Topical Bibliographies: Index

This region of RICORSO contains a running compilation of titles on a range of specific subjects relating to Irish literature and its contexts arising from the maintenance of the “Bibliography” and “Authors A-Z” regions of this website. As such it comprises an iterative project rather than a focussed gathering of topical titles answering to the categories listed in the index. The lists were initially compiled in 1996 and have been subject to fallow periods and spells of of rapid alteration in the interim. For convenience the date of the last published title in each list has been included in the title, signifying a date-line after which new and more up-to-date reading is called for on the part of students of the subject.
A recent attempt has been made to improve upon the representation in these pages of detained information about the corpus of manuscripts in the Irish language - that is, the core legacy of Gaelic culture - as this is to be met with in various libraries both in Ireland and in Britain as well as sundry other areas of RICORSO. As with all the lists included here, it remains provisional in shape and extent but it does reflect a growing interest in the character and scale of the bibliographical scholars of older Gaelic literature in Ireland.

Art & Design
Bibliography (gen.)
Bibliography (Irish)
Biographical Dicts.
Famine Studies
Film & Media
Folklore & folksong
Fiction (novels & stories)
Geography & Topography
Irish (Gaelic) Literature
Irish MSS & Catalogues
Jewish History in Ireland
Modern History
Literary History
Theatre Studies
Northern Ireland
Postcolonial Studies
Rebellion of 1798
Rising of 1916
Shorter Irish Fiction
Women’s Studies

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