Irish Book Lover (Index S)
S-Se |
S. R. E., IX: 15.
Sadlier, John, in Fiction, XI: 81, 102.
Sadlier, Michael, Dublin University Magazine, XV: 28, XXV:
61, XXVII: 215.
Sadlier, Mrs., XII: 53.
Sadlier, Type Foundry, XX: 40.
Sadlier, T. U., VI: 203, VII: 52, XIV: 123.
‘Sailm Daibid’, (Psalms in Gaelic) IV: 51.
Sairseal agus Dill, XXXII: 147.
Sale Catalogues, VII: 137.
Sale of General Vallancey’s Irish MSS., XVIII: 89.
Salkeld, Blanaid, The Fox’s Covert, XXIII: 125.
Salmon, John, XXV: 14, 63.
Salud, Peadar O’Donnell, XXV: 67.
Samhain, Periodical issued by Gaelic League, W.B. Yeats,
XVIII: 123.
Sampson, Donat, VI: 114.
Sampson, William, II: 49, XIV: 57.
Samuel Ferguson and John T. Gilbert, Colm, XXX: 123-125.
Samuel Forde: An Irish Artist, Mangan, Henry, XXIX: 137.
Sandy Chronicle, The, VIII: 84.
Sandys, Edwin, Book on Cyphers Printed by, XVIII: 123.
Saoghal an Duine : Michéal Óg Ó Longáin,
XXX: 25.
Saoi, Maire Mhac ant-, Margadh na Saoire. 1956, XXXII: 147.
Saothar Gan Tairbhe, XXX: 98.
‘Saracen’, psuedomym; Misconceptions, XIII: 171.
Sarah, VII: 26.
Saroyan, William, The Bicycle Rider on Beverley Hills. 1953, XXXII: 47.
Sarr, Kenneth, Somewhere to the Sea, XXIV: 70.
Sarsfield’s Letters, XV: 9.
Sassoon, Siegfried, Sherston’s Progress, XXV: 71.
Saunder’s News-Letter, XIX: 90-91.
Saunders, Fred W., Irish Language Revivalists-Wm. Haliday, XXVI:
Saunders, Fred W., Obituary in Irish Times, XXX: 14.
Saunders, Fred W., Dr. Terence O’Rorke, XXV: 64.
Saunders, George, M. D., IV: 175.
Savage, John, Account of John O’Mahony, from his ’ Fenian Heroes
and Martyrs’, XVIII: 43, sqq.
Savage, John, VI: 80.
Savage-Armstrong, G.F., XI: 115.
‘Sax Rohmer’, XII: 33.
Sayings of Poor Richard, XXVII: 150.
Sayle, C. E. VIII: 101.
Sayle, Charles, XIII: 116.
Sayle, Mr., II: 175.
‘Says She’, a poem, W.M. Letts, III: 79.
Scandanavian Relations, XIV: 74.
Scarriffhollis, a supposed placename, XXVII: 179.
Sceilg, Rudhraigheacht, XXIII: 151.
Scéim agus Ceistiúchán le h-aghaidh Stair Paráiste,
XVII: 113.
Schmitz fifwerbler Der Pessimisimus Bei, Thomas Hardy, George
Crabbe and Jonathan Swift, Bergh, G. Van den, XXXI: 114.
‘Scholemaster, The’, XXX: 135.
School for Scandal, The, Sheridan, XVII: 3, 4.
Schoolmaster’s Magazine, XIII: 63.
Schoolmasters of Ireland in 1824 and 1834, XVII: 11.
Schottenkloster of St. James, Ratisbon: John Hennig, XXXI: 79.
Schultze, J. H.: Grossbritanniert and Irland, 1950, XXXII:
Scott, Charles Kennedy, Madrigal Singing, XX: 71.
Scott, Charles, query re his MSS., XX: 93.
Scott, D. M., IV: 35.
Scott, G. D., V: 145.
Scott, John, XXXII: 144.
