Notes from the Letters of Thomas Moore to his Music Publisher James Power (1854)

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Notes from Autograph Letters of Thomas Moore to Mr Power

The Suppressed Preface to the second Number of the Irish Melodies.

"Of the Melodies contained in this number, there are a few which have long heen familiar to the world, hut they are so beautiful and so authentic that the collection would be incomplete without them; besides it is hoped that the novelty of their present arrangement will, in some degree, remove that triteness which their popularity has given them. The other Melodies are but little known, and many of them though suited to poetry, and the voice, by the regularity of their form, and the limits of their compass, are now for the first time associated with English words.

"The value of those airs, which Sir John Stevenson has harmonized, is considerably enhanced by the skill and elegance with which their parts and accompaniments are managed; and they lead us to think, by the facility with which they admit of such arrangement, that our Melodies, in general, from indulging less in those irregular intervals, those mutilations of the scale which characterize the old Scotch music, are much more amenable than the latter to the laws of harmony and counterpoint.

“With respect to the verses which I have here written for this work, as they are intended rather to be sung than read, I can answer for their sound, with somewhat more safety than their sense; yet it would be affectation to deny that I have given much attention to the task, and that it is not through want of zeal or industry, if I unfortunately disgrace the sweet airs of my country, by poetry altogether unworthy of their taste, their energy, and their tenderness.

“Our history, for many centuries past, is creditable neither to our neighbours nor ourselves, and ought not to be read by any Irishman who wishes either to love England or to feel proud of Ireland. The loss of independence very early debased our character, and our feuds, though frequent and ferocious, but seldom displayed that generous spirit of enterprise with which the pride of an independent monarchy so long dignified the struggles of Scotland. It is true, this island has given birth to heroes, who, under more favourable circumstances, might have left in the hearts of their countrymen recollections as dear as those of a Bruce or a Wallace : but success was wanting to consecrate resistance, their cause was branded with the disheartening name of treason, and their oppressed country was such a blank among nations, that like the adventures of those woods which Rinaldo wished to explore, the fame of their actions was lost in the obscurity of the place where they achieved them -

Errando in quelli boschi
Trovar potria strane avventure, e molte;
Ma come i luoghi, i fatti ancor son foschi,
Che non se n'ha notizia le piu volte.
Ariosto, Canto iv.

"Hence it is that the annals of Ireland, through a long lapse of six hundred years, exhibit not one of those themes of national pride, from which poetry borrows her noblest inspiration; and that history which ought to be the richest garden of the Muse, yields nothing to her but weeds and cypress ! In truth, the poet who would embellish his song with allusions to Irish names and events, must be content to seek them in those early periods when our character was yet unalloyed and original, before the impolitic craft of our conquerors had divided, weakened, and disgraced us; and the only traits of heroism which he can venture at this day to commemorate, with safety to himself or perhaps with honour to the country, are to be looked for in those times when the native monarchs of Ireland displayed and fostered virtues worthy of a better age; when our Malachies wore collars of gold which they had won in single combat from the invader, (see Warner, Book 9, Vol. I.) and our Brians deserved the blessings of a people, by all the most estimable qualities of a king. It may be said indeed that the magic of tradition has shed a charm over this remote period, to which it is, in reality, but little entitled; and that most of the pictures which we dwell on so fondly, of days when this island was distinguished amidst the gloom of Europe by the sanctity of her morals, the spirit of her knighthood, and the polish of her schools, are little more than the inventions of national partiality - that bright but spurious offspring which vanity begets upon ignorance - and with which the first records of every people are obscured. But, the sceptic is scarcely to be envied who would pause for stronger proofs than we already possess of the early glories of Ireland; and were even the veracities of all these proofs surrendered, yet who would not fly to such flattering fictions from the sad degrading truths which the history of latter times presents to us?

"The language of sorrow, however, is, in general, best suited to our music, and with themes of this nature the poet may be amply supplied. There is not a page of our annals which cannot afford him a subject; and while the National Muse of other countries adorns her temple with trophies of the past, in Ireland, her altar, like the shrine of Pity at Athens, is to be known only by the tears that are shed upon it; ' Lacrymis altaria sudant (Statius. Thebiad, lib. 12.)
" Dublin, October, 180/."

One Letter, 4to. 28th December, 1808. Proposal to sell two or three Songs

One Letter, 4to. 13th May, 1809

“I think, indeed, between ourselves, that the next two Numbers will be all that ever shall come from my pen."


in November, 1811. Three Letters, 4to. 20th February, 7th March, 8th May, 1810
" The Song which I wrote for Braham did not succeed at all." Presentation copies of the third number of the Irish Melodies to be sent to Miss Rogers, Mrs. Perry, Jeffrey, and Leigh Hunt” “Will you have the goodness to go to Sherwood and Neely, Paternoster-row, and get for me Mr. Keough's pamphlet on the Veto, Sir J. C. Hippesley's Bill, and the Resolutions of the Bishops in 1799” “The only work I have proposed to your Brother is one in the book line, which he told me he had communicated with you about, and I have yet to hear the result of your agreement with him” “Your brother tells me that you expressed your willingness to join him in the publication of my Irish Poetical Miscellany. I think between you it may be made something of, and would be a very creditable beginning to any bookselling plan you may think of. I have bid Carpenter sent you a copy of a little Pamphlet which I have published here and in London -it is already in a second edition here, and takes very flatteringly." Two Letters, 4to. Jenkinstown, Kilkenny, 22nd and 31st August, 1810 Projected Irish Poetical Miscellany. Sends another duett, &c. I look forward to our doing something grand together in the musical way, when I return to London - for London, certainly, is the only Theatre for such things, and once I am settled there again, I shall not easily be tempted away from it."

Three Letters, 4to. 10th November, (two) 3rd December, 1810 Money arrangements " to pioneer his way through the streets of London." At the Hen and Chickens, Birmingham, on his way to 27, Bury Street, London.

One Letter ( marked " Private" ), 8vo. Thursday. Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 143.

Two Letters, 4to. and one 8vo. Monday, 22nd June, (1811?) and 31st December, 1811 Moore's father's bill for £22. " I want to ask your advice about something” “I am in town to-day to dine with Lord Moira, but after to-morrow I am buried alive. I have just received my freedom of Covent Garden from Mr. Harris."

Two Letters, 4 to. Kegworth, 21st May, 1812

Non-arrival of a box of candles. "I know you will be ready to do any thing towards my illumination, and certainly the loss of our best candles is the most gloomy privation that could happen to us” “The Piano Forte has just arrived, and you shall soon have good tidings from it."

One Letter, folio, Wednesday, (30th May, 1812)

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 171, with an erroneous date, as the post mark proves, of seven days, and with the following omission, " Will you have the goodness to tell Mrs. Peneaud (some time when you are passing) that I have found the Paper I missed"

Three Letters, 4to. one franked by Lord Glenbervie, 16th July, 9th and 13th August, 1812
" The Quarterly gives us a great lift."

Two Letters, 4to. 19th and 3 1 st August, 1812

“I hope you have read Curran's beautiful panegyric on Lord Moira in his speech at the late dinner. I suppose you know that Lord Fingall and Lord Killeen have at the County Meath meeting very warmly atoned for and explained away the

reflections cast upon Lord Moira at Dublin, one by a most flattering resolution in praise of him” “My friends the Hamiltons you see are returned from America."

One Letter, 4to. 14th December, 1812

John Moore (the Poet's Father) draws by order of his son Thomas Moore, on Mr. Power for 5625 at 61 days.

“Stevenson has written to me from Sandbach to say that he is more than ever disposed to settle in London, and that if any one would secure him three hundred a year he would stay."

Two Letters, 4to. (one of two sides) 1812. Wednesday

"You shall hear from me from Lord Moira' s, whither I am just setting out to walk, making in all near twelve miles."

“My mind will not be perfectly at ease till I know how you wish me to act with respect to your brother's share of the annuity; for I find I must have at least a hundred pounds more this year, and it is only for you to say whether I shall draw upon him or you for it. My rent to Stevenson and Mrs. Owen, my half year's taxes, this debt to Colonel Hamilton (which is of itself forty pounds), all pull upon me this month, and therefore, though I should like much to go to town, both for my own business and the advantage of meeting Stevenson I am afraid it would not be prudent to go to the expense. Though I hope to leave a hundred of this year towards getting free of your brother, yet my expenditure altogether will fall very little short of five hundred pounds (including the other resources I have had) which is much more than I counted upon -however, now that Ellen and our neighbours the Moiras are gone, we shall be able to retrench better."

One Letter, 4to. Thursday, 3 o'clock

“As Mosey M'Gill says * single misfortunes never come alone.' I had no sooner got over the annoyance of conversing and writing upon your business with your brother than I received by the Post an attorney's letter, &c” “Your brother dines

with us and sets off in the evening. For God sake get over your differences, if you can. I feel at this instant, (tho' the woman that has thus acted is only my aunt by marriage) how dreadful and disgusting a family feud is."

Four Letters, two 4to. and two 8vo. Donington Park, Friday. Kegworth, Friday, the two on note paper, undated
" I write only to say that I cannot write, as I am in the hiidst of the bustle of this place, where we came on Tuesday last with Rogers, who paid us a visit on Sunday last” “I wish you joy of your injunction” “On Sunday I left Donington with Rogers and went on to Matlock, poor Bessy not being able after the fatigues and ceremonies of the week to come with us. From Matlock we went to Dovedale, and I was much delighted with the scenery of both places, though not a little happy to get away from them all and return to my own quiet home” “It will most certainly be throwing away the scabbard with your brother,"

One Letter, 4to. (two sides), Friday. Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 176.

One Letter, 8vo. Thursday. Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 177. "You need not send me the Examiner any more," omitted by his Lordship.

One Letter, 4to. (two sides), Friday, June (12) 1812

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 178. The following lines after the signature omitted by his Lordship.

“I have just recollected that on this day the money for our Nurse's child is due. Will you take the trouble of going to Mrs. Wright and asking whether there has been any answer to the letter I wrote to Wiltshire upon this subject since I came here ? If not I must sent up the money immediately -pray do this if you can to-morrow. My remembrances to Mr. Benison \_Mr. Power s head clerk], I rather think he liked the Tyrolese


Air as I have done it. It ought to be favourite, and I shall dedicate it to Miss Rawdon."

One Letter, 4to. Thursday night

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 179. One Letter, 4to. Wednesday (August 13, 1812)

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 187. His Lordship has appended an erroneous critical note upon the alterations in the second verse as made in this Manuscript, reflecting upon Mr. Power's accuracy of character as a Publisher. For " She is lovely [Printed by Lord John Russell
" lovel," vol. i. p. 298.]

- then love her! through joy and through pain,

Though life has but one happy season,

Thus Love had advised, and Til always maintain," &c. The passages in italics standing as originally written by Mr. Moore.

One Letter, 8vo. (with inclosure), no date

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 188. Five lines at top omitted by his Lordship. " We got the Fish aud the Rose - many thanks! I must trouble you to pay the postage on the letters I inclose, and to send the parcel to Broad-street carefully." One Letter, 4to. Wednesday (October 1st, 1812)

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 196.

One Letter, 4to. (two sides), Tuesday

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 199. Four lines after the signature omitted by his Lordship. " Stevenson is a shabby fellow, and I quite give him up. Of course you will not mention to your brother that I have sent you his letter, but it was the shortest way of letting you know its contents."

One Letter, 4to. (November 12, 1812)

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 204.

One Letter, 4to. (two sides), Langley Priory, Thursday

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 206, and by his Lordship dated November 18, 1812. This bears in Mr. Power's writing in pencil, "Dec. 18, 1813." And Lord John Russell has omitted the following passage from the body of this letter, after " express to you," [writing as I do while Mr. Gardiner the Sacred Melodist is screaming at my elbow] " how,"
&c. And " Lord Tamworth came here yesterday, and we had a desperate drinking bout of it," with two more lines after the signature. " You will not get this till Saturday, but I daresay between this and then I shall hear from you."

One Letter, 4to. (three sides), Tuesday.

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 207

One Letter, 4 to. franked by Lord Glenbervie (December *3rd, 1812). Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 211.

One Letter, 4to. (two sides), Kegworth

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 212.

One Letter, 4 to. (two sides), Sunday, (Dec. 21st, 1812)

Printed in Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 213, but without the "above" Musical Notations of Moore to his words,
" When the calm sun, at close of day," and the " Merrily oh ! Merrily oh ! " to a Tyrolese air, with the memo. " As I first had it - but in the slow part it may be left as Stevenson altered it."

Four Letters, 4to. (one of two sides), 1st, 9th, 23rd, and

January, 1813

“Many happy new years to you, and may each succeeding one give only more strength to our alliance, and more brightness to our prospects!" Mentions his "flute playing friend the parson." - " I find my Father wants a little more of me, till after he has disposed of his house, which he hopes to do to advantage” “I can guess what your brother means by telling you


he had written to me instead of answering you on the subject himself. I told him that I should draw but one hundred of his portion last year (1812) and let the remainder go towards the discharge of my debt - immediately after you sent him the account of what he owed you towards the annuity, he wrote to remind me of this, and begged I would explain it to you. I answered him that I certainly would - that I did not know how far I might have exceeded the hundred, but that I was in hopes I should so arrange whatever excess there might be as to keep his share within my promised arrangement. Now, my dear Sir, as I am in some degree committed to him upon the point, and as I dare say the burden of paying him off will at last fall in some shape or other upon you, it will perhaps not be inconvenient to you to separate the hundred from whatever excess there is above it, and I will draw upon him for the latter as early in this year as you chuse. This you will observe keeps strictly within my promise of not exceeding a hundred of his portion for 1812, and it is perhaps the most easy and gradual way of his discharging his debt. I hope I have made myself intelligible in this - he will not hesitate sending you the hundred, I think, instantly."

Five Letters, 4to. (3 of two sides), 12th, 15th, 1 7th, 25th, and
- January, 1813

Relate chiefly to matters of account between Mr. Power and his brother. One contains three verses for a song " To thee, my Lute” “I am doing words to the Rose-tree. I hope you have not engraved ' Oh had I a bright little Isle/ as I must put a totally new set of words to it." rt My aunt's business is a sad blow (together with your brother's) to me., Do not you trouble yourself about me, however, as I shall be able to disentangle myself without laying hold of your skirts this time. I have, you may be assured, no other old money transactions in such diabolical hands as hers."


Stamped receipt for £500 in Mr. Moore's autograph, folio, 6th March, 1813 This receipt was given to Mr. James Power for an annual payment according to deed of 1811, for the copyright of the 5th number of the Irish Melodies, and the following songs.
" Oh see those Cherries." A Ballad
" Oh fair ! oh purest." A Sacred Song
"Joys that pass away." A Duett
" Oh forget that you ever were mine." A Ballad
"A Finland Song for three voices"
" Oh remember the time." A Song
" The Tyrolese Song of Liberty."
" From life without freedom*" A Song and " The Song of War." One Letter, 4 to. (two sides), 1 1th March, 1813

A very interesting letter upon a variety of subjects. " Those two amiable persons your brother and my aunt” “How unjust I was to feel any chill from a letter which contained such a proof of your unabated anxiety and interest about me - but it was all hippishness” “ The Vignette I think very pretty, and very well engraved” “Have you any objection to my substituting something better for ' One bumper at parting?' Bessy is keeping herself up for Patrick's Day, which was the day her own original calculations brought her to - only an old maid set her astray, who could, of course, know nothing of the matter. If he comes on the 17th he must certainly be called Pat." Four Letters, 4to. 3rd, 8th, 10th, and 30th April, 1813

tl I am trying again to enrich the number by attempting good words to ' Savournen Deelish.' ” “ I think the Wood-pecker a very poor thing, indeed, but it seems to take wonderfully, - I wish I could write such popular things for you my dear Sir - with all my heart I wish it aud I must try - perhaps I may succeed." * c Direct to me, Oakhanger Hall, Sandbach, Cheshire."
" Bessy said laughingly the other night, that your brother


would come dow?i on me for ' Down, Deny, Down,' in the Post Bag - but though this of course was nonsense, yet it set me thinking seriously how I am to manage about my poem, which will be full of songs, and the words of which I must not, at least I ought not, sell to any one else. What's to be done about this ? I wish you and I had our Shop and the whole difficulty would be removed” “Cowan has just arrived without Sir John, which is a great mortification to us all, but he swears as soon as the Cathedral visitation is over, he will come” “The Dean arrived to-day and looked black about the will - but I hope she may defy him” “In about six or seven days you shall see me."

Three Letters, 4to. (one of two sides), 8th, 17th, and 22nd

June, 1813
" We shall not for a few days longer, be able to sleep in our cottage, so that I am still kept from business, except what my sauntering meditations about the fields produce. I think your idea about my having a dramatic piece in view, while I am employed about my poem (founded upon the story of the Poem, retaining the songs connected with it, and prepared so as to appear soon after it) is a very excellent thought, and I shall certainly act upon it” “With respect to the time for the Songs you have mentioned, it may be

Oh ! doubt me not - ivith feeling and cheerfulness.

One bumper at parting- with animation.

The valley lay smiling - in moderate time, (or, I should prefer) - ' according to the feeling of each verse.

I do not know the original name of * the Rose Tree.' "

Four Letters, three 4 to. one 8vo., 14th August, 13th, 18th,

and 25th September, 1813

“We were last night surprised by a visit from the Widow

Cheshire (as Bessy has very well Christened Mrs. Ready) - she

rode over here from Buxton, where she has been with old

Cowan and his daughter - twenty-two miles in four hours! -


she goes away again to-morrow. As the Knight is faithless, she has a lover out in South America, whom she meditates going to. Tell this to Mrs. Power, it will make her laugh. On Friday you shall have one of the old things I promised you."

“I have written your brother a simple and true statement of our motives in announcing the close of the Irish Melodies, and have told him that the suggestion came entirely from me. I also expressed what I felt at his extraordinary charge of my having entered into a conspiracy with you against him." - (i I have done the new words to Young Jessica, and have made, I think, a pretty duett of it."
"I am getting on much better than ever with my poem." sl Is there any chance of your concluding a bargain with Bunting soon ? His airs would be a great treasure to us."
" I am but just returned home, for Sir C. Hastings (Lord Moira's cousin) laid hold of us at Donington, and carried us off to his place” “I think it will be prudent to remain here till by the finishing of my Poem I am enabled to clear off all old debts, and start free with you in a literary partnership which is the main and chief object I look to for both our interests."
" I inclose a letter from Martin the Tallow Chandler - he is Mrs. Pineaud's agent, and she having gone to Scotland, I have some business with him about a Bill I gave her for rather a long standing debt - these are the things that pull me back, but, please heaven! next year will see me rid of them all."
"My Bermuda business is turning in nothing at all” “We have walked all the way to-day, Hornsey, Highgate, and home, and I am a little tired” “I had just written out the Preface (which I have been these two days cutting down, altering, and re-touching) when I perceived something in it, which I thought still required correction." I have had another application from Murray about my Poem, but I shall as you advise keep it unencumbered. I have told him that when it is finished, the highest bidder shall have it."


Three Letters, two 4to. } one Svo., 6th, 9th, and 12th October, 1813, one sealed with a lyre with Tibi under it
" I think either of the titles you have sent will do, therefore chuse the one you think most attractive. If I should say either, it is the one ' Oh remember the time/ as I do not much like * celebrated' - it is a little too puffing, but chuse which you like. As to the title of the songs, it would perhaps be better 'A Collection of the Vocal Music of Thomas Moore, Esq.' " ' ' If you have not received a Memorandum from Carpenter about my cocked hat, and should get this in time on Wednes day, send it by the evening's coach."

Three Letters, 4to. (two of three sides), 1st, 10th, and 23rd November, 1813
" Shall you have any objection to defer printing', Oh fair ! oh purest !' till the Poem comes out ? as I could introduce it, and that will give it more effect. I am getting on famously. I have seen the Monthly Review of the Melodies, it is a great thing in our favour- only that it makes me nervous about the goodness of the numbers that are coming. I am told the celebrated Madame de Stael is one of the most industrious puffers of the Melodies. I saw them blazoned out in a Jamaica paper the other day', A few copies of the Irish Melodies just arrived.' ” “ Will you have the goodness to send the Manuscript of the Dram- atic Publican I left with you to him as soon as possible with the inclosed note” “I have now shut up for the winter, and have had the courage not to return any one of the dinners that were made for us on our coming into the neighbourhood. We now go no where, but to a very pleasant family within a mile of us, and I fear the winter will block us up even from this communication. I like your idea of keeping ' Oh fair, oh purest!' for a set of sacred songs exceedingly, and the possibility of making such a work very interesting between Stevenson and me, struck me so much that I set to and wrote the following words for it,


which I am sure you will like." Here follow three verses, with momentary corrections of " This world is all a fleeting show."
" I like these as well as anything I have written - but do not give them to Stevenson yet, as I mean first to try them myself."
" But the delicate situation in which I am placed between you, and the danger I fear there is lest the world should suspect I stood quietly by, taking advantage of the dissention of two brothers, and leaning to the side that is most for my interest; this fear it is that haunts me, and makes me anxious to tell you what I have all along felt and thought upon the subject." * * * " However our bond may secure us in the eye

of the law, I would sooner throw it into the fire and myself after it than produce it against that letter which your brother returned to me” “I need only mention that when I asked my friend Rogers's advice about it, he declared against it - not on account of any unfairness there appeared to him in it (for he did not know all the circumstances), but from the idea of a man of business that two names to a deed were better than one” “I have hardly made this legible, as I have been running after every coach in expectation of Stevenson - at last I saw his name in the Guard's list, with ' Failed' opposite to it. Failed indeed ! Tell him he may stay where he is. We had a blazing fire in his bed-room, and our best breakfast on the table for him - but he shall meet a cold reception whenever he chuses to come after this. I did not mean to make this a long letter." Two Letters, 4to. 4th and 16th December, 1813

"With reference to Advertisement in Mr. Power's x^utograph corrected by Mr. Moore, inclosed, the latter says - " You will perceive it is your own, with a very few alterations, I could not improve upon it; and I think as Bonaparte has beaten his antagonists into heroes, I shall write you into an author."
" The Melodrama is not Lord Byron's, but you see he has another Poem in the Turkish style coming out. I wish I could


write so fast” “I shall have paid within this short time Col. Hamilton, my Aunt, Mrs. Peneaud, besides that cursed a^lOO to your brother, and the Poem will pay off all my other old debts; so that I shall start free and unencumbered when our partnership begins. A long Peace (which I think we may expect) will make sunshine weather, I hope, for our undertaking” “The Song that I wrote for Braham and intended for you has brought me into an unpleasant scrape."

Two Letters, 4 to. Monday (1813)

“I inclose you the Preface for the Songs. I have taken a good deal of pains with it” “Did you see the mention of my name the other day in the Morning Chronicle, in an Essay on the Drama, calling upon me, Byron, Scott, Campbell, &c. to turn our talents fairly to the stage, and so, by the blessing of God, I will, as soon as my present stumbling block is removed."

Five Letters, four 4to. (one two sides), one 8vo. Tuesday morning. Tuesday (1813)
" This morning, five minutes before six, Bessy produced another little girl, about the size of a twopenny wax doll."
" Pray have it in the newspapers for me', At Kegworth,

1 Leicestershire, the Lady of Thomas Moore, Esq., of a daughter.' ” “ I have at last had my interview with Lord Moira, and now my mind's at ease. I have not much time to write at present, but the following is in brief what passed between us. He told me he had not been forgetful of me, but that there was no Indian place remaining for him to give away here, if however, on his arrival in India, he should find anything worth my going out for, he would let me know - in the mean time, he had every reason to expect that he could make use of the patronage of ministers at home in exchange for what he could do towards serving their friends in India, and that he would try to do something for me through this channel. To all this I replied, that from his hands I should always be most willing to


accept anything, and that, perhaps, it might yet be in his power to serve me; but that I begged he would not take the trouble of applying to Ministers for me, as I would rather struggle on as I am, than take anything that would have the effect of tying up my tongue under such a system as the present. I hope you will approve, my dear Sir, of this answer - if there be any merit in it, you have full claim to a share in it, for it is the prospect of honest independence you have opened to my view, which has enabled me to speak in so manly and conscientious a tone.

And now (and from this out) to business - with respect to the song for Mrs. Ashe, I certainly wrote a second verse to it, but where it is, or whether I ever sent it you, I have not the slightest recollection. If I cannot find it, however, I shall write another, and send it in a day or two.

If you have not already had " the Minstrel Boy" engraved, I think it would be better to write it a note lower for the Song
- this occurred to me long ago, but I unluckily forgot to mention it” “I had got on pretty far and pretty successfully in a Song (on the prospect of going to India, as I told you) for Savourna Deelish - but I am now quite sick of the subject, and shall try some other." Wishes for a copy of the suppressed Preface to the Irish Melodies. " I returned yesterday from Wales, and I think you will not be sorry to hear that I have given up that speculation. Nothing could induce me to go so far from every thing civilized, but exceedingcheapness. I find, however, that is all a humbug in Wales, and I am convinced from the price of coals and provisions there, added to the tricks the Welsh play upon strangers, we should find it the dearest place w r e could select."

One letter, 4 to (two sides), Wednesday (1813)

“The little thing was christened by the Rector ' Anastasia Mary. 7 We had unluckily used up the name of Jane already."
" I am quite vexed at the disappointment and annoyance that Stevenson's blunder-headedness is giving you. What's to be



done about the Rose tree?” “ Mrs. Ready since she has heard of our quitting this house, is hard at work fitting up half of Oakhanger Hall for us, and insists most strenuously on our making that our home. Is not this kind ? Their son-in-law, the new Dean of Exeter, is to be there with his Wife during our visit; and Mrs. Ready proposed that the christening should be performed at Oakhanger by the new Dean, offering himself at the same time as Sponsor. We told her, of course, we were otherwise engaged, but she appears to be a very warm hearted woman, and I wish the knight had fast hold of her and her thousands” “Only think of the Post Bag- the fifth edition comes out on Saturday." Four Letters, 4to. (one of two sides), Thursday morning, Thursday, and Thursday night (1813)

“I have been applied to (with every promise of success) to stand for the Librarianship of the Dublin Society, <£200 a year, coals, candles, &c. &c, but as residence in Dublin would be necessary, and that would not suit our plans, I have declined it. What a pretty little addition, taking in the full use of library, &c. &c. such a thing would be in London." Mrs. Ready left us yesterday, and almost cried and tore her hair to make us go with her to Buxton - but we were hard-hearted. She is a good-natured woman with all her nonsense, for she has taken great offence with me because I will not let her lend me two or three hundred pounds. I am sure I do not know where it is to come from if I accepted it."

“We are very much obliged by Mrs. Power's agreeing to go bail for our little child."

“1 was wrong about the Post Bag, for I received a letter from Carpenter yesterday, announcing to me that the first Edition was nearly sold, and that he had in consequence ordered 750 to be ready against the end of the week - this is pretty well, I think, in eight or nine days. He says, too, that it is very highly spoken of, and seems indeed quite agog about it - this


gives me great pleasure, for I clo hate most mortally to produce a flash in the pan, and I was afraid this would turn out so. My Bermuda Man has written to me (no money in the letter tho') telling me that in consequence of the increase of business he has been obliged to get additional Clerks, Stationery, &c. and that by the next conveyance he will send me my share of the last year” “Thanks for the Sprats. I wish you would call upon Mr. Murray, the Bookseller, and tell him I have received ' the Corsairs,' but that I wish he would send me the Poem I wrote for (SafleJ and ' the Missionary' by the Coach."
" Braham once told me the same, and I always looked forward to at least having him in my piece. I should not have the least objection to join him in doing the Music, and as the piece I meditate will be rather a Drama with Songs than an Opera, we can easily manage it between us” “I have got Mrs. Wilmot's Tragedy at last, and must ask you to forgive me this we.rk's work, as I have but a very short time to write the Epilogue in. Am I necessary to you in your Trial ? I did not well understand that part of your letter, but am, of course, at your command in that as well as any thing else, and it will be about the time I should like to go for Mrs. W.'s Tragedy."

Three Letters, 4to. (two of two sides), Friday, and Friday night (1813)
" ^ou may guess our consternation on arriving at Sandbach, within four miles of this [Oakhanger], yesterday evening when we were told that poor old Ready died on Tuesday. Though it was a miserable inn we were at, and the children both sick, I thought it would hardly be delicate to apprize Mrs. Ready of our arrival the same evening, and we remained at Sandbach all night - a most miserable one it was to me; for besides the illness and screaming of the young ones, my mind was more agitated and perplexed with regard to the plan I should pursue than ever I remember it. I looked upon our visit here as quite out of the question, and what I was to clo with myself and my

c 2


poor companions, after giving up house, furniture, and eveiything like a home, was more than I could imagine or guess - indeed, my dear Sir, it was a very perplexing interval that took place till (upon my writing a note to the Widow this morning) a very gay barouche with a pair of smiling servants arrived to bring us to Oakhanger, where, between ourselves, there is as little grief on the occasion as could be, with decency put on She is most indecorously ready for the knight, and had even before my arrival, written express for him to come and do the last honours to his dear old friend the Captain - so that if Sir John has a particle of spunk in him he will be here immediately, I am sorry to find, from some conversation with her, that there are three wills of old Ready's, the second of which cuts her off to a very small annuity indeed, but the first and third agree in leaving everything at her disposal. This third one must determine her fate, but I am afraid, from what I yet can learn, that the circumstances under which she got it from him (it was but last week he signed it) will appear rather suspicious. The Sonin-law, the Dean of Exeter, is expected every day, and I suppose there will be what is called a blow up about this will. The grand point for her is that this last will agrees in every particular with the first he made."

“What a noble place this is ! and how I should like to meet Mrs. Power and you on a visit to the Knight at it ! it wants but his own will (not forgetting Ready's Will too) to make a match of it."

The letter of Friday night informs Mr. Power that Moore is " tahen in for a funeral trip to Gloucester, whither the corpse of the poor old Captain was sent off this morning, and I and a Mr. Cowan from Dublin are to set off after to-morrow.''
" The Widow dashed off to town last night to prove the will."

"I have had another letter from your brother, not having answered his former one - I perceive plainly now that the business will come into Court, and I feel that it is necessary for my


own character to put my opinion of the matter at issue between you fairly upon record. As long as I saw any likelihood that by the yielding of your brother, any amicable arrangement might take place, my decided preference for you, and even my wish that your brother might be humbled a little for the very wrabrotherly conduct which he appears to have been guilty of towards you, made me give up, or at least suppress many of my own opinions upon the way we have conducted ourselves towards him in this arrangement; but now that it appears so likely to come before the Public, I feel myself called upon to throw my fair and candid opinion into the scale, hoping that it will have that weight which disinterestedness and a pure regard for you entitle it to. You have bound me indeed so warmly to your interests by your friendly assistance in the most interesting moment of my life that there is nothing I would not sacrifice to shew my gratitude except my opinion of what is right" u We expect Lord Moira every day. You see how amply the newspapers have provided for me. One of them has given me a salary of four thousand a year ! My own opinion is that Lord M. will not be able to do anything for me."

Two Letters, one 4to. the other on an irregular slip of paper, Saturday, Sunday night, (1813) Order for a copy of the Irish Melodies for Mr. Thomson of Edinburgh. " I will give up the alterations I have made in the Midnight Moon if it be of much inconvenience. My reason for altering the first line is to avoid the similarity of title with ' At the mid hour of night.' You will perceive in the 4th line of the same that I am not quite decided about the name of the ' grove.' ” “ My squibs I should suppose will be out to-morrow - they were printed at the very quick rate of a sheet a week." [The title of the Midnight Moon was subsequently changed into " The Young May Moon" and the
" Grove," named Morna, with a note by Mr. Moore referring to John Brown's so called translation in Bunting's Irish Melodies.]


Two imperfect Letters in Mr. Moore's autograph, 4 to., and on an irregular slip of paper the second verse of " the Legacy" from the second Number of the Irish Melodies, undated Both of the letters refer to the dispute between Mr. Power and his brother. On the back of one is written a draft of part of a letter addressed by Mr. James Power to his brother William, and the other is a draft of part of a letter for the same purpose in Mr. Moore's Autograph in which the manner he refers to himself is remarkable, viz. ■' In short to sum up my determination upon the subject, whatever the easiness of Mr. Moore's disposition may lead him to suggest to me, I never will allow myself to be influenced either by him or you to make any alteration in the Deed that has passed between us. Mr. Moore, as you know very well, is not a man of business, and however I may pay deference to his judgment upon other matters, yet in the present affair, I am sure I consult not only my own interest but his, in resisting every attempt to set aside the agreement he has made with me - therefore it is useless for you to give him anymore trouble upon the subject. Mr. Moore tells me that, in consequence of a request you have made to him, he purposes sending you copies of what he has written - to this I shall only say, that the moment such act of his shall come to my knowledge, I shall not consider myself restrained by any delicacy towards him from applying to the Court of Chancery instantly to prevent you from publishing a single line or note of his, and commencing such proceedings against him, as in such case I shall have it in my power to do. I have left him with this assurance, and much as I should regret the loss of a friendship so estimable [substituted for " valuable" struck out] as his, I would sooner risk it, than admit any infringement of the Deed by which he is bound to me."

Three Letters, 4to. (one of three, the others of two sides), undated. (1813) Arrangement of Songs in the fifth Number of the Irish


Melodies. " Bessy wishes to have her Song 'I would mourn the hopes' last in the Collection” “We hope to start from Kegworth this day week. Our Sale is to be on Monday, and I have great hopes I shall shirk the income tax, which 1 do not feel the least remorse of conscience about - I am trusting for everything to the sale, and have not paid a bill these two months” “I have written to Stevenson most pressingly to meet us at Ready's, if he does I shall be sure to settle your business with him. I would really I think give up one of my hundreds to him to get him fixed among us. Mrs. Ready is fitting up a nursery for us, and seems determined that we shall become her inmates. I can perceive by your silence that you do not like my Post Bag. Its sale however is wonderful, and I shall be very glad if we can produce a few such bad things in the year, when we turn Leatherheads” “I am impatient to say that I shall plague you no longer with your brother's proposals. They are made so plausibly, that I am always puzzled what to say to them. I shall now do what you have advised." Long statement respecting Moore's irregularity in accounts, illustrative as he says himself in his life of Sheridan, of " That happy art in which the people of this country are such adepts - of putting the future in pawn for the supply of the present” “I 'got it into my head very foolishly that my year ended with 1812, and though I am glad to find that I have so much ' time to the good' for finishing my number of Melodies to my satisfaction, yet I feel somewhat alarmed about the enormity of my Saturday's draft on you, as it makes, I fear, a most tremendous anticipation of my next year's resources, and must inconvenience you in proportion. What led me into my confusion about the time was my having, I believe, anticipated in the same manner at the beginning of 1812. But I never kept any thing like an account of my receipts before I came here - therefore, of any sums received at the beginning of the year I have not the slightest recollection- but since May I have


drawn upon you, I believe, for £50, some time after my arrival 11
- for 36100 in September, and for £100 more on Saturday last
- this, with a ten pound note in November, and four or five pounds when you were here, is all I have down in my book as having received from you (what you have paid for me is another account.) Now, if I have put down all my drafts upon you since May correctly, these sums, with what I anticipated of the present year, before I came down here, must leave me very little even of your brother's portion untouched for the remainder of the time, and therefore, a great part of my draft of Saturday will fall unreasonably and prematurely upon you. When I speak this way of your « brother's portion,' I am considering it as we did last year (improperly I know) to be left to be paid at the end of the year; but I ought rather in the spirit of our bond, talk of the .£500 at once, without separating your portions. In this way, then, what I fear is, that there remains so little of my £500 to me now, as to throw a great part of my last draft upon the resources of next year, and that I am, like Bonaparte, drawing out the conscription of 1813 before its time."

