[Gen.] John Sullivan
British Library holds [1] An Address delivered at the Dedication of the
City Hospital. 45pp. J. E. Farwell & Co.: Boston 1864. 8o. [2] General
John Sullivan. A vindication of his character as a soldier and a patriot.
[Reprinted from The Historical Magazine, 1866]. pp. 52. Privately
printed: Morrisania, N.Y. 1867. 8o. [3] Life of James Sullivan: with selections
from his writings. [With a portrait]. 2 vol. Phillips, Samson & Co.:
Boston 1859. 8o. [4] Materials for a History of the Family of John Sullivan
of Berwick, New England, and of the OSullivans of Ardea, Ireland.
Chiefly collected by ... T. C. Amory. [Edited by Miss G. E. Meredith.]
With a pedigree of OSullivan Beare. By Sir J. B. Burke. pp. x. 170.
Printed for private distribution: Cambridge [Mass.] 1893. 8o. [5] Memoir
of Elisha T. Wilson. Prepared for the New-England Historical and Genealogical
Register, etc. pt. 4. [Boston 1875.] 8o. [6] Memoir of Hon. William Sullivan,
prepared for early diary of Massachusetts historical proceedings. Cambridge,
[Mass.:] University Press; John Wilson & Son 1879. pp. 13. 25 cm.
[7] Memoir of John Wingate Thornton ... With a list of his publications.
(Reprinted from the N.E. Historical and Genealogical Register.) [With
a portrait]. pp. 20. Printed for private distribution: Boston 1879. 8o.
[8] The Military Services and Public Life of Major-General John Sullivan,
etc. [With a portrait]. pp. 320. Wiggin & Lunt: Boston 1868. 8o. [9]
Transfer of Erin: or the Acquisition of Ireland by England. pp. 654. J.
B. Lippincott & Co.: Philadelphia 1877. 8o. [10]
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