Scott, Samuel, XI: 86.
Scott, T. H. M., Rev., II: 48, 112.
Scott, Walter, Sir, II: 13.
Scott-James, R. A., Englishman in Ireland, II: 106.
Scots Book, The, XXIV: 18.
Scully Diary, The, XXX: 110-111.
Seabhac, An, Eachtra Thaidhg Mhic Céin, XXIII: 30.
Seago, Edward, Sons of Sawdust, XXIII: 78.
Seanchaidhe Muimhneadh, An, XXI: 11.
Second Chronicle of Jails, XI: 61.
Shadow of the Rose, The, J. Bernard McCarthy, XI: 115.
Shamrock, A Bibliography, The, XXI: 37-40.
Sheridan, Alicia, The Pedlar’s Way, X: 46-47.
Silver Branch, The, Seán Ó Faoláin,
XXVI: 144.
Singer and Other Plays, The, Padraic Pearce, X: 46-47.
Singing Men at Cashel, The, Austin Clarke, XXIV: 65.
Scrap Book, Our, IV: 126, 178, XIII: 43.
Scribe of the Book of Clannaboy, XIX: 165.
Scribe, The Last Irish, XVI: 13-14.
Scribes, Three Irish, XVI: 4-5.
Scribhinne ar Éoin Mac Néill, XXVII: 217.
Scriptorium, XXX: 93, 116.
Scully Diary, The, 1776-1814, P. O’Connell, XXX: 110-111.
Seacome, John, IV: 106.
Sé Fáth mo Bhuartha, Colm Ó Lochlainn, XXVI:
Séaghda, Pádraig (see ’Conan Maol’). XVI: 44-45.
Seamus Beg, VII: 94.
Seán Clárac agus Liam Dall cct, XX: 58-59.
‘Sean Ghall’, I: 25, 85. XIII: 73.
Second Chronicle of Jails, XI: 61.
Secret Hill, The, Ruth and Celia Duffin, V: 126.
Secret instructions to military officers printed at Columba
Press, Dublin, XXXII: 58.
Secret Printing in Ireland, I: 27, 116, 150, 169.
Secret Service during the 1803 Insurrectionary period, XX: 13.
Seigne, J. W., A Bird Watcher’s Notebook, XIX: 29.
Selected Bibliography of Literature relating to Nursery Rhyme
Reform, A, Oct.,1952, XXXII: 44.
Selected Poems, IX: 80.
Senex, XII: 41.
Sentinel, (Londonderry) XVII: 109.
Separatist, XVIII: 72.
Septs of Muintear Ghallchubhair, Pól Breathnach, XXVII: 194.
Sermon by Rev. Arthur Hyde, XXXI: 76.
Sermon by Rev. Arthur Hyde: Ciaran Bairóad, XXXI: 76.
Sermons, Sheehan, P. A., D. D., ed., Phelan, M. J. XII: 108-109.
Seton, Lady, XIII: 67.
Seton, M. C., I: 136, V: 202, VI: 202, VIII: 89.
Seton, Sir Malcolm, 70, 115.
Seventeen Ninety Eight Leaflets, XXVI: 16, 115.
Seventeenth Century German Catalogue of Irish Books, XXXII: 102.
Seventeenth-Century Advertisement Printed in Dublin, XVIII: 122.
Seventy Years of Irish Life, VI: 79.
Seymour, James A., III: 63.
Seymour, Shamrock, The, V: 13.
Seymour, St. John D., V: 66, 90, VI: 100, XVII: 112.
Seymour, St. John D., Irish Visions of the Other World, XIX:28.
Seymour, St. John D., Irish Witchcraft and Demonology, V:
[ top ]
Sg-Sk |
Sgáthdn Spioradálta, XXIV: 51.