Sends the first verse of

“From life without freedom oh ! who would not fly?" Portuguese and Spanish Airs - Sends second verse of " the Song of War." Begs a cancel in "'Thro' Erin's Isle' - to get rid of one disgraceful rhyme."* Wishes to consider " of a some-

* It appeared notwithstanding*, and was always a source of annoyance to Mr. Moore.

“Shoots up hy Zephyr kist all,

And sparkles through The limpid dew Like emeralds through crystal '."
" Oh the Shamrock," he wrote with reference to the annexed sketch,

"and that d d infernal stupid

rhyme of mine."


what longer Preface for the Number coming from myself. It has struck me that there is a little too much boasting in what I have written, coming, as everybody will perceive from me, though under the name of the Proprietors."

Three Letters, 4to. undated (1813)

“Nothing yet from Bermuda” “The reason you did not get my letter till Monday, was that my little Post Girl was late for the Post on Friday morning. I missed your letter on Sunday, for some how I look for one from you on that day as regularly as I used to look for your company to a Sunday dinner at Brompton. The people here are beginning to visit us much faster than I wish - and we are to dine out (for the first time) to-morrow." Sends a verse of

“I'll think of you waking and sleeping."
" Here is a verse, my dear Sir, which I hope Stevenson will be able to make something of - it will require that mixture of lightness and feeling which no one knows better than his knightship - You ought to have had it by yesterday's post, but I got a sudden summons the day before to dine at the Park and celebrate the Prince's Birth Day; which you may suppose / I did with all due solemnity and sincerity. - The wine was I good and my Host was good, so I could have swallowed the Toast if it had been the Devil !!"

Three Letters, 8vo. (one of four sides). Undated (1813)

“Pray send a Melologue directed to the Hon. W. Spencer, 3 7, [Bury Street, and one to Miss Douglas, Golden Square." Directions respecting leaving a card u at the British Hotel for Mr. Jeffery." With reference to the disagreement between the Messrs. Power, Mr. Moore writes, " if it comes to that, however, I may regret it, the many and deep-felt obligations I am under to you, my dear Sir, not only in the way cf business but of friendship, would not suffer me to hesitate a moment in complying with your wishes, and if you still continue as decided


in keeping him out of our Deed as he seems to be about getting into it I shall not be long in chusing my side of the dispute though a dispute it must be, and a legal one too, I have no doubt of it” “I wish you had been with us last week. Lord Moira sent us a haunch of venison, some moor game, and pine apples."

One Letter, 4to. (two sides). Tuesday

Printed in the Memoirs by Lord John Russell, No. 217, with the following twenty-one letters.

Three lines after the signature omitted by his Lordship.

“I have made many mistakes in copying out the words, but Williams, the mad parson, is playing on his walking-stick at the other side of the table."

One Letter, 8vo. (three sides). Friday

Memoirs, No. 218.

Three concluding lines omitted by Lord John Russell, who has appended a note of five lines upon " a little job."

“For this next week, too, any strange anecdote that you hear of these people will be very acceptable."

One Letter, 4 to. (two sides). Tuesday

Memoirs, No. 222.

Four lines omitted by Lord John Russell, and inclosed are Moore's original sketch for the Music with copy for publication, endorsed 17th Feb. 1813, and Mr. Power's memorandum,
"Published 1816."

One Letter, 4to. (two sides). Monday, (Feb. 9th, 1813)

Memoirs, No. 223.

Sixteen lines omitted by Lord John Russell.

“My sending Carpenter these trifles to get published has had one good effect, which is, that I have got the Manuscript out of his hands, which you recollect he was so obstinate in holding fast by. I have sent the last of the New Squibs, and I think they ought to be out in a fortnight. The sale of the


Tools, which was only last week in the Examiner, had been in the Morning Chronicle six weeks ago, indeed soon after you left this” “I am heartily sorry you should have any thing to give you so much vexation as your brother must necessarily inflict by his conduct; but, on the other hand, it gives me most heartfelt delight to hear you say that you do not suffer by or repent our connexion” “I hope you will be .able to read this, but I write it in bed, where I have staid to work, as they are washing down stairs."

One Letter, 8vo. Not dated

Memoirs, No. 224.

Eight lines omitted by Lord John Russell

“I am sending so many letters to town, that I have not time to do more than say, God bless you." Cl I have had many sleepless nights with my jaw, but laudanum has at last got me a nap."

One Letter, 4 to. Thursday Memoirs, No. 225.

One Letter, 4to. (two sides). March 22nd, 1813, printed in Memoirs 23rd, dated only " Monday"

Memoirs, No. 229.

Eight lines omitted by Lord John Russell.

After "poor Bessy" - " she was getting on wonderfully indeed',till an unlucky tooth ached her so much, that she has been obliged to get it drawn this morning, after two sleepless nights, which, I fear, will throw her back in her recovery."
" Best regards to Mrs. Power. I left the names of the Airs to be filled up by Bennison, as I was not quite certain about them. I shall, however, put them now."

One Letter, 4to. (two sides). December 7, 1813. Printed in Memoirs Sunday - the post mark and pencil endorsement prove that the above date of the receipt is correct Memoirs, No. 230.


Three lines after the signature omitted by his Lordship.

“Bessy is very anxious to know more about Mrs. Power and the Children, so be explicit, when you have time for it." One Letter, 4to. (three sides). Tuesday (1813)

Memoirs, No. 233.

Sixteen lines omitted by his Lordship. After, " Ready s is every way convenient” “ This being the case, I shall be able to take Bessy there about the latter end of April; and it shall be entirely at your option, whether I wait here till then, and deposit her there before I go, or go up now and return to settle her at Ready's. The latter would be the most expensive, and, indeed, the least convenient, measure; besides, May is such a good month in town, that five or six weeks there at that time would do us more good than as many about Easter would. I shall, therefore, take for granted, that (however, it may be necessary for me to run up incog, to consult you about business for a-day or two) I had better not begin my company campaign in town till about May, when I shall have shut up my house here, and left Bessy, Barbara, and the maid, at Ready's." After the signature, " I send you my signature upon a piece of paper, which you will have the goodness to fill up with the proper notice, and send to Stevenson tomorrow evening for me along with the letter. You will not neglect this; you can inclose and direct it." One Letter, 8vo. (two sides " Turn over") undated (1813)

Memoirs, No. 236.

The thirteen lines of the "Turn over" omitted by his Lordship.

“You have made my mind very easy about my money matters, and I shall have no occasion to draw upon you, I hope, till June; but your brother's bill falls due upon the 10th. It is a great pity it does not come after mine through Longmans, as I might procure the supplies for it in that way; but if you should be urged, I can in some other channel. I shall not want


to run up to town, thanks to your thoughtfulness in every respect for me. Carpenter expects a call for a third Edition very soon."

One Letter, 4to. Thursday, (1813, posted 27th December) Me moirs, No. 23

Thirteen important lines omitted by his Lordship.

"I know this will bring money. I can go on writing the convivial part of it, but the political (which shall not be so strong as to do you any harm) had better be written near the time of publication - and if it succeeds, as I have no doubt it will, we can seize all the passing events in this way. Tell your brother all this, though I have some doubt whether his nerves will stand it. I mean now, instead of one thing every week, to send you two things every second week, which will give me a more uninterrupted spell at my Poem. One of the things shall be either a Sacred Song, or something miscellaneous; and the other either Tom Brown, or an Irish Melody. D lton has sent me the Bill of Fare of the First Meeting, and you shall have it with my next packet, or, if not too thick, by this. It is almost all from Sir John and me” “Will you have the goodness to say in your next, whether you have any means soon of sending a parcel to Ireland for Bessy."

One Letter, 4to. Wednesday, (1813)

Memoirs, No. 238.

Seven lines at the commencement, and seven lines at the conclusion omitted by his Lordship.

“I received your letter yesterday, and likewise the one on Sunday. We are both truly sorry indeed to hear that you have had so many serious perplexities on your hands - the roguery of your boy [a shop boy who had stolen a large quantity of music, and sold it for waste ])aiper~\ must be every way a most distressing discovery, and I can easily imagine what a heart like yours must feel at the infliction of the law's justice upon thi s


ungrateful young reprobate” “I have been obliged, without giving you such warning as I could wish, to draw upon you at two months for 5624. 8s; but, in about a week, if it is not a death blow to you, I mean to draw for my usual sum, and shall give you £24 out of it to meet the present draft. I wish I could have kept from troubling you any more this year, but necessity has no law, and you have been kind enough to say you would accept for me."

One Letter, 4to. (two sides). 1813, (Post mark, 4th Sept. 1813) Memoirs, No. 239.

Two lines after the signature omitted by his Lordship.
" Longman will send you a book for me, and I shall have some more to make up a parcel soon."

One Letter, 4 to. Monday,- 1 8 1 3, (Post mark, 20th April, 1813) Memoirs, No. 240.

One Letter, 4to. Tuesday night, (Post mark, 1st July, 1813) Memoirs, No. 243.

Two lines at top omitted by his Lordship.
" Send the inclosed as soon as you can."

One Letter, 4 to

Memoirs, No. 244.

One Letter, 4to. (two sides)- 1813 (December 18, 1813) Memoirs, No. 245.

Two lines at the top omitted by his Lordship.
" There has been an arrival from Bermuda since, and yet not a word from Sneddon."

One Letter, 4to. (three sides). July 14, 1813 Memoirs, No. 246.

“At the other side," and the words of the Finland Sons; " I saw the Moon rise clear," (two verses) omitted by his Lordship.

One Letter, 8vo. (two sides and P.S. on back) Castle Donington, Friday- (1813)


Memoirs, No. 256.

The P.S. of four lines omitted by his Lordship.

“I bid Longman send the book for me to your house, and I shall perhaps have some other materials for the parcel which you meditate making for me." One Letter, 4to. (three sides, October 23rd, 1813)

Memoirs, No. 258.

The twelve lines on the third page omitted by his Lordship.

“I have got my hat safe. It is very good of you to take up my Bill of £24. 8s, but my payment of half my debt to Mrs. Peneaud, with what I have had to do here, left me, as usual, running close to the wind. I fell this as I do all your kindnesses; not one of which I have yet an opportunity of repaying, and this would be too burthensome if it went on long, but some

time or other perhaps ! The inclosed letter to Perry

is an answer to the last application about Drury Lane, which was not indeed a formal application, but rather the account of a conversation he had upon the subject at Holland House. I have told him that I certainly will attempt a Drama for Drury Lane, as soon as possible."

One Letter, 8vo. (four sides). Monday night (1813) [more probably 1814, see 5th April in that year, p. 35, with reference to Trial*] Memoirs, No. 259.

Fifteen lines in the body of the note omitted by his Lordship.

* The following is the newspaper report of this important Literary trial : -


Power v. Walker.

Copyright. - Mr. Horace Twiss stated that this was an action to recover

damages for pirating two songs, the one called, " Fly not yet," and the other

called " Eveleen's Bower." The songs were written and adapted to old

Irish melodies, by Thomas Moore, Esq. They were originally published among

many others, but being two favourite songs with the public, the defendant

had published them singly, and to conceal his piracy had varied the words in


11 Dalton tells me he has had Mrs. Ready to dinner, with her hair in ringlets over her neck - such hair ! and such a neck ! - even Stevenson's heart was proof against them. By this I should think she has but little chance of the Knight, and, indeed, I should be sorry he was thrown away upon her. Dalton says Stevenson will come over with them in the Spring. I hope you will like the words for Stevenson, and that he will set them well. I have given my idea of the manner it ought to be set in to Dalton."

such a way as to deceive those who inquired for the original works. Mr. Moore's song began thus : -

“Fly not yet 'tis just the hour, When pleasure like the midnight flower; That scorns the eye of vulgar light, Begins to bloom for sons of night; And maids who love the moon." The defendant's song was to this effect : -

“Fly not yet',tis just the hour, When pleasure moves with brisker power; When fancy deck'd with pinions bright, Exerts with sons of mirth her flight; And lovers court the moon." The learned Counsel read the verses of each song, to the very great entertainment of the Court. Mr. Moore's other song began in this way : -
" O weep for the hour When to Eveleen's bow'r The lord of the valley with false vows came." The defendant's song was -

“O song of the hour When to Eveleen's bow'r The knight of the castle a courting came." In this way did the defendant endeavour to avail himself of the popularity of the plaintiff's songs. If such a system of imposition was suffered to prevail it must ruin the plaintiff, Mr. Power, in his business, for he was actually under an agreement with Mr. Moore to pay him £500 a year for the exclusive right of publishing his lyric poetry. It was obvious that if the words of the songs were sung inarticulately, as was too commonly the practice even with


One Letter, small 4to. (two sides). (1813)

Memoirs, No. 260.

Six lines in the body of the note respecting the cancel omitted by his Lordship.

After " done conveniently" - " if not, I shall add it as an erratum to the New Preface, which you shall have in a day or two; though I should be almost tempted to leave the Advertisement as it is, to vex your brother, who talks so impudently about it

our best singers, the one might easily be mistaken for the other. He then made some observations on the national influence of songs, in guiding the public taste and keeping alive the hereditary heroism of the people. So important were compositions of that sort considered by the English Government, that Mr. Dibdin had been allowed a yearly pension for the songs by which he had so often inspired our naval heroes. The defendant had boasted of his numerous piracies of the same kind, and had described himself as a fire-ship' that had done little mischief in the trade, though perhaps little accustomed to such actions as the present. This Jire-ship could not be under a better captain than his learned friend (the Attorney- General), but he trusted some of the plaintiff's shot would strike her magazine, and blow her fairly out of the water.

Mr. Moore proved that he was the author of the original songs, and that he had transferred his interests in them to Mr. Power of Dublin,

Mr. Bennison proved that Mr. Power of Dublin, had transferred his right to Mr. Power, of the Strand, but no writing passed, it was a verbal agreement.

The Attorney- General contended that a copyright could not, under the statute of Queen Anne, be vested in any one but the author, except it had been transferred by a written instrument.

Lord Ellenborough, after looking into the Act of Parliament, considered the objection fatal, and accordingly the plaintiff was nonsuited.

The Attorney-General observed, that the learned gentleman, by his manner of conducting this cause, had shewn himself too able an advocate for his clients to be under any apprehension of pirates, or even of ordinary perils, whatever adventures they might embark in, under his guidance, in the ocean of law.

Lord Byron, Mr. John Kemble, and several literary characters were in Couit



■ - and I wish you would let me be at the expense of the alteration in the letter-press, to annoy him."

Two Letters, 4to. 3rd and 8th January, 1814

“Have you seen the splendid compliment paid to me and the Melodies in the last Number of the Edinburgh Review ? It is really most magnificent, and its appearance in that work is a signal triumph to me” “Lord Byron is about another poem. He is one of the very few men that write quick and well too. I have a strong suspicion that he will dedicate this next poem to me, but say nothing till we see” “If there should be a Peace I will go to France and Italy to collect music for you, and perhaps try a musical tour like Dr. Burney."

Two Letters, 4to. (one of two sides), 16th and 24th February, 1814
" What a scrape my friend Lord Byron has got into by his acknowledgement of the verses to the young Princess ! He writes me word that the Prince till now always supposed them to be mine." Of " poor Twiss's book," Moore says, [' I have seldom read any thing that made me sadder than both its mirth and its melancholy” “I wish the Satirist had more circulation than it has; for they have just done for me what I could not in delicacy do for myself, that is, published a pretty nearly true statement of my transaction with Lord Moira” “I suppose you have seen Hunt's honourable mention of me and the Melodies in his ' Feast of the Poets.' ” “ I have had some letters from unknown persons with Airs and information of Airs."

Two Letters, one 4to., one 12mo., 12th and 17th March, ! 8 14
" I send this through Lord Byron” “I am in a sad quandary about my Poem; work as I will I cannot get it ready to put to press till June, and that is quite too late for the season
- and yet I hear of more Persian tales likely to come out, which may do me very great detriment, and makes . me feel


very unhappy at the delay” “I have been too nervous and frightened about this Poem, but nothing shall ever fidget me so much again, or take up so much of my time - my friend Rogers making me begin it all over again so often, has been the whole cause both of my nervousness and my delay with it."

Two Letters, 4to. 5th and 11th April, 1814

“I have at length received my dispatches from Bermuda, and I know you will sympathize with my disappointment, when I tell you the remittance is not half of what I was led to expect. The mistake arose from Sheddon (in letter to me, announcing what I was to expect) putting the word ' sterling' after the sum he mentioned instead of ' currency,' which you know makes all the difference in the world” “I wish you would let me know whether it is quite certain that your Trial [See Note p. 31] will come on before Summer, as I must be guided by that in my visit to town, and manage so as not to be obliged to make two trips of it."

Two Letters, one 4 to. one 8vo. 29th April, 6th May, 1814

“On Sunday night next I hope to eat bread and cheese and drink long-untasted porter with you in the Strand. Many thanks for your offer of a lodging - but I have written to bespeak my former ones in Bury Street, 33” “I want a good ( air to write a dashing Song in praise o/Lord Wellington. y Our Irish hero ought not to go unsung” “Will you let me eat a hasty bit with you to morrow? (a little before four, if not inconvenient,) as I am going to the theatre to see Kean's Iago. I had Whitbread with me for three quarters of an hour yesterday about a play for Drury. Lord Byron has done two Songs already for me."

Two Letters, 4 to. (one of three, the other of two sides), 9th and 25th June, 1814 Two curious and interesting letters. One contains the second verses of " When twilight dews," and " When I am dead," with

I) 2


an alteration in the Musical Notation of the latter. " I arrived very tired on Saturday evening, not the less so for meeting with very unexpected honours from the fools of Derby, who came out to meet us about a mile from the town (on account of the confirmation of Peace) with ribbons, oak-leaves, &c. took the horses from the mail and pulled us through the town. After we had dined, the same wise animals pulled us out again. We were received at Ashburne (both places being long remarkable for their fits of frenzy) with the same cavalcade and triumph, and the only thing that amused me in the whole business was an idea that struck me of buying a whiskered mask, before we came to Derby, which I made a man in the mail (who had an odd sort of black tufted travelling cap) put on, and he hurraed like a Don Cossack out of the windows."
" The one [Melody] I send has a good many verses to it, and is a subject I have long meditated. It is on the Prince's desertion of Ireland, and done so as to appear like a love song, in the manner of some other political ones in the Collection. I am sure you will like it when you see the rest."

Six Letters, five 4 to. (one of three and one of two sides, one 8vo. of two sides), 4th, 11th, 15th, 16th, 20th, and 21st July, 1814
" A word from you is worth (I was going to say ten commandments from any other quarter.)” “ Unless you particularly wish my attendance, I had rather be spared both the vulgar laugh at my unfortunate verses, and the Old-Baily sort of language I may expect from the Attorney-General - indeed, I felt as if I were gibbetted the last time." (A facetious letter). Three most interesting letters respecting the dispute between Messrs. James and William Power and their arrangement with Moore. " I write now, under cover to Lord Byron, to tell you that Kelly's book contains no less than four or five very pretty Airs for our purpose, and on Friday I expect to send you one of them with words” “The circumstances under which we


parted were such as to make me tremblingly alive to the least suspicion of alteration in you. You saw how ready I was to give up your purse, but you will never see me ready to give up your friendship."

Four Letters, 4to. 10th, 18th, 18th, and 29th August, 1814

“Jeffrey has written me so many pressing letters to do something for the Review, and Rogers and Byron have seconded him so warmly, that I am obliged to give him two articles for this Number - but I never will give him any more; these things will be too valuable to us to be thrown away so slightly” “I write now merely to say that I have done ' Cuislah ma chree,' after many trials." The letter of 18th August announces the birth of" Miss Olivia Byron Moore (that is to be)” “I think you will not grudge ten pence for the intelligence of Bessy's safety, it would be worth twenty pence, if I had a boy to announce to you, but unluckily it is another girl." •' But I will drink an extraordinary glass or two to-day, and one of the extraordinaries shall be to you and yours” “I have been wisked away to the Derby Races by my friend Joe Atkinson, and the worst of it is cannot get back for love or money. I am invited from this by the Duke of Devonshire to meet the Harringtons with him at Chatsworth for some days - but I do not think I shall go. Forgive me all my sins," &c.

It was upon this occasion that Mr. Atkinson wrote the following, we believe, unpublished epigram.

I'm sorry, dear Moore, there's a damp to your joy,

Nor think my old strain of mythology stupid, When I say that your wife had a right to a boy,

For Venus is nothing without a young Cupid. But since Fate, the boon that you wished for, refuses,

By granting three girls to your happy embraces, He meant, when you wandered abroad with the Muses,

That your wife should be circled at home by the Graces."


Mr. Moore to Sir John Stevenson and Mr. Power, 2 letters 4 to. (one of two sides), 10th and 13th September, 1814.
" I have just received a scatter brained letter from him to say that he means to start on Tuesday morning for Gloucester, which is in an entirely opposite direction to us. Now what I entreat of you is, that the moment you get my letter, you will proceed to seize this wild frolicksome youth - put him into one of the coaches that leave London for Manchester at two o'clock, and if possible put yourself in with him” “I shall have Paddy O'Rafferty ready for Stevenson to arrange, and shall make him do the Sacred Songs” “I depend upon your sending Stevenson to me."

Six letters, five 4to. (one of three, and one of two sides) one 8vo., 6th, 7th, 10th, 21st, 24th, 28th, and 28th November, 1814. A Piano Forte "for Mr. Arkwright (the son, you know, of the great Cotton Man, who lives in Ashbourne.)" Correction of verse in the Song of " Dear Harp of my Country” “Obliged to give a dinner” “One fine and dashing dish enables one to be as homely as one pleases in the rest of the dinner, and if Turtle soup be not too extravagant, I should like to have a little down, enough for six persons," - limits the price to a guinea. - A long and interesting letter. " I wish I had sent one of my two eldest young ladies over with you to Ireland, for I find the addition of one more in the house makes an incredible difference in point of noise, and I hear every thing in this small cabin so plainly, that really I am very seriously disturbed by them, and shall, I fear, be many ideas out of pocket by their riotousness." Criticism on the illustration to Moore's Song of my Wellington's name. " I hope the Turtle soup is comeatable, as I am rather depending on it." The first number of the Sacred Songs, with reference to the Deed. " My dinner went off illustriously, and your oysters in the evening were pronounced the best ever eaten” “I cannot reconcile it to myself to delay one moment


my congratulations on the amicable turn your business with your brother is likely to take. Heaven send it may all end as cordially as I wish” “I am not at all satisfied with the state of the 7th. No. We want something striking, and I must try on till I find it” “I have just had a long letter from Lord Byron - he is at Verona."

Two Letters, one 4 to., one 8vo. (both three sides), 26 Dec. (note undated) 1814.
" I have waited two or three days, and delayed the second verse of Wellington in the expectation of proofs from you." Sends second and third verses with corrections of " While History's Muse," and the third verses to "The time I've lost," and
"Come rest in this bosom." '* These have been my employment since I came down - hardly a line of my Poem. I shall now try the Ballads for Braham, and then take to my Sacred Songs and Poem” “I have just got your letter, very sorry about the Turtle. But do not mind the Cod's head, as I have fish; only send the oysters” “I have kept back ' Fill the bumper' to consider of it” “I am sorry to see that you have put my name in full to those foolish early songs of mine, which I never authorized more to than T. M., Esq."

Two Letters, 4to. (two sides), 17th January, 1814. Memoirs, No. 265.

Six lines at top, and four lines after the signature omitted by his Lordship. " Wednesday - this letter was written to go off on Tuesday, but the young ladies had not their packet ready - ■ so that they must take the place of my own inclosures on Friday, and I shall send my two Songs by the way of Daviesstreet the beginning of next week; in the meantime as I trust you will think this letter worth tenpence it shall go by itself."
" I suppose you saw that the Tyrolese Glee was sung at the great dinner given to Mr. Canning in Liverpool. When you have any parcel to send us, I wish you would put up some dried sprats from your neighbour Hicksons, 170."


One Letter, 4to. (two sides), 29th January, 1814.

Memoirs, No. 271. One Letter, 4 to. (two sides), undated.

Memoirs, No. 272.

One Letter, 4 to. (two sides), 1st August, 1814. Memoirs, No. 292.

Eight lines at top omitted by his Lordship.
" Whenever you send me another parcel, pray send me some Music paper - and oh ! the Bill for Tyrrell, for goodness sake do not forget this. The filtering stone broke all round the top before it was taken out of the case - there was a great seam in the stone, which cracked; pray hear what the man has to say to this some time when you are near him." One Letter, 4to. (three sides), 31st October, 1814.

Memoirs, No. 303. One Letter, 4to. (three sides), 12th November, 1814.

Memoirs, No. 307. Four Letters, 4to. (one of four sides), 7th and 20th January 14th and 18th February, 1815. Sends words of " No tears are not always," 3 verses, " Love and Time," 3 verses, " I love thee now," 3 verses. " I have been particularly prolific since I wrote last. In addition to the above, I have written words (to an air I have made out from Beethoven) of five verses, about 48 lines. You may give one of the above to Michael Kelly if you please - ' Love and Time* perhaps. I shall alter either for him or Braham any words they may boggle at” “I shall leave home for Chatsworth, I think, on Monday. How do the engravings go on, and did the artist succeed to your satisfaction in the sketch of the Leprechaun ?" As to the Doctor's request, I have, of course, not the least objection - but I do not like the style of his wording. Suppose we say', To the gentleman who favoured me with this air I am indebted for many other old and beautiful melodies, from which,


&c. &c. Nothing better seems to me at present', scientific' is not one of my words."

Three Letters, 4to. 3rd, 10th and 30th March, 1815

“Send it to the office to be franked for me - direct under cover to Mr. Greville, War Department, Downing Street. I am anxious to know whether he may be depended upon."
" The new setting of * Fill the bumper' will do - but Stevenson seems to have resolved upon doing it tastelessly." One of the letters contains " a small alteration in the Sacred Melody" of three bars. " This being for no other purpose (as Kings say in their letters) I pray God to take you into his holy keeping." Your daughter " is flourishing most promisingly, and if she gives but fair play as to time, will exchange her lilies for roses before she leaves Mayfield."

Four Letters, 4to. (two of two sides), 8th, 21st, 22nd and 29th April, 1815 With reference to Mrs. Wilmot's Tragedy, Mr. Moore writes -
" it has been so often postponed that I do not like to send up my Epilogue till I have something more certain than her announcement of it” “I should have liked very well to have taught Mrs. Bartley my own method of reading the Epilogue but as to witnessing the speaking of it my nerves are as well without that trial. I dare say it will go off as flat as the Melologue. ,, "Poor Mrs. Wilmot's Play got a complete and irredeemable damnation. Lord Byron writes me word not a line of my Epilogue was either intelligibly spoken or heard. And it was so much the better, for really it would have appeared like a satire on the poor deceased Lady. No - no - ' your gentle Inas will not do,' was quite a prophecy of the event. I find however my Epilogue has made up lee-way, in the reading y most triumphantly."

Four Letters, 4to. (two of three and one of two sides), 3rd, 9th, 18th and 25th May, 1815


“I fear very much I shall not be able to compass my visit to town, though there are many things I want to do there, besides the great use those ' annual revelations of myself (as Rogers calls my visit) are invariably of, to me, in every way - but the supplies are not forthcoming, and I fear I shall be obliged to ask the loan of your name for our trip to Ireland where I should not like to appear ' shorn of my beams' in any respect; you can understand why, for every reason I should like to put my best leg foremost in Dublin " u Did you see the mention of my work and the price in the Chronicle last week ? How Lord Byron must curse that fellow Nathan, who is puffing off his Jewish wares in all sorts of quackish ways. He had a Puff about them the other night directly under the Lottery Squibs, in the small type part of the Courier. Talking of the Jew - I have the second verse of ' FalPn is thy throne O Israel !' to send you." Sends the four verses of this song with the notes. - Comment on his friend Dalton's conduct. - " I hope the above is sacred enough for you. I flatter myself it is both words and music, a very tolerable hit. Was there ever any thing so bad as the Hebrew Melodies ? # Some

* Lord Byron is said to have heard of this or a similar letter written by Moore, and to have revenged himself in the following


Lasciva pagina

Vet a proba est."

Tread light o'er the Poet, whom Death was to blame For gathering so soon to his store; Tn the lays of his youth he was Little in fame, Though his name has since shone on us More.

The Muses and Graces hung over his lyre, And taught him the feelings to move; - To wake the warm glow of impassion'd desire, And kindle the bosom to love.


of the words are of coarse good, tho' not so good as might have been expected - but the Music ! ' Oh Lord God of Israel!' what stuff it is ! and the price ! If the Angel in the title page had four Crowns instead of one and the odd shilling tucked under his wing, it would be four times more emblematical than it is." - " I have just had a proposal from Douglas Kinnaird to join him and Lord Byron and Lord Essex in the Committee of Management of Drury Lane. What do you say to that, shall I accept it ?” “ Tell the Champion to direct to me Kilmaiuham Lodge. I have given up the management." Sends second verse of the " Song of Miriam" - " Oh when shall come that glorious day."

Four Letters, one folio, two 4to. (one of two sides), and one 8vo. 5th June, 11th, 26th and 31st July, 1815
" This expedition is bleeding me most profusely, though I am not at expense for lodgings, that excellent fellow Richard Power having lent me his house” “We leave Dublin on the loth for the Powers and Bryans and after that go to Lord Granard's” “7, Kildare Street"-" We returned to town after near a month's ramble through the County Kilkenny, during which time we made visits to four different houses, and

Though some have complain 'd of his verses, the spell

Is far too voluptuously wrought;

That the action of love is depicted so well,

The passion is almost forgot.

Yet peace to his ashes ! if sometimes too warm

His luxuriant effusions may seem, -

In each line of those strains breathes a soul-touching charm,

Which forsook him in changing his theme.

Of the dead we'd fain speak and would always hope well; Tommy's errors, we trust, are forgiven; But if there's one thing that will send him to Hell',Tis his singing so vilely of Heaven !"*

* See ' Moore's Melodies,' by T. Moore.


you may easily suppose idleness was the order of the day with me. 5 ' Sends five Sacred Melodies.

Three Letters, 4to. (one of two sides) 1st .September, 9th and 14th October, 1815
" I but last night returned from another country visit of three weeks duration to my sister in Tipperary." - " I had a sad journey of it- poor Bessy was taken very ill with me at Holyhead and I was obliged to forfeit the inside of the coach which I had paid for to Chester. We were five days creeping along, and it cost me every farthing of forty guineas before I got home." ft I am not only at my money's ends, but my wit's end too” “If you are sending me Gardiner's 2 vols, pray let the Scourge of this month (containing caricature about Big Ben) come with it."

Three Letters, 4to. (one of two sides) 4th, 14th, and 19th November, 1815
" I have deferred sending you the enclosed from my wish to have Lord Byron's answer to a proposal I made him some time ago (before I left Ireland) with respect to his song. I found a very pretty Irish Air to which the words went remarkably well, and I told him that as I had failed in setting them myself, the next gratification I should feel would be with your leave and his, to put them in the next Number of Irish Melodies - to this he has answered that he should infinitely prefer having them ' embalmed? (as he expresses himself) in that work to their being scattered abroad as a single Song. It is for you now to express your opinion” “I have some fears (from my recollection of the dates), that two of the Bills, which my necessities in Ireland extorted from me, one to Stevenson, and the other to your brother, will become due to-morrow. Their united sums will be, I think, about eighty or ninety pounds, and I accordingly send you a draft on the other side for 36100 upon the Longmans. I have apprized them by this Post of the sort of informal draft you are to present, and I should be glad


if you would defer presenting it till it is absolutely necessary. The Bill your brother drew was for money he let me have, and has nothing to do with any debt to him, which I took care not to increase." Seven Letters, five 4 to. one franked by Mr. Arkwright, two

8vo. (one of three sides), 2nd, 4th, 8th, 11th, 13th, 21st,

and 28th December, 1815
" I have not felt very well for this week past, and sometimes think I have symptoms of the muscular inflammation in my side, which laid me up for so long a time about nine years ago, as I know I am apt to be fanciful, it may perhaps be nothing but imagination. I shall, however, apply leeches if the pain continues." These letters are chiefly relative to Moore's Sacred Songs. " I have not been out of my own demesne more than twice these three weeks."

Four Letters, two 4to. (one of two sides), two 8vo. (one of two sides), Sunday, (1815)
" I have not time at this moment to give you half the thanks you deserve for the kind and feeling account you have indulged me with of your visit to my dear and excellent mother. I am quite happy that she saw you, because I know what a comfort it was to her - indeed they had written to me about it, before I heard from you” “These two [Irish Melodies'] are Savourna Deelish, and Sweet Harp of my Country, which I am so very anxious about, that I wish to keep back the rest of them till the very last moment” “I am never done touching and retouching while the things lie by me, and nothing but a printer's devil at my heels ever drives me into finishing. To be sure with copper plates this is not so convenient, but you must be prepared for this sort of proceeding, when we come to our literary operations. My Anacreon, Little, Post Bag, have all gone to press before they were more than half finished; and I have succeeded well enough in all not to make me wish to change my method."
<: I should like Wellington's Song in the middle, and Sweet


Harp of my Country of course the last” “As soon as I have got the two puzzles of the Melodies off my stomach I shall send you the second verses of these Songs. I have not been able yet to separate Stevenson's chaff from his grain in the immense mass of music-paper he has scribbled over” “If the story of the Leprechaun be authentic, keep it so - but let me know whether you do by return of Post, directed ^o me, at Chatsworth, Derbyshire, as I must mention it in the note on the Song. I send you a Sacred thing to keep the Leprechaun in countenance” “I rather fear the Cobler is too vulgar for the style of my Song. I wish now we had chosen another subject." - [See Crofton Croker's Fairy Legends.] Three Letters, 8vo. (one of three, the other of two sides). Wednesday evening, two undated, (1815)
" I like the second sketch very much - indeed 1 like both, and the figure of History in the first one is particularly pretty
- the moment too, he has chosen, excuses the triumphant air of Erin. Upon the whole, however, I think I prefer the second, and seizing the most prominent feature in the Song - the words under it must be

' She saw History write, With a pencil of light, That illumed all the volume, her Wellington's name.' I am afraid that you will cry out at the alterations I have made in * When first I saw' - but remember they are to be put down to my account” “It is very amusing to think of Byron becoming a ' sweet singer of Israel,' - but you will find but little of the poetry actually his." Of one of his Sacred Melodies Mr. Moore writes - " You may send words and all to Stevenson, as they are married indissolubly together, There will be several verses to it.' et I return the proofs [of the Irish Melodies'] 1 must have a revise of the Advertisement, which has given me inconceivable trouble. I had a long rig-ma-role in it about Wellington - in which I said that it was at your request


I wrote the Song; but that of course I did it with c all my heart and soul, &c. &c.' but, after twisting it into a thousand shapes I left that and much more out” “I will say for myself, there never was a fellow left more completely to his own mother wit in these things than I am. "Why does not Stevenson solicit something ? Lord Byron has sent me a song to set - very beautiful, but devilish hard to put to music” “I have not been very well latterly, continued head-aches - I should think from hard fagging; for I am all day at it” “I am sorry to give you so much trouble about the Preface, tho' it is nothing to what I give myself."

