The life and letters of Sir Thomas More / by Agnes M. Stewart. London: Burns & Oates 1876; 2nd edn. 1877, x, 365 p; 19 cm.
The life of Cardinal Pole. London: Burns & Oates 1882, xvi, 378 p., plate: port. 19 cm
Stories about some of Alfred the Greats successors, for the amusement and instruction of children by A.M.S. Dublin, [1840?], 160pp.; 12mo.
The Limerick veteran; or, The foster sisters. / By Agnes M. Stewart. Baltimore: Kelly, Piet and Co. 1873. 2 preliminary leaves, 253pp.; 20 cm
A catechism of the history of Germany / by A.M.S. Dolmans catechisms. London: Charles Dolman 1847, 71 p.; 15 cm.
The festival of the rosary, and other stories on the Commandments. / By Agnes M. Stewart. Dublin: published by James Duffy 1846
Father Cleveland; or, the Jesuit. By the authoress of “Life in the Cloister” [i.e. Agnes M. Stewart], etc. Boston: Patrick Donahoe 1868, 178pp.; (12º)
Eustace; or, Self-Devotion. A sequel to “Gerald.” A tale of the day. London, 1860 (8º)
[The Heiress.] [A novel.] [c. 1850] vi, 189pp.; (8º) The title leaf has been excised. With a letter inserted attributing the work to Agnes M. Stewart. [BL]
The Last Abbot of Thornton; or, Lord Wake of Baynard Castle. London: Burns & Oates 1887, xiii, 299pp.; (8º)
The rose & shamrock magazine / edited by Agnes M. Stewart. London, Derby, and Dublin: Richardson & Son [1862], 100p.; 22cm.
No.1 (April, 1862)
The story of a boys adventures, and how he rose in the world. / By Mrs. Stewart. 8 full-page illustrations. Edinburgh: Gall & Inglis ... [ca. 1870?], iv, 300 p., plates [front. in col.]; 16.4 cm.
Attributed variously to Agnes M. Stewart and Mrs. Louisa Stewart.
The life of John Fisher, Cardinal Bishop of Rochester / by Agnes Stewart. London: Burns & Oates 1879, xx, 286 p.; 19 cm.
General Questions on History, ancient and modern, etc. London, 1871 (8º)
Brotherly Love: or, the Sisters. London, 1848 (12º)
The world and the cloister ... London, 1852
Stories of the seven virtues. London: C. Dolman 1848, 1 v. [var. pagings; 15 cm. Contents:
Humility, or, Blanche Neville and the fancy fair ; Liberality, or, The benevolent merchant ; Chastity, or, The Sister of Charity ; Meekness, or, Emily Herbert and the victim of passion ; Temperance, or, Edward Ashton ; Brotherly-love, or, The sisters ; Diligence, or, Ethel Villiers and her slothful friend.
Liberality; or the Benevolent Merchant. London, 1848
Chastity: or, the Sister of Charity. London, 1848 (12º)
The Cousins; or, Pride and Vanity. London, 1849 (18º)
General questions on history ... Church chronology, constitution of Great Britain, geography, the arts, &c. [by A.M. Stewart]. London, 18?7 cm.16
Life of Mary Queen of Scots. [With portraits.] London, [1885], xxiii, 568 p.; 8vo.
Diligence; or, Ethel Villiers and her slothful friend. London, 1848 (24º)
Meekness; or, Emily Herbert and the Victim of Passion. London, 1848 (12º)
The Pearl of the Sanctuary, or Devotions to Jesus in the adorable sacrifice and Blessed Sacrament. Compiled in ... 1709, by ... Lady L. H. [Edited by A. M. Stewart.] London, 1861 (12º)
The Story of a Boys Adventures, and how he rose in the world. Edinburgh, [1870]
A Catechism of the History of France. By A. M. S. [i.e. Agnes M. Stewart?] S., A. M. / London, 1848
Margaret Roper; or, The chancellor and his daughter. Lond., (1874) cm.18
Eustace; or, Self-devotion, A sequel to Gerald. Lond., 1860 cm.16
Florence ONeill, the rose of St. Germains: or, The siege of Limerick.
Baltimore: published by John B. Piet & Co. ... [1871?] [4], 247, [1] p., plates; 18.8 cm.
Florence ONeill, the rose of St. Germains: or The days of the siege of Limerick. / By Agnes M. Stewart ... London: Burns and Oates ... 1873,
viii, 300, [4] p., plate (frontispiece); 18.4 cm. subscribers list, p.[iii]-vi.
Printed - Liverpool: Matthews Bros.
The church festivals; or, scenes in many lands. London, 1855 8°
The last abbot of Thornton; or, Lord Wake of Barnard castle. London &c., 1887
Gerald: or, Self and self-conquest. A tale of the day. London: Catholic Publishing and Bookselling Company, Limited, Charles Dolman, manager ... 1859, x, 197, [1] p.; 16.8 cm.
Earl Nugents daughter, or, The last days of the penal laws: a true story London: Burns and Oates [1883], xvi, 272pp.: port.; 19 cm
Florence Villiers: ou Le monde et le cloitre / DAgnès Stewart traduit de lAnglais par le Bon. R. de Saint-Julien ... . 6th edn. Tours: Alfred Mame et Fils, éditeurs 1874,
192pp., ill. 21 cm.
Sir Thomas Gascoigne, or, The Yorkshire plot, London: Burns and Oates 1880, viii, 279pp. [1 unnum. lf. of pls., port.] 19 cm
Justice & mercy; or, A tale of All-Hallows Een. London: C. Dolman, 61, New Bond Street; and 22, Paternoster Row 1858, vii, [1], 192pp.; 18 cm
The month of Mary, containing meditations for each day of the month of May / [abridged and translated from the Italian into French] by a priest of the diocese of Belley; translated from the French, by A.M.S. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori Saint 1696-1787, R.C. Bishop of Sant Agatà dei Góti. Le glorie di Marie. 4th edn. Dublin: James Duffy ... 1857, 144p.; 14.3cm. [trans. by by Agnes M. Stewart?]
Printed - Dublin: J. M. OToole.
Cardinal Wolsey; or, the abbot of S. Cuthberts. London: Burns & Oates 1878, xvi, 278p.
18 cm. A historical novel. Stamp of Pentasaph Monastery Library; purchased 1990.
A complete novena in preparation for the festivals of the Blessed Virgin Mary: together with a collection of extracts from the Holy Fathers suitable for the month of Mary / by Dom Louis-Marie Rouvier.
London: Burns and Oates 1888
xxxiv, 264 p.; 17 cm. [trans. by Agnes M. Stewart - cf. Preface to the English edition.