Sgéal Brónach thar Tuinn, XXIV: 1,
Sgéala Ó Catair na gCeó, XVI: 2, 26,
67, 75, XVII: 2, 27, 50, 74, 98, 122, XVIII: 2, 35, 66, 98,
130, 154, XIX: 2, 34, 70, 106, 130, 162, XX: 2, 26, 50, 74, 98,
XXI: 25, 50-51,74, XXII: 2, 26, 50, 102, 126.
Sgful fa Bheatha Criost, rare Ulster booklet, XXVI: 122.
Shackleton, E., Sir, XIII: 136, 147.
Shaded Lights, XIV: 46.
Shadow of the Rose, XI: 115.
Shakespeare and Ireland, XIII: 142, XV: 56.
Shakespeare in the Theatre, by C. B. Hogan, XXXII: 7.
Shakespeare Irish editions not in Jaggard, Stockwell or Ford, XXXII:
Shakespeare Portrait, VIII: 116.
Shakespeare Statue, XV: 23.
Shakespeare, 18th Century Irish editions not recorded by Jaggard,
Stockwell or Ford, XXXII: 4.
Shamrock, The, III: 4, XXV: 31.
Shamrock, The, Bibliography of, XXI: 37.
‘Shamrockiana’, Articles in Cornhill, 1869-70. Query as to
Author, XVIII: 32.
Shan van Vocht (Monthly ?), 1896, XXXII: 63.
Shan Van Vocht, V: 220, VI: 147.
‘Shanachie, The’, XI: 10.
Shane, Elizabeth, Collected Poems, XXX: 94.
Shane, Elizbeth, XIV: 47.
‘Shane’, VII: 163.
Shanks, James, IV: 208.
Sharman-Crawford, Mabel, III: 152.
Shaun Ghall, XIV: 29.
Shaw, C. M., Bernard’s Brethren, XXVII: 167.
Shaw, Flora, XVII: 4.
Shaw, Francis, Rev., ed., The Dream of Óengus, XXIII:
Shaw, George Bernard, VI: 96, XIV: 122, XVII: 2.
Shaw, George Bernard, Prefaces, XXII: 145.
Shaw, George Bernard, The Political Madhouse in America and Nearer
Home, XXI: 119.
Shaw, G. B., Gift of early MSS. to Dublin, XXX: 18.
Shaw, Henry, XIII: 95.
Shaw, Rose, Carleton’s Country, XVIII: 150.
Shaw, Thomas J., II: 75.
Shaw, T. J., V: 107, VI: 14.
Shaw, William, IV: 207, V: 49, 222, VI: 21.
Shaw, W. F., Mrs., IX: 140.
She had to do Something, Seán Ó Faoláin,
XXVI: 93.
Shea, John A., VI: 170.
Shearer, Alex, M.D., VIII: 43.
Shearman, Father John Francis, XVII: 15.
Shearman, Hugh, Anglo-Irish Relations, XXX: 138-139.
Sheaves of Revolt, VIII: 34.
Sheed and Ward, Publishers, The Irish Way, XX: 95.
Sheed and Ward, A Second Anthology, XXIII: 27.
Sheehan, Bp. VII: 76 180.
Sheehan, Canon, V: 62, VI: 148, IX: 124, XII: 110.
Sheehan, D. D., Ireland Since Parnell, XIII: 31.
Sheehy, F., Father, VII: 95.
Sheehy, Michael, Divided We Stand. 1955, XXXII: 117.
Sheehy Skeffington, VIII: 20, 86.
Sheehy’s, Relationship to the Keatings, XIX: 89.
Sheil, R. L., XIII: 29.
Shelbourne [Hotel], Nov., 1951, The, Elizabeth Bowen,
XXXII: 45.
Shelley, II: 176.
Shelley, P. B., XVII: 2.
Shelley, P. B and John Lawless, The Compendium of the History
of Ireland, XVII: 3.
Shelley, Goodwin and their Circle, Dec., 1951, Brailsford,
H. N., XXXII: 24.
Sheridan Biographies and Portraits of R.B., XVI: 48, 68, 88.
