Patricia Scanlan, and a good natured, free-spirited yarn, in Books Ireland (Oct. 1997), p.254.
Sue Leonard, reviewing Dancing with the Angel, in Books Ireland (Oct. 2002), tells of Flannery, the low-esteem dg. of a poet and university lecturer who commits suicide,
also the death of her mother from cancer; a younger, brighter version of Bridget Jones, she also gets her man in the end. Leonard finds the heroine intensely irritating and considers that the novel ultimately failed to grip or move; also criticises the misleading and inaccurate synopsis of the blurp.
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