Three Letters, 4to. (one of three sides), one undated, two
" Thursday night " (1815)
" I find Rogers suspected me of some Epistle there has been about the shows in the Park; but I have written nothing since Blucher” “The sixth [Irish Melody'] I had to send was', Come fly to this bosom,' which, however, I am doubtful about retaining” “Pray, do not let the engraver put in the words in the first verse of the Duett beginning', Go then, deceiver, go,' as I think I shall alter these four lines” “I send you a Sacred Melody, which I have taken from Haydn, with alterations of my own” “I could not help putting the words', Should any one,' &c. under the Prince's Song; however, I do not at all insist upon your keeping this in. If the verses are allowed to stand it is the most I can expect. I have a piece of friendship to tell you, very unlike the high promising hollowness of certain friends of mine. You have often heard me speak of Douglas. [John Erskine Douglas was appointed Captain of H.M.S. Boston in December 1797, and 'RearAdmiral Commander-in-Chief at Jamaica, 6th January , 1815, which command he held until the end of 181 7.] He has just been appointed Admiral on the Jamaica Station, and the first thing he did was to offer me the Secretaryship. The salary is something under five hundred a year, but the perquisites, even


in peace, are considerable, and if the Devii should put it into Madison's head to carry on the war, it would be a fortune to me. He has also told me there is a house there for the Admiral, with nearly 100 acres of land, which is all quite at my service, and I may take out Bessy to it. Is not this kind ? is it not courageous, too, considering the sort of interest by which Douglas has got his appointment ? He is a sterling fellow. I have written, however, to decline it, as we," &c.

“And to tell you the truth, my dear friend, I look to the plan which you and I have between us, as an equally abundant source of emolument, with greater comfort and less risk. The Duke of Devonshire has asked us to Chatsworth. I shall go for two or three days, but Bessy does not like such operations."
"That paragon of honest fellows, Douglas” “Pray, let Mr. Benison correct the spelling of ( Cuishlah ma chree ' according to Dr. Kelly, and likewise procure the name of * Has sorrow thy young days,' as I have just hunted through all my music for Kelly's book and cannot find it."

118 One Letter, 4to. (two sides), 3 1st January, 1815

Memoirs, No. 318.

119 One Letter, 4to. (four sides), (1815)

Memoirs, No. 319.

Sixteen lines on the third side and four lines on the back of this letter omitted by his Lordship. " Don't you think it would be a good plan to send all the words I write to selected Airs over to Stevenson, and let him try his hand at them. If he succeeds, I can write other words to the selected Air, and there is so much gained. If not, we can leave it as it was - but pretty airs are such an object, we should try every means to get them. Do not tell Stevenson, however, there is an Air already to what you send, or it will make him careless. Bessy joins me in entreaty that as soon as your dear Jean is able to travel she may come down to us and take a month or two of country air - which I have no doubt will do her great service.


We shall nurse her, you may be sure, as if she were our own. Now pray think seriously of this. Bessy will be delighted to have her."

One Letter, 4to. (two sides), 30th May, 1815 Memoirs, No. 329.

This letter bears Mr. Power's endorsement, "July 5th f 1815," but the Postmark establishes the date of its receipt in London, to be 5th June. One Letter, 4 to. (two sides), Sunday (December 19th, 1815) Memoirs, No. 338.

One Letter, 8vo. (two sides), Monday night (1815)

Memoirs, No. 339.

Two lines omitted by his Lordship. " I sent off the proofs by Pickford last night." The fourth line of the verses altered
" hold (bend) my flight" struck through.

Three Letters, two 4to., one 8vo. (three sides), 1st, 28th, and
- January, 1816

“As for myself I have got quite well again” “Just now I am at the very end of my tether” “My conscience is very well satisfied with the way I have performed my task for you. You have here, I think, the purest and most perfect little collection of poems I have ever written, and I only hope the Public may, for your sake, agree with me in opinion; I mean to dedicate the Number to Dalton. I have discovered since I wrote last an error in the words of Lord Byron's l Farewell" by Stevenson, which would annoy the Noble Bard if he saw it. ' For others weal availed on earthy should be ' availed on high.'' ” “ I must tell you a trait of this Upholsterer: two or three months ago I called upon him at Derby to chuse a musicstand for my room. After I had chosen the one I liked, or rather indeed asked whether he could not make one cheaper for me, the poor fellow said, blushing and stammering', Mr. Moore, if you will do me the favour to accept of that trifle



from me, as a small mark of my esteem for your character, I shall consider it as the greatest favour you can do me.' I did not hesitate, of course; these things are very gratifying."

Four Letters, three 4to., one 8vo., 8th, 12th, 15th, and 18th

February, 1816

“I am going to give on Wednesday my annual dinner to the

natives here - indeed, the smallness of our table will force me,

I fear, to make two dinners of it- and I want you to send me

off by to-morrow's night Mail a Barrel of Oysters and three or

four Lobsters, which will arrive on Tuesday and be ready to

take the field on Wednesday evening. The Fish for Dinner I

think I can get good enough here, and certainly cheaper."

“I wish you would send to Longman for ' Paul's Letters to his

Kinsfolk ' for me, and if Murray has not already forwarded

Hunt's ' Rimini ' to me, they can come together."

Five Letters, three 4to., two 8vo. (one of three sides), 14th, 21st, 23rd, 27th and 31st March, 1816
" Poor Lord Byron ! I begin to think you had better perhaps publish his Song with Stevenson's Music, for I should suppose he would not wish the words any longer delayed from the Public” “The fish you sent was excellent, I assure you my name as a dinner-giver has gone far and wide on the strength of it. The lobster particularly will not soon be forgotten. No one here ever saw so large a one, and I have heard more than once since of my ' Lobster as big as myself?'” “We had a charity ball in Ashbourne on Tuesday, of which I was steward, and I am to be in the chair at the Lancaster anniversary at Derby on the 30th, so you see what I am promoted to,” “ actually smoked out of our house” “The poor man at the inn (whose charity ball was last week), has just sent me in a small account of about six pounds, if you could conveniently send me so much before Sunday - for I believe he is much distressed."
"I lost half my last night's sleep in fidgetting over the possi-


bility of your having already distributed some copies of this Song” “How could you think that I would take away the compliment of the Dedication from Dalton, or that Bessy would accept of it, so transferred?” “ I hope you drank our healths on the marriage anniversary, last Monday” “I have promised to dedicate • Oh yes - when the bloom of Love's boyhood/ to Miss Strutt."

Three Letters, two 4to. (both of two sides), and one folio, 11th, 14th, and 22nd April, 1816, (the latter franked by Mr. Arkwright)
"You really are to be pitied. Your Poet 140 miles off, your Composer 300, and your poor assistant Benison lying ill - no one else would bear it with half so much patience” “It was very lucky you sent me the former revises of the letterpress with the last ones, for I find that the Printer had the unaccountable stupidity to put instead of • The Star of its Worship'
- The Star of its Honship. One would think he was looking at the caricature you sent me, for the star of his Horseship would be very appropriate there - but there is no such thing as trusting printers. I suppose my hand-writing misled him."
<{ You have not said what you thought of my grand exhibition at Derby ?” “ The impudence of that scribbler Fitzsimons is quite amusing." Sends dedication of the first number of Sacred Songs to Edward Tuite Dalton, Esq. " As I exp?cted I am obliged to give another dinner to clear off my debts here. You cannot conceive what a Dr. and Cr. account they keep of dinners." t( My number at dinner is six - a Baronet and an M.P. the chief dignitaries ! is'nt salmon very good just now ?"

Two Letters. One 4 to., one 8vo. Thursday, and May 30,


“Athenaeum, Thursday. u I came to town last night and

have just been to Longmans where I have l done the deed,'

and you shall have the money to-morrow." [See Lord John

e 2


Russell's note in Memoirs, Vol. II. p. 110.] " Bessy wants a set of the Irish Melodies, as those I gave her before we were married are grown too old and too precious for use."

Three Letters, 4to. (one of three sides) 6th, 13th, and 24th June, 1816
" I hear rumours of war from Dublin, between you and the Knight, and you and your brother. Is there any further progress in hostilities since I left you ? ” “ I am in a most nervous state of anxiety about our next number of Irish Melodies, for we are sadly off for materials. I must have Bunting's two volumes to look over and Thomson's first” “I wish you to have the name ' Bessy' cancelled in the last verse of the ' Sale of Loves,' and ' Susan' put in its place. My happiness is (as they say) * too true to put in a Ballad ! ' ” “ The collections you have lent me (particularly Doctor Kelly's) have given me more confidence about our next number." On the other side are the remaining verses of " Reason and Folly and Beauty." [Four verses follow.']

Five Letters, four 4to., one 8vo. (of three sides), 1st, 16th, 31st July, Monday Nt., and Tuesday Nt. 1816

“Your Prospectus or Advertisement you should have had sooner- but that I have some doubt about the policy of appearing so anxious for subscribers to the work. Any great desire for subscription always looks too like a diffidence in the attraction of the work to purchasers - however, if you think any object is to be gained by it you must know better than I, the effect of these things - only I have always perceived that when a book is well established in public favour there is never much anxiety shewn about subscribers - of all this, however, you are the best judge."

“Don't you think it would be right to say • Moore's Irish Melodies, over the Advertisement ? there are so many now." 44 1 have paid my rent this day - twenty pounds, which I


nursed up since I left London, and have at the same time, given six months' notice of quitting my cottage. So that you see I am determined to pass the winter with you” “Heartily, most heartily sorry am I that the die is cast, and that you are indeed become ' belligerent Powers,' instead of keeping to that ' Holy Alliance' which Nature meant between you. But there is no help for it now. What I write principally for is to beg that you -will bring a copy of Fitzsimon's second number with you." Four Letters, two 4to., two 8vo., 11th, 14th, 19th, and Monday Night, August, 1816
" I wish you would look at a house I see advertised, No. 2, in the street off Grosvenor Place, where Raymond lives, and let me know the terms, &c” “We expect Rogers here the day after to-morrow, and I am afraid he will insist upon my going on with him to the Lakes for two or three days” “Rogers has been with us for the greater part of last week, and it was with some difficulty and much regret on both sides that I got off going with him to the Lakes of Cumberland; but I could not spare the time, and besides Bessy is ordered for a week or a fortnight to Matlock or Buxton” “I wish you would send to Hone, the bookseller (in Fleet St., I believe, he who published something of Lord Byron's) for half a dozen copies of

' Lines on the Death of , from the Morning Chronicle/

They are mine, and I find from my friend Rogers, have made a great noise” “Tired as I am after an excursion to Dove-dale with our young friend Grierson. I have contrived to copy out my weekly task for you” “We go to Matlock for a few days on Wednesday."

Three Letters, two 4to. (one of two sides) one 8vo. (two sides),

2nd, 12th, and 29th September, 1816

“Matlock. With much difficulty I have got a pen and ink

to scrawl you a line, which I fear you will take for Stevenson's,

from the penmanship of it." lt This place is very pleasant, but


we shall leave it the day after to-morrow” “I send you the two I promised, I have a good many more verses to * Ladies eyes.' What is the real name of this Air?" [Fague a Ballagh - a phrase now applied to the 88th Regiment.'] Sends two verses :

“He was wandering from virtue, from peace, and from fame, Nor knew what he sunk to, so flowery the fall."

Four Letters, three 4 to. (one three and one two sides), one Svo. (three sides), 10th, 14th, 20th, and 30th October, 1816
" Derby." ft I have only time to say that here I am in the thick of the Music meeting, and (what is better) here is Sir John Stevenson too. He goes back with me to the Cottage on Friday or Saturday” “Sir John came with me here (Mayjield Cottage) on Saturday, and we have been at work ever since. We have done ' Silently Sleeps.' ■ This earth is the planet.' 'Hark the Vesper hymn.' 'Tell me not of Eden's bowers.' ■ The banquet is over ' - and I have written a few anonymous words for him to one of his own duetts." Enquiries respecting Sir John's son. " I never ceased courting Mrs. Robt. Arkwright at the Musical Festival on the subject of her Songs for you” “I open my letter to add, that we must likewise inflict upon you the trouble of going to Stevenson's Slaughter House in St. Martin's Lane to enquire if there are any letters for him." * I send you the following things which Stevenson has arranged within these few days. ' The banquet is over ' ' This earth is the planet.' " and eight more are named.
" Which three \last~\ (he bids me tell you), with the two above mentioned Sacred Melodies " [' Go forth to the Mount ' and 1 Weep Children of Israel' ("written by me and compared by him within this week ")], and the nineteen he sent you by Mr. Rawlins from Derby, make up his Number of twenty- four."
" Between ourselves, the worthy knight has brought a most troublesome house about my ears. His son has now been with us for a week, and unless you contrive to urge Sir John to


leave town, he is likely to continue as much longer, which will be such a tax on my time and patience as I really shall but very ill be able to bear. In addition to all this, the Lambarts have arrived [from Lord Talbot's in Staffordshire] to see young Stevenson to-night, and they dine with us to-morrow, and I should not at all wonder if they too took a fancy to their quarters and remained here till Stevenson's arrival - so pray do hurry him out of town, or I shall be ruined. I tell you all this in perfect confidence, but time is just now so precious to me, that some thing must be done to free me from these very inconsiderate visitors.' ,

One Letter, 4to. (three sides), 5th November, 1816

Sends Dedications of ' Oft in the Stilly night,* and other Songs done " during his \j$ir John Stevensori s~] last moments here " \_at Mayfield Cottage] to Miss Caroline Strutt, to Miss Isabella Strutt, and to Miss Selena Cooper. " His boat glee is to be inscribed to Miss Cooper/'

“When you are sending me down the Reviews ge Philipp's Garland for Sheridan, and let it come with them” “Stevenson has had the magnificence to make me a present - at least I think he means it so. You are to order for me next door to your house, four cravats of the same pattern he got there. One of them was spotted with a kind of rose-bud, and another with a little purplish spot. They were to be put down to his account/' Mr. Moore to Mrs. Power (during Mr. Power's absence in Dublin). Two letters, 4to. 2nd and 28th December, 1816
" I have had a letter from Mr. Power, and am delighted to find that the business between him and his brother is likely to be settled by arbitration."

Five letters, three 4to. (one of three, and one of four sides).

Thursday Night, Saturday Night, three undated, 1816

“Indeed, my chief reason for wishing to go to town was,

the thought that I might be instrumental in bringing you and

Stevenson to more amicable feelings towards each other." Copies


of "Almighty God, when round thy Shrine," published in the Sacred Songs, and " The Sale of Loves” “Only I know you are not a sarcastic fellow, at least to me, I should have suspected something of the kind lurking in the first sentence of your last letter, where you hoped that the ' recovery from the fatigues of my dinner parties (one of them about six weeks since) would enable me soon to send the Ballads I had promised.' You shall have the Ballads and myself along with them on Sunday next, and we shall I hope crack a bottle over the birth of the Sacred Songs before I leave you." With reference to Mr. Philip Crampton's words, for a duett by Sir John Stevenson, entitled " Peace," Mr. Moore writes - " As to what Stevenson says about the Duke of Dorset, the words are not so meant by any means. They allude (though certainly rather confusedly) to the Duchess's signing, with Lord Whitworth, the short peace of 1802."

One Letter, 4to. (two sides), 14 th January, 1816 Memoirs, No. 342. Three lines at the end omitted by his Lordship.

One Letter, 4to. 24th September, 1816

Memoirs, No. 359. One Letter, 8vo. (two sides), 1st October, 1816

Memoirs, No. 360.

Two lines in the body of the letter, with five after the signature omitted by his Lordship.

After the Melodies. u His [Sir John Stevenson' 's] letter (which is, to be sure, a unique) is inclosed” “Pray send the inclosed as soon as possible. Mrs. McMullins address you have somewhere in your books, it is Hercules Buildings, Lambeth, I think."

Three Letters, 4to. 2nd, 4th, and 22nd January, 1817

“I have just been suffering scarification over my left temple, and have lost between three and four ounces of blood for a


troublesome pain I had had for some time in my head, which the medical men both here [Derby] and at Ashbourne say has proceeded from too intense application” “The pain in my head returned again last night, and I suppose I must lose a good deal more blood - it is unfortunate I should be troubled with any thing in my head just now when I have such urgent demand for all its exertions."

Four Letters, two 4to. (one of two sides), two 8vo. February 8th, and 26th, 28th, and 31st March, 1817

“I have not yet looked at the proofs, but shall endeavour to send those you want for Stevenson immediately, and shall take the rest with me to town myself the week after next when I go to put my Poem \Lalla Rookh] to press, and take a house somewhere near London till it is published. I do not mean to carry up my live luggage till I have the house ready to put them in. I got the £5 quite safe, and it has kept the devil out of my pocket these few weeks past - but I am now obliged to draw, and I am sorry to say most of the sum goes to pay the Longmans what I lately extracted from them, till I see whether there is likely to be any evasion about the Terms of the Poem. If they hesitate you and I will print it ourselves."

“I feel quite sure you will not press me now (in the crisis of my fate) more than is absolutely necessary, nor oblige me to bring out the Number in a state I do not perfectly approve of. In addition to the feelings of kindness I know you have for me, it would evidently not be your own interest to do so, as if I fail in my great work I shall still have my fame in the lyrical way to retire upon; but, if I should so unluckily contrive it, as at the same time to fail in both, I am be-devilled, and you with me. You may depend, however, upon my doing every thing to have the Number out as soon after the Poem as possible, but I am the more anxious to have it good from looking upon it as a corps de reserve for my fame, in case the main attack is unsuccessful” “I have just given my tailor a draft for 5639 which he will present to-morrow."

Eight Letters, two 4to., five 8vo., one l2mo., 24th, and 26th April, 6th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 21st, and 31st May, 1817. One of two sides, dated "Hornsey," with a draft on Mrs. Branigan for j£20. (never presented).
" My money I left with Mrs. Branigan to take care of for me” “I have not been in town since I saw you except on Saturday last, when I went in to the Royal Academy dinner."
" I believe I am to be announced for the 22nd, so you may imagine what a bustle I am in” “About this dav week I hope to.see you in town and crack a bottle with you to Larry Rook and other Irish friends of ours” “Will you and Mrs. Power come out and dine with us to-morrow ? You know our hour (three o'clock), and the stage will take you back at seven," Six Letters, one 4to. four, 8vo., one 12mo. June - , 26th August, 10th, 18th, 19th, (56, Davies Street,) and 20th September, 1817
" I have received the Edinburgh Review, full of praises of Lalla Rookh. The one that first spoke slightingly (as I told you) has quite altered its tone, and there is in the Journal called * The Scotsman' a most flattering article” “We think Barbara a little better-” “Barbara has been this morning so ill that we felt seriously alarmed - however, the medical man says she is not worse” “All's over - my dear sir - we've lost our poor Barbara," &c. "You will find us here - where we are more retired (there being none of them in town) than we could be any where else. May I trouble you to lend us a couple of table and tea spoons and a couple of forks," &c. " May I ask you to have the inclosed put in the Morning Chronicle, Times, and Courier of Monday V Five Letters, three 4to., two 8vo. ,9th October, 15th, 24th, 27th, and 30th November, 1817. One with beautiful impression of the Poefs Seal, with Erin go bragh above the Irish Harp. Wishes Mr. Power to accompany Bessy " in the Coach down


to Sittingbourne, and look at a house there is there to be let ?"
" Stothard means to do the Willow over again, and, indeed,

promised to have it ready to-day. Rogers says the two other

drawings are the best he ever saw of even his favourite Stothard's, and wishes you would dispose of them to him, when the engravings are taken." Sends new words to " the Girl I left behind me” “I am gradually getting into some sort of comfort” “I shall try him again by Tuesday's post, when I shall send you the second verse of ' Wreath the Bowl' with the music. When we are settled, however, I think we shall be very comfortable the Green-house has been left in statu quo; 76

plants as per inventory." [Post mark, Devizes.]

Four Letters, one 4to., three Svo. (one of two sides), 3rd, 8th, 19th, and 29th December, 1817 {see Uth December, 1818)
" This note is the first I have written in my new study, which is I assure you very neat and comfortable. We were last night till very late getting the books into the shelves." Alluding to an air composed to " Tell me not," Moore writes, " I think it is the sort of thing Braham would like- if he will sing any thing of mine - and at all events you had better try him with it” “I am glad you agree to my decision about Stevenson, and hope it will all end as amicably as I wish- but would' nt it have been better of you to tell me you wanted my opinion in writing, as a document ? because that would have given me an opportunity of wording it with more care and strictness. As it is, there is nothing in what I wrote to you, I believe that is not exactly what I mean. But I certainly should like that, at the same time with my opinion of his want of punctuality, there should likewise stand upon record what I thought of your over-exactness, if you had held him down rigorously to the strict letter of his agreement. It is now, however, I hope in a fair way of being settled - but it is the ill-blood generated in these transactions on both sides, which always makes it so difficult to do anything with them” “I send you the little


Preface [to the National Airs] which I hope you will like. You will perceive, that I have made a pretty direct puff in it, and I rather think it will not be taken wrongly. If, however, it should appear to you too strong, it will be very easy to leave out the two last sentences altogether, and end with the words ' Hippocrene with its Song.' " [This passage did appear ', but is omitted by Mr. Moore in his Collected Works.] " The Edinburgh Article is come out, and considering that Jeffery had a hard card to play, having committed himself to the Public by such a sweeping condemnation of my poetry altogether, I have come off pretty well. Indeed the only thing he seems to complain of is my having too many beauties." Six Letters, two 4to., three 8vo., one irregular, Monday (two), Wednesday, Saturday, Saturday Night, and one undated 1817
"Oft in the stilly, &c, I shall take up with me." Parcel
" to be folded in strong paper and forwarded by the mail to Mr. Jeffery immediately” “Send the inclosed to Twiss, and get an answer if you can to it? I don't know his direction, and our places at the Theatre to-morrow night depend upon him” “I am obliged to go off to the Russell Square region to enquire about the Branigans, but I shall be with you at four o'clock, and join you over your pot -luck, if you'll let me."
" We have left our keys behind us in the bundle, and therefore shall be doomed to pass the night in a lock up house f if you do not send it to us by the bearer” “We shall have a fine life of it between him [Mr. William Power] and Carpenter."

One Letter, 8vo. 8th January, 181/ Memoirs, No. 362.

Three lines in the body and two at top omitted by his Lordship. " I send three Irish Melodies, and shall make a parcel of the Proofs as soon as I have the other two ready for you” “I must trouble you to pay the postage of the inclosed for me - it is for Venice."


One Letter, 4to. 18th January, 1817 Memoirs, No. 364.

[Memo, by Mr. Power] " Bank of England note for £5. dated Nov. 8, 1816, No. 4563." One Letter, 4to. Paris, 7th August, 1817 Memoirs, No. 379. P.S. omitted by his Lordship.
" Pray pay the inclosed for me." One Letter, 4to. 19 th November, 1817 Memoirs, No. 386.

Eight lines in the body omitted by his Lordship.
" I wish you would immediately on receiving this go to the Morning Chronicle office and alter my direction from Calne to Devizes. Write a little note also to Mr. Cruise, newsman, 72, Little Britain, and bid him direct my Examiner to Sloperton Cottage, Devizes. I should be glad also if you would any time you are passing by Murray's leave my proper address with him - any day will do for this, but pray mind about the others immediately, and bid Cruise send the Examiner off on Sundays" One Letter, 8vo. 20th December, 1817

Memoirs, No. 387. One Letter, 4to. 23rd December, 1817 Memoirs, No. 388. Eight lines omitted by his Lordship.

"As to the dedication, you know it was merely under consideration whether I should dedicate it to Lady Lansdowne - and I rather think it would look too ready with my homage to the noble neighbours, and that I shall not dedicate to any one."
" I find I omitted inclosing the notes of the worthy Father and Son - but they shall go in my next." Five Letters, four 4 to. (one of two sides), one 8vo. (unsigned, two sides), 5th, 12th, 21st, 27th, and 31st January, 1818
" The air of ' a Temple to Friendship' is a Waltz, but of


what country I don't know. You could easily find out by enquiring. It is in these things we miss poor Bennison. We are going on Monday to pass a day or two at my friend Bowler's, and I expect to make use of him in finding out for me some good sacred airs” “Lady Lansdowne has so won me over by her good nature to Bessy, that I mean after all to dedicate the book to her. I told her, however, she should have the Songs to look over, before she committed herself as Dedicatee." Mentions a long letter from Lady Flint about her compositions to Lalla Rookh. Corrections to "Dost thou remember," and
"Oh come to me” “I was surprised on Sunday by a letter from your brother's Attorney, giving me notice of my attendance being necessary in February at the trial of his action against you. This is sad work every way, and will be devilish inconvenient to myself - besides the real and deep regret I feel at the explosion between you. Lady Lansdowne is coming to call on Bessy this morning, when I mean to play the airs to her."
" We expect Mrs. Branigan down on a farewell visit some time soon. You know, I suppose, they are going to Jamaica for two years." Sends dedication to the Marchioness of Lansdowne.
"I am in great alarm about our Seventh Number [Irish Melodies'], in the first place T miss one in the set which you sent me, which I particularly wish to keep, that is', Shake the tears from thy harp, let the light of its Song.' In the next place I cannot reconcile myself to keeping ' When the cold earth lies over,' though they are some of my best words; but they go so cursedly ill to that tune. In the third place you have printed the two different sets of words I sent you for ' the Girl I left behind me' together. When I wrote the words beginning * Against the wind her foaming track,' I meant that the former ones beginning 'Tho' joy in every land may cheer,' should be entirely cancelled. For God sake look for * Shake the tear from thy harp,' as I tremble for the success of the Number unless we make it much better than it” “When vou are


advertising the National Melodies, do not put f dedicated to, &c* as it always looks puffy and vulgar."

Three Letters, 4 to. (two of two sides). 6th, 21st, and 28th February, 1818 With reference to numerous cancels Mr. Moore writes,
" You may easily suppose it would be much less trouble to me to let it go out as it is without racking my brains to improve it; but my anxiety for the reputation of the work is predominant over every other feeling” “Let me have Philipp's second letter to the Edinburgh Review published by Hone” “What Stevenson now proposes," &c. (he being much in want of money),
&c. u it will give great pleasure to hear that the matter is finally settled, as we have had God knows enough of wrangling - enough to disgust me almost with what has hitherto been the pleasantest pursuit of my life, and to incline me very much to give it up altogether." rt Wishing success to whatever side right is upon, and trusting," &c. " A letter which I received yesterday induces me (though it was my intention not to agitate this matter till after our approaching settlement) to ask you whether it is truly and sincerely your wish to renew the agreement that has been between us, on the same terms and for the same time. I have no other object in asking this question than merely that it may enable me to answer more satisfactorily rather an important suggestion that has just been made to me by a friend of mine- therefore if you think your answering it would commit you, in any respect, further than you wish, the matter is not so urgent but that I can wait your own time with patience - particularly, as it is not my intention to decide upon any thing till after the settlement of my present account with you. Whatever may be your determination or my own I trust nothing wi 1 ever disturb the friendly intercourse between us so long. You will always find me ready to acknowledge with gratitude, the liberality, promptitude, and friendliness of your dealings with me. As to your transactions


with your brother, that is another concern, and I have seen much on both sides to lament and disapprove of. But with respect to your conduct to me, I am glad to have an opportunity of thus putting upon record, that up to this moment (with the single exception of your a/^er-thought of a deduction from my annuity - (a circumstance which I myself do not see in half so unfavourable a light as some of my friends), I have experienced nothing from you but the most ready liberality, the most kind attentions and the most considerate toleration of my irregularity and delays. This is the language, altogether, which I hold to every one, in speaking of your conduct to me, and I trust I never shall have reason to recall a single word of it."

Six Letters, four 4to., two 8vo., 4th, 9th, 13th, 24th, 28th and 30th March, 1818
" I am sadly vexed to find Stevenson has not written the new accompaniment to the single voice (it will not require any alteration as harmonized) of ' Wreath the Bowl.' He promised me most faithfully he would, and it was only on that promise that I let him off the evening we looked over them together” “Why don't you announce the National Melodiesin the Newspapers. Is this the name you have determined on ? I should rather have preferred (what I believe I called them at first)', Airs of all Countries,' or something perhaps shorter than this - but I suppose the title's engraving. Do you see a new book by Thomas Brown announced in the Papers ? What a dreadful account of your Strand Fire !'' " Returns proofs of 7th Number Irish Melodies, except * They may rail at this life/ for which I must have another second verse, if I can possibly hit upon one to please me, and many is the attempt I have made. - It will, I believe, be a pretty Number after all - The words are certainly as good as any. Luck attend it and all you undertake is sincerely the wish of yours, &c” “It would be a great ease to my mind to leave out ' They may


rail at this life,' but it will be such a gem in the Number, if I can finish it properly, that I will certainly not indulge my idleness by rejecting it” “After many attempts (so many as would surprise you) I have found that my first idea of the second verse for ' They may rail at this life' was much better than I have since been able to strike out, and accordingly with some alteration in the four last lines, it is to stand pretty much as it was before.- Has the Arbitrator made his award? I have been anxious, but almost fearful to ask about it."

Five Letters, three 4 to., two 8vo., 12th, 14th, 16th, 19th and 25th May, 1818
" It has occurred to me since I came down that we must have a Preface to the 7th Number, and it is odd neither of us thought of it before. You shall have it in a day or two. I have got a most valuable correspondent and contributor for our future Melodies - a Mr. Croker, near Cork, who has just sent me thirty-four Airs, and a very pretty drawing of a celebrated spot in his neighbourhood. He promises me various traditions too, and sketches of the scenery connected with them. All which will be of the greatest service to us” “I shall set out for Ireland on Monday." - " What an extraordinary decision this is ! I cannot understand it, tho' I own I feared all along something unfavourable to you. My only hesitation as to a future agreement between you and me is the fear that with all these burdens on you, you will not be equal to it. One thing I can promise you and that is, that your brother shall never have anything to do with me. - Keep up your spirits, my dear Sir. Nothing is got by drooping, and with exertion you may retrieve all yet” “I am delighted to hear you are making up your mind so heroically." Manchester - Saturday, " I will attend to what you say about Stevenson. I hope to be in Dublin on Tuesday."

Two Letters, one 4 to., one 8vo., 23rd and 26th June, 1818



“What is to be done about the Sacred Songs ? Stevenson was very ill when I was in Dublin, and I had no time to speak to him, but your brother told me he is determined not to arrange them. Dalton however seemed to think he ought as a private matter between him and me, and I intend to try whether he will not” “Didn't I say that ' They may rail at this life' was to be set half a note lower? It can't be helped now, I suppose."
• " You have not I suppose seen a full account of my dinner, as it appeared in the Irish papers - and I have not one to spare to send you” “The Longmans' have behaved with uncommon generosity to me about the Fudges- they have added two hundred pounds to my share of the profits from their own, which is a thing of course I never could have dreamt of."

Four Letters, three 4to., one 8vo., 7th, 12th, 16th, and 24th July, 1818
" Your brother has kept so close to the wind with me, that I feel not the least overflowings of generosity towards him, and therefore should wish him to have no more than according to the most rigid interpretation of the deed, he is entitled to. With you I trust I shall have other opportunities (after we have entirely settled this affair) of shewing what I feel. I congratulate you on the spirit that has been shewn in so many of the Elections” “Mr. Rogers will send some papers to your house for me, which you will take great care of (as they are Sheridan's MS.)” “ I wish you to get a plate engraved for me, at some Stationer's near you, for a paper to paste in the front of my books with my name and crest. I dare say you have seen what I mean. Only don't let them make the Black's face too like me ! Tell them it is the crest of the Drogheda Arms (a black's head out of a Coronet), and perhaps they will be able to put it in some more tasteful form than the above, by enclosing it in a garter or some such way; - but pray get it done as soon as you can, and have a thousand struck off for


me." w The motto in the garter ought, I suppose, to be that of the arms, which is


Let them not make any mistake in the words. The Coronet maybe in or not."

"In your various characters of Bill Accepter, Fish-Agent,
&c. &c. I keep you always fully employed. I now want you to dispatch me, by to-morrow night's coach, a good dish of fish for Saturday's dinner. Lord Lansdowne comes to eat a family dinner with us, and a Lord's family dinner is a poet's best one you know” “You perceive we have got rid of our large bill
- all by the Fudges. I do not owe the Longmans' a farthing. I shall however in the course of a few days make use of your name for a small shot of forty pounds or so."

Three Letters, 4 to., 14th, 18th, and 28th August, 1818

“I am full of grief and dismay, as usual, at the prospect of interminable war between you and your brother, and I am seriously afraid it will have the effect of preventing any satisfactory arrangement between you and me, for I am sure to be hooked, some way or other, into the conflict, if I continue connected with either party” “I think of going in a few days to Leamington Spa for the purpose of having an interview with Mrs. Lefanu, the only surviving sister of Sheridan” “On my return I found your letter with the account of poor Mr. Cooper's death, and 1 have since had one from his son on the same subject. It appears to me to have been very like murder altogether. I inclose you a letter I have had from Stevenson, which you will see leaves us in the lurch altogether as to our arrangements. I really do not know what is to be done. I detest the idea of giving my things into the hands of any one else, and yet in justice to your claim upon them, they must be put into a finished state by some one” “Pray pay Lord Byron's letter for me."

F 2


Six Letters, five 4to., one 8vo., 3rd and 30th September, 2nd, 5th, 12th, and 31st October, 1818

“I have promised to go for two days to Sir Francis Burdett's, and as his house is on the way to town, my intention at present is (if it will not delay your business too much) to go to him on Monday next, stay over Tuesday, and be in town on Wednesday night." With reference to Sir John Stevenson, Mr. Moore says that he conceived that Mr. Power had performed his part of what he had decided between them, in accepting Sir John's draft, " and that he alone appeared to me to have failed in not giving those things he had agreed for. I shall now I think tell him that as I perceive I cannot depend upon his steadiness for fulfilling punctually what I determine, I shall leave him to his other advisers” “I write to you now about a most important affair - no less than a turtle of 120 lbs. weight, which Branigan has, it appears, consigned to you for me. I shall be much obliged by your receiving the illustrious stranger with all due attention, and forwarding him in as good health and spirits as possible to Sloperton. I mean him as a present to my neighbour the Marquis, who is much better able to entertain such an expensive guest than I am” “I hope this reformation in his [Sir John Stevenson s] ideas will be the means of restoring peace between you” “I grieve to hear that the Foreigner we expected has died upon his passage, and am sorry you have had so much trouble about him, but I forgot to mention to you that this Captain is also the bearer (or ought to be) of a shawl for Bessy and a small parcel for me. These can't have died on the passage also, and are worth inquiring about."
" You see Perry has puffed us well, and Hunt has promised an Article on the subject; but I wish you would call at the Morning Chronicle office with the correction's I have written at the other side. How could they make such a precious blunder?" *' I find that Wilkie and Murray are coming down to me about


rny Sheridan work. If you and the Longmans were to join the party I should be finely beset !"

