Richard Tyrrell
1545-c.1632; prob. born in Spain; inherited Lordship of Fartullagh with a seat at Tyrrellspass in Co. Westmeath; falsely accused by Earl of Kildare of the murder of Garrot Nugent adn joined the Irish forces against the Crown; led the Irish forces in Leinster during the ONeill Rising; destroyed the army led by Barneswall at Tyrrellspass, where 300 men faced 1,000 English troops, 1597; appt. Col.-Gen. or ONeills forces in Munster; besieged by Lord Mountjoy in 1600; escape northward to join ONeill and march to Kinsale to meet the Spanish; suffered defeat with ONeill at the hands of Mountjoy in the Battle of Kinsale, 1601; submitted to George Carew, President of Munster, and retired to Cavanç he is the subject of biography by Jennifer A. Kelly (Richard Tyrrell: Elizabethan Captain, Tyrrellspass Dev. Assoc. 1997, 198pp.) WIKI [No Shorter ODNB entry.]
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