Sheridan, John Desmond, Vanishing Spring, XXIV: 23.
Sheridan, Niall, and Donagh MacDonagh, Twenty Poems, XXII:
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, I: 64, XVII: 3, 4, 17, XX: 27.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, his letters to be published, XXXII:
Shiel, Richard Lalor, III: 92.
Shinrone Conspiracy, III: 11?, 93.
Shirley, E. P., V: 23.
Shore, Teignmouth, XIII: 116.
Shore, Thomas Teignmouth, III: 101.
Short Annals of Fir Manach--An Tuath, Pól Breathnach,
XXIII: 7-9.
Short Annals of Leinster, XXIV: 58, 87.
Short Annals of Tirconaill - Pól Breathnach, XXII: 104-109.
Short Annals of Tirconaill, XXIV: 13.
Short Bibliography of Irish History, XIII: 111.
Short History of Port of Belfast, VIII: 112.
Short Stories, O’Flaherty, Liam, XXVI: 22.
Short Story, The, O’Faolain, Sean, XXXI: 18.
Shorter, Clement, K., IX: 56.
Shorter, Clement, II: 89.
Shorter, Dora Sigerson, IX: 86, 87, 104, 117.
Shortt, V. D., VII: 104.
Shrine of Colman of Lynn, Breathnach, Pól, XXVII: 200.
Shrine of Colman of Lynn, Zoo, S. Ó C., (see Casaide,
Seamus Ó), XXVII: 200.
Shrovetide and Inid - Rev. Dr. Paul Walsh. XXVIII: 34-36.
Shrovetide and Inid, Breathnach, Pól, XXVI: 106.
Sidney, Henry, Sir, XIX: 96.
Siege of Cork, The, VIII: 34.
Siege of Limerick, IV: 9.
Sigerson, Dr. George, IV: 31, V: 75, VI: 94, VII: 131, IX: 136,
XII: 13, XIII: 180, XV: (obit.) 17, 22.
Sign of the Three Candles, XXXII: 8.
Signs, old Dublin. Three Candlesticks and others, XXXII: 8-11, 59.
Silva Gadelica : Projected Reprinting of, XVIII: 3.
Silver Tassle, The, Sean O’Casey, XVI: 67, 109-111.
Simington, Robert C., The Civil Survey, A.D. 1654-1656: Vol.
9. County of Wexford. 1953, XXXII: 115.
Simington, Robert C., The Civil Survey, A.D. 1654-56; Cos. of
Donegal, Londonderry, and Tyrone, XXV: 68.
Simms and McIntyre, II: 133.
Simms, Samuel, A Select Bibliography of the Orange Society, XXIII:
72, XXV: 2.
Sinclair, C. E. R., Problem Island, XXXI: 119.
Singleton’s Press, I: 116.
Sinn Fein, The Evolution of, XI: 13, XV: 8.
Sinn Fein, Origin of name, XXXII: 107.
Siota ’sa Mhathair, An, XXIV: 134, XXV: 14.
Sir Richard Grenville, Bushnell, J.H., XXIV: 143.
Sirr, Dr. D’Arcy, II: 10, 36.
Sirr, Harry, II: 10, 36, 159, IV: 108.
Sirr, Major, II: 36, 37.
Sister Many Raphael. V: 198, 215.
‘Siuibhne Geilt, Adventures of’, IV: 183.
Sixpenny Magazine, query of E. R. McC Dix., XIX: 101.
Sjoestedl, Marie-Louise : God and Heroes of the Celts, XXXI:
Skeffington, Francis Sheehy, In Dark and Evil Days, VIII:
Skeffington, Gibbon in the Goldsmith Country -Seamus Ó Casaide,
XXII: 58.
Skelton, Life of, VI: 185.
Skelton, Phillip, II: 25.
Sketch Book, Thackeray’s, I: 158.
Sketch of Life, XVIII: 29.
Sketches of North and West, V: 30.