Four Letters, 4to. (one of two sides), 11th December, 1817, (the first referring to arbitration with Stevenson, placed out of date by mistake), 14th November, llth and 22nd December, 1818

"I suppose you find the 7th Number [Irish Melodies'] rather slow in its circulation, from the dull season it was brought out in, but I trust it will be a thriving winter vegetable for you."
" There is nothing in the world more easy to be understood than the decision I proposed, and you have shewed over and over in conversation with me that you did understand it. However, here it is again. That Stevenson should make up his number of twenty-four each year from the commencement of your agreement to the end, and that you should pay him the full amount of the stipulated annuity. My arguments to induce you to sacrifice the contested points (viz. his irregularity in the time of giving these things, &c.) I shall not repeat; because if they were good for anything you remember them, and I thought indeed you were convinced by them. I perceive, however, the whole affair is as unsettled as ever, and I shall therefore hopelessly resign my office as arbitrator. What I mean by saying,"
&c. " I am sorry we did not come to some more explicit understanding about our future connection when I was in town, as there are many circumstances about which I am puzzled how to act. I have found it necessary to make use of your name for a bill at two months, having got rid of all my money in , leaving myself (thank God) without a single serious debt on my shoulders. I have written to Stevenson to say that I completely and finally wash my hands of all future concern in the differences between him and you. I also have entreated him to let me know decisively what he means to do with respect to the pieces that yet remain to be arranged for the Sacred Melodies,

as if he will not do them off hand for me, I must get somebody else."

Three Letters and Advertisement to the National Melodies,

(with the omitted passage, termed by Moore " a

pretty direct puff" three 4to., one 8vo. Wednesday,

Epping Forest, Wednesday - Saturday, Pater-Noster row,


u It is not indeed, without strong hopes of success that I

present this First Number of our Miscellany to the Public. As

the Music is not my own, and the words are little more than

unpretending interpreters of the sentiments of such Airs, it will

not perhaps be thought presumption in me to say I consider it

one of the simplest and prettiest collections of Songs to which I

have ever set my name." - T. M.

“I suppose it is too late to object - but I do not like the Magdalen at all [by Westall]. There is not sufficient beauty in the face, and the drawing is bad” “I am better pleased with the set since I wrote last, and if Stevenson will attend to my remarks, he may improve his symphonies, &c. without much alteration. What I wished very much was to get something like ' Sound the loud Timbrel.' ” “ Arrived this morning and went instantly to a Proctor; who has given me some comfort
- my case is not so immediately desperate as I feared. I should have been with you afterwards, but the rain has made me prefer close quarters here, where I dine." [Pater-noster Row~\.

Mr. Moore to Mr. Power, and Mr. John Power, five Letters, one folio, three 4 to. one 8vo. (of three sides), undated.
" Tuesday morning. I am not very well, and am going to my Father's to dinner” “The letter to Sir James Cockburn must be put in to-morrow” “Will you, when you are sending any thing to me, find a little book called ' the adopted Daughter/ for Statia, and let me have it. It is written by a Miss Sandham." Second verse of "A Temple to Friendship," [for National Melodies, after which Stothard made his drawing


engraved in that work]. " The two last lines may form the subject - the figures to be the sculptor and the maiden carrying off a statue of Cupid, while an image of Friendship stands neglected on the floor” “I am sorry that I gave you the annoyance of sending the seventh Number to Stevenson (for it could have been easily avoided), but, indeed, where there is so much disagreeable entanglement, I find it is impossible to stir a step without annoying some of you. As to keeping the proofs, that may be my fault also," &c. " I long to hear what was your set-off against your brother's charge on Carpenter's business. That was (to say the least of it) unlucky. I did not hear Maiden's evidence, but Carpenter told me that, if he were upon oath, he could not rate what he gave you in at less than seventy pounds. I was very anxious to hear your own statement of this."

One Letter, 4 to. 6th April, 1818.

Memoirs, No. 392.

The last line, omitted by his Lordship. " You saw but one thing of mine in the Chronicle." One Letter, 4to. 16th June, 1818.

Memoirs, No. 396.

Twenty-four lines in the body of the letter omitted by his Lordship. " I have had a sad mishap on my way home, which I want you to set about remedying for me as immediately as possible. I have exchanged portmanteaus with some one on the road- a Mr. James Rogerson, as the brass plate on his portmanteau shews. My name is also luckily on mine, so that I should suppose we shall have but little difficulty in restoring our property to each other. What I want you to do is to go immediately to the Bull and Mouth Inn (which is the place, I believe, where the Shrewsbury Mail puts up), and ask there whether a gentleman who arrived in the Mail from Shrewsbury yesterday morning had said anything about a mistake in his portmanteau, or had left his address there. I left Shrewsbury


in this Mail and quitted it at Birmingham, where I rather think the exchange took place. His portmanteau shall be forwarded to him the moment I hear that mine is safe. There are some papers of great consequence in mine, besides the whole of my wardrobe, which makes me of course very anxious about it. Pray, lose no time about this. I send you on the other side a draft upon the Longmans for the twenty pounds, which you have to pay my landlady on the 18th. Tour brother borrowed from Ellen her copy of the National Airs, and, I suppose, instantly set to work upon them, as she had not got them back when I left Dublin. He says he can play the deuce with you for publishing before him - is it so V

Three Letters, two 4 to., one 12mo., 7th, 16th, 21st January, 1819.
" I inclose some Music to go to Birchall's, and a list of things I want from him. Do you think it will be too remarkable ordering so many National Collections •?” “The Quarterly Review is very favourable indeed” “I write to you now merely because I promised to do so - not that I have anything particular to say about the papers For your brother's extraordinary estimate upon which the extraordinary affidavits were forwarded you had already shewn me in town. There is one item, indeed, which (if I could agitate it) will give me some trouble, and that is the 56100 for your half the Irish Miscellany, with which your brother has already charged me, and which I am sorry to say, he has been paid. 1 should like to have your advice how I ought to proceed with him on this point, as if I could get off paying the sum twice over) without, however, going to law about it), it would be at least so much saved out of the fire. If you and I are to have another agreement together, I should be glad it was regularly and finally arranged, as it would not only enable me to give a decisive answer to enquiries on the subject, but would set my mind at rest with respect to the tasks and pursuits that are before me.


I have had no answer from Stevenson to my serious representations about the Sacred Songs. I know not therefore what to do - to chuse another arranger would be, I perceive, a break up for ever - and yet the work must come out” “If you want filling up your portmanteau (not otherwise), you may send to Lanman the Taylor, at the top of St. James's St., not far from the York Hotel, for my Kilkenny coat, which he had to alter."

Four Letters, two 4to., two 8vo., (one of two sides), 26th February, 16th, 18th, and 25th March, 1819.
" My Tom Crib (upon which you must be very silent, as I have gone to the trouble of having the MS. copied before it goes to the Printer, in order to enable me to deny it stoutly) is nearly ready, and I am yours for the remainder of the year."
" I send you four Sacred Songs, all (I think) good ones” “I have just had a letter from your brother, telling me that he is about to open a house in London, and modestly asking me to give him the preference in the publication of some of my works! I mean to write a last strong letter to Stevenson about this number of Sacred Melodies. I heard yesterday from Longmans that the first Edition of Crib (2000 copies) is nearly sold already, and they have worked off 2000 more. This is spanking work. I hardly expected any sale for it. Mrs. Power will be glad to see that I never mean to touch H. R. H. again."
"I am going to the Harmonic at Bath on Friday” “I tried something for the St. Patrick's, because you seemed to wish it
- but I could not please myself, and it is, I assure you, no loss
- for there is nothing less respectable than writing Songs for these occasions, to be roared out by such fellows as Webbe and Broadhurst. My Stewardship will cost me, I dare say, ten guineas." Requests Mr. Power to send this ten guineas for him to Mr. Tegart, Pall Mall. " Mind, you deny Crib stoutly for me. I told the Longmans it would have been better to get some inferior bookseller to publish it; but they had stronger hopes from it than I fear will be realized."


Four Letters, 4to., 7th, 15th, 25th, and 26th April, 1819.

“I forgot to tell you that I have written to Corry to call upon your brother and pay him the £20 which you know remained of our account, getting at the same time a receipt in fall from him, which I shall be most happy to possess, and have done with him for ever” “Did I tell you of the splendid reception I met with at the Harmonic in Bath ? my health drank, with a nourishing speech from one of the Stewards, and three times three. My songs encored over and over, &c. &c. It was indeed very flattering” “I send you two Nationals and the Song from Croker's book, which I thought you had taken away when last here” “I have done a Sacred Song that I think beats ' Sound the loud Timbrel,' in the same style. Its title is ' War against Babylon.' " We shall be most happy to see you at the time appointed. I want your services in the Fish line for Friday, as I find I must give a clearing dinner before I go to town - so by Thursday's coach, pray do not forget to send me a good dish of Salmon, with S?nelts to garnish (if there are any), and a lobster or two. If you could be down by Friday yourselves you would not be less welcome than the fish to us and our guests." Family arrangements, &c.

Three Letters, 4to. 5 6th May, 16th and 25th June, 1819

Directions about il a light smart hat" from Bicknell's. " I am glad to see that two of our Pieces are performed at the Covent Garden Oratorios. But why don't you make them announce ■ Hark the Vesper Hymn,' as from Moore's National Melodies?” “I was sorry I had not another peep at you before I left that racketting town of yours. The quiet I have plunged into here is just as much in the other extreme, and almost as disagreeable” “I have sent off all my worldly wealth to Bessy [Mrs. Moore had gone to Edinburgh, to attend her Sister's Marriage with Mr. William Henry Murray, of the Theatre Royal Edinburgh, which was solemnized on the \9th July, 1819], to enable her to come home, and should


have been myself upon the Parish or upon you, if it were not for the God-send to which the inclosed refers, which Branigan has sent wherewith to buy some things for his little girl."

Two Letters, 4to. (one of three sides), 22nd and 2Sth July, 1819

“I have some very gratifying accounts to give you of the kind offers that have been made to me - even by some of my great friends."

“The persons I alluded to in my last letter were, in the first place, Lord Lansdowne, who wrote immediately to me on seeing the statement in the Newspapers, offering to become security for me to the amount of the claims, or to do any thing else that might be of service. Lord Tavistock, too, wrote down to his brother Lord John (who is at Bowood), bidding him enquire whether any thing had been done or was doing for me, and adding these words - ' I am very poor, but I have always had such a strong admiration of Moore's independence of mind, that I would willingly sacrifice something to be of use to him.' Lord John himself had already begged me to accept the copyright of a book he has just published, as his mite towards my extrication. In short, never was any thing more gratifying than the zeal every body shews about me. I have just heard from Dublin, that the Bishop of Kildare (whom I do not know, even by sight) offered to put down £50 himself towards a subscription." Pecuniary arrangements - "The Longmans I must keep entirely for my great effort, so that in the mean time I shall be quite adrift for the means of subsistence, travelling, &c. unless I can raise the wind by the assistance of you or Murray. Him I have not tried yet, &c." To Mr. Power Mr. Moore apologises for " thus pressing and ' spurring so free a horse ' as I have always found you” “I suppose you saw the paltry paragraph extracted from that fellow Fitzsimon's paper - 'the talented friend' of Lord Donoughmore.' "


Three Letters, two 4to., one 8vo., 3rd, 4th, and 18th August,

1819 A Commission for "our neighbours the Phipps's - to send down directed to me, by Thursday's Coach, four good lobsters, 200 prawns, and three German Sausages. They are to have a rural pic-nic on Friday, and this supply is for the occasion."
" Many, many thanks for your kind exertions to assist me. There could not be any thing, just at this moment, more convenient, or more full of relief to my little difficulties, than your having discharged this last Bill. You see I have attended to the hint at the end of your letter (which was according to the good old mode of the Commons of England in tacking grievances to a Money Bill), and have sent three Nationals, which, I think, will all do - at least in the company of their betters,"
&c. " I send back the Sausages, which are pronounced to be very bad. You will make the best exchange of them for better that you can. The lobsters and prawns were excellent." Letter transmitting one of them. Three Letters, 4to. (one of

two sides), 23rd October, (7th) and 11th November,

1819 Florence. " The fact is, I have met with nothing in our way since I came to Italy, and they may talk as they will of the music one hears in this Country, I can only say, that (except an hostler singing * Bi tanti palpiti ' in the Stable Yard the other night) I have not heard a sound of any thing like popular music since I came." Rome. " I hope to be in England about this day month” “I send as accurate a description of the times of the Airs [intended for 2nd Number of National Melodies'] (which it is a great pity we did not think of that evening we revised the whole) as I can possibly make out from a recollection of their characters here; and, as I observe you are one short of the number, you must only put in * How happy once ' as a Swedish Air, and turn my other Air into a ' Moorish ' one."


Three Letters, 4to. (one of three sides with Musical Notation), 13th, 16th, and 31st December, 1819
" Just arrived in Paris, safe and sound” “I am ready to set about any and every work you may have for me to do. I find I must not come to England. The Longmans have written to me that it is the opinion of all my friends I should by no means think of crossing the water” “I have only time (from Chantrey going so much sooner than I expected) to write out the first verse of the Song I promised." [Name spelled Chauntry.'] " 30, Rue Chanteraine. You will perceive there is an alteration in the first verse" ['When thou shalt wander by that sweet light,' - sends the two verses]. " I had better write out these words with the music on the other side” “After all this is a better place to pick up music in than Italy."

Three Letters, 4to. (one of two sides), 29th January, 8th and 28th February, 1820
" I have been in a most wretched state of distraction and ancomfort here. Indeed it is the first time since I married that my home has been uncomfortable; for being thrown upon external supplies for our dinner, &c. and contriving that but ill and expensively (from Bessy's powers of management being completely nullified by her ignorance of the language), and being in the midst of the bustle of a Metropolis, struggling against its distractions and its expenses without success, my mind I assure you has been kept in a continued state of fever, which was not a little increased by the Longmans having pledged me to the public for a work of which there are not # hundred lines written, and the proceeds of which, you may well believe, are essentially necessary to my existence at present. However, all this is, I trust, now at an end. I have been lucky enough to find a Cottage, just such as you know I like for a workshop, within fifteen minutes walk of Paris (indeed hardly out of it), to which we take ourselves on Monday next, and out of which I shall seldom stir till I have brought up my arrears in


all directions, to you as well as to others. My address now is, No. 11, Allee des Veuves, "Champs Elysees” “Life swarms with ills for us all, but they are made much worse by yielding to them - therefore, courage ! and hope for better days."

"You may depend upon having all the third Number [National Melodies'] before the end of June” “I doubt whether the Irish Melodies would be practicable if I stay in Paris. I promise you, however, before the end of the year, a sort of Musical Tour, made up of Songs and Poems, which I think I shall make something catching of. As to any thing about the King for the Oratorio, my heart would not go along with it. Such things always do me more harm than good, and I have never ceased to regret the Song I threw away in the same manner on the Duke of Wellington." Four Letters, three 4to., one 8vo., 7th April, 3rd, 19th, 27th June, 1820
"Fudge Family in Italy, which is not to appear." The Longmans have been as liberal and considerate under this disappointment as they are indeed in every matter in which I am concerned with them. I should like (if you have no objection) to apply the materials which I have for the 3rd Number [National Melodies] to my little Musical Tour” “Pray tell Mr. Croker that I am delighted with his excellent ideas of subjects for the Irish Melodies, and that I will answer his letter in a very few days” “I find your brother is about to publish the words of all the Irish Melodies, and that Mr. Sullivan (who is here and informed me of the circumstance) is to write a preface. Mr. Sullivan, by the bye, tells me also that the reason of the compromise between you and Sir John is the discovery of some receipts which were supposed to have been lost by Stevenson, and which enabled him to prove some parts of his case against you more strongly than before. Is this true?” “ I suppose you were somewhat alarmed about ns from the exaggerated accounts of the "Riots here [Paris] that reached London. All


is now perfectly quiet” “I sent you three songs by Lady Davy, and you have here two more," &c. " My book, after all, is not to come out. You shall know why when I write again.''

One Letter, 4 th July, 1820

“The subjects I send you now are both good for designs, there are many more verses to ' Who'll buy my love-knots,' but the two first would afford an excellent subject to Stothard” “I shall give all the assistance in my power towards the publication of the words of my Melodies, &c. and by having the work set up here, which can be done for eight or ten pounds, the delay and trouble of sending proofs backwards and forwards may be avoided. I shall also write a short preface for you. We have come on a visit to some friends at Sevres (about 5 or 6 miles from Paris), who have purchased a beautiful place here, and lent us a cottage in their grounds. I shall stay in it as long as I can, for it is perfectly quiet, and surrounded with delicious scenery, and (tho' last, not least) free of much expense."

Eight Letters, one folio, five 4to., two 8vo. (one of two sides), 12th July, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 18th, 21st, 28th, 31st August, 1820 La Butte. " I send you three more Songs, which will make up the number of twelve National Melodies. I shall continue at intervals sending you more, in order that we may choose the best, and shall do my best in order to get up a number of Irish Melodies for you at the time you mention. But I shall want Bunting sent over to me : do not, however, send it till you hear further on the subject from me” “I am at present living at but little expense, being on a visit to some friends, with whom I dare say we shall stay for two months longer” “As soon as I receive the Irish Airs I shall set lustily about the 8th Number, and in the meantime I hope to send you two very pretty Nationals which I have lately got."
" I send you a National Melody and an Irish one, which I hope you will like, though you have become so cautious in expressing


your opinion of what I send, that it is a very long time since I had the satisfaction of knowing whether you approved of them or not. I shall go on now as industriously as my materials will let me with the Eighth Number, though I must say that the difficulty of squeezing it out in this hurried way is such as, under any other circumstances, or for any one else, not six times the sum I am to get for it would induce me to undertake, and I think you know me well enough to be aware that this is no idle flourish."
" The advertisement had better run thus." [Of the Eighth Number of the Irish Melodies being nearly ready for press, and the preparation of the letter-press of the whole work in a Volume, tvith illustrations']. " I send you two Irish Melodies and a National one, which I think you'll own is very industrious."

Three Letters, 8vo., 3rd, 10th, and 28th September, 1820

“I have done one more Irish Melody since I wrote, and if I am lucky in my operations, hope to be able to send you three more by my next dispatch, which will complete the half of our Number” “I have been lucky enough to achieve the three Irish Melodies in the time I said, which now gives us half our Number, and they are all such as may stand. The other Bunting will be a great reinforcement to us, as I think I have exhausted my present forces. The weather is again delightful, and we are still in our beautiful abode at Sevres” “I send you three more Irish Melodies. I hope you will admire my poetical description of the Poiteen [Drink of this cup.'] It strikes me that this number will be, contrary to my first expectations, a very good one. I have received the Bunting by Ellis."* Seven Letters, four 4 to. (one of two sides), two 8vo. (one of

two sides), one 12mo. (two sides), 5th, 9th, 10th,

26th, and 31st October, 1820
" Mrs. Moore bids me tell you (what she knows you will be

* William Henry Ellis, Esq., an Irish Barrister.


glad to hear) that her sisfer has just been confined, and is the mother of a little boy." « c I send you our tenth Melodv. I shall be delighted to do something on the subject of O'Donohue and his White Horse, but I have not by me the extracts which Mr. Croker gave me relating to it. If he should not be in London to furnish you with them, pray get Weld's Book on Killarney, in which I believe the details may be found, and get them copied out for me immediately. I have an air which I think would suit the subject/' " By last post I sent you an Irish Melody. I am now searching anxiously for an air, at once spirited and melancholy, to which I may write some words allusive to Grattan. Our National work ought not to terminate without some remembrance of him. This and the Song upon Donohue will make the twelve. The materials of the latter I look to you for” “I am getting on with my verses on Grattan, for which I have been lucky enough to find a suitable air. They will I flatter myself be no small ornament to outnumber. I forgot to say that I think Mr. Croker's design for the Title very tasteful and elegant, and that I have no


change whatever to suggest in it” “I have copied out the lines upon Grattan for you, but had not room for the last verse. I shall send it to you however with the Music, by the next opportunity; and hope to have the Song upon Donohue for you in the course of next week." Proposes writing verses for a work the Music to be selected from Blangini's Notturnes.
" I send you the remaining verses of the Donohue Song. Tell Mr. Croker that he may put the young girl into his drawing, standing beside the Lake and looking at the visionary chieftain in the distance. I intend to say that one of the traditions about Donohue is a girl having gone wild and thrown herself into the Lake for love of him. You shall have Blangini the next thing. I have not been very well this week past, and rather think that the anxious struggle I am for ever kept in between the importunities of society and the effort to be busy is beginning to shew itself in the state of my nerves and general health. Do you know that Lord John Russell has dedicated the second edition of his last book to me, and signed himself my
• attached friend.' This is truly flattering."

Three Letters, one 4to., two 8vo. (one of two sides), 6th, 13th, and 20th November, 1820
• I have been obliged to tell Murray and Wilkie fairly, that I cannot finish the Life of Sheridan satisfactorily to myself while I stay here, and that therefore they must draw upon me for the sum which they have advanced upon it. This is very magnificent of me, but how I am to manage the magnificence is yet in the clouds” “I send you the first verse of my song on Donohue [Of all the fair Months']. You had better have a sketch made from this subject, representing the Lake of Killarney and a number of spirits both male and female, gliding over it, strewing flowers around them, while a warrior on a white horse is seen in a sort of indistinct, visionary way at a distance on the water- Consult Mr. Croker about it. By my next you shall have the Music of the Grattan Soug, and per-


haps the remaining verses of Donohue, but you can proceed with the Sketch on the description I have given."* " There is going to be a grand dinner and ball here in commemoration of Lord Liverpool's discomfiture."

Four Letters, 8vo. (one of two sides), 3rd, 14th, 18th, and 21st December, 1820
" My distractions here, in the way of visitors, &c. increase upon me so as to derange very much my progress in writing. You come off best of any of my employers, because it is that kind of work which can be done at fits and starts, but the great task (to which I look for a sweeping sum to meet my Bermuda compromise stands still), and unless I can find some quieter situation when my time in this house is expired, I don't know what is to become of me. Yesterday Lord John Russell and Lord Charlemont dined with us. Paris swarms with my friends and acquaintances” “That paragraph in the Courier was false. I had nothing to do with the proposal for a Public Dinner that was in the Reading Rooms."

Eight Letters, four 4to., four 8vo., 1st, 8th, 11th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 25th, and 27th January, 1821 Refers to "an accident which (though of no great consequence) has confined me to my bed for these three days past, and may probably for a few days longer” “The tumour has been lanced, and I have to day got to my sopha” “I have been busy sending off recommendations for a man [Quere ? Sheridan's brother-in-law} who is candidate for an office at Dulwich, and wrote to me to use my influence for him." (i I still feel a little weak after my confinement” “I have just received an invitation to dine with the Duke of Orleans tomorrow” “Tell Mr. Croker that I thank him very much for his remarks. He is right as to ' again', it having been put by

* A Drawing in Sepia of this subject was made by Mr. Martin, but it has never been engraved, and remains in Mr. Power's family.

G 2


mistake instead of ' once more,' and you will have the goodness to have the latter words inserted in place of ' again' The other passage he has remarked is no mistake, but quite as I intended it. It may be possibly, however, obscure to others as well as to him, and, therefore, had better be put thus ' howe'er the world may shake It's inmost core/ You will see that this is carefully done/'*

* See, the Song of " Thee, thee, only thee," in the Irish Melodies, where this passage now stands-

“howe'er the world may wake Its grief, its scorn," -

The Air Staca an Mharaga (the Market Stake), to which Mr. Moore's words are adapted, was popular in Ireland as a Jacobite Song - and Mr. Crofton Croker appears to have sent the Music of it to Mr. Power, with a humourous letter informing him that Lord Byron's Hebrew Melodies having proved to be " out and out failures," his Lordship was trying his hand upon some Irish Songs, and had " written the following verses to a tune made by an old blind Irish bagpiper named HefFernan," whom he had engaged on the joint recommendation of Sir John Stevenson and Mr. Bunting to be his travelling accompanyment in Greece. Mr. Power sent on this letter to Mr. Moore, and the use made of it by Moore is perhaps the most extraordinary instance of the beauty of parody in existence -

Scene - The Cidee Cellar. Time, from seven in the evening till four in the morning. Harmonized for the solemn voices of four Irish Law Students.

The closing of day - the candle's blinking, The morning's dawn - still finds me drinking Of gin - gin, only gin.*

* Ginnestan is the name given in Persia to an ideal intoxicating region inhabited by Jins or Demons (e^")> and as clearly demonstrates the affinity of the Erin of the West with the Iran of the East, as the Sunny Persian Shamrack connects itself with the Shamrock of " The Emerald Isle."


Five Letters, one folio, four 4to., 9th, 12th, 14th, 15th, and 19th February, 1821
"I have written to Stevenson by this clay's post to say how surprised," &c. " We are to have a great dinner here on Patrick's day. I am to be in the Chair, and either Lord Miltown, o r Lord Charlemont to be my Vice” “I believe I told you in a letter some time ago, of my being introduced to Mr. Canning at his own request. I dined with him again on Friday last." [This letter received on the \4th February, is dated Jan. 8, 1821.]
" I wish, when you have an opportunity, you would send me copies (handsomely bound) of the two Numbers of National Melodies for Mademoiselle the Duke of Orlean's sister."

When friends are met, and plates are laid,

And supper-time is fast approaching, Uncheer'd by all the board's parade,

My soul like tapster dreams of broaching The gin - gin, only gin. Whatever in art might wake the palate To suppers, gout, there's no such sallad

As gin - gin, only gin. Like spice, by which some cook fran<jois

To simple dish can give a relish; Sermons and suppers, grave or gay, Are swallowed down in places Hellish, For gin- gin, only gin. I have not a thought, but of thy waking, And pain is half forgot when taking Sweet gin - gin, only gin. Like Venice glass that topers break, *

When lips have quaff' d the Wine within it; This heart, as any glass is weak,

And breaks in just as brief a minute For gin - gin, only gin.

* In Italy, after drinking a patriotic toast, it was customary to dash the glass upon the ground, in order that it should not be profaned by other lips. In Ireland the custom of throwing empty bottles at one another's heads is not unusual, and by a duck or luck they are sometimes broken against the wall.


Seven Letters, four folio, three 4to., 6th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 23rd, 27th, and 30th Marth, 1821
" I do not quite like the way ' Thee, Thee,' is done. You'll see my remarks on the music” “At the end of April we go to our new cottage." Blangini's Notturni. " You need not wait for an Advertisement to the 8th Number [Irish Melodies] as, for reasons J shall tell you in my nest, I do not mean to put any." « Mr. Charles Sheridan will send you a packet, which was undone at the Custom House, but the articles are to be distributed thus. The workbox for your Bessy, the puzzle for James, the yellow fan for Mary, and the white one to be folded up and directed to Miss Tegart, Pall Mall, with Mrs. Moore's compliments. I suppose you have no objection to my beginning another Number of the Nationals for you forthwith. Lord John, I think lives in Stanhope Street, but you can inquire at Lord Tavistock's in Arlington Street."

Five Letters, one folio, two 4 to., two 8vo., 5th, 12th, 16th, 24th, and 27th April, 1821
"If Perry puts in the lines I inclose (they are about Naples, and dated Champs Elysees), pray send a copy of the paper directed to Miss Dalby, Castle Donington, Cavendish Bridge, Leicestershire” “The book is magnificent, and worthy of the most royal hands; though I almost grudge it to her Highness, and shall at least have the showing of it to every one else before I let her have it” “I was very glad to find my account with you (for the first time, I believe) creditable for me in every sense of the word." w x\s soon as Lord Byron's tragedy is out, pray send it to me through Mr. Greville, - don't forget this."

Eight Letters, one irregular size, five 4to., two 8vo. (both of

two sides). 1st, 3rd (two), 5th, 8th, 10th, 22nd, and

29th|May, 1821

“I send you a National Melody, which I think you will like,

and pray keep Mr. Bishop's learning down as much as you

can” “My money goes from me most rapidly in this change


of residence” “We have been working hard at all sorts of gaiety this week past” “I have just received a most flattering letter from Mademoiselle d'Orleans, with the present of a clock for my chimney-piece - so you see what the splendid binding has done” “She [Miss Power'] dined with us yesterday at our neighbours the Villamil's to meet some French Princesse s and Countesses” “Pray let me have Bowles's answer to Lord Byron, just published - and will you tell my friend Thomas Campbell (who I rejoice to hear is become very well acquainted with you), that I shall answer his letter by next post."

Three Letters, one 4to. two 8vo. (one of three, the other of two

sides). 4th, two (received?) and 10th June, 1821

Sends the additional verses to {i Who'll buy my love knots ?"

“You seem to wish that I should work double tides this year,

and indeed my expenses here will make it necessary - for I am

still too near the shoal of friends I have in Paris, and the

hospitalities I am obliged to exercise (as Jane will tell you)

impose a tax upon me, which if I stay beyond this year in

France, I am determined not to incur again” “Bessy begs

you will contrive to bring her back from Ireland a tabbinet gown,

purple, and it would also gratify her very much if you could

find leisure some Sunday to go and see our poor Barbara's

grave, and give a few shillings to the Sexton to keep it in good

order. You will, of course, not mention in your letter to me if

you should find it in a bad or ruinous state, but do what is

necessary towards repairing it, and tell Bessy it is quite as ifc

should be. As soon as I have got through the fourth Number

of Nationals, I shall I think attempt something of the dramatic

kind, we once mentioned, for private performance” “I wish

to have the duett, * Our first young love resembles,' (Blangini)

dedicated to Mrs. Villamil," (of La Butte Coaslin). "Your

brother's proceeding with respect to the 8th Number is, to be

sure, most daring."


Four Letters, two 4to., two 8vo. (one of two sides). 16th, 20th, 21st, and 29th July, 1821
" I take for granted this will find you still in Dublin." Mrs. Moore has gone "into Wiltshire, to see my books deposited in some safe place upon the giving up of our cottage there, which will henceforth only be let with land - an undertaking I, of course, should not wish to embark in” “I am sorry to find that the double tide working which I proposed for this year will press too hard upon you” “If I can finish pretty soon a great work I am about, I shall have plenty of money this next year” “I most anxiously hope that your business in Dublin will be settled satisfactorily, and (what must be a great object to you) speedily"* " Between ourselves, I am just now

* DUBLIN ROLLS COURT- July 24 avd 25, 1821. J. Power v. W. Power.

On the 3rd of July, Tames Power, of the Strand, London, music seller, obtained an injunction to restrain William Power, of Westmoreland-street, Dublin, from publishing a pirated edition of the Eighth Number of Moore's Irish Melodies; the said James Power having the sole property in the above-mentioned work, by deed of assignment from Thomas Moore, Esq., the author. On the 17th inst Mr. O'Connell, on behalf of W. Power, moved the Court to dissolve the injunction.

The decision of the Court was, that the injunction should remain undisturbed till the case was argued.

This important case came on yesterday and the day before, to be argued on its merits, before his honour the Master of the Rolls.

It appeared from the statement of Counsel on the side of the plaintiff, that he had entered into an engagement with Mr. Moore in the year 1811, for a period of seven years, the latter covenanting to supply the former with one number of Irish Melodies and certain other works specified, for the consideration of an annuity of ,£500, which was to be paid him by plaintiff. In 1812 plaintiff entered into an agreement by deed with defendant, by which he gave him the licence of publishing Moore's Works in Ireland solely, in consideration of defendant paying him 2-5ths of said annuity; said deed to be considered null and void whensoever the defendant should fail to pay- his quota of annuity to plaintiff. On the expiration of the seven years, after 6ome time


negotiating the sale of Lord Byron's Memoirs, which you know he made me a present of, and which he is anxious I should turn to account in a pecuniary way. I have asked two thousand pounds for them. They would be worth three times that, if they were to be published immediately, but they are not to appear till after Lord B's death, which makes a great difference, I am, however, determined to sell them to the best bidder. This of course you will keep to yourself." Sends communication from Professor Momigney " who is anxious to be employed by you” “I wish you to get me a few hundred more of those papers for my books struck off” “I have not been able yet to see Madame de Broglie, about Knyvett's Air (as he chooses

plaintiff entered into a new agreement with Mr. Moore for a further term of six years, under which agreement, and in this present year, the Eighth Number of the Melodies, which forms the subject under litigation, was delivered by Mr. Moore to plaintiff, and by him published as his sole property, which appeared by deed of assignment as well as by the regular deed of agreement. The defence set up by W. Powell was, that he in fact was the sole proprietor of all Moore's Melodies, and that plaintiff had no right to publish them even in England, without his concurrence and approbation; but he totally failed in shewing any written document whatever in support of his assertion. His case was ably argued by Messrs. Joy, O'Connell, and Bennet, who displayed much ingenuity, by arguing on the assertions of the Solicitor upon facts which were not contained in the pleadings.

The plaintiff's case was argued with great clearness and talent by the Solicitor- General, Mr. Plunkett, and Mr. Adair.

The Master of the Rolls, in giving his decision, said, that the defendant had set up two defences, neither of which were tenable. The plaintiff had established his title by the production of the assignment from Mr. Moore, in whom the property was vested, from his having written the work himself, it would be very injurious to the copyright of literary productions, if an injunction should be withheld from the plaintiff, who claims his right by virtue of such deed, when the defendant has no written document to substantiate his claim, nor is there a word of the existence of such document sworn to or set forth in the pleadings. He concluded by saying, that he would give an order that the injunction obtained by Mr. James Power in this case, should stand unmoved, till the defendant should shew any legal title to the work before a court of law.


to call it). It was she who danced to it five or six years ago, and called it a Cossack Dance. How long is Knyvett's Glee published? Knyvett's originality is a ticklish subject, and he had better not make a stir about it." Note of introduction for Doctor Williams to Mr. Power.

Four Letters, three 4to., one 8vo., 6th and 13th August, 3rd and 17th September, 1821
" As to the Air claimed by Knyvett, I have been able to learn no more than I have communicated in my letter to you some weeks since. But if his composition appeared but within these three years, I can safely swear that I heard the Cossack Air five or six years since. I will however write to Madame cle Broglie on the subject. I inclose six National Melodies, almost all of which I think lucky ones- set Bishop to work."
" You are welcome back to London. I am not yet decided as to the incognito trip I mentioned to you." •' I mean to leave this on my incog, trip about Wednesday next, so that I shall arrive in London on Saturday or Sunday. You will lose no time in sending the inclosed note to Rogers's housekeeper. I mean to sleep there but shall board with you."

Two Letters, one 4to., one 8vo., 2nd and 22nd October, 1821

“St. James's Place. Here I am again, and mean to come to you as soon as I have written some letters." signed T. Dyke.
" I shall come to Buckingham Street, early, and will dine with you, if it suits me."

