[Dr.] James St. James
Author of The Siege of Waterford (1792), an opera; nothing else known. See William Smith Clark, Irish Stage in County Towns 1720-1860 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965): a serious rather than a humorous view of Irish personality led [...] Dr. James St. James to historical opera in The Siege of Waterford (Waterford 1792) ... &c. (p.289.)
Namesakes: Psychology Professor James St. James at Millikin Univ. in Decatur, Ill. (USA) was outed in 2013 by a newspaper reporter as James Gordon Wolcott who murdered his father and his sister with a .22 rifle in 1967. James St. James (b.1966) is a TV personality and author of Disco Bloodbath: A Fabulous but True Story of a Murder in Clubland (1999), filmed as The Party Monster (2003).