Skibbereen, Printing in, XIX: 60.
Skrine, F. H., VI: 96, VIII: 109, XIII: 68, 111.
Skrine, J. H., II: 114.
Skrine, Mrs. (see Moira O’Neill). VI: 13, XVI. 26.
[ top ]
Sl-St |
Sladna, An dara chuid, 1898, XXXII: 78.
Slater, Patrick, The Yellow Briar, XXIII: 28.
‘Slievegallion’, Lays and Legends of the North of Ireland, III:
119, 138.
‘Slievenamon’, psuedomym for Charles Kickham?, III: 1.
Sligo Journal. Wednesday and Saturday, XIX: 90-91.
Sligo Magazine Race, VI: 56.
Sligo Printer, A, XVII: 120.
Sligo Printing, (see also Printing), II: 21, VII: 47, 139, VIII:
Sliocht Tuire Thomáis Mhic Mhathuna : Séan Ó
h-Ógáin, XXXI: 101, 102.
Slips in O’Donovan, Four Masters, vol. V, XXV: 100.
Sloan, Rev. Isaac, XI: 137.
Sloane, Alexander, XXVI: 39.
Smaointe Beatha fosa, XXIX: 140.
Smellie, John, Shipbuilding and Repairing in Dublin, I901-1933,
XXIV: 66.
Smillie, Bob, XIV: 121.
Smith O’Brien, XVII: 51.
Smith O’Brien, Mangan,and James Stephens, Of, (see Mangan, Stephens,
James), XVIII: 173.
Smith, George, XX: 92, XXI: 66, XXII: 16, XXVI: 38.
Smith, Joseph Huband, XXVI: 62.
Smith, Robert, VIII: 67.
Smithson, Annie, M. P., XIII: 60.
Smithson, Annie, M. P., Leaves of Myrtle, XX: 67.
Smithson, Annie, M. P., Wicklow Heather, XXVI: 94.
Smithson, Annie, M. P., The Light of Other Days, XXII: 48.
Smithson, Annie, M. P., The Marriage of Nurse Harding, XXIV:
Smithson, Annie, M. P., Traveller’s Toy, XVIII: 178.
Smugglers, Irish, VI: 152.
Smyth, John, Rev., V: 33.
Smyth, J. A., VI: 153.
Smyth, J. de Lacy, VIII: 39.
Smyth, J. De Lacy, On Book List, XVIII: 172.
Smyth, J. De Lacy, On Dean Swift’s Library, XIX: 58.
Smyth, J. De Lacy, On Thomas Davis, XIX: 58.
Smyth, Luke, of Damma, Co. Kilkenny, XXXII: 91.
Smyth, N. B., XIV: 47.
Smyth, P. J. and the Waterford Citizen, XXX: 48.
Smyth, P. J,. XIV: 128.
Smyth, William S., Rev., III: 190.
Smythe, Albert E., IX: 8 ,76.
Smythe, Albert Ernest Stafford, Garden of the Sun, XIV: 108.
Smythe, Joseph, I: 159.
Smyth’s, N. B., Poems, XIV: 47.
Snell, Ralph M., Propose Article on Irish Papermakers in USA, XIX:
‘Snowflakes, The’, (in Poetry Review, Vol. 42), XXXII:
Society of United Irishmen of Dublin [1794 ?], XXXII: 77.
Soldier Songs, VIII: 64.
Sommerville and Ross, VII: 29, XI: 112.
Sommerville and Ross, An Incorruptible Irishman, XXI: 71
Sommerville and Ross, In Mr. Knox’s Country,VII: 29.
Sommerville and Ross, The Smile and the Tear, XXII: 20.
Somerville E. C. E., VII: 127.
Somerville, Admiral Boyle Townshend, Will Mariner, XXIV:
Somerville, E. C. E., IX: 107.
Son of Learning, The, XVII: 113-114.
Song Books, Early Dublin, XXIII: 92.