Four Letters, two 4to., two 8vo., 2nd, 15th, 27th and 29th November, 1821
" Salisbury, Thursday, four o'clock. I have been put out of my accustomed line of Coaches by being obliged to paya visit at some distance from Calne, and though I have but little doubt of getting a place in some of the Night-Coaches, yet as ill luck may come across me, I just write this line to tell you my situation in order that you may know why I do not appear


at dinner, and prevail on Mr. Bishop to meet me at breakfast on Saturday” “I send you the second verse of 'Bright be thy dreams/ I merely have written the Notes, without marking the time as I do not well remember it." li I inclose the last proofs. We certainly have no reason to complain of Bishop's display of his science this time” “In my next I hope to be able to tell you about ' Hark, the Vesper Hymn,' as Madame de Broglie is in Paris."

Six Letters, one 4to., five 8vo., 10th, 13th, 17th, 24th, and

27th December, 1821
" I have enquired of Madame de Broglie about the Air, and she cannot give me any farther account of it than that she heard it in France as a Cossack Air, and always considered it as such. But I think you have nothing else to do than to assert stoutly that it is a Russian Air, and let Knyvett prove that it is not." Refers to Perry's death. " I am therefore obliged to draw upon you through Lafitte, till I can arrange something of the same kind with my friend Kinnaird, to whom I write by this day's post” “Madame de Broglie is not an Opera Dancer, but a Duchess, and it was in private society I saw her dance that tune about seven or eight years ago. You may call ' Row gently here,' a Venetian Air” “I send back the proofs. These two Duetts are very beautifully done, and the symphony to 'When first that smile,' is beautiful” “1 return the last proof with my benediction- may the work prosper!” “ You shall soon have some grist for the Musical Mill."

Five Letters, one 4 to., four 8vo., undated (1821)

“Keep my coming as secret as you can - too many here know it” “My Mother some time ago sent a bottle of eyewater to you for me. I hope it has come safely to your hands and that you will be able to forward it to me by some early opportunity. Will you tell the Longmans to send to Villamil by whatever mode they can manage it', The theory of the


projection of Rockets by Colonel Congreve” “You saw the poem of Lord Byron to me correctly (since you wrote) in the Chronicle and Examiner” “I am at present working as hard as the world will let me to patch up the work I wrote a year or two ago (Rhymes on the Road) for publication this Spring, in order to meet the heavy debt the Longmans have against me and get rid of the Insurance."

Seven Letters, one 4to., five 8vo., (two of two sides) one 12mo.

7th, 14th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 28th and 31st January,

"With reference to Mr. Kinnaird - " You will see by his letter (which I inclose) that the sort of credit he offers me is no additional accommodation whatever, as Lafitte just * as readily cashes my Bills upon you as they would on Ransom; and the only difference Kinnaird's plan would make consists in its being more round-about and troublesome” “I am at present driven to meet more than my usual scale of expenditure - so much so that I think it will be prudent (from every consideration) to sacrifice two months rent of my lodgings and return to England in March instead of May as I first intended. A good Summer of application in England will give me an overflowing purse once more, and in the mean time I know I may rely upon you to help in keeping my chin above water."
" I am not left one minute to myself here” “Will you have the goodness to look among the books and things of mine sent to you from Mr. Rogers, for a Manuscript book called ' Mrs. Brown's Album, and send it immediately to Murray. He and I have got into a scrape about this trumpery volume," &c.
" Have you ever done anything about those MSS. of John Brown's that are in your hands? I hope you have got them copied, as otherwise we shall be called upon for the originals suddenly and lose them entirely. Indeed they ought to have been in his sister's possession long before now." - "I suppose you know Stevenson is in London” “I cannot do anything


here, and I mean to bolt for London in about a month or six weeks” “How could you suppose, my dear Sir, that I meant to compare what Bishop has done to your brother's piracy of the Eighth Number 1 I must have been very ingenious indeed to find out any resemblance between the two transactions. No, I alluded to Stevenson's continuation of the Irish Melodies with another Poet, for which both he and your brother (though cast off by us) thought necessary to apologize to me, and I compared it to Bishop's having done the very same sort of thing (though our ally) without thinking it necessary to make any apology at all. As to his statement about Golding, lam much inclined from what I have heard, to doubt it, as I have reason to think that the plan was arranged between him and young Bailey in one of his last year's visits to Bath."

Four Letters, one 4to., two 8vo., one 12mo. } 3rd and

February, 4th and 21st March, 1822
" I seem destined to have all my little plans for quiet and comfort disturbed. The Smiths are leaving La Butte (Mrs. S. not finding it agree with her health), and now if I go to the cottage it will be subject to the chance of being turned out by the new tenant, whoever it may be. Meantime our furniture, my books, writing things, &c. are gone out there. I know not what to do, for I cannot afford to take any other place, and this is full of inconvenience” “Few things could give me more pleasure than those symptoms (however slight) of a reconciliation between you and Stevenson; as nothing has given me more pain, since I knew you, than the interruption of harmony (in every sense of the word) which your difference with him has produced among us. You will be sorry to hear that, after having arranged for the retaking of our cottage, and for Bessy's departure in about ten days in order to get it ready for me, we have just learned that the ' old Victualler ' (as Lord Lansdowne calls him) has again got possession of it, and we are ousted, I suppose, for ever. This disconcerts my plans


amazingly” “I forgot last time to tell you that I had received the 3rd Number, and like it exceedingly. I only hope the public will be of my opinion about it. I have secured the copyright [in France'] of the words both of this and the second Number by having a few copies printed” “Lord John Russell receives and franks my letters for my Mother” “I am still in hopes that I shall be able to start for England about the latter end of next week, but it depends upon what the Longmans do with respect to the Bermuda claim."

Five Letters, four 4to., one 8vo., 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th, and 11th

April, 1822

“There is as yet no letter from Longmans, and I almost

fear there will be some obstacle to my going - at least to reside

in London” “Still no letter to decide about returning."

“Inclosed is the letter from Longmans, which you will see

dooms me to further banishment” “I mean to start at all

hazards for London about Saturday next, and shall set to work

with Bishop for you till it is finished. Say nothing, however,

about my coming, as it may perhaps be dangerous” “Not a

line from anybody - my lodgings are half dismantled. I have

just packed off my fine clock to be sent to England. My

rooms are full of packing cases; and I have all the uncomforta-

bleness of going without being able to decide whether I shall

go or not. The person to whom the Villamils have let La

Butte (Smith, Lord Carrington's brother) has offered us our

Pavilion for the summer in the kindest manner” “I mean to

start on Saturday."

Six Letters, three 4 to., three 8vo. (one of two sides), 9th, 20th,

21st, 23rd, 27th, and 28th May, 1822

“Direct to me at ' La Butte Coaslin a Sevres, Paris/ "

“The worst of it all is, too, the delay and difficulty I find in

getting any sort of a quiet apartment to fly to. All are so dear,

so noisy, so diabolical. Curse the place altogether. I am


determined to make any sacrifice to be able to live in England once more” “The £ 100 I draw for (your name is a tower of strength to me), shall not fall upon your shoulders when due; no, not if there is a stiver to be raised upon all Parnassus. Seriously, I was in hopes not to be obliged to draw upon you for some months to come, and the Bill shall be renewed when due” “I have found a lodging for the summer (19, Rue Basse Passy, a Paris) dear enough you may suppose, from the season being so far advanced - but I was glad enough after all my distractions to get anything." Stewardship at Literary Fund.

Seven Letters, one 4to., four 8vo., two 12mo., 3rd, 6th, 1 7th, 25th, 27th, 28th, and 30th June, 1822
" I wish you would send to Longmans' for Keppel Craven's account of the Revolution of Naples” “I am sorry to see that Bishop's music to Coleman's Opera is not highly spoken of. It seems, however, to succeed” “I have hardly strength to hold my pen with the excessive heat of the weather. The thermometer has been most of these days above 90, and if it goes on increasing as the summer advances, I don't know how we shall bear it” “I am just now writing post in order to get a Poem out which I have begun (or rather begun to finish) lately, upon finding that Lord Byron had taken the same subject, and I want if possible to have mine published before his. Do not say a word about this, as Longmans expect quite a different thing from me, and I do not mean to tell them how I am employed till ready to go to press” “I have been revising very anxiously the Sacred Songs, and I am sorry to tell you that it is impossible for me to let them appear as they are. There must be at least five or six new ones to make this Volume at all what it ought to be” “I am very quiet here and working away I trust prosperously” “I have had a most doleful letter from Count de Lagarde," &c.


Four Letters, one 4to., three Svo. (one of four sides), 5th, 8th, 12th and 1 8th July, 1822
" You know the way used to be that if I struck out a symphony to my own Songs, well and good; but that if not, Stevenson supplied me." Mentions his article on the Fathers in the Edinburgh Review. " I forget the Number, but it is one of the year 1817, I think” “You seem doomed to disappointments of every kind. That Air (which I had not the slightest idea was Bishop's) has been floating in my memory for many, many years” “I am glad that you are able to print Bishop's air” “When I was in London (this is entirely between ourselves) Jeffrey offered if I would come to give me half of the Edinburgh Review. This would be, I understand, between seven and eight hundred a year to me, and would not take, I should think, more than a month's labour out of every quarter. If you should find, in a little time, your agreement too burdensome, I have strong ideas of accepting Jeffrey's offer. I have had also, within these three days, through Brougham, a proposal which (though I cannot accept of it) flatters me exceedingly. It is that I should replace the present powerful Editor of the Times (who is ill) in writing the leading Article for that paper. It was proposed to pay me at the rate of twelve hundred a year, but being thought capable of wielding such a potent political machine as the Times, was, I own, what pleased and flattered me most in the transaction - the more perhaps from my feeling conscious that I do not deserve it. I have written to decline the offer, but pray do not breathe a syllable about it to any one."

Seven Letters, 8vo., 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th - 19th, and 29th August,


“Thank you very cordially for your last friendly letter and

the kind assurances it contained, which in my present situation

are, I assure you, very comfortable to me” “That letter


which you sent me by the post was the proposal from Brougham I mentioned to you about the Times. It came quite safe."
" Soon after I received your notification of Bishop's arrival I went in quest of him, and thinking Miss Stephens was a person most likely to know where he was, I called there and left my address for him. Accordingly he came out here yesterday, and I find it is his intention to stay some time in the neighbourhood of Paris, though he talks of going 'for a month's shooting with Kalkbrenner' about a hundred miles off. This I suppose, however, is only ' a flourish of trumpets.' I will try and keep him to his intention of doing the Nationals here," &c. "Bishop dined with us on Saturday to meet the Forsters, and we passed a very agreeable day of it” “I had a long letter from Lord Lansdowne the other day, chiefly on the subject of Sloperton Cottage, which there appears another chance of our having, if we chuse. I cannot resist quoting a paragraph of it, to show you how very kind he is. ' I can only say that if an address from all the neighbours of Sloperton could recall you, you would speedily receive one, of the most cordial and affectionate hind, and in which the inhabitants of Bowood would certainly not be behind hand? "

Seven Letters, two 4to., four 8vo. (one of two sides), one l2mo.

5th, 9th, 15th, 17th, 26th, and two undated, September,


ls \ am very near the end of my Poem." - Bishop's eccentric

movements in Paris. His rapidity of composition exemplified.

Allusion to the " thoroughly Miss's Work, or (as we might

have called it) the Miss's Manual,"- (one song is perhaps a

little too free) : " ' My heart and lute is also done.' ” “ I have

just heard from Rees, who tells me there is hardly a doubt of

my being free to come over to England in a few weeks hence.

Whatever may be my steps with respect to taking of Sloperton

Cottage, I mean to pass the rest of next winter near London."

u I shall wait with some anxiety your answer to my last. Mv



situation is rather puzzling. I could have the house I am in now for six months more at so low a price as twenty pounds, which, contrasted with the expense of moving to England, staggers my resolves considerably” “Pray inquire if my clock has arrived,” “ As the time approaches for our change of quarters, I confess the operation appears so formidable as almost to frighten me. I could manage to totter on here well enough, but the radical clearing out from this and establishing myself anew in England will take such lots of money as I know not how I am to achieve. One of my plans of finance must be the drawing upon you," &c. " I am literally on my beam ends in the way of supply, and nothing but an economical country life and hard work will right me again. As my task during the winter months will be prose (Sheridan's Life) I shall be better able to work for you, than if it were (as has been the case lately) a drain on the poetical stores of my brain."

Eight Letters, 8vo. (one of two and one of three sides), - 7th, I Oth, 14th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 28th Ocotober, 1822

"Iara still suspending my final resolution till I hear from the Longmans and from you more fully” “I have ventured to tell the Longmans that I thought you would have no objection to join them in any arrangement they might make about those Irish poems” “lam still without answers from you or the Longmans with respect to the very urgent subject of my supplies for going or indeed even for staying. Out of the last hundred I was obliged to pay between fifty and sixty pounds for a Medal of Grattan, [by Galle], which I was rash enough to undertake here, and by which (though I shall not ultimately lose), I am for the moment inconvenienced a good deal” “As to continuing the Irish Melodies, you so perfectly deserve that I should sacrifice a little of my own judgment and feelings on the subject to your wishes, that if it is really an object with you to go on with them, I shall most readily consent to it, and (I


need not add) exert myself to make them as much as possible worthy of their predecessors." Four Letters, two 4to. (one of two sides) one 8vo., 14th, 17th (two), and - November, 1822
"The Dinner to me has gone off most splendidly, and I am now in all the bustle of departure." Sends three verses commencing :

“Then be it so - if back to heaven." And two verses :

“Come, pray with me, my Angel love." Referring to a bill drawn on Mr. Power, Mr. Moore writes -
" By the time the Bill is due, I shall have, please God (and the Angels), abundance to meet it. I mean to start in the morning.' " You shall soon have Irish Melodies. I have come off very well with all the Reviews except that in the London Magazine, whose violence luckily defeats its purpose - I think I know the reason of this attack." Seven Letters, 4to., six undated, one "Thursday Night," 1822
" I have but just time (having been all day at a Meeting for the unfortunate Irish, where I have been put upon the ComTnittee) to inclose," &c. " I congratulate you on the decision I have seen in the Papers” “I have not felt quite well for some days past, and a letter which my friend Lord John has just brought me from the Longmans, and which shews how very languidly and hopelessly the Bermuda negociation is going on, by no means adds to my state of spirits. However, if it be my doom to be an exile for the rest of my life, I must only make up my mind to it- the only thing I am impatient of, is the suspense." Six Letters, four 4 to., franked by the Marquis of Lansdowne, John Benett, and E. G. Stanley, two 8vo. (one of two sides), 4th, 9th, 15th, 17th, 22nd, and 29th January, 1823
" Those abominable tailors did not send me my Coat for last

h 2


night's Fancy Ball, and I was put to great difficulties by the want of it” “How famously my Angels are getting on ! In about a week more they will have paid off my debt of <g£1000 to Longmans” “I am only apprehensive lest the efforts of John Bull and such respectable leaders of the public taste should succeed in raising a cry of impiety against it, which (no matter whether deserved or not) is sure to do me mischief."
" I don't know whether Mrs. Power told you of a plan I had for a Collection of vocal pieces, to be set by different composers - a sort of Soiree in the East, where girls of different nations sing the songs of their countries” “I shall, as you wish it, immediately set about rummaging my old stock of Irish Melodies for another Number, and need not say that I shall endeavour (for my fame sake) to make it as good as the materials left will allow me” “I am called upon to revise for a fifth edition of the Angels. This makes 6000 copies sold in little more than a month, and pays off my debt of ^81000 to the Longmans. But I am still left pennyless amidst it all."
" You see I am in want of music paper, and have been obliged to tear a pretty book - so send me some of all sizes."

Mr. Moore to Mr. Power. Three Letters, two 4to., one 8vo.,

12th, 18th, and Sunday, February 1823

“I have made a very pathetic duett of the Irish Country

Dance Cumwillian."* "I wish you could get Stevenson over.

If you have any channel by which we could come at particulars

of the life of Carolan, Jackson, &c. it would be a very nice ad-

* Printed in the Ninth Number of the Irish Melodies, Cummilum, to which Mr. Moore has adapted his sparkling lyric, " Fairest put on a while." The melody was the composition, about 1770, of Francis Ganey, a Piper retained in the Gibbins' family, and was called by him " The humours of Gibbinstown,"- the family seat, about three miles South of Charleville. It received its name of Comhallaim, which is the Irish for a foster-brother, from the late Doctor Gibbins (the father of the present Viscountess Combermere), speaking in the Musical Society of Cork of this tune as composed by his nurse's son.


dition to our next number to prefix some sort of Memoir of those celebrated Irish Composers. Think of this, I shall write to-day to Paris about it, as Sir J. Burke (who is now there) told me, if I mistake not, that Carolan was piper or harper to one of his ancestors” “Pray tell Mr. Croker, how much I thank him for the Transactions of the Irish Society, and that I shall be most grateful to him if he will keep me and the Melodies in mind during his studies on the subject. I hope you are pleased with the Review in the Quarterly. It will do the latter numbers good, in particular, and though I have never condescended to quote testimonies from Reviews, yet there is one sentence in this article which I think you ought to insert in your next Advertisement of the Letter Press Melodies. It is this * We are of opinion that the fame of Mr. Moore will ultimately rest upon his productions in this style of writing; because however great his merit in others, this is the style in which he has never been exceeded, and it is highly probable he never will be.' See the last Quarterly Review.'"

Four Letters, three 4to. (one of two sides), one 8vo., 1st, 7th, 9th, and 17th March, 1823
" I must trouble you to make enquiries at all the Buckingham Streets in London for me - the French Bed that was coming to us (a present), and which was put on board at Calais on the 23rd of December has never (that I know of) been heard of since. It was directed I find, to Mr. Moore, Depute (Member of Parliament), 22, Buckingham Street, without adding Strand." [Mr. Power's private residence.'] " There will also be some things left at your house from Paris, by Sadi Omback (a gentleman with a turban,)" &c. "The poem you have marked in the Literary Gazette is an evident imitation of the Melologue, but not very well calculated for Music."* "In my last letter to you there were two important things I omitted

* Entitled ff the Enchantress," and signed Isabel. 1 March.


- one was my sincere congratulations on the termination (and more than all, such an honorable termination) of your law-suit in Dublin - the other was, with respect to your wish of announcing a new Number of the Irish Melodies, which I cannot of course have the least objection to."

Three Letters, one folio, one 4to., one 8vo.; 2nd and 16th May, 30th June, 1823
" I have had a most stupid cold in head and chest since I came down, which even this Summer weather does not seem inclined to take away” “I am reading for my Greek work which I shall get on with as fast as possible. The correction of the Sacred Songs is a most unlucky interruption to it, as there is nothing I take so much time about as the dull work of correcting” “I do not know how my Fables are going on. There were 3000 copies in the first Edition, and Longmans' last week expected to be soon called upon for a Second. I have never counted upon a great sale of this book, as the want of personality makes it much less generally attractive than my former squibs. But I have presumed upon it to the amount of between three and four hundred pounds, and if it pays that I shall be satisfied."

Four Letters, two 4to. (one of three and one of two sides), two Svo. (ditto, and a song in 4 to. as an inclosure), 11th, 16th, 17th, and 22nd July, 1823 Details accident to his pony carriage and party who were driving in it. {i You have now the whole history of this transaction, and this fate of my first attempt at an equipage is I think a broad hint to me that I never was intended for one." u As I rather think the year I am now entering upon will be the last of my Lyric life, I shall try to put you in good humour with me at parting, by making my farewell strains as many and as good as I can” “I shall send you what I think a very pretty song, and (on the other side) some words which I began


and which (if Bishop will condescend to set them) I shall finish." Sends three verses of

“When Love, who rul'd as Admiral o'er His rosy Mother's isles of light," &c.
"I have changed my mind about going first to London, it would take so much more of my time and money (neither of which I can well spare), that I mean to start direct from this for Birmingham/' " I need not tell you that what I send is not a sacred song -it will speak for itself I think rather gaily." Incloses four verses of " Child's Song,"

“I have a garden of my own," &c.
" Let me know what you think by a line to 96, Abbey Street." Two Letters, one 4to., one 8vo. (two sides), Cork, 2nd August, Sloperton, 29th August, 1823
" I left Dublin with Lord and Lady Lansdowne, on Wednesday. We slept the first night at Kilkenny, the second at Lismore Castle (the Duke of Devonshire's), and last night arrived here."* " I arrived here yesterday evening after the pleasantest

* Extract of a letter from Cork addressed to Mr. Power by John O'Driscol, Esq. "Moore has been here; after an absence of five years he has revisited Ireland, and now for the first time beholds "the sweet South" of that country with which his name has become popularly associated in Song. He visited us in company with the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne, with whom I had the pleasure of breakfasting. The party are on their way to Kerry, where you are aware that his Lordship has large estates. They visited the Porter Brewery of Messrs. Beamish and Crawford, and Moore was much amused at the old Cork joke of the nursery maid's reply to the question, whose child is that ? " Beamish and Crawford's, Sir." He spoke of our friend little Crofton Croker, who he said was full of capital Cork jokes and fun, as well as of feeling, poetry, and taste; and I thought he listened with particular interest to my account of his introduction to Mrs. Garrick. As usual a specimen of the porter was offered to the visitors and tasted by them. At the brewery such was the enthusiasm of the reception, that no sooner was the Poet's back turned than the glass out of which he had sipped was seized upon by Mr. John Augustine Shea, a poetic clerk in the establishment {afterwards Editor of a Newspaper in the United States'] who quaffing a brimming draft


and most interesting five weeks, I have perhaps ever enjoyed. The kindness and even enthusiasm with which I was received every where in Ireland would flatter a person even less alive to such tributes than I am. In some things, however, I was unlucky, and one of them was in the very cross accident of Stevenson's leaving town the very day after I arrived there on a long and distant visit to some of his Whiskey cronies” “I have not, I am sorry to say, added to my stock of Irish Melo-

from the same goblet, prefaced no doubt by a corresponding sentimental speech, dispatched the relic to a glass cutter in Hanover Street, to have the name of MOORE engraved on it as a precious memento of the visit of Erin's Minstrel to the Cork Porter Brewery. Moore went down the river (which he as truly as poetically termed ' our noble sea avenue') to see his sister, Mrs. Scully, at Cove, and the steam boat and quay were crowded to get a glimpse at "the Irish Lion," as Lord Lansdowne called him. As you well know, Moore dresses with peculiar neatness, and looked that morning I think, particularly well in his smart white hat, kid gloves, brown frock coat, yellow cassimere waistcoat, grey duck trowsers, and blue silk handkerchief carelessly secured in front by a silver pin; he carried a boat cloak on one arm, and walked with a brown silk umberella, for which, however, he had no requirement, as the morning was bright, balmy, and beautiful - " quite beautiful," as he himself observed to me. Yet in the assembled crowd - for it literally was so to witness the embarkation - there was a general feeling of disappointment, - "that's he" - "the little chap - talking to big Jacob Mark," [the American Consul at Cork, who had married a Miss Godfrey]. " Well to be sure if that's all of him, what lies they do be telling about Poets -sure I thought I'd come out to see a great joint (giant) as big as O'Brien, at any rate - for wasn't Roderick O'Connor roaring and bawling through all the streets last night that the Great Poet had come amongst us from foreign parts” “Oh then Roderick was drunk, sure enough” “Well',tis a darling little pet at any rate” “Be dad, isn't he a dawny creature, and dosn't he just look like one of the good people” “Well, any how, God speed them !" and these various opinions resolved themselves only into a faint cheer, as Moore stepped on board the boat. Doctor Tuckey has gone down the river with Moore, deputed to secure him for a complimentary public dinner to be given to him by the citizens of Cork, I have not heard the result - but suspect Moore will not accept."


dies, but have however laid in a few recollections and feelings about Ireland which will not fail to shew themselves in whatever else I may do upon the subject."* Four Letters, three 4to. (one of two sides), one 8vo., 3rd, 12th, 18th, and 24th September, 1823.
" I send you an Irish Melody, and one, I think, of the right sort. On looking over my stock, I find I may proceed with the 9th Number, and as I know it is what you wish most, I shall persevere with it till finished” “Send me a Copy of Hunt's cheap edition ol the last ' Don Juan.' " Sends three verses of
" As Vanquish'd Erin wept beside” “I have marked the passage from which I think the two figures, both of Erin and of the Demon, may be best combined" in an illustrative drawing.
" I send you an Irish Melody, a second verse to ' Quick, we have but a Second,' and two verses of ' They know not my heart,' which I have made out. I do not know why this was set aside, as it is as good as most of them. I have had a message from Stevenson through my sister to say that he will bring over the Sacred Songs to me himself, as he is coming to

* This is indeed quite evident in the IXth Number of the Irish Melodies, which was entered at Stationers Hall on the 1st November, 1824. " Of the twelve Songs which it contains, nine have reference to local feeling's or traditions, or to circumstances which arose out of the Poet's tour. Thus', Sweet Innisfallen,' and ' 'Twas one of those dreams,' obviously allude to Mr. Moore's visit to Killarney; and ' In yonder valley there dwelt alone,' is said to have originated in an anecdote connected with O'Sullivan's Cascade. The Song commencing ' By the Feal's wave benighted,' is founded on a romantic anecdote in the history of the Geraldines. These four songs fairly belong to the County of Kerry. Then, descriptive of a glance at a Map of Ireland, preparatory to the tour we find', Fairest put on a while.' On meeting with a party of old friends in Dublin', And doth not a meeting like this.' On Irish politics', As vanquished Erin wept beside,' &c. and ' Quick we have but a second,' is quite the song that might have been suggested by a pleasant travelling party being hurried off from an agreeable meeting. The horn of the mail-coach guard, or the voice of some equally urgent personage is absolutely ringing in the ear."


the Birmingham Music-Meeting. We shall see. There are now seven Irish Melodies done, and a month more will complete the Number” “I shall send Croker's book up to-morrow, as I think I have some more Music to be bound."

Five Letters, one 4to. (frank "of John Benett), three 8vo. one 12mo. 2nd, 9th, 17th, 21st, and 24th October, 1823.
" I should be delighted to be iu town to see my friend Abbot, but I am too hard at work to be any where else but where I am. Tell him that I wish he could spare a few days to run down to us” “I shall be glad if he will take over with him to Dublin five of those Medals sent to you from Paris. They are, tell him, for Harry Bushe, and he will learn the best way of forwarding them to him from Dublin. Give him/my very best regards. There are few more worthy persons” “Stevenson has not made his appearance, aud I begin to fear we shall not see him here. Indeed, when I gave him the things to do, I had but slight hopes of his paying much attention to them. Lady Bective is anxious beyond anything," &c. ". I have run over here (Pyt House) to our County Member's to take a glimpse of Fonthill, which is in his neighbourhood, and take advantage of his frank to tell you," &c. " You have here a Melody, which (with ' The Banquet is over') makes, I believe, the twelve. As some, however, of those I sent are but experiments, I shall go on writing four or five more to secure as good a set as I can."

Five Letters, two 4to., three 8vo. (two of two sides), 7th, 11th, 15th, 21st, and 28th November, 1823. Refers to a Ballad introduced into "M. P” “Every sixpence I get goes to keep down my bills here, and I shall not have a quiet mind till they are all discharged” “Your present from the Fish Market tempted me into asking our new neighbour- (the rich Lord of Spy Park) to dine with us. He was unluckily engaged, but said he would come some other dav this


week, so that I am in for what they call a ' blow-out 5 to him on Thursday, and must, therefore, commission you to send me by to-morrow's coach to Devizes, a Fish as good as that which you so kindly gave us for Sunday last, and which was excellent."
"Will you have the goodness to call at Bicknell's (or Moore's rather), the hatter at the corner of New Bond Street, and tell him to send me a good Water-proof hat for the Winter, as I have none but a White one, which in the month of December looks rather poverty-stricken. It would be cheaper to buy a hat here, but the truth is I have not so much ready money to spare. Tell him to send an oil skin cover with it to keep out the rain” “I have no objection of course to Bishop doing these last things you mention, but it must be, as Stevenson used to do (that is to say if you publish them singly) merely correcting my arrangements of them, (which I shall send you) and without putting his name to them. This is the way I must have all my single things done hereafter” “In those works of Campbell's and Bishop's you have sent me, both Poet and Musician labour most painfully” “You have also here an Irish Melody to an air which I have written out from memory, but I am sure not correctly. It is one of Bayley's, and very prettily done by him', O leave me to my sorrow' - pray send me an accurate copy of it. My verses, of which there will be a good many verses, are founded on an Irish story." ["-Sy *he Feats wave benighted. ,'] " I am going to give myself a day's relaxation to-morrow with my friend Bowles to hear the Italian Opera at Bath."

I\vo Letters, 8vo., 11th and 20th December, 1823.

“I send you three of the Sacred Songs which may be proceeded on immediately. I have entirely re-written the words of one of them” “I send you three more of the Holy ones, which I have been twisting into all sorts of shapes. I shall try and find a good subject for Braham. The Sacred Songs ought to be as much as possible arranged for single voices."


Five Letters and proof of Advertisement of the Music to the Songs in Lalla Rookh, one 4 to. four 8vo. (one of three and three of two sides), one 12mo. all undated, 1823.
- "it contained a very splendid book published at Berlin, respecting the Costumes worn at the Royal Fete, founded on Lalla Rookh. I am grieved to the heart to perceive by your last that this eternal and infernal law suit with your brother is, after all, likely to begin again” “The cursed money, I fear, will run short. I have been obliged to pay £40 within these few days to one of the furnishers of our house, who was to have waited till Christmas, but, being threatened with arrest himself, I could not refuse him. I shall, however, make a bould push to get to town. I hope you saw how kindly Sir J. Mackintosh quoted the Fables at the Grand Dinner” “I shall look over Callaghan's Melodies for the purpose you mention, but do not recollect that there is any plagiarism, except of my general style” “I have entirely re- written ' Lord, now thy golden Sun/ and the second verse to * War against Babylon' is about the tenth I have tried” “I have not yet decided whether I shall have another verse to 'Lord of Heaven.'” “Many thousand thanks for the .£300 - it was an enormous pull at once." Boivood, Sunday. " I want twenty pounds by return of Post (if possible) to pay a Carpenter's bill I have been rather dunned for” “I shall now send you alternately a Spanish, Sacred, and Irish Melody. I wish," &c. "I saw him [Sir John Stevenson'] but that once, which was only for about ten minutes, in Catalani's dressing room," &c.

Six Letters, three 4to. (frank of the Marquis of Lansdowne) three 8vo. (one four and one two sides), 2nd, 11th,
- th, 17th, 20th, and 31st January, 1824

*-' I like some of Bishop's Greek work exceedingly. He has e Sappho' s Song very much as I wished it to be done, particularly the Air part. The Glee, too, of ' The Sky is bright '


is very happily imagined, but I must have some talk with him about the Symphony of it, which, to my ear, is not pleasing."
" We are rather in a fuss to-day, on account of an announced visit from my friend Edward Moore, to dine and sleep. This is not the weather for Town Dandies to come and see Cottages in” “My time is sadly broken in upon, and the Lansdowne's, though very delightful neighbours, are very idling ones” “I wish you would look for the books of Doctor O'Leary, and send them to me” “I am very much pleased indeed with the way the Irish Melodies are arranged, some of the symphonies are quite beautiful” “I shall, I think, ask about ten days' holidays from you now, as I want to get this Irish Pamphlet out early in February” “I send you the son^; of Bowles's."
" Take care of this Poem for me till we meet, and also of the Music book, which contains the original arrangement ' Where is your dwelling, ye sainted V This Music book is very precious to me” “I would not lose that book for a good deal."
" On the other side you have the first verse of the Mountain Sprite” “I wish you to get for me, as soon as possible, the Pamphlet of Hibemicus lately published” “I did not at all expect to have the Irish Melodies come so thick on me, as I thought we were to get the Sacred Songs out of the way first. However, I suppose it is that infernal Stevenson who still delays the latter. The lead will suffer for it, as I have material alterations to make in those you sent me” “The title for Bowles's Song is to be thus in the front', Go, beautiful and gentle Dove,' a Song from an Oratorio called * the Ark,'" &c. "Thank Croker for the books he has lent me, particularly O'Leary' s Tracts. The last things of Hibernicus are of no use to me."

Four Letters, one 4to., three 8vo., 6th, 15th, 20th, and 22nd

Febuary, 1824

“I think I have succeeded very happily in my second verse to

' Sing - Sing,' but do not consign it to the lead for a few days,

in order that I may have time to consider over it a little."


“How dreadful it is to think of your being again plunged into all the horrors of law, by this disagreeable brother of yours."
" My friend Bowles thinks the verse I sent you the other day, to ' Sing - Sing,' the prettiest thing I ever wrote. You will see in the next Westminster Review a very nattering and useful Article about me and the National Melodies” “I am afraid you sometimes think me not attentive enough to your interests; and it is true that my literary labours take also a great deal of my attention. But what am I to do? My great delight would be, if I could afford it, to confine myself wholly to Songs and Music, but there are so many calls on me besides, that I am obliged to labour a little at every thing. At this moment my hand is so weary with transcribing, that I doubt whether you will be able to make out this scrawl."

Five Letters, three 4 to. (one unsigned) two 8vo. (one of two sides), 2nd, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 13th April, 1824

Derby. " I came over here for a day or two, chiefly to attend the Lancastrian Dinner, where my health was drank three times three, &c, and where I literally electrified them with ' the Shamrock of Erin and Olive of Spain.' I have been singing away here at the rate of two dozen Songs a night - excellent audiences." Dedication of Volume of Sacred Songs to the Rev. Thomas Parkinson, D.D., Archdeacon of Leicester, Chancellor of Chester, and Rector of Kegworth. " I suppose you saw the paragraph about the Captain in the Times. It was most kindly and admirably done, and must serve the book a good deal. I had a letter yesterday from Lady Holland, full of praise of it. This is all I know about thejnatter as yet. The Longmans wrote to me to correct for another Edition - but I have not time, and besides, I doubt whether it will be called for as soon as they think."

Five Letters, two 4to., three 8vo. (one of three and one of two sides), 16th, - th, 19th, 24th, and 29th April, 1824


u I have had letters full of praise of my book, from Lords Lans downe, Holland, John Russell," &c. " I am delighted to hear that Mrs. Power likes my book, and hail her approval of it as a good omen of its circulation among female readers, whom I certainly did not much expect to interest. The promise is very fair at present, for they are going to press with a third Edition” “I have been obliged to invite some people suddenly to dinner on Wednesday, and therefore must trouble you to dispatch me a dish of fish by to-morrow's Coach. Salmon I should prefer, but send whatever is best” “I have had great difficulty in finding pretty Airs to fill up our Irish Number, and have tried several with words without pleasing myself."
" Many thanks for the lobster and prawns, which were very much wanted for the second Course. They and the Salmon were very good” “All that Bishop can claim in the transaction will be ' revised ' or c corrected ' by H. Bishop. According to the first Title you wrote to this Spanish Glee, I am excluded altogether from any share in the Musical part, though the choice of the Air, the alterations in it (ofton so great as to make the Air almost my own), the suggestion of the Harmony and accompaniments, and, in short, all that gives character and originality to the Music proceeds from me. This would not be, in my mind, fair, and I must do what I can to put all claim to it out of the question. If you think Bishop's name, placed prominently, is likely to increase the attraction of the Song, that is quite another thing, and I shall most heartily yield to it, because, after all, attraction is the great object, and I would not let any little vanity on my part interfere with it."

