Barry Sullivan
Life 1821-1891; actor of Irish parentage; drapers assistant, appeared on stage in 1837 as Young Meadows in Bickerstaff[e]s Love in a Village at Cork; acted in sev. parts of Ireland; Edinburgh, 1841; Liverpool, 1847; Haymarket, London, 1853; America, 1858; Australia, 1863; mgr. Holborn Th., 1866; appeared at Stratford memorial theatre opening, 1879, as Benedick; more popular in Ireland and N. England than in London; bur. Glasnevin Cemetery, Co. Dublin. ODNB
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Notes Alas, poor Barry!: His monument by Thomas Farrell at Glasnevin Cem., Dublin, shows him as Hamlet with the skull of Yorick (see Douglas Bennett, The Encyclopaedia of Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, rev. edn. 2005).