Song Books, Irish, II: 34, 81, 11. 163, 177.
‘Song Unsung, A ’ Padric Gregory, XII: 6.
Song Wanted, XI: 137.
‘Songs Erin Sings, The’, I: 132.
Songs from Leinster, W.M. Letts, IV: 206.
Songs from the Clay, James Stephens, VI: 167.
Songs from the Heart, Albert C. White, VI: 167.
Songs of Donegal, Patrick MacGill, XII: 83-86.
Songs of Erin, XIV: 59.
‘Songs of Myself’, II: 107.
Songs of Peace, VIII: 107.
Songs of the Celtic Past, IX: 137.
Songs of the Fields, VII: 92.
Songs of the Glen, XV: 47.
Songs of the Open Road, VIII: 41.
Songs that Made History, Piggott, H.E., XXV: 108.
Songs, Two Love, V: 42.
Sons of the Sea Kings, V: 199.
Sorrow of Loneliness, V: 70.
Sotemann, G., il Roland Holst en de Mythe van lerland [195+?], 68.
Souls of Poor Folk, XIII: 31.
Source-book for ’A Tale of a Tub’ H. Teerink, XXXI: 58.
Sources for the Early History of Ireland, by James F. Kenney, XVIII:
Southern Patriot, The, XI: 103.
Southey and Emmet, XI: 118, 137.
Southey, Robert, II: 149.
Spanish Raggle-Taggle, XXIV: 144.
Spanish State Papers Relating to Ireland, XX: 100, XXI: 42.
Speaight, Robert, The Unbroken Heart, XXVI: 114.
Speers, Thomas, XII: 42.
Spenser’s State of Ireland, II: 59.
Spielmann, M. H., VIII: 116.
Spindler, Karl, The Mystery of the Casement Ship, XXIII:
Spirit of the Nation, The, II: 187, XIV: 118, XXV:
Spiritual Rose : Rendered into Irish by Mathew Kennedy, XVIII:
‘Sport on Irish Bogs’, II: 42.
‘Spring Days’, IV: 13.
St. Columb’s College Library, XX: 138.
St. Fechin, MS., Life of, IV: 124.
St. James, The Schottenkloster of, Ratisbon, XXXI: 79.
St. John, James, M. D., XXIV: 61, 87.
St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny. An Irish MS. In, XVI: 50-51.
St. Macartan’s Hymn, XIII: 18, 35, 95.
St. Patrick, His Life and Mission, Concannon, Mrs. M.A. Thomas,
XIX: 178.
St. Thomas’ Abbey, Query re: Register of, XXV: 14.
St. Thomas’ Abbey, The Register of, XXV: 14, 40, 103.
St. Thomas More, Sir John O’Connell, XXIV: 68.
St. Ursula’s Annual, VIII: 63.
Stackpoole, Garryowen, I: 106.
Stackpoole, H. de Vere, I: 32, 74, 106, 167, 172, V: 179, VII: 17,
XI: 57, XII: 119.
Stamer Park Library, I: 146.
‘Standard, The’ VII: 159, 190.
Stanford, Sir Charles, XIV: 79.
Stanford, Sir Charles, Biography Undertaken by Harry Plunket Greene,
XVIII: 17.
Stannus, B. T., I: 109.
Stanton, Patrick, Translator of Irish Life of St. Finbarr, XVIII:
Staples, Ponsonby, VII: 133.
Stapleton, W.: Note on Rev. James White, Author of Work on Limerick,
XVIII: 60.
Stapleton, Walter, V: 148.
Stapleton, William, XIII: 66.
Starkie, Dr. Walter Don Gypsy, XXIV: 95, XXVI: 91.
Starkie, Walter, Raggle-Taggle, XXI: 72, XXIII: 98.
Starkie, Walter, Spanish Raggle-Taggle, XXIII: 29.
Starkie, William Joseph Miles, Rt. Hon., XII: (obit.) 43.