Three Letters, Svo. (two with notes on the back), 1st, 3rd,

and 8th May, 1824

“You see Rock is in the Third Edition. I should think it

has already paid all my arrears to Longmans. What a lucky

hit every way !” “ Now you have I think the second verses of

all the twelve Irish Airs for this Number” “How long the


mechanical part takes ! This I never sufficiently consider."
" The parcel for Bowles arrived safe and he is highly delighted with the way his Song is brought out” “I wish the Captain to have his fling before I draw on the Paternoster Bank again. They are getting a Fourth Edition ready. I have had a letter of thanks from the Catholics of Drogheda."

Six Letters, one folio, two 4to., two 8vo., and one 12mo., 2nd, 5th, 8th, 15th, 20th, and 29th June, 1824

11 1 have left Croker's three music books," &c. Advertisement to the Sacred Songs, respecting three melodies introduced into the work from a publication by Mr. Gardiner. [See page 1 17] - "and you had better say the same” “I did not mean the substance of the accompaniment to be altered in the first bars, but merely the placing of the notes in the chords, which did not look to me as if their tails were turned in the proper direction - a thing I know very little of myself, but about which I see arrangers are very particular now-a-days."
" I shall not forget the Princess Augusta; indeed I mentioned it to Lady Donegall before I left town” “You will see that in 'Sweet Innisfallen,' I have restored a passage in the seventh verse to what it was before” “You saw what courteous epithets a Rev. gentleman at the Baptist Meeting bestowed on Capt. Rock. This is quite right, and just the effect I meant to produce."

Six Letters, one 4to., five 8vo., 2nd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 20th, and 26th July, 1824

Tears up a bill stamp by mistake - " which is 4s Id out of the pockets of myself and heirs for ever” “There is a Mr. Baldwin, who writes to me about a poem of his on Fox, and says you sent it to me a fortnight ago. In what shape is it ? MS. or printed ? Those authors do so pester me, that I really ought to have a secretary expressly to answer and to attend to them." Have you read ' Rock detected?' there are some odd


things in it, and a few not bad - but it is no answer” “If the sheets of the letterpress of our Ninth Number are not printed off, I should like to make an alteration of a word. In the last verse', And doth not a meeting,' instead of * Let sympathy promise' I should wish * Let sympathy pledge us !' ” “I have forgot always to ask whether you sent a copy of the Sacred Songs to the Reverend Dedicatee - if not, pray do” “I have found the looking over these Songs a more tough task than I expected, from the brutes attempting to put words under the music. I never saw such hash as they made wherever they could” “Send the inclosed immediately to Mr. Rogers."
" I have been looking over what is done of the Greek work, and the only things worthy of being retained in it, are Bishop's glee',The Sky is bright.' - His Song',When o'er her loom the Lesbian maid.' My own glee, * Here while the moonlight dim,' and one selected thing - the rest must be thrown out."

Six Letters, 8vo., 1st, 9th, 13th, 20th, and 25th (two), August, 1824
" Being obliged to devote generally one morning in every week to answer all the begging letters, bothering letters, &c.
&c. from all sorts of paupers, and poets, and poetesses that accumulate on me through the course of it, I inclose you a few of them by this post to save the poor devils a little postage, and you will have the goodness to see them safely put into the Twopenny for me. Bowood is going to be full of all my town friends, Rogers, Lord John, the Hollands, &c. &c. so that I shall be routed up sadly by them. You shall, however, have your share of me next week." a I send you a song of my own on the Balaika subject, which I gave Bishop and which he did not quite hit my fancy upon” “I wish you particularly to inquire where Catalani is, and give her husband this letter or forward it to him if he is out of town. It is to ask him to give us a room in their Hotel at Salisbury for the Music Meeting. * * * They did lodge at a wine merchant's (a Frenchman)



in Pall Mall - at all events my friend Edward Moore in Cleveland Row would be able to tell you wbere they are." ll As we are to have the christening of little Bustle (as we call him), on Saturday, I shall trouble you to send down by Friday's coach a couple of good lobsters which is all I think we shall want for the luncheon." Longleat (Marquis of Bath's) " I have been run away with from home to this most princely place by a party from Bowood, which may occasion some delay in my communication with you” “I have been kept in such a whirl since I last wrote, that, though I have contrived, in the midst of it all to write a song of four verses, yet it is not in a state fit to send it to you. Some people are coming to dine with me on Friday, and I shall want some fish down by to-morrow's coach. I leave it to yourself to chuse the best for me. "Where do you think I am invited to go next week ? to Lord Bathurst's ! rather not have turbot for Friday's dinner, as we have difficulty in dressing it - but any other fish you find good, and enough for eight people."

Two letters, 8vo., 6th and 13th September, 1824

te You will- perceive that ' Thou art not dead' alludes (under the name of a celebrated antient Greek) to Lord Byron. I have not been able to spare the time for Lord Bathurst's." tl Whenever you see the Longmans, I wish you would ask them for a ring left with them for me” “I send you two things for the Greek work - one of them with music, which I rather think will suit the young ladies - it had better, however, be set a note lower."

Six Letters, three 4to. (one of two sides), three 8vo., 1st, 3rd

(two), 15th, 18th, and 26th October, 1824

“With respect to the lines to be engraved under the plates

[IX. Number Irish Melodies] I should like to have merely

* Sweet Innisfallen, fare thee well,' and under the other the four


1 When will this end, ye Powers of Good,' &c.


let them be copied correctly from the letterpress. I was much surprised to see the plate of the Daemon, as I thought you had decided for the one flying up in the air." Fish for seven or eight people and a good lobster - " put a bottle of anchovy sauce in, as what we get at Devizes is very bad. This is the last time, I hope, I shall have to trouble you in the piscatory line till spring” “Did you see Shiel's flaming speech about me at Cork, on my health being drunk four times four?” “We have our friend Corry from Ireland with us, so you may suppose I have not much 'time for the moment to myself." One side of the 4to. letter relates entirely to Evenings in Greece.
" If Captain Medwin is as inaccurate about more important things as he is about the circumstances of my first acquaintance with Lord Byron he will have a good deal to answer in various quarters. It is not my intention to notice any thing till I bring out my own book." Erratum in the Song, "And doth not a meeting," fourth verse, for ' the friends we hold dear,' read the 'few we hold dear.' "You see how they are hacking and vulgarizing the subject of Lord B. before I can come to it. Medwin's book, as far as I have seen by the extracts, is full of inaccuracies - every thing he tells about me is wrong. You see he has even transported little Tom to Venice."

Seven Letters, two 4to., four 8vo., one 12mo., 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, 17th, 20th, and 29th November, 1824. Parcel for Mr. C. Sheridan, 22, Duke Street, St. James's.
" The Ninth Number I think looks very well” “I rather think there is such a Song of Lord B.'s as you mention," &c. " Eye water that is in the parcel by Lord Lansdowne." After an explanation respecting expenditure, Mr. Moore adds, "I never before had such a mountain of difficulties to cut through - but as I feel my reputation was never higher, I do not despair."
" I am happy to see by an extract in the Irish papers that the Courier has (I suppose with some reservation) praised the New Number of the Irish Melodies very warmly. You will te\\


Bishop when you see him that I am perfectly satisfied with the way the symphonies and arrangements are done” “I got a beautiful air from Lady Pembroke the other day, and thought it would suit English words, but I can make nothing of it, though it haunts me through all my walks - no metre will go gracefully to it” “I was obliged to give up Lady Pembroke's air as impossible” “I have been already favoured with the precious paper you sent me, from the Dublin Mail Office, and am rather afraid from the tone of it that my friend Sir John, at least, has something to do with it. I am glad to see they are so annoyed - I mean those Orange scamps” “I have got the Music of the Duenna” “I inclose a Russian air (which I got from Lady Pembroke) with words, and a Poem for Bishop to set for the Greek Work” “I hear from Dublin that the sale of the Ninth Number is 'very brisk' there, and I trust you have taken care to secure fair play for yourself in the profits. I see your brother has advertised it, with the addition of ' very celebrated work.' "

Five Letters, four 4to. (one of two sides), one 8vo., 6th, 10th, 12th, 13th, and 28th December, 1824
" You may tell him [Bishop] that' I am quite charmed with his setting of ' the two fountains.' The words are not bad (for me), and he has caught the feeling of them most successfully. I would only suggest to his better judgment to leave out the imitative passage on the words ' running side by side,' which I own I don't like; it would be much better simply” “ You see there is a good article in the Edinburgh on the Captain” “If I could once get this infernal Sheridan work off my hands, there is no doubt of my getting on flourishingly, for I am determined now to try every thing, Novel, Opera, &c. &c. till I get over my difficulties." An extraordinary unsigned letter, respecting the state of Moore's finances, and his speculation upon his literary life, and means for living. - s ' I was beginning to waver about going up, but your letter and


one from Rees have decided me. So that you may expect me {not to a beefsteak, for I rather think I shall dine on the road,) but to oysters and a glass of brandy and water between nine and ten” “It is quite awful to see how the money slips out of my hands here in Christmas bills."

Five Letters, two irregular size, three 8vo. (one of two sides), Tuesday, the others undated, (1824)
" Your Dedication is thought to be quite right. I would advise, however, your asking some one whether ' To the King's most excellent Majesty,' would not be more in form*” “ I send you some lines which Lord Byron gave me * * * and if you get them set and think it worth while, you may claim them as property.' '" I see Bishop has published his other ' National Melodies/ How do you like this ? The very thing that Stevenson and your brother (though cast off by us) thought necessary to apologize for in the case of the Irish Melodies, Bishop (though our ally) has done without any apology at all” “I have got rid of the poney * * * (and though it cost me thirteen guineas) I have been obliged to give six pounds with it in exchange for a poney whose price is only twelve. This is the poor man's luck always” “I could not find either the air or former words of ' Castle Blarney/ but I have written other words, which I dare say are better than those I did before” “I shall be much disappointed if Stevenson does not come to me, as I looked with certainty to our finishing this number together."
" Castle Blarney will be a great beauty in the Number” “I have written to your brother to say that I shall henceforth leave the whole matter to be settled between you and him. My friend the Rector here is going to call a meeting for a Petition against the Roman Catholics, so you see what Orthodox society I have got into."

Mr. Gardiner to Mr. Moore and Mr. Power, two Letters, one 4to., one 8vo., with Note in Mr. Moore's Autograph, 3rd June, 1824


Respecting two Airs taken from Mr. Gardiner's Sacred Melodies introduced into the Second Volume of Moore's Sacred Songs. (See page 112.)

Three Letters, 8vo. (one of two sides) 3rd, 16th, and 30th January, 1825 Subscription to Athenaeum Club. " I did not like the last alteration of 'Thou art not dead,' and inclose it now in the state I wish it to be. By the time he [Sir Henry Bishop] has made the slight change that is necessary (and pray say how sorry I am to have given so much trouble about it), I shall have a second verse for it different from that which it bears at present."
"You'll pay the two-pence on the inclosed letter -it is to one of those begging devils, who little know what a pauper they apply to. I am pestered with letters of all kinds and from all quarters - America, Germany, France, and Birmingham. - The last was from a young gentleman wishing to be employed as my amanuensis, and asking what remuneration I could give him !" (i I have been in the receipt of great honour and glory at Bath during this last fortnight. The Speech I made at the Literary Institution (under the noses of two Bishops) made a great noise among the natives there, though the Bath Newspapers have (as usual) played the devil with my eloquence in their reports. There were also allusions to me in the Prologue at the Amateur Play which tried my modesty not a little."

Seven Letters, five 4to., two 8vo., 2nd, 4th, 8th, (two) 16th, 23rd and 24th February, 1825
" When I last wrote to you we were in great anxiety about Phipps our neighbour, who had gone off to Havre to fight a duel with another neighbour - symptoms of rural peace and innocence. They returned after firing two shots each. One of Phipps's balls having gone through his antagonist's hat, and the last shot of the latter having produced a contusion on Phipps's foot” “I can't find the second verse and be d - d


to it, so must write another." The Spring*of Finance is run quite dry with me, and ' as a Hart panteth after the waterbrook/ so do I after the water-mark of a Bank of England Note. If you can spare me Twenty Pounds I will repay it in March, when I must draw either upon Hook or Crook - that established firm of all ways-and-means gentlemen” “I have been wholly engaged these three or four days by a disagreeable quarrel between two of our neighbours which you shall hear more of in a day or two." Subscription to Athenaeum Club - Accommodation Bills - " What the devil are we to do ? I have no doubt things will get much worse” “I now get The Times for nothing."

Two Letters, 8vo. 5 14th and 29th March, 1825

“I send you a ditty of my own, which I think rather original. I hope you observe what a composer I have become lately. I mean to persevere in it” “The Irish business never before looked half so promising” “It is very unlucky that Bishop should have delayed the Greek work so long, as I am going to press with Sheridan and shall be hunted by the Devils for the next two months. I think you had better make sure at all events, of the National Melodies” “This life of Sheridan has been a heavy mill-stone round my neck, and even now I doubt whether I shall be able to have it out before the season dies away."

Five Letters, three 4to. (one franked by John Benett), two 8vo.

(one unsigned), 6th, 11th, 25th, 28th and 29th April,


tl Such quantities have I got to do, that it will be six weeks

at least before I can stir from this” “Herewith you have

(though I say it myself) a very pretty glee and the writing of

this as well as ' Ship, ahoy,' (which is the most popular thing in

my own singing I have done for some time) has put a plan into

my head," &c. "I am in great apprehension about my poor


father, and dread every letter from Dublin." [Mr. Moore's father survived for some months after this. He died on the 17 th December following, in Great Britain Street, Dublin. See page 124.] " I have been at work for the Press since ten this morning and it is now dinner time, when I hope I maymake up to myself by a hearty repast upon your excellent mackerel, for which a thousand thanks” “My hand is too tired to write any more." - " My great object is not to press upon you more than is absolutely necessary, but by a sort of kite-flying process between you and the Longmans to keep myself afloat till better prospects "open upon me. As there is plenty of capital amongst us - on your side in credit and character, on that of the Longmans in money, and on mine in head it cannot be called mere paper work among us, and without borrowing from friends (which is the last thing I shall ever be driven to), or sinking myself deeper with you and the Longmans than I should wish, I have no other mode of getting on for this year." ■' This Sheridan work is a most heavy task and it would now take me the whole of the summer to finish it as I ought - but, though I shall be very late, it must be dispatched, now I am about it” “The sooner I have some money the better."

Five Letters, four 4to., one 8vo., 2nd, 9th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd May, 1825
" I send you a very slight sketch of my Glee as I am not able to write down what I mean. It is, I think, a very pretty thought, but my musical powers are not equal to the handling of it. Bishop would have made a fine thing of the words. I hope however he will give a few touches of harmony and some brilliant symphonies to express the flying away and returning of Spirits, I shall acknowledge them specially in the preface to the Glee, and take that opportunity of saying what I think of his beau talent. Tell him this” “I had an idea of running up for two days next week, in order to attend the Literary


Fund dinner, but it would not be prudent in any way except for the honour and glory at the dinner, and my friend Mackintosh in the Chair” “The ten pounds arrived safe, and was a very welcome out-rigger to the £20” “I am just setting off for Devonshire to Dr. Bain, to make some enquiries about Sheridan. As the Longmans insist upon paying my expenses, I have the less remorse in taking the trip” “I did not get home from Doctor Bain till Friday night and found myself so overwhelmed with proofs that I have not been able to copy out the Glee” “I want you also to send me down by Tuesday's Coach some salmon (if not too dear) and a lobster - enough for six people. I am obliged to give a dinner to our new Parson on
"Wednesday. If the salmon should be unapproachable send one good dish of some other fish." - Sends second verse to
" Slumber, oh Slumber."

Two Letters, 4to., 11th and 20th July, 1825

“As I take for granted you are back again, I write a line to welcome you, and to hope that you have had more fun than your pill-garlick friend (still hard at work) has had in the interval” “I was glad to find you had returned safely from your trip into foreign parts," &c. " What weather it is ! it quite disables me from business. I have had an awful proof within these few days of the uncertainty of life. On Monday I was one of the pall-bearers at the Funeral of a gentleman of this neighbourhood, and yesterday one of my brother pallbearers (a man of large fortune in this county) dropped suddenly dead in his own grounds, from the heat. Sudden death, indeed, formed part of our conversation in the mourning coach on Monday, and I rather think this poor man expressed (as I know I did myself) a preference for that mode of dying. God bless you, my dear friend, and preserve both you and me long to our families and customers." #

* In Moore's Diary, as edited by Lord John Russell, there is an odd blank, or a confusion of dates, between June and August, 1825, Vol. IV.


Three Letters, 4to. (one franked " Lansdowne"), 2nd and 5th August, and 29th September, 1825

“I want you to call at my last lodgings, 58, Jermyn-street, and know from them if I can have the same rooms on Saturday next. You must say, however, that in this dead time of the year, I must have them much cheaper, and if not shall go back to Duke-street. Do not tell any one I am coming to town, for though there are but few there, there are always enough to pester me, and I shall be so busy that I must make it a point not to stir out to see a soul before 3 or 4 in the day. A chop with you at the latter hour will be often acceptable." With reference to lodgings - " but I must now trouble you to secure those in Duke-street, any part of the house, except the garrets and parlours. If I cannot be accommodated there, pray go to 19, Bury-street, and ask whether I can have the back rooms that Mr. Corry had - at a cheaper rate, of course, on account of the time of year."

Five Letters, three 4to. (one of two sides), two 8vo. 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th October, 1825

“I have been a good deal idled since I came home by living chieily at Bowood, I hope, however, soon to send you two or three things which I have on the stocks. You see by the Times and Courier of yesterday that they have already begun pillaging my work - what a gauntlet I shall have to run ! Lord John Russell has offered me a seat in his carriage to Paris, and Lord Lansdowne offers me lodging in his apartments while there, so that I really believe (in order to get out of the way of the critics) I shall accept this offer for two or three weeks. You shall have, however, enough for Bishop to employ himself upon

p. 298." Moore, according to his published Biography, records, on the 26th June, that a few days before he had attended the funeral of Henry Joy's father, as pall-bearer, at Chippenham. The date of July 20, 1825, in this letter, and it is a remarkable one, is in Mr. Moore's autograph.


during the time” “I hope you will find the game we send good." Moore's great anxiety respecting the Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald - the handsome conduct of the Longmans,
" three hundred pounds more to my credit, in addition to the original sum stipulated," &c. " I forgot to answer your question about the Sheridan Song - I would say," &c. " I have made up my mind to go somewhere, but whether to Paris or Scotland have not yet decided. I rather incline to the latter."
" Bessy had a taste of the fish yesterday. I was away at Bath attending the Mayor's dinner to meet Lord Camden, &c. &c. but to-day we are to feast together upon it. There have two or three things happened rather to shake my purpose of going to Paris, one of which is Lord John's change of mind on the subject, and the other," &c. " As, however, I feel I shall not be able to disengage my mind from Sheridan (being kept in a perpetual state of excitement and fidget by the letters I receive on the subject every morning) without some change of "scene, and as the Lansdownes expect me to join them at Paris, I have pretty nearly decided on taking the journey alone," &c.

Three Letters, two 4to., one 8vo., 3rd, - , and 20th November, 1825

Ediyiburgh.-" I arrived here yesterday evening, after a most delightful visit of four days to Sir Walter. I really never was before so much interested or pleased. His cordiality to me was beyond what I could expect, and his cordiality kept me in a constant state of agreeable excitement the whole time. Nothing can exceed the kindness I meet with everywhere. I am to-day going to pass a couple of days with Jeffrey. They talk of a Public dinner to me, but I cannot stay long enough to accept it; You may easily suppose I have not much time for letter writting, but I knew you would be anxious to hear of my arrival in Edinburgh," &c. " I am afraid the medley I inclose will puzzle Bishop," &c. " I arrived safe at home on Thurs-


day night, having been detained two or three days longer than I intended at Edinburgh by an attack of cholera morbus, which is very prevalent there. Not feeling very strong after this illness I was glad to get home as directly as possible without paying my promised visits to my friends in Derbyshire. I would not have lost my trip to Scotland for any consideration. In addition to the interest which all I saw there excited in me, the cordiality and distinction with which I was received by every one has left an impression on my mind not easily to be effaced. I am sorry to say, however, that besides the remains of my illness, I have brought home a bad cold with me, which so stupifies me that I can hardly see the paper while I write. Strong temptations were held out to me to settle in Edinburgh, but the climate would by no means suit” “I shall now turn to the completion of our Greek work and set of Glees as speedily as possible."

Two Letters, one 4 to., one 8vo. (three sides and franked " Lansdowne"), 6th and 12th December, 1825
" In order to give you an idea what our Greek work is to be, I send you (hastily copied out) the Poetry that is to follow the opening glee," &c. "It will, I flatter myself, be rather an elegant work, and, as a thing to be read and sung at the Piano Forte, is likely to succeed” “I was just preparing to send you off the inclosed and some more of the intermediate verses for the Greek work, when I received a letter from Dublin saying that my father is dangerously ill. This alas is what I have long expected [see page 120], and it brings not only much affliction but much embarrassment with it. I must set off for Dublin to-morrow, and try what I can do to comfort my poor mother, who I fear is but little prepared for the shock” “The words written on the other side [for first Evening in Greece, with numerous corrections, some lines in pencil."]'' I wish Bishop to set for Voices and a Chorus” “I have sad scenes before me in Dublin, and shall require, I feel, all my fortitude


to bear up against them. God bless you." u Again, God

bless you and spare all those you love to you. Do not show

this letter to Bishop, but have what I say about business copied


Four Letters, two 4to. (one unsigned), two 8vo., undated, (1825)

“My old friend, Lord Strangford, has just caught hold of

me, and may delay a little my visit to you” “I think the

success of my book has inspired you - you have written so

eloquent a letter. Many thanks for it ! I assure you among

the numerous tributes I have received on the occasion there is

none I value more highly." [Title of Song from life of Sheridan

in Mr. Power's autograph attached.~] " I send you the letter

I wrote, or at least begun to you on Sunday, which will be at

least a preparation for our conference on the subject of it.

Pray, look at Southey's letter in the evening's Courier - it is

quite infamous” “I slept like a top after my two beakers."

Seven Letters and Notes {some curious), 8vo., and irregular

sizes, " Holland House, Sunday,” “Tuesday Evening,"

“St. James's Place, Wednesday Morning," and undated

one, on scrap at the back "What time # # - 11 to go

dinner? F. Burdett." (1825) ?

“I don't know whether I left my engagement with you to

day loosely or not. I hope the former; my impression is that

I said I would let you know whether I could come, and I trust

this is the case, as I should be extremely sorry to have made

any mistake on the subject. The truth is, this establishment

[Holland House'] breaks up to day, (the whole family setting

off for the next eight months to Paris), and they made it such a

point that I should pass the last day with them, that I could

not refuse. I shall call upon you to morrow” “Here I am,

and shall be glad to see you. If Murray should be with me

when you come, I know you will not mind waiting # # "

I mean, if I can manage it to dine - because I think it is safest

- at least for a day or two; but I may, perhaps, contrive to


come and sup with you” “My usual luck in never losing a paper," &c.

Five Letters, two 4to. (one franked " Lansdowne"), three 8vo. (one of two sides), 9th, 16th, 22nd, 30th, and 31st January, 1826 Dublin. u Just as I was ready to start last week, and had reconciled my poor mother to parting with me, the wind set in so strong from the Eastward, that, for four days no boat of any kind could venture out, and the harbour of Dunleary is covered with wrecks. The wind, however, though still contrary, is today more moderate, and to-morrow evening I mean to sail for England. You shall hear from me soon after my arrival at the Cottage, where new cares await me, but where I shall still, at least, have quiet and leisure, and be able, I trust, to work and redeem myself” “I send you the introduction to ' Weeping for thee' [First Evening in Greece], and think you will say I have seldom written better. The next, which I shall set about immediately, will be', When the Balaika/ " &c. ' ' How you must congratulate yourself these times, on not having given in to the Bill line like others. Poor Sir W. Scott is, as far as himself is concerned (for he had alienated his landed property to his son on his marriage) almost ruined. He had nearly £70,000 out in paper, to meet which he has nothing but the help of friends, and he must now, like myself, work hard and live savingly. This is too bad and I grieve for him from my heart. With respect to myself, if I but once knew how to get through this year, I should have no fears about the next. But I cannot work as I ought while my means of present subsistence are so uncertain."

One Letter, 4to. (four sides), 20th January, 1826

“Sends upwards of eighty lines for First Evening in Greece. The alterations in which as subsequently printed are very numerous and curious. " You will see by this that I have come to the Pyrrhic Dance, I shall not be sorry if Bishop has not yet


done it, as I should like him to read over the verses that introduce it” “The poetry you see is extending heyond my estimate. I suppose you heard that the King ordered his librarian Sumner to review me in the Quarterly. How I have escaped this cannonade in the last number I cannot think; but perhaps they are keeping it for The Representative."* Three Letters, two 8vo,, one 12mo., 8th, 11th, and 26th February, 1826
" Didn't I write to you before I went to Dublin about a man who pledged a music book with me and wanted a sovereign ? what did you do about it 1” “I think I have at last hit upon a glee, which, with a little cooking, will do to keep company with the Watchman and the Ships” “What a splendid present came down in the box ! All Scott's Works from himself and from poor Constable” “That man has written to me again for some money - the fellow who sent the Music-book. What did you give him ? "

Four Letters, two 4to. (one franked by John Benett), two 8vo. ? 14th, 17th, 22nd, and 27th March, 1826 tl You cannot imagine anything to come luckier than your salmon - for we had that very morning been led into asking Colonel Trevanion (a great friend of Burdett's who is on a visit to the Phipps's), and had literally nothing but a turkey to give our party, when your fish most seasonably arrived” “I have been for a long time past solicited from all quarters to ask your permission for the printing of the Air', Mary, I believed thee true,' in a Collection of Parodies that Lady Clarke is publishing."
" Bishop's note is such an appeal, as I know (with you who are so indulgent to us workmen, when lazy) will not fail to procure

* The Representative was a morning newspaper undertaken by Murray, with a small capital for such a speculation. The Editor was understood to have been the Rt. Hon. Benjamin D'Israeli. After a few months of feverish existence it expired.


him a respite, but it is, I must say, very hard upon you” “I take this opportunity of sending the Music Book which that hegging gentleman sent me, which you may return to him if he should happen to be troublesome” “You shall have my answer about Carolan in my next” “There is a man has written to me from Ireland, who says you are publishing some airs of his - he is, I think a Professor of the Irish language. I have mislaid his letter, and want to answer it - pray let me know his name and address."

Four Letters, two 4to., two 8vo., 1st, 10th, 17th, 23rd of April, 1826 u I have had a letter from Mrs. Arkwright about her Songs, which she is willing at last to publish - but I am sorry for your sake to say that it is on very different terms from those on which I expected formerly to get them for you. She now wishes to make a present to some friend of hers who is in want of money (not me), and is accordingly desirous to get as much as she can for the collection” “I shall be glad to do anything with Carolan for our last Number of Irish Melodies that you please - but it is a disagreeable looking thing, and nothing but its curiosity and authenticity could gain a place for it in any civilised publication. It may, however, be worth your buying. It was but yesterday that I could hold up my head with any thing like a feeling of health - but I am now a good deal better. The life I lead here is too monotonous and studious for me, by far." u I am now quite well again, and am going for a day or two to Bath” “They talk of Stevenson's coming to the Bath Anacreontic on Wednesday, where I asked him once before. I hope it is true” “I have had a letter from Mrs. Arkwright, who will not say what price she puts on the Songs” “Tell him [Bishop] too when you see him, that I never before had any idea of the beauty, the great beauty of his Music to my Songs out of the Angels, till I heard them sung while at Bath by his friend Miss Winsor, who is one of the most touching


and intellectual singers I ever heard. Don't forget this. I gave Sir John's health at the dinner, and they have in the papers as usual misrepresented what I said- making me say that it was ' his music that produced the popularity of the Irish Melodies!!' There never was anything like the warmth with which I was toasted and applauded."

Five Letters, three 4to., two 8vo., 1st May, 8th June, 6th, 28th, and 30th July, 1826
" I shall hope that by this time Bishop is crowned with laurels, and ready to relax himself from his grander toils with our bagatelles” “Our two Calne members dine with me on Saturday, and I must have some fish; don't send more than will do for a dinner of six” “I owly write one line to say that I have just returned from a ramble of a week. I passed some days at Lord Arundel's, and two or three more with my friend Doctor Bain in Dorsetshire."

Four letters, two 4to. and two 8vo., 1st, 14th, 21st, 28th, and 30th August, 1826 Song of two verses introduced in first Evening in Greece,
" As by the shore at break of day."

“I have just made a very hearty supper of your good oysters, and drank your health, (by way of a treat) in some bottled porter” “I wish you to buy me ' South wood's Divine Government.' ” “I send you what I think a little gem in its way for the Greek work. The air is from a collection of original Greek dances, which a gentleman (a stranger to me), sent me this last week, saying that as I was the Lyric Monarch I had a right to all such waifs and strays, and that they must be worthless indeed, if I could not ennoble them in my National Melodies. By the bye, I don't know whether I told you that I have had a pressing application from the person who purchased all Garrick's papers the other day, to arrange them for publication, and to name my own terms. I have declined."


el Benett has lent us his house [in Albemarle Street.] I should not mind staying into the next week, (for purposes of business) but that I have been pledged for months to attend the Gloucester Music Meeting with Bowles, who is the Steward and Manager of it, and who has ordered some of my things to be performed expressly for me” “I will take up the MSS. and Reviews with me on Monday - the Monthly is not only very kind but very well done."

Seven Letters, five 4to. (one franked " Lansdowne," another

“Auckland") two 8vo., 2nd, 4th, 14th, 20th, 25th,

28th, and 29th September, 1826

“What I had to write about (and forgot in my last) was to

beg that you would call on Monday in Albemarle Street, and tell

the dirty old woman there, &e” “I am employed on the Greek

work, though (from something that has given me a good deal

of uneasiness and anxiety) I doubt whether I shall succeed in

having it ready before the beginning of next week." Gloucester,

“I am here in the midst of fine music and fine people, and

have only time to inclose you £5 - with a thousand thanks -

Lord Lansdowne brought me and we are lodged together."

"I wish he [Bishop] would imagine airs for both sets of words,

on the notion which they convey, and I would write new verses

to them” “I was very much pleased at Gloucester, besides

being a good deal flattered. At the Steward's Dinner, where

we had shoals of Tories (Duke of Beaufort, Lord Calthorpe.

&c, &c.) my health was the only one given with three times

three” “I wish if you can find out Taylor, you would tell him

that Lord Lansdowne will subscribe to his book as well as

myself. Try and find him” “I have been kept in a state of

idleness ever since I left town, but am now about to turn in for

business doggedly, and the Greek work shall be my first object."

“You will not forget the ' Divine Government' in your next. I

am asking some of the neighbours for next Saturday to dinner,

and shall have to trouble you with a commission for fish on the


occasion. ” “ As I thought it possible you might not consider my last letter a sufficient warrant for the dispatch of the fish, I send this to say that I shall be much obligedhj your sending me a dish for seven or eight persons by to-morrow's coach, (let your man put it down to my account) . Turbot you know we cannot well manage, but any thing else, good and cheap, if possible." With reference to post-paying this letter, Mr. Moore adds, tl as it would be barbarous to make you pay for this fishletter, I shall act M.P. on the occasion” “I take the advantage of a parcel to the Longmans to send you the MSS. with which that cursed Irishman bothered me, and which are all (as I have nearly told4iim) confounded trash."

Seven Letters, two 4to., five 8vo. (one of two sides), 9th and 19th October, 2nd, 10th, 15th, 2 4th, and 27th November, 1826
" I shall be obliged to be in town for a few days about the end of next week. Murray (between ourselves) is, I fear playing me false on the subject of Lord Byron's life, and I have written to Rogers to meet me in town as soon as he can, to bring the shuffling fellow, if possible, to some definitive and written engagement” “I am going to pop in a note to Miss Drew, which I hope will escape postage/' [The letter is charged double.'] " In consequence of your letter and one which I have just received from Mr. Rogers, I mean to start for town tomorrow morning. Mr. Rogers wishes me to sleep at his house, but as I had much rather be independent, pray get me a bed either at Mrs. Soane's or at that Hotel near you, where Mrs. Rranigan was for some time, I forget the name of it." Sends three Glees. " I found all at home well, but was not suffered to return immediately to quiet, being obliged to join the party at Bo wood, where I staid both Monday and Tuesday. There is, however, to be a pause of company there for a month to come” “I have corrected the MS. of the Poetical part, but

k 2


am not sorry you have had it printed, as I can always judge better of what wants alteration in the letterpress."

“Many thanks for the fish And your birth-day wish !*'
" That infernal Pyrrhic dance will still give trouble. It is not at all what I wish” “The Song I enclose I have had for this week past. It is written by a young girl of high fashion and of a family celebrated for talent. [Hon. Mrs. Norton ?~\ The words have great beauty in them; but the music I have not as yet given a fair trial to. She wants to publish a set of them, under this fictitious name (?), and she wishes (as every one wishes now) to get money. I have been entreated to apply to you, and I shall leave the rest to yourself. Only let me have an answer such as suits the sex and fashion of the fair applicant” “I have, after some consideration sketched out my idea of the Pyrrhic dance in a way I think Bishop cannot mistake. I wish I could feel as sanguine about this work as he does. We have done our best to make it elegant and creditable, but that it will be popular with a public that's going wild about
• Cherry Ripe' is more than I can answer for."

Seven Letters, four 4to. (one of two sides, and one franked
£ J. Macdonald '), two 8vo. and one 12mo., 3rd, 4th, 9th, 17th, 22nd, 25th, and 31st December, 1826
" I do not foresee that there will be any such corrections as to require second Revises - a very rare thing in my printing operations (I mean the not having many Revises)” “The Pyrrhic dauce will do -he has taken nearly note for note the melody and arrangement I suggested” “The Longmans have just proposed to me a plan by which (if it succeeds as they expect) I may make, they say, from five hundred to a thousand pounds a year with little trouble. This is worth consideration."
" The Longmans have, in consequence of my representations


against the probable success of their plan, resolved, I believe, upon giving it up; at all events they see the justice of my reasons for being unwilling to have anything to do with it. There is a similar plan which in your hands would be much more likely to succeed, and, indeed (if it has not already struck any music publisher) would be, I think, sure to succeed, and I should have no objection to give you my name and assistance in it. Say nothing of all this. It is not improbable that I shall soon be obliged to go to town, for Murray is come all right again, and promises soon to settle our business definitively. You perceive that he now announces the Life of Lord Byron with my name. If I go up, we can talk of the speculation."
" I am persecuted for an answer about the young Lady's Songs. Do say something as to your inclinations or ^inclinations on the subject. You can hardly I think afford to give anything worth her accepting."

