John Sheares
1766-98 [pseud. Dion]; younger br. of Henry Sheares [q.v.], with whom he shared the judicial sentence of death; b. Cork, ed. TCD, grad. 1787; called to bar, 1788; frequent contributor to the United Irishmans Dublin organ, The Press; arrested with his brother 21 May 1798, by a Capt. Armstrong; tried for high treason; executed publicly before Newgate Prison 14 July; bur. St Michans, where his body was long preserved from corruption by the special conditions of the crypt. DIB RAF
The Sheares Brothers are the subject of a ballad by Lady Wilde- see under Henry Sheares - as supra)].
Works Beauties of the Press (1800) and Extracts from The Press (1802). Anthol. in Joshua Edkins, Collection of Poems (1789); also in R. R. Madden, Literary Remains of the United Irishmen [1846].
Charles Graham Halpine, The Patriot Brothers ... Page from Irelands Martyrology (Dublin 1884).
Note: Sir Richard Musgrave (Memoir of the Different Rebellions in Ireland, 1801) mentions in a footnote that John Sheares opposed the plan to attempt the rescue of Lord Edward Fitzgerald from custody, citing a letter from the former (J. Sheares) found in the pocket of Samuel Neilson (Ibid., ftn., p.214; see further under Henry Sheares - q.v.) |
See further under Henry Sheares [q.v.]
Notes Regicides?: The Sheares brothers were probably present at the execution of Louis XVI in Paris on Jan. 21 1793. According to J. G. Alger, it was John Sheares who, crossing over to England in the same packet with young Daniel OConnell, the future Liberator, then a staunch tory, exultantly exhibited a hankerchief dipped in Louis XVIs blood.
(See entry on Abbé Edgworth de Firmont at the Irish in Paris website; - citing J.G. Alger, The British Colony in Paris, 1792-1793, in The English Historical Review, 13, 52 (Oct. 1898); accessed 29.12.2012.)
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