Six Letters, one 4to., five 8vo. (two of two sides, and one franked
"Carnarvon"), 5th, 9th, 12th, 16th, 17th and 28th January, 1827 Bowood. " This house idles me sadly, though nothing to be sure, is better worth idling for” “The packet you sent me by the last parcel was a collection of Spanish Airs with a flattering letter from a Gentleman of Cambridge” “There is a famous Article in praise of my Life of Sheridan in the forthcoming Edinburgh Review” “Before this time twelve months my Byron's Life will have put me I think out of debt and I shall then I hope be able to manage my annual income with more regularity and less loss” “I think it is not fair to keep you in suspense so long about the plan I meant to recommend to you, and which was suggested by the proposal of the Longmans to me to become the Editor of an Annual Volume of Prose and Poetry like those that are at present so popular. Now, though (as I told them) the numbers of this sort of publication that are in the market, with the addition of the many


more that their success will attract, would make a volume of the same kind (even with the attraction of my name which they seemed to count upon very much), rather a doubtful speculation, yet it occurs to me that an Annual work of a Musical kind, (a mixture of Music and Poetry) would have a very great chance (with good embellishments, &c. and my name as Editor) of distinguishing itself among the crowd, and becoming very popular; particularly if between this and next year the thought should occur to no other Music Publisher. Think of this." With reference to Mr. Moore's Glee of " Hip, Hip, Hurrah," then unpublished, which was sung at the Anacreontic dinner at Bath, the Poet writes, " The Glee did wonders on Friday, I really never heard of any thing so successful. There was a distinct peal of applause after every verse, and we were obliged to sing it again in the course of the night. Lord Lansdowne and I went together (having slept at Fearly Castle the night before) and I had Lord Liverpool opposite to me at dinner, who was amazingly civil, and asked me to drink wine with him,
&c. &c. He expressed such anxiety, too, for a copy of the Glee for Lady Liverpool, that I thought I might (with all sorts of injunctions as to not letting it out of their hands) allow the Prime Minister to have one of the printed copies you sent me, and the other for fear of accidents, I put into the fire - so that you must let me have another proof to correct."

Four Letters, two 4to., one 8vo., one 12mo., 5th, 9th, 10th, 16th February, 1827

“I wish when you have an opportunity you would row our

Newsman, for he continually makes mistakes in the papers he

sends, giving us the Times, British Traveller, &c. just as it

suits his fancy” “That thundering rogue of a Newsman sent

the Times again yesterday. Tell him it is the Chronicle and

only the Chronicle he is to send us." li I wish you to call,

some time within the next two or three days at Benett's, and

tell the old woman there that she may expect me on Weclnes-


day evening next, and must have everything as clean as a new pin (mind you impress this on the dirty old witch) and the bed well aired for me. As Benett (who has just lost his wife) will not come up for some time, she may as well (tell her) give me his bed-room which is airier and which I should like better; if any thing should bring him up, I can change into the other room."

Seven Letters, three 4to., three 8vo., one 12mo., 6th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 17th, 23rd and 27th March, 1827
" When you are sending my hats, there need only come two of them, as I always keep an old one in town smartly lined for the evening” “What do you think of the division in the Commons? It made my heart sick” “Barnes, I see has not taken the hint about the puff. I must pluck up courage enough to ask again. My neighbour, Colonel Napier, who has gone to town, has undertaken to make Jones do his best in some design, to which I can write” “You see the Times gave us a little puff at last; very good and flattering as far as the Poetry is concerned, but I wish that they had not said that the Music was ' chiefly' by Bishop - because in the first place it is not true, and in the next, because I fear, between ourselves, such an announcement will do us no good, Bishop having rather lost ground. I have always told you that this work would not do much, and I fear you will find me but too true a prophet. But we shall pull up in the Annual !” “ The following is the Dedication which I send as requiring more time to get done than the Preface.

To Mrs. Jeffrey. in remembrance of the pleasant hours passed at Craig-Crook, ivith her and my valued friend, her husband, I have great pleasure in inscribing the following work. Thomas Moore. I have begged of Eees to tell you whether this is the way to spell Craig-Crook” “I had had this Preface or rather a Preface not at all like it ready to send you yesterday under a cover


to Lord Lansdowne- but just as I was folding it up I took it into my head to alter it altogether, and I hope you will like it in its present form” “You may guess how I'm bothered with interruptions. Here has been a Mr. Teeling this morning all the way from Ireland for the purpose of reading to me part of a History of the Rebellion of '98, and I have been obliged to ask him to dinner for the purpose - otherwise you would not have had your Preface, nor the Printers to-morrow their proof, if he had engrossed, as he fully intended to do, my morning with his damned Rebellion."

Seven Letters, three 4to., four 8vo., 6th, 8th, 17th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd and 27th April, 1827
" I wanted to get rid of ' Old Nick' in the • When Love,' (as it would not quite suit female lips) and I think I have succeeded pretty well” “The Article in the Magazine is very flattering, and (not much less welcome) the salmon was excellent” “What comical work is going on in politics ! Some thing good may come out of it” “I never again will have a Dedication engraved” “I have been all the morning with Lord L - . Nothing yet settled. This between ourselves."
" 1000 thanks for the mackerel and for your good joke with them” “If the thing is done, it is of no consequence, but it is worth nine pence to have a thing right, and I only wish we could always have things right at so cheap a rate. I have been with my neighbour all the morning- nothing settled yet, but within an ace of it” “I hope you were amused with the account of my annuity from the Times, ^g2000 a year. It shows what some people think me worth, God help them !"
" The following is the verse for 'The Garland I send thee," and it is to come third instead of second.

' The rest were all cull'd from the banks of that glade Where watching the sunset, so often we stray' d; And mourned, as the time flew, that Love hath no power To {throw, struck out) bind in his {sweet, struck out) chain {over, struck out) even one happy hour.'


“To give you some idea of the trials I make of these things without hitting what I wish, I'll write one or two of my experiments at this verse for you."

* The rest were all cull'd on the banks of that stream (Where so oft we wandered - struck out) We gazed on so often in hope's happy dream, And thought that its current would cease to flow by Ere love should be altered, or that dream would die.

The rest were all cull'd in that shady alcove Whose spring leaves first heard,' &c. &c. I havn't time for the rest. T. M."

Eight Letters, one 4 to., five 8vo. (three of two sides) two, 12mo., 4th (two), 11th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 26th, and 28th May, 1827. Sends a verse of twelve lines :

“In yon leafy bower,

Through which the Moon peeps, At this witching hour A fairy boy sleeps."
" This is all pretty well, but the idea altogether was not so good as the other. You see there is now no doubt that Lord Lansdowne is coming in. God send he may be able to do something for me ! I am almost tired of working” “You have not said what you did with the verses I sent you from the Epicurean. I now transcribe you the only thing like a regular Song that it contains,

“Oh, Abyssinian tree," &c.

“I am going to inflict upon you a tailoring commission for me. My former poor snip is a bankrupt (as I have learned by a demand upon me from his assignees for payment), and I must accordingly proceed to break another. My only evening coat not being in a state to stand a dinner by day-light, I must have


one ready for me when I come up, and what I want you to do is, to send the inclosed to Nugee in Pall Mall, and to take the trouble of calling there to know from him whether he can, without taking my measure, make a coat sufficiently well upon this pattern for me. He is Washington Irving' s tailor, and the only one I know any thing of, beyond my own," &c. " You observe the impudent publication announced of ' Rhymes of the Times?' Galignani had already done the same, with my name to it, making an omission - gatherums of all that everybody has written in the Times for this year past ! - ' I do not understand enough about Sopranos or Tenors to know whether there is much importance in the change of names, and only wish he had left them simply, First, Second, and Third Voice” “I have just had a letter from a Parish Clergyman, so far off as Natchez, Mississi])pi, sending me a book of Hymns, and telling me the pride he felt at seeing two of his Hymns inserted, as mine, in an American Edition of my Sacred Songs” “I hope you didn't think the trash last week in the Times mine. I haven't had time to send any thing to it for a long while” “The Coat is to be blue, with yellow buttons, and to be exactly after the pattern of the other - for, though no great things in the way of fit, he would only make it worse by at all departing from it." ' ' The Salmon and its trimmings (the ^20) arrived quite safe - a thousand thanks."

Six Letters, three 4 to. (one of two sides) tv/o 8vo. one 12mo., 4th June, 3rd, 16th, 20th, 24th, and 30th July, 1827. Domestic afflictions (which are explained) have retarded Mr. Moore's annual visit to town. " Pray send the inclosed to Mrs. D. Just off to Harrow” “I promised to meet Mrs. Shelley to sing for her at 34, Strand, to-morrow at 3 o'clock” “Our young neighbour, Lord Kerry, dines with us to-morrow, and if I had had earlier notice of it, I should have thrown a line out at you for some fish - but as it is, flesh must suffice." Sends three verses of a Song ' The Painter to his Mistress.'


“How shall I paint thee, mistress mine !

How catch the lights that fly So changing o'er that cheek of thine,

Or fix that spiritual eye ?" &c.
" I also send T. Cooke's Song, which will be one of your many do-nothings." Four Letters, one 4to., three 8vo. (one of two sides), 2nd, 10th, 22nd, and 30th August, 1827.
" I have been employing myself in looking over all my unpublished Manuscripts, with a view to the Miscellany, and I know it will give you pleasure to hear that there is a considerable portion of materials which, with a little furbishing up, will go far towards making out our first volume. This is to me an unexpected discovery, and I lose no time in informing you of it. You shall soon have the First Canto of an Eastern Tale, in order to extract a subject for a design from it. I find too, by my memorandums, that Rees has got in his hands some verse translations of mine from the Fathers which were originally inserted in the Notes to my Loves of the Angels, and which I shall get from him for our work” “I also send you two things I have done this week for the Miscellany - the first is a specimen of a Series of Translations from the modester parts of the ancient amatory Poets, which I have long projected, and towards which I have a few things by me from Catullus. The other is a lively thing from the French. I think the sketch you sent me very clever indeed - but I am afraid the details of such a subject would be dangerous to venture upon for such a work as we must make ours. It might be done, perhaps, in prose."
" This lamentable death, though it grieves me deeply, did not take me by surprise, I have looked upon him as a gone man these two months past."* "You have herewith the verses of the Eastern Story, from which I think a design might be taken.''
" There are likewise two more translations from the Latin, which

« The Rt. Hon. George Canning died 8th August, 1827, at Chiswick.


you will put by carefully” “They wanted us to stay for the wedding, (his [ Benetfs~\ daughter is going to be married to Lord Charles Churchill) but I could not spare the time” “I shall keep the drawing to shew it to my neighbour Napier” “I was going to say that the drawing which I send you back is so pretty, that on second thoughts, I will write words to it. What do you think ?” “ As soon as I ascertain Lord Lansdowne's movements (for he is expected down, and I believe I may add out) it is my intention to take a trip into Nottinghamshire to see Newstead and visit, by the way, our Derbyshire friends, I shall then be able, I trust, to get Mrs. Arkwright's permission to publish some of her Songs in our Miscellany."

Five Letters, one 4to., four 8vo., 4th, lvth, 16th, 19th, and 23rd September, 1827
" I am just setting off for Bowood, to pass a day or two with the Home Secretary, which, as far as I can yet learn, he continues still to be” “You shall have a long Prose piece from me in the course of this week” “I did not know that my Prose sketch was so long - there is about as much more, which you shall have by the next opportunity. I passed three days at Bowood last week, which prevented my sending it before, and I am going there again to-morrow” “I trust I shall be able to get through this next year, without doing any thing more for the Times. This, between ourselves. I want to devote myself entirely to our Miscellany and my Life of Byron. We are about to cut down our establishment to one woman servant, which will make a difference, I think, adequate to * * * in our expenses - not so much from the actual saving of what a servant costs, as from the impossibility of company keeping which it will bring with it” “I want now by next parcel Lady Morgan's Life of Salvator Rosa” “You shall have the remainder of the Paris Sketch, and something else, in a day or two” “I shall bring up with me all that I have for you, and you will get ready any thing you want me to dispatch during my stay."


Pour Letters, 8vo., 3rd, 5th, 24th, and 29th October, 1827

Northampton. Directions respecting Papers left on the mantle-piece in his bed-room. " Lwish I could have brought on that ill-treated bed with me. I shall hardly get so comfortable a one till I return to it again” “I am obliged to send my new Coat up. It cuts me so under the shoulders that I cannot wear it. Pray go to Nugee's, and tell them that they must alter it carefully and immediately, and send it down directed to me at Rt. Hon. Lord Rancliffe's, Bunny Park, Nottingham. Tell them that the tightness under the arms makes it wrinkle both before and behind, and that I depend on their altering it properly." Bowood. "I arrived at home safe and sound the day before yesterday, and found all pretty well. My journey was very agreeable, but (except in one instance) not very profitable in the way of business. That one instance, you will be glad to hear, was Mrs. Arkwright, who has placed "all her Songs entirely at my disposal ! Indeed, nothing could be more prompt and unreserved than her compliance with my request - so that we are well provided in that department. I should like to have returned home to quiet after my pleasure, but this place is now full of my friends, and they have laid hands on me the instant of my arrival” “I hope you saw the account of my reception at the Ball at Cheltenham” “I take for granted you know Mrs. Shelley's address." Four Letters, one 4to., three 8vo. (one of two sides), 6th, 12th, 19th, and 26th November, 1827
" I am likely now to be left a little more to myself, and shall send you things oftener. Rogers has given me something for the Miscellany, and my neighbour Paul Methuen has written (wonderful to say) a very pretty and poetical thing for it. I have much to say with regard to our plan, which, I think, must be altered - Annuals have now become so common” “Did you see there was an East India Ship, called the Lalla Rookh,


arrived ? The owners of it, I find, meditated giving me and Bessy a party on board, had we not left town so soon” “I send you also the continuation of the Sketches in Pere La Chaise, of which you already had the commencement. You shall have the conclusion by another opportunity, though it is hardly worth while sending it, as I have resolved to w r rite a verse Tale on the first Anecdote, which is a most admirable subject for such a purpose, and which, 1 think, I shall make something very touching of” “The conclusion of the Sketch of Pere La Chaise (which, I consider, one of the best specimens of my prose style) &c." Betrays evident annoyance at the popular success of the Song of " Cherry ripe."
" Here is a duett that has cost me some trouble, both from the number of verses, and their metre. But the air is very pretty as well as odd, and, I think, will be liked. Pray send a copy of the Evenings in Greece to Mrs. Shelley, No. 51, George Street, Portman Square, with the inclosed note."

Six Letters, 8vo. (two of two sides, one a very curious letter), 5th, 12th, 15th, 20th, 21st, and 28th December, 1827

“I mean to write a set of Six Legends -this and the duett I sent last (the Leaf and the Fountain), forming two of them. The name may perhaps have some attraction in it. I grieve to hear of your heavy Law bills, and hope, before long, that you will be at rest from such expenses” “I have been thinking a good deal lately of coming to live in town, but, as yet, only thinking of it. It would be as well, however, if you had an eye about for a small house for me. Somewhere on the verge of the Regent's Park (the verge nearest town), and not solitary. I want to hit upon some good plan for a Periodical between me and you, that would turn in the Coppers” “I have succeeded in establishing a Post at Bromham,* a most desirable

* A picturesque village in sight of Sloperton Cottage, between which and it there is a small verdant valley. In the parish church, referred to so playfully


thing, as you know. I have always had to send five miles for my letters, and have been rarely able to answer the same day The only thing is, that you will have to pay \0d for my letters? and a penny on the newspapers I send you. Do you mind this latter tax?” “You have here the remainder of the former Legend, and a Third, which I think pretty. There will be two more verses of this, but they are not }^et concocted. I have so many letters to answer to-day, that I can say no more." tl I sent you a little packet through Croker yesterday. "We have a sad prospect before us for the Christmas," &c. " Rees tells me they have printed off a fifth Edition of the Epicurean."
" All this illness before us makes it, I fear, impossible for us to have your daughter as we expected during the Christmas. But 'what is deferred is not lost. 1 I expect," &c. "You have here another Legend, and like the former/' &c.

One Letter, 12mo. 1827

“I wish you would, when you have time, call at Hookham's in Bond Street, and bid him give you a Catalogue of his Circulating Library for me, telling him that I think of subscribing to it for a few months."

Six Letters, four 4to., two 8vo., 1st, 4th, 8th, 15th, 23rd, and 27th January, 1828
" I have had Heath and Reynolds down here expressly to renew the offer of the £Z 00 per ami. They say the Keepsake is beating all its competitors” “Hope you have been amused by Hunt's cockney stuff about me and Lord Byron. 5 ' " I send you another Legend, and having written fourteen letters to-day, have not strength for a word more. To-morrow I start for

by Moore in a dinner invitation to Lord Lansdowne (Sept. 1818), the remains of the Poet, with those of some of his children, now repose.
" But as for me, who've long been taught To eat and drink like other people; And can put up with mutton bought

Where Brombam rears its ancient steeple," &c.


Mrs. Robert Arkwright's, and expect to come away from her like a bee, loaded with honey, you shall hear from me on my way." Nottingham. - " I have been in a constant state of locomotion, ever since I came into this neighbourhood, and have met everywhere the greatest kindness as well as readiness to communicate all the people here knew about Lord Byron. I have indeed collected some very valuable materials, and hope to find still more. To-morrow morning I start for Mrs. Robert Arkwright's, and expect from my visit all sorts of treasures, both Byronian and musical, as Hodgson (Lord B.'s great friend and correspondent) is to meet me there. My money is run short," &c. " Mrs. Arkwright gives me everything," &c.

Seven Letters, three 4to., four 8vo. (one of two sides), 9th February, 4th, 10th, 20th, 22nd, 28th, and 30th March, 1828
" Send ten shillings for me to Gale Jones, No. 5, Wilstedstreet, Somers' Town” “Murray, the deuce is in him, has not yet sent me down Miss Fitzclarence's music book which I left with the things to follow me” “My sister has lost her girl - her only child. How she will bear it I cannot imagine. I know no more dreadful trial” “I have by to-day's post two or three applications from some more of those cursed Annuals, and the day before I left town a man thrust into my pocket (though I took care to throw it out again) a draft for 1 00 guineas for the same number of lines in verse or prose. The people will soon be annually mad” “The little parcel for Haydon the Painter you will forward at your convenience."
" In my hurry yesterday I left out Bessy's little one-pound rag (which I would not let Cobbet get a glimpse of for the world), and, lest you should suppose it lost, send it now through Benett. I hope you liked both the Pig and the Poem we sent yesterday. What is become of the promise of Mrs. Duff's second appearance? I fear the Managers have (as I thought they


would) shelf ed her."* " What I write now for is to answer your question about Mrs. Arkwright's Song, which I omitted to do in my two last. The stupid Pirates have said that the words are by her, and the music by a Lady of distinction, whereas the music is hers and the words by Tom Campbell. You have perfect authority from me to whom she has given her Songs to do anything (short of going to law) to the fellow who has published it. By the bye, a great difficulty in our future use of her Songs, will be the words she has in general selected, and which are other people's property” “I send you the promised Legend," &c. " Miss Feilding is employed about some sketches for the Legends, and wishes they should be lithographed - what say you ?” “ You had better keep my French papers for the parcels you send, as Croker 1 suspect will be kept pretty busy soon."

Seven Letters, three 4 to., four 8vo. (one of three sides), 4th, 6th, 17th, 18th, 23rd, 24th, and 30th April, 1828 Glee of " The Watchman” “Your answer to Mrs. A. was just what it ought to be. I am only sorry that the Songs are not to be for our joint advantage on the cheap terms at which I flattered myself we already had them. You will now be obliged to give more for them than their sale (beautiful as they are with her own singing) will ever repay you. I must say that she would have done more fairly by me (having expressly made me a present of the whole collection) as well as more advantageously by her own fame, if she had left the disposal of them entirely, as she said she would, to me," &c. " Like all ether people, rich as well as poor, she wants to make the most

* Mrs. Duff- -Mrs. Moore's eldest sister - appeared as Isabella at Drury Lane on the 3rd of March, 1828, and soon after went with her husband to New York. " Her fright was so excessive on Monday evening, that we cannot pretend to form a decided opinion of her abilities from so imperfect a specimen; and will therefore postpone our remarks to some more favourable opportunity." - Literary Gazette.



she can," &c. " I have been a good d^al amused by a letter vou sent me, which comes from a Bookseller in Paternoster-row, offering to negociate with me for the work which I am said to have committed to the flames (vide, the Xie-terary Gazette of last week), and saying that he will bear me harmless through any legal consequences that may ensue !” “ I have not been able to do anything towards either selecting or composing the remaining Airs for the Legends. Miss Fitzclarence's Collection turns out to be mere every-day rubbish” “You may send through Croker as usual” “In looking over my boots and shoes to-day I miss an old pair of French boots with the galoshes I used to wear with them, which are a great loss to me," &c. "Miss Feilding, I find, will not let Newton or any one see the designs till I come to town” “I shall not be up till the end of May (unless the proceedings of Byron's Monument should call me up sooner) and should like to know whether that time will do for my financial operations, which must, I fear, be on somewhat a larger scale than usual, to carry me through this year at all comfortably” “Murray paid last week the ^£3000 to the Longmans with interest upon a week or two over the time he agreed to have paid it in." Six Letters, 8vo. (one of three sides), 29th April (received 2nd May), 3rd, 4th, 9th, 13th, and 14th May, 182S
" I inclose you a letter (for your own private eve) which I have just got from Miss Feilding, and hope that there will be no difficulty," &c. iS You shall, however, have some time or other a set of all light and humorous Songs, and I shall, I think, take the Annals of the Fairies as my ground work ! ' Songs of the Fairies ' would not be a bad title” “I have to-day had a note from Newton who will do everything for us we wish” “She [Mrs. Duff'] must have them by the ninth." I am anxious to know what further happened between you and Mrs. Arkwright " Refers to " The Legend of Psyche,” “ Tis the Vine," and " Love, Youth, and Age," as "unfinished."


“It is possible I may want help from you to bring me up, as my pounds are 'ebbing fast away' - but I'll try and keep enough for that purpose” “Lady Donegal has left 38, Berkeley-square, but you will hear there where she is gone to."
" You may send my French newspapers, if there are any, through Croker, as they do to read in going up” “A £5 note would not come amiss, but this you had better send direct by post."

Two Letters, one 4to., one Svo., 17th and 21th June, 1828

** I forgot, the day I was with you at the Stationers, to order some writing paper, which I am in great want of - pray send me some (a ream will not be too much), and I should like half a pound of sealing wax. The paper to be like this” “Thinking that you may want ' The Rose of the Desert' I send it up by parcel, and shall inclose the Legends as I finish them, through the Right Honourable (! !) Croker. You will have the goodness to frank the letter to Genoa for me, and put the other in the 2d or send it, if you can, as there is an original letter of Byron's inclosed."

Six Letters, four 4to., two 8vo., 27th June, 4th, 7th, 15th, 20th and 25th July, 1828 With reference to the Morning Chronicle Newspaper. - " It has become much better now that we are leaving it” “I wish, if you could think of it, you would bring me two little Fireboxes (price 6d each), from Jones's, 201, Strand” “I send you all the words of all the twelve Legendary Ballads], and flatter myself that they are something better than ' Airs of Haut Ton.' I never saw such a publication as that. Bessy and I laughed together over it for an hour last night, she exclaiming all the time', poor Tom Bailey !' ” “In the total dearth of airs to which I am now reduced, I think of putting in execution a plan that has often occurred to me of borrowing subjects from instrumental composers, and manufacturing them in my own way into songs. For this purpose, though I should have," &c,

l 2


** I inclose you a scrap of a letter I have had from Mrs. Arkwright's friend and neighbour, Hodgson. The passage that precedes the scrap is as follows, after mentioning your offer of 25 guineas, he says', of course it was not worth her while to accept such a pittance even if it had been proper to do so. Finding that another publisher had offered 25 guineas for one song (supposed to be Mrs. A.'s but not hers, nor equal to any of her best effusions, I mean < the Captive.')' &c. &c. You will be the best judge what you ought to do” “I want you for Napier to direct the inclosed blank letter to the Editor of the Globe Neivspaper, and have it put in the box at the office as soon as possible” “Your answer was quite right, and I only trust she will not be exorbitant” “My money is nearly defunct (of its usual complaint, a galloping consumption), and as I must have about sixty pounds to carry me over the next two months, if it would not be convenient to you to lend me that sum for the time, &c” “I have sent in my formal resignation to the Times. They are getting so wrong on the Irish Question that I could not consistently continue even my slight connexion with them any longer."

Six Letters, four 4 to., two 8vo., 1st, 2nd, 13th, 18th, 28th, and 31st August, 1828
" I have been writing such shoals of letters that I have but a minute to dispatch a word to you, to say that the s£30 arrived safe, both portions, and that we are full of thanks to you,"
&c. " I want you (if you can possibly spare time before you come down) to make enquiry for us relative to the ground in the field opposite to us, which I told you we had our eye on as a good site for a cottage, I had nearly given up all thoughts of it, but something (between ourselves) that Lord Lansdowne said yesterday evening, when I mentioned the plan to him has rekindled my zeal on the subject” “I don't know whether I before told you that, in refusing the proposal of the Longmans' with respect td*the History of Ireland, I mentioned to them


that as the price which was mentioned (a6500), I could get as much from any of the scurvy annuals for a short Tale, curiously enough a week or two afterwards I received actually an offer of 56500 for 100 pages prose or verse, 56250 to be paid down immediately, which, though a most tempting proposal and most creditable to the spirit of the proposers, I shall be able to decline." Miss Feilding's designs, - " Mrs. Arkwright's transaction with you has certainly more of the Spinning Jenny in it than I expected from her; but the object for which she wants the money is, I know, a good and kind one” “Lady Lansdowne expressed great regret at your not coming that day. The Feildings were there, and the fair artist was very much disappointed” “To-morrow I am off to the Salisbury Music Meeting, which I fear will be but a dull concern” “I have been idling this week past at the Salisbury Music Meeting and at Lord Carnarvon's, where I went with Lord Lansdowne on his way to the Continent."

One Letter, 4 to. September 2nd, 1828

“Here is the third verse, with the air, as well as I can recollect it, if you are not prepossessed in favour of the title I first put, I should rather have it called ' Beauty and Song,' as I see Bay ley has something about the Nightingale and Rose in his Butterfly, and I should like as little as possible to be mixed up with his Butterflies. I don't know whether I mentioned to you that Lady William Lennox told me she sings ■ the Bashful Lover' and the Romaika every where in Society, and Lord William (who is become thoroughly professional) added', I think we shall make the best hit of the Bashful Lover next year that has ever been made for a long time.' Theodore Hook, she says, makes her sing ' the Bashful Lover' over and over for ever for him. You know (such is the difference of tastes) that I was always a little ashamed of this Song, and indeed, had I not seen that you were a little pleased with it, I should have left it out of the Collection. [ am now glad I did it not. We have


ordered some books, which Bessy wished you to give Murray for his boy, and if the Longmans have not sent them, pray dispatch a Messenger for them, and let Bessy have them down immediately."

Four Letters, one 4 to. (three sides), three 8vo., 3rd, 11th, 19th,

and 23rd September, 1828

“"We are off I trust in the morning for Southampton."

“Our lodgings at Southampton are at a Music Shop ! Mr.

William Smart's, 58, High Street." Sends two verses, with

Musical notation of

iC Love o'er all unseen presiding."

u I returned from Southampton last night” “I have found my table covered with all sorts of claims on my time and pen."
" I have been occupied almost ever since I came home in answering the heaps of infernal letters I found on my return."

Three Letters, two 4to. (one of two sides), one 8vo. (of three sides), 1st, 5th, and 18th October, 1828
" I am deep in arrears to you every way. I ought long since to have returned you your ^660," &c. " If these appearances of War become serious I shall have occasion to come up to town to arrange something, with Croker's assistance, about my Bermuda office, and then we shall have a talk upon our Miscellany, &c. &c” “You will I fear think me extinct and so I have been almost, at times, from anxiety and remorse of idleness” “All these things coming upon me in my solitude have disabled me from working, and I am behind hand in every thing, except spending money, which goes at Southampton like wild-fire” “I have this year an income before me (not counting you, which will be all the other way) of sixteen hundred pounds, so please God there is no fear” “I suppose you heard from Clark the trick the Keepsake gentlemen have played upon me. Having offered me six hundred pounds for my name, on being refused they took it for nothing. I ought


not to have been so lenient with them as I have been.. The Longmans' have, I hope, sent you my Squibs/'

Three Letters, two 4to., one 8vo. (four sides), 3rd, 9th, and 14th November, 1828 Miss Feilding's desigus - expected soon back, "she is now at her uncle, Lord Ilchester's." Various commissions. "The note is for Moore, the sculptor - I forgot his direction” “I do not see why Bishop should claim the arrangement of Sphor's air, as he had the good taste to leave it exactly as it was, (with the exception of a few notes of symphony), saying it could not be better, which was very true” “There must be a complete change in all our proceedings, though what, I have not made up my mind to. Something new must be hit upon, or we shall grow 'flat, stale, and unprofitable' - three devilish bad things” “I forgot to thank you for the nice fish, which is even a better thing salted than fresh” “I have been asked to go to Lord Jersey's on my way up, but I shall reserve my visit, I think, till my return."

Five Letters, one 4to. four 8vo. (two of two sides), Oth, 13th, 19th, 24th, and 30th December, 1828

“You can have no difficulty, I should think, in telling which is the old hat of the two. It is new lined -must be of a much browner colour than the other, and is a particularly heavy and hard hat, but will be very useful here to save my best one."
" The grand fish arrived safe, and the Grand Turk would not be received so welcomely. A. merry Christmas to you and yours” “I send you a beautiful air (and I think not ill supplied with words), which will do for our Greek work” “The idea I have now adopted for the beginning of our Second Evening is a Masquerade - which will afford (when I can execute it properly), a most beautiful ground work for all sorts of lyrical subjects - but the truth is, I am now so hard driven to get out my Byron within the season," &c. " I have the more


reluctance in asking you for so long a pause from work, as I shall be obliged to make use of your name for three months on, to bring me within reach of the supplies I shall then be entitled to from Murray, and to have you so much in advance to me, without any set ofT in work, is a very uncomfortable feeling to me, whatever your good nature may make it to you."

Five Letters, one # 4to., four 8vo. One dated " Wednesday," the others undated (1828)
" One will do very well" (to meet Bishop), " I meant to have come to you to-day, but the Duke of Sussex, whom I called upon, took it into his royal head to read me a long pamphlet, which kept me all day, I shall be with you, however, before one to-morrow” “Many thanks for the fine fish ! I think you need not fear Win. Spencer - but, if you like, I could write to him - though I feel sure you may print the verses."
"I have had rather bad accounts of my poor mother's health - but she is, by to-day's news better,” “pray get me two or three pair of gloves at Gibbon's, Coventry Street, opposite Haymarket, such as my last."

Four Letters, two 4 to. (one two sides, the other three sides),

one 8vo., one 12mo.; 2nd, 11th, and two 19th January,


“Many thanks, my dear Sir, for your very friendly assent to

my wishes. Be assured that I shall make up for lost time

when I again buckle to, &c” “I think the present order of

the Legends will do very well, only putting perhaps e the Voice'

instead of the ' Stranger/ the former being a more elegant and

taking air (at least in my opinion) than the other." Annual

dance at Bowood. Six verses of eight lines each entitled, "the

true Gem."

“Said Love to Friendship ' Let us away To yonder island shore - Tis fairy ground - it's soil, they say With gems is sparkling o'er," &c. Domestic afflictions.


Six Letters, three 4to., three 8vo., (two of two sides - a portion of the other torn off), 4th, 13th, 15th- 24th, and 26th February, 1829

Wishes for a set of proofs of the music of the LegendaryBallads, rt that I might be able to sing it to my neighbours at Laycock Abbey." Dedication to the Miss FEildings. " You are a lucky man in the health of your children” “You must find out where Mr. Joy lives - he is a bookseller or publisher, but too fashionable to put his place of abode” “It is a hard trial," {a most painful letter). " We felt the kindness of your letter most thoroughly, and it is not impossible but we may accept your very friendly offer, for which both you and Mrs. Power have our heartiest thanks. Indeed if anything could console one for such a calamity, the sympathy and actual friendship we experience on all sides ought to do so” “Do not mention to people my coming, as there are but few I wish to see” “In fac*t it would be folly to deceive ourselves with hope. We must only go through with it and bear it as we can."

Six Letters, three 4to., three 8vo., 4th (two), 8th, 12th, 25th, and 29th March, 1829

"Many thanks for the fish," &c. Introduction to the Legendary Ballads. Death of Anastasia Mary, # only daughter of Thomas Moore, Esq. " I write but to thank you for your kind feeling note, and to beg," &c. el We shall drink your health to-day as well as eat your good fish” “The name is to be spelt as I have done it here with the E before the I. Lady Elizabeth would never have forgiven such a disparagement of the ancient name as the I being foremost” “I must again put you to your old trade of house hunting for me. Dr. Starkey and my landlord have come to an arrangement which still admits of my cottage being rebuilt and made comfortable for us, and with a much larger interest in it. We shall therefore turn

* Aged nearly sixteen.


out for building purposes in a short time, and take some small house or retired lodgings in or near town during the interval I am employed in publishing (about three or four months). After that we mean to pay our long promised visit to my mother, and I shall devote a few weeks to the poetical tour we have sometimes talked of, for a tenth and last Number of our Melodies” “The Lansdownes have very kindly offered us their villa at Richmond after Whitsuntide, and it is not unlikely we may go to it."

Four Letters, three 4to., one 8vo., 6th, 12th, 16th, and 17th April, 1829
" I send you a sketch of a melancholy song I have done within this day or two, and which when retouched and improved, will be one of the prettiest things I have for a long time produced” “My expenses have been lately enormous, and there are still more heavy ones before me, but, with a little help, I shall pull through." Bowood, (l I have come here to work alone for a week or two previous to my coming to town,"
&c. " I had gone pretty far in a more extended Introduction announcing that this would be the last Collection I should present the Public with (excepting only a tenth Number of Irish Melodies, and a second Evening in Greece), but, on second thoughts, I believe it is as well not to tie myself down so hastily” “I walked into Devizes yesterday (seven miles)." &c.

Three Letters, one 4to., two 8vo., 1st May, 20th June, 24th July, 1829

“I am ashamed of having given so much trouble about this short advertisement," &c. Richmond Hill, " I wish, too, if you have time to-day that you would make arrangements with your Solicitor Clark for seeing as soon as he conveniently can our old friend of the three acres, on the subject of the purchase,
- the less time we lose now about it the better, as the building ought to be commenced as soon as possible."


Two Letters, one 4to., one 8vo., 8th August, 17th September, 1829 [Mr. Moore's residence at Richmond and Mr. Power's absence from London will account for this break in the usual correspondence.^ "I hope you are by this time returned safe home,"
&c. " Here is an alteration in the end of the third verse of that song I gave you, together with the fourth verse." See [Second Evening in Greece, the song commencing " Who comes so gracefully.'"] Brooks's, Thursday, "There is again a chance of old Slop."

Three Letters, two 4to., one 8vo. - and 29th November, 9th December, 1829
" I thought to have taken the inclosed to you myself, but having been the whole day sitting to Sir Thomas Lawrence could not manage it." Directions about " Abernethy bisctiits and maccaroni at two shillings a pound from Morell's in Piccadilly” “I got down very agreeably, and find these apartments made most wonderfully comfortable for my reception - such a metamorphosis (since I saw them filled with washing tubs and flitches of bacon) could not be conceived."

Four Letters, two 4 to., two 8vo. (one of two sides), 2nd, 14th> 19th, and 27th January, 1830 lt You perceive we have lost our dear friend Lady Donegall,* one of the truest and most unchanging during a space, of seven and twenty years that it has ever been my lot to know. I now begin to feel great alarm about my mother in this most trying weather." Carpet slippers. " From an article in the Times to-day I take for granted my book will soon be in the hands of everybody. I feel somewhat in a twitter about it; though rather less than on other occasions, from having such a Hercu-

* Barbara, Marchioness (dowager) of Donegall,died, No. 17, Curzon Street, on the 28th December, 1829. She was the daughter of the Rev. Dr. Luke Godfrey, uncle to Sir William Godfrey, Bart., and was the third wife of Arthur the fifth Earl and first Marquis of Dontjgall, who died Jan. 5, 1799.


lean pair of shoulders as Byron's to shift part of the responsibility to." Hood's Comic Annual. " I have every morning shoals of congratulations and eulogies on the subject of my book, which seems to be doing'wonders” “Next week I shall be in town."

Three Letters, one 4to., one 8vo. (two sides), one 12mo., 13th and 16th March, 20th April, 1830
" I was in hopes I should be able to be up in time for the Shamrock day, as I should like to see how my brother Paddies look after being emancipated, but every day here is so precious to me," &c. " I am coming to London's hateful den again."
" I have been so pressed and put out of my way for these months past that I • take no note of time,' nor of any thing else," &c. Mentions "Weber's wild witch like style" of music.

Four Letters, three 4 to., one 8vo., 27th July, 10th, 14th and 25th August, 1830 tl I have been in daily expectation of receiving the things I left for you to dispatch after me” “We have been now for some days in our new cottage, and find it most dry and comfortable. There cannot be a nicer house for its size” “We think of sailing the latter end of next week. You will see that the Dublin papers have been rather premature in announcing their ' distinguished countryman's arrival.' " 96, Abbey Street,
" We were most lucky in our weather, and I am now glad beyond what I can say that I brought both boys with me - it has made my mother so happy. Already every body remarks how improved she is in looks."

Four Letters, two 4to. (one two sides), two 8vo. (one two sides)

4th, 5th, 1/th, and 25th October, 1830

“Yesterday evening we arrived all safe and well at Sloperton,

our heads almost turned with kead mille fealthods, and my

pockets turned inside out with our expenditure. You never

saw any thing like the enthusiasm of my reception every where


in Ireland. They have now set their hearts upon bringing me into Parliament for some county, and had there been a vacancy at this moment I could hardly have escaped the honour. Stevenson I did not see. He was confined with illness during the first weeks of our stay, and though I called two or three times I could never see him. He then set off for Lord Headfort's, where we were asked to meet him, but in the whirl and multiplicity of our engagements we were unable to compass it. By all accounts the poor fellow is completely past his work. I am told he says of his legs (looking down mournfully at them) ' Oh, by G - d they are very good legs - -but they won't walk.' You must manage to lend me twenty or thirty pounds (the latter if possible) for a few weeks, till I can put matters in train for raising the supplies. I am (to use the slang phrase) completely ' cleaned out,' but shall now turn in for a long spell of labour, and have little doubt of being soon quits with you and all other kind creditors. The building and this journey coming together have been a fatal blow to my finances” “The reason of my not writing to you more than once from Dublin was very simple. It was the same as that given by Joe Maddocks to the Princess of Wales, when she said to him, f For why you not speak, Mr. Maddocks V - ' Because Ma'am,' answered Joe', I have nothing to say.' Not having been able to see Stevenson, I had nothing particular to communicate to you, and being in such a whirl both of mind and body as caused me to neglect but too much one of the most important objects of my visit to Dublin, I thought I knew you well enough to feel quite sure that you would excuse any omission of mere letter writing, &c” “I send you some more of the Summer Fete, which will still spread out to two or three hundred lines more. All good for your letterpress book. I inclose also Lady Headfort's letter, which you will return to me some time or other. You had already seen the mention of poor Stevenson's paralytic attack in the newspapers” “I have been passing three days with the Duchess of Kent and our little


future Queen at Earl Stoke Park, and we had a great deal of music. The Duchess sung some of my Melodies with me better than I ever heard them performed. I promised to send her some of the Songs of mine she most liked, and I should he glad if you would get them bound together (not too expensively) for me to present to her. They are as follows. ' Meeting of Ships - Indian Boat- The Evening Grun - Say what shall be our Sport, (can you detach this from the Nationals?) - Keep your Tears for me- The Watchman - I. love but thee (beginning ' If after all')- Reason and Folly and Beauty. She has promised me copies of some very pretty German things she sung."

Seven Letters, four 4to. (one of two sides) three 8vo., 1st, 4th, 5th, 10th, 17th, 19th, and 29th November, 1830
" I think it the most respectful way (as well as most modest) to send only the songs she asked for." Sir John Stevenson. "I have been sadly interrupted of late - but it seems my destiny” “I wish you could get for me and send by the first opportunity the Daily Diary or Remembrancer (I don't know which it is called (at Bailey's I think, No. 9, Fleet Street.) I want the large size at 65." I have written a Comic Duett for two Almacks Dandies (Male and Female) which as soon as I have finished- the verses that introduce it, you shall have” “I wish you would send me by next parcel the last number of the Belle Assemblee and any French Magazine that may be about fashions, as I want to dress my two Dandy people properly” “I was in hope of a letter from you this morning to say whether dear Tom was (as well as his Majesty) prevented by the Ministers from coming out. What a farce (a tragical one) the great Duke has made of it” “I send you the corrected music and 100 lines more of the Summer Fete." - u You will be a little startled, I fear, to see the instruments of War I am sending to you, but it is for a purpose which I have long intended, though the state of our neighbourhood just now has put it more immediately in my head. I want you to get


new locks to these pistols for me, and whatever else may be necessary to make them sound and trust-worthy. They were given me some years since by a genuine Sir Lucius G'Trigger of my acquaintance, and my neighbour Napier says they are excellent pistols, but at present dangerous (not to one's enemies but one's friends) from the state of the locks” “I do not fear the hundreds of poor devils that are congregating on all sides, and whose aim is entirely (as it ought to be) against the parsons and landlords. They are not likely to molest me
- but the stray stragglers from these great bodies and the number of ruffians that will take advantage of this state of things to rob and plunder are the evils that are most to be dreaded through the long nights of winter, and if we stay here (which it is just possible we may not) I should not like to be undefended." e< Since I wrote the within one of the locks has broken off with a touch."

Four Letters, two 4to., two Svo., 3rd, 10th, 11th, and 23rd December, 1830
" I have done some more of the Fete, bringing in two more of our stray Songs, so that there remain but three or four more (if so much) to finish it” “We find the mould candles here so bad that we wish to try some of your London ones; and would be glad to have a box down by waggon. By buying them for me you can, I suppose, leave them to be paid by me. Best regards to all your large little circle. The candles are to be long fours."

Two Letters, one Svo., one 12mo., undated (1830)

“Three or four days ago I wrote to Sandon (19, Bury Street) to know whether his second floor would be vacant this next week and he has not answered me. You could perhaps * stir him up with a long pole' on the subject to-morrow, as I am rather in a difficulty about a lodging, and would not go to his but from my hatred of strange places and faces."


whelmed with devilish letters. - One of the inclosed is to the Artists Proprietors of the National Gallery, who have applied to me (on account of that < taste which flows almost exclusively from my pen') to write the dedication to their work to the King. I have just despatched off another answer to an application from York for me to write the inscription on a monument they are erecting there to the seven young people who were drowned ! There is no end to these applications."

Five Letters, two 4to., three 8vo., 2nd, 13th, ISth, 25th and 31st January, 1831.
" A merry new year to you and yours" - " To write a genteel comic Song is no easy matter. I have tried at different subjects till I am tired, and now have produced one that has too much ivit (at least what was meant for wit) for a Song. However as tune or no tune I mean to keep it in - I send it to you." <f I am bleeding at every pore, in the money way. Building and furniture, &c. is now running away with more than s6300, in addition to the a£200 I paid in the summer. However once over it, and with jEIO a year rent, I shall manage perhaps to get into smooth water again” “Some you cannot touch. But the Canadian Boat Song I certainly altered, and so I did c The last Rose of Summer.' My Romaika they have stolen under the title of Sappho and given the name Romaike to another Waltz in the same set. The Titles I should think are fair game for you to fly at." Mentions his "highbuilt nest" at Bowood. " I have been employed these two days in routing up Irish Melodies, and think we shall be able to make a very good show in the 10th Number” “You shall hear from me soon about Wade's MS."

Four Letters, two 4to. two Svo., 8th, 10th, 17th and 28th February, 1831
"I shall have great cutting and slashing on the Slips" (of


the Summer Fete). " I have just heard such intelligence from Dublin as makes it necessary for me to start immediately. You shall hear from me on my road, or from Dublin. I fear I shall hardly find my poor mother alive” “I know you will be glad to hear that my dearest mother has rallied in the most extraordinary way, and that I am able to leave her with the hope that she is in a fair way of recovery.* It has astonished every one, and a great deal of it is certainly owing to the vigour and composure of her mind which exceeds any thing I could have expected even from her in such circumstances. I have seen poor Stevenson, who is a sad wreck, but still full of laugh and fun (at least while I was with him) and as much a Dandy as ever
- quite a Lord Ogleby” “Myself and my cold (which still sticks to me) arrived here safe on Friday night, finding all pretty well at home."

Four Letters, three 4to. one 8vo., 6th, 10th, 11th and 18th March, 1831
""What interesting doings you have up in town just now!"
" Pray look in the last (or last but one Evening Post) for a letter of Arthur O'Connor's and put the proper Number to the address of the inclosed which you must frank off to-morrow for me. It is to ask a question of him." Enquiry about a watch. " As soon as my Lord Edward is off my hands, I mean before I commence any thing else to take a long spell at Music."

Three Letters, two 4to. one 12mo. (two sides), 5th, 9th and 17th April, 1831
<e I trust you will be able to hasten the publication [of the Summer Fete~] as I should like to have two such things as my

* Mrs. Moore survived fifteen months after this. She died at Dublin on the 10th May, 1832. The Gentleman's Magazine records that " Her intellect was of the highest order, and it is stated to have been a fixed rule with Mr. Moore to write twice a week to her."


Life of Lord Edward and this gay poem coming out as near as possible together. I want you to manage a little matter for me in which we are both interested. A gentleman lent me a set of Bohemian Airs, from which I have selected about a dozen, which are just of the very sort to catch the popular ear, and yesterday I sent the book back to him, forgetting to erase the pencil marks which I had made before the airs to be selected. This, ever since I have recollected it, worries me, as it will be a guide for him and others to the few airs I have appropriated out of the 400 in the book, and somebody else might be tempted to make use of them. I have therefore written the inclosed to him to say that the book was sent off without my knowledge, and that there is an air or two more I want to transcribe if he will allow me to have them again. You must send this to his house immediately, and if he should not send the book to you, as I bid him, by Monday evening, you had better perhaps write a note on Tuesday morning to say that you have a parcel making up for me, and understanding that he has some music to send me, take the liberty of apprising him."

Four Letters, three 4 to., two 8vo., 9th, 13th, 21st and 22nd May, 1831
" I send you a most beautiful Air (which the Duchess of Kent by the bye gave me) and which I have succeeded, I think, in matching with words most luckily."

Four Letters, one 4to., three 8vo., 1st, 3rd, 6th and 7th July, 1831
" In addition to the other bother I bequeathed you in coming away, T wish," &c. " I found all here very well."
"Thanks, my dear Sir, for the fine salmon, which I am within half an hour at this moment of attacking," Five Letters, 8vo., 13th, 17th, 19th, 20th and 30th July, 1831 ' ' Not to lose time I send you back the two proofs and Horn's Song, which is, I think, very good indeed, and with


much more feeling than any thing of his I have ever seen. We are just about to prepare for our Archery Fete to-day and looking very anxiously at the sky. Your supply of fish for the occasion is most magnificent." '• I expect my Life of Lord Edward will be out next week” “The proofs that are in the Box you will throw by somewhere till I return to town to destroy them."

Five Letters and a Song, four 4to.,two 8vo., 2nd, 7th, (two), 2 1st, 22nd, and 28th August, 1831
•'* I had just sat down to copy out two new things for you, when Napier brought a Scotch friend of his to visit me, and I must defer my task till to-morrow” “I hope your copy of Lord Edward was among the first sent as I ordered” “I send you the 4th verse of the last Anthology Song and words to be set for our Second Evening in Greece. This forms one of the groups or pictures I told you of - an Arab girl and her lover conversing by signs in presence of her parents. He kissing a lotus flower (which is the emblem of beauty among the Arabs) and she holding up to him a small Mirror, such as the Arab women wear fastened to their thumbs. You shall have the verses descriptive of the same in the course of this week." Song and Duett of The Lotus and the Mirror (unpublished) two Verses,

“Love hath a language of his own, A voice, that goes From heart to heart, whose mystic tone Love only knows," &c. The Longmans have sold nearly the whole 1500 of my Lord Edward, which will be, they say, about £500 to the credit side of my account, another 1500 is what it ought to sell, but *-■■ ■ I fear it won't."

Five Letters, one 4 to., four 8vo. (three of two sides), 5th, 1 4th, 17th, 20th, and 26th September, 1831 11 Have you yet looked out Napier's verses for me ? you will

m 2


know them by the odd upright hand writing, and let the original stay where it is, till I decide what I (or we) shall do with them” “I have heard a good deal about my brother lyrist, but he is not, I think, in the King's Bench." * * * " in short the whole * Butterfly bower' is blown in the air. Poor devil!” “ I have been engaged in a task which, of all others, I dislike - namely, writing an Article for the Edinburgh Review, having long promised the Editor I would give him one, and wishing also to oblige the Longmans” “The Air was given to me by Young, the actor” “Young lives in Pall Mall, I think."
" Pray pay the inclosed to Paris; it is in answer to a communication from no less a personage than the King of France about my book” “I am almost ashamed to tell you how pleased I was with the things of my own you sent me. I had forgot all of them but their names, and they come therefore fresh upon me. I have seldom, if ever, written anything so truly lyrical as two or three of them are. I was also glad for another reason, as two of them will come in most charmingly for our second (and last) Evening, so that we have now at least five or six pretty things towards it” “What you sent me is not Napier's, nor was it, I think, among the things I gave you with Napier's; for those were for the Miscellany, and this (which I inclose) was merely given for you to have set by somebody. Napier's verses were, if I recollect right, with a little packet of verses, prose,
&c. chiefly of my own, which I intended for the Miscellany. Translations from Catullus, Sketches of Pere La Chaise,
&c. There was also some verses of Luttrel's which are now of no use, as on understanding that I had given up the idea of a Miscellany, lie made a present of them to his Son, who got twenty guineas for them from the Keepsake. Pray look again for his verses. It shows how much better supplied I am with words than with airs that (as I find by the MSS. you have sent me) I have actually written two sets of words to each of two airs - bigamy in Song completely. I must now find part-


ners for the discarded wives, which are both (though I say it that should'nt say it) pretty” “ I understated the duplicate words I had written; there were no less than three airs to which I had put two sets of words each” “What do you think of Murray ? Besides the 8vo. Edition of my life of Byron, which he has printed, he is going now to publish a small one like the Waverley Novels to come out Monthly, with vignettes,
&c. My portrait, from Lawrence, to be among the engravings
- what enormous expenditure !"

Four Letters, one 4to., three 8vo., 2nd, 11th, 21st, and 24th October, 1831
" You have here my attempt at setting ' Guess, Guess,' [printed in Collected Edition of Moore's works, until then unpublished^] for our Greek work. I have not been able to satisfy myself, but I think when Bishop and I meet, we shall contrive to make something pretty out of it” “The Napiers have been passing their last two farewell days with us, which has interrupted me. I was very sorry not to have his verses to give him, and cannot think why you have not sent them to me. I have some little idea of coming up to town to take leave of poor Sir W. Seott, who has expressed a wish to see me before he goes. I am told he is a good deal better” “I had something to send you yesterday, but as you will see myself on Wednesday or Thursday, I may as well be the bearer of it. My chief object in coming up is to see Sir W. Scott before his departure, and Murray has also some matters to consult me upon relative to the illustrations of his New Edition of the Life,
&c. &c. so I go to his house for the few days I stay. I was disappointed in not receiving my Edinburgh Review which I suppose was sent to you. If so, open it and read Shiel's Article upon Lord Edward, and also (as I know you are fond of the Church) an Article entitled 'State of Protestantism in Germany,' which is the one I told you I was employed about; - but this you will keep to yourself. I am sorry I gave you such trouble about


these verses of Napier's, but I felt quite sure they were among the Miscellany Papers. I suppose I have them myself somewhere. I will see you if possible on Wednesday evening."
" I got down very comfortably," &c. "I want you to go as soon as you can conveniently, to a book-shop in Piccadilly, not far from Bond Street, and on that side of the way, which contains books labelled with their prices in the window, and there to buy me a copy of Bland's Anthology which I saw in the window, but was in too great a hurry at the time to stop to purchase it. It is marked 12 shillings, but yow will, I dare say, get it for less” “You shall have, by to-morrow's post, the Dedication and Introduction to the Summer Fete. I don't know what to do with that thing you have so often sent me, * Good bye, my youth' - having tried over and over to make something tolerable of it, without success. I shall see, however, whether upon the same thought, and taking what sailors call ■ a fresh departure,' I may not do something better."

Five Letters, one 4 to., four 8vo., 2nd, 7th, 9th, 19th, and 28th November, 1831
" I send you a very pretty Air of Miss Houlton's, to which I was very glad to. be able to write nice words." The Cholera panic. " I dare say Doctor Russell himself would, in the event of the disease actually reaching London, dismiss the whole school, as that part of the town would be of all others least eligible in such circumstances. But I should not like you to wait for this, but on the first intelligence of the approach of Cholera to do as I have said above, shewing this letter to Doctor Russell as your authority for what you do. The Newspapers to-morrow morning may perhaps decide me as to the steps to take, but in the mean time (that is, between this and your hearing from me again) I leave all to your own discretion” “Many thanks for the good fish, which feasted Miss Starkey, Hughes and ourselves yesterday. I want you to go with the letter to Rogers yourself, and to ask whether he is in


town - if not, enquire his address (that is, if he is not expected back soon), and, directing the letter accordingly, put it in the post” “I see the alarm from Cholera has subsided; but we shall have it yet” “They had some hundred policemen stationed in the Charter House the other day. What a state England is brought to!" Directions to bind a copy of the Irish Melodies " for a wedding present, and the sooner it is done the better."

Five Letters, one 4to., three 8vo., one 12mo., 8th (two) and 28th December. Two undated (one of two sides), 1831 Note (undelivered) to the Rev. Doctor Russell, of the Charter House. " I have had just time to read over Mr. Wade's MS. and dispatch it back to you. I find it is merely a History of Ancient Music, and, though appearing to be done with considerable talent, by no means comprises the part of the subject which would make it a work of much general interest. This is all I have to say, but you may shew him

. this note, with my compliments and best thanks for the flattering manner in which he has spoken of myself. The piracies another time. It is too bad of the fellows to rob me of my Romaika” “The books need not be bound, nor need they come down to me, as it will be sufficient to write in them. ' From the Author,' and the persons that occur to me at present, are C. C. F. Greville, Esq. 11, Suffolk Street, Haymarket, (I think it is 11, but you will know at the Council Office), Lady Frances L. Gower, Bridgewater House, Cleveland Row, and Henry Luttrel, Esq. Brookes' Club House. You had better, I think, send one also to E. L. Bulvver, Esq. M.P., 1 from the Author.' He is, you know, Colburn's Editor, and lives in Hereford Street, May Fair. As to Barnes and Jerdan, if you send copies to them, you may put ' from the Author ' or not, just as you think adviseable” “If I puzzled Bishop, he has, in return, puzzled me still more. The fact is, though his accompaniments are beautiful, he has, by the alterations he has


made, changed the whole character of the Air," &c. " I cannot find where my verses', Die where you will/ have been published, but, I rather think, it must have been in the last editions of the Two-penny Post Bag, or, perhaps, of the Fudge Family
- at the end."

Four Letters, one 4 to. (two sides) three 8vo. (one of two sides), lOthj 17th, 21st, and 31st January, 1832
"Our dissipations here continue, but, thank God ! the meeting of Parliament will rid me soon of all this idling. I have had lately most splendid offers from Colburn (through his new Editor), to furnish Squibs to his Magazine - but have declined. ' Terms (says Bulwer in his letter) which only so opulent a publisher as Mr. Colburn could afford to offer.' I could not? however, let this boast pass without saying, that liberal as was Mr. Colburn's offer, I must do the Magnificos of the Times the justice to say that it fell short of them. It was for such things as I sent the Times he had asked” “Murray writes me word that his new Edition is doing very well. Have you observed the usual shuffling in his advertisements of it ? At first suppressing my name altogether, and now putting it the most prominent, as if the whole was edited by me. There never was such an odd fellow." Sends "the MS. of that tiresome namesake of mine, to whom you may give a pound for me, if you think he is really so wretched as he says."
"The address of my namesake is 48, Chandos Square, St. Martin's Lane. The poor devil, as a last hope, has since written to beg a copy of the Summer Fete, meaning, of course, to pawn it. Let hiin have the Sovereign instead."

Two Letters, 8vo., 19th and 26th February, 1832

“I am very nearly well of my Influenza, and hope you and yours keep free of all aches and alarms, in these alarming times."
" I have nothing for you in the way of work to-day," &c.

Six Letters, four 4to. (one unsigned), two 8vo. (one of two sides), 8th, ilth, 14th, 18th, 21st, 23rd March, 1832


“I send you more of the Evening; the four last lines not yet finished. My closing scene will be a puzzler, as I wish to make it both a lively and probable termination of the whole work by bringing the absent Warriors home, while the young ladies are at supper. As to pictures this poem abounds with them; but where is the artist ?” “ I don't know where Crofton Croker lives, and this letter being upon a subject in which a neighbour of mine is interested I wish it forwarded by Twopenny Post immediately” “My own movements will also a good deal depend on the answer, as it will decide, I think, whether I shall go before Patrick's day, or after” “Did I tell you of another Magazine Editor being at me with all sorts of good offers ? The new opponent of Blackwood in Edinburgh. He got the usual answer. They appear to be making great efforts for this new start” “Doctor Russell's answer has decided me not to come up till the end of next week, which will suit me much better (all except the losing St. Paddy's day)” “I have had no formal requisition yet from Limerick, but I rather think they mean to tempt me. What they propose is a subscription among the women of Ireland for the purpose, which would certainly be a very pretty way of doing the thing” “There was a Grand Fancy Entertainment given at a private house in Bath lately, consisting of scenes out of Lalla Rookh and the Evenings in Greece; the Music of the latter got up by professors. They ought to have asked the author to it."

Three Letters, 4to., 11th, 13th, and 26th April, 1832

“I have not been able to finish copying out the lines I showed you in town sufficiently soon to go in this cover; but they and more shall go next time” “I should like to have at the same time a copy of the Summer Fete, for which I fear, by your account, I am your best customer” “A man called upon me yesterday, who told me he had enquired for me at your house on Tuesday. Harding, the bookseller of Cornhill. He came expressly by the Mail to offer me 1000 guineas for a Poem -


the third of the size of Lalla Rookh - to have illustrated in the manner of Rogers's. I asked him was he aware that Rogers's book had cost him 567000 ? He said, yes- ' But then the badness of the times/ said I. All this, he answered, that he had taken into consideration, but the rage for illustrated works was so great, that he had no doubt of success, if I would write the Poem. I did not like to give the poor man a decided ■ No/ So he returned by the Mail last night as he came. I mention this to you, because you were talking of having the Evenings in Greece illustrated, and it is at least a bookseller's opinion in favour of the success of such a plan” “I send you a portion of the Second Evening corrected for the Press," &c.

Two Letters, one 8vo., one 12mo., 4th and 16th May, 1832

"I send you some more of the Evening” “Bishop is, I must say, very provoking. I send his account book back."
" We are both much obliged by your kind note, but it is not the intention of either of us to come to town for some time. I was myself about to start for Ireland when the melancholy news [of his mother's death] reached me."

Four Letters, one 4to., two 8vo., one irregular, i lth June, 1st, 8th, and 14th July, 1832
" I sent by mistake, yesterday, both of Bishop's settings of the Dying Warrior to his Sword, and want one of them (it does'nt matter which) back again to write words to, any time will do” “I was in Devizes from Thursday till yesterday evening, and did not receive your packet till my return” “I should be glad when you have occasion to write again that you would say through what channel the Collection of Irish Airs sent to me from America (which came in the last parcel) reached your hands."

Three Letters, one Svo., two 12mo. (one of two sides), 6th, 8th, and 26th August, 1832
" I am sorry to have been obliged to make bo much alteration


in the words of ' Welcome, sweet bird,' but it has, from the first given me a great deal of trouble, being a most awkward air to put words to."

[On the back is ivritten and struck through.']

"Sloperton, August 6, 1832.
"My Dear Sir,

“I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. O'Connell at Bristol the other day, when we had a good deal of conversation on the subject to which you allude, and were it lucky my to have enjoyed the advantage. - "

"I send you two Songs. 'The Russian Lover,' and 'Hush, sweet Lute,' and the reason of my troubling you with them on a Sunday is to request that you will oblige Mr. Phipps by performing the inclosed commission for him. I forget the name of the fishmonger in your neighbourhood (whether it is Garbage or Groutage), but you will know the person I mean, and be so good as to mention that I recommended him." Three Letters, one 4to. (franked " Lansdowne"), two 8vo., 4th, 7th, and 8th September, 1832
"I return the Proofs and Revises, with (I am sorry to say) a few more corrections in the latter. I send you also a new Song', The days are gone,' which with two of the four others inclosed (you can take your choice) completes the number that were wanting to make up my due quantity. By my next parcel I shall send a third verse for ' The days are gone,' and your account book, as also the copy of the Pere La Chaise Anecdotes, which I am very sorry your daughter had the trouble of writing, as it was not that I wanted, but two or three translations from Catullus, which were with it, and which I should be glad to have by the next parcel” “I send the third verse of ' The days are gone' - a very appropriate title for the last Song it is possible I may ever write for you. It is not without pain that I use these expressions, and I will hope for both our sakes that the result may be otherwise -but all will depend upon


the shape in which the enclosed Account Book is returned to me” “Have the goodness to say, in your next, the exact day on which my last bill upon you becomes due” “I send you a Melody. Will you have the goodness to ask at Ridgway's, Piccadilly, for a speech of Sir H. Parnell's this last Session, and send it to me when you have a parcel” “Many thanks for the nice oysters” “I had got this frank \i\ot posted] from Lord Lansdowne, but find he misdated it."

Five Letters, one 4to., two 8vo., two 12ino., 5th and 16th October, 5th, 17th, and 30th November, 1832.
" I forgot to say that the Guittar is wanted almost immediately, and you will therefore lose no time in sending it” “I have only time in dispatching the inclosed to express my sincere regret at your continued illness, and my hope that you will soon have better news to send me” “I rejoice to hear that you are so much better” “I have not time for more, but hope to hear that you are quite recovered." Four Letters, three 4to., one 8vo., 3rd, 15th, 26th, and 28th December, 1832
" Pray forgive all this haste and trouble” “There is nothing more necessary to be done, in the way of preface or advertisement for the Second Evening” “Mrs. Moore is much obliged for the copy of the Second Evening, and I am thankful to you for sending one to my sister” “We have to thank you for a very fine present of Fish, which has not only feasted ourselves but many of our neighbours." Unpublished MS. by Mr. Moore, in his autography Eight closely written pages, 4to, on three sheets of paper, with indorsement of date in pencil by Mr. Power, referring to September and November, 1827, and headed by Mr. Moore, " Sketches of Paris. Sketch the First - Pere la Chaise." Four Letters, 8vo., 1 1 th, 1 3th, and 2 1 st March, and 3rd April, 1 833
" It gave me much pleasure to receive your note, and I regret having been obliged to defer our meeting so long- but as the


printer is at my heels, I am obliged to work all the first hours of the morning. On Wednesday, however, as soon after halfpast ten as may suit you, I shall be very glad to see you."
" I shall thank you to send as soon as you receive this, a copy of the two Evenings in Greece, directed to Miss Barbara Godfrey, 35, Berkely Square. She leaves town in the morning, and therefore I wish her to have the book to-night. I shall expect to see you to-morrow evening” “The dinner the other day was more of company than I expected, and accordingly I had not an opportunity of mentioning our business to Mr. Rees; but as soon as my occupations will allow of my going out in the morning, I shall call upon him on the subject."
" Mr. Rogers, to whom I have spoken, has consented to assist us in our object” “I was sorry not to be able to see you yesterday, being still very much occupied all the mornings - but if you can call here on Friday morning between ten and eleven I shall be glad to see you."

Two Letters, 8vo. (one of two sides), 4th December, 1834, and 21st November, 1835
" I have to apologize for not sooner applying myself to the subject to which you drew my attention - but being busily employed in sending off the first Copy of my Irish History to the press, as also fancying, that the task you sent me was something requiring more time than I find it actually does, I was induced to defer it till this moment. It strikes me (after turning the matter over in my mind a good deal) that the present Preface with the few alterations you will find made in it, is as good and apropos as any new one I could prefix. I have found, however, a most extraordinary erratum in the Letter Press of the Tenth Number, which cannot be allowed to go forth without correction; and if it was really in the proofs sent to me, nothing but the unlikelihood of such a mistake occurring could have prevented me from perceiving it. In order to turn aside the too strong application of the words of the Song, * To-morrow, Comrad,' &c. to the present state of Ireland, I had taken care to


prefix to it ' Time, the Ninth Century,' and the Printer here, in order to saddle me with what I took so much pains to avoid, has made it the nineteenth Century! As a joke it wouldn't be bad, but from a Printer's devil it is rather too much. I meant to have said something more - but do not like to lose this post. Pray see that this passage is corrected” “Dec. 5. The parcel was, after all, too late yesterday, and I open my note to insert a few additional words. I think it but fair, after our long connexion together, to apprize you that I occasionally still occupy myself with music, and mean in the course of next Season to publish some single Songs (either single or in a set), and likewise to finish a set of Sacred Songs which I have been from time to time employed upon. I shall only add that I have not yet entered into negociations. I inclose a letter which I received some time since from the Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, on the subject of his intended work. I had better see a proof of the corrected Preface, and if you will have your inclosure left with the waiter at Brooks's it will come franked to me” “I have just recollected, in sending off these proofs, that I have another still uncorrected (' Not from Thee ') to send you. It shall go in the first parcel I am forwarding to the Longmans” “I should be obliged by your letting me have a set of proofs of these Songs for my own use when you are sending again - as I think you had better - at least revises of those in which I have made much correction."

Four Letters, 8vo., 16th February, 10th, i 6th, and 2 1st March, 1836
" I send back the proofs, and shall be obliged by your looking particularly to the restoration of the original accompaniment to a bar or two in the Song, * Go and forget it all.' I don't know how or by whom the accompaniment (which is Cheru^ bini's own) was altered or mangled, but it makes havoc of the whole Song” “I have not yet been able to satisfy myself in an Air to ' The days are gone,' but you shall have it before long."

Mr. Power died on the 26th August, 1836.



[From the London Literary Gazette, vol. xx. No. 1024, p. 573.J

“We have to record with feelings of sincere regret, the death of this eminent music-publisher, and most excellent man. He died on the evening of Friday the 26th ultimo at his house, 22, Buckingham Street, Strand, after a very short illness, and at the age of seventy, according to the newspaper announcement.

"As 'the noblest work of God' an honest man, and as an upright tradesman, Mr. Power enjoyed the respect of every one to whom in the way of business he was known; as well as the private friendship of many distinguished individuals, and the personal esteem of all who were capable of appreciating the moral dignity of his character. But it is as connected with national music and literature, that the name of James Power will long be remembered. He was the early and unostentatious patron, and subsequently, the steady friend of Moore, when adverse circumstances clouded the poet's fortune.

“Mr. Power was born at Galway, in Ireland; his parents were highly respectable, but they had the good sense, instead of allowing their son to grow up a fox-hunting gentleman, to apprentice him to a pewterer in his native town. By the same regularity of habit, and attention to business, which distinguished him in after life, James Power soon became so skilful an artificer, that he undertook to repair the bugles of a light infantry regiment, then quartered at Galway. This undertaking, although at the time he was perfectly ignorant of the construction of the instrument, was accomplished by him so skilfully, that the bugles and trumpets of different regiments in Ireland, were sent to him for repair. Finding the reputation of his workmanship was daily increasing, Mr. Power removed to Dublin, and established himself in Westmoreland Street as a military instrument manufacturer. This step involved the necessity of dealing a little in music, and he took a younger brother (Mr. William Power) into partnership, for the purpose of attending to his increasing business.

“The demand in Dublin for lyrical compositions, induced Mr. Power to enter into the speculation of offering Mr. Moore, some of whose productions had already been published by him, the sum of fifty pounds for a set of twelve songs, adapted to Irish melodies, to be arranged by Sir John Stevenson. We have been told ths J the success of the first number of the Irish Melodies was


such as to induce the Messrs. Power to enter into an agreement with Mr. Moore, for an annuity of five hundred pounds for seven years, on condition of receiving from him a certain, and not very large number of songs. And this agreement was, we believe, twice subsequently renewed by Mr. James Power, who, shortly before the appearance of the second number of the Irish Melodies (October 1807), removed from Dublin to London, and commenced business as a music-publisher on his own account, at his present warehouse, No. 34, Strand.

“The publications of Mr. Power embrace a collection of the compositions cf the most popular lyric writers of the last thirty years, which were always produced from his press in a style of neatness of embellishment, superior to all contemporary works. Many oi them have received a passing tribute of approbation at our hands, as a reference to the pages of the Literary Gazette will prove. But the principal work with which the name of James Power will remain proudly associated, is the collection of Irish Melodies by Moore, arranged by Stevenson and Bishop; a publication which extends to ten numbers, with a supplemental one, which appeared at intervals between 1807 and 1834, a space of twenty-seven years, with undiminished popularity. The publisher, although as unostentatious a man as ever breathed, and lost strongly opposed to the tricks of puffery, appears himself to have felt a degree of honest pride out of his connection with this beautiful national work, from his having latterly adopted the punning imprint of ' The Power of Melody ' around an Irish harp.

“Mr. Power has left a widow and a large family, by whom no doubt his lucrative business will be carried on, as he possessed the copyright of many valuable musical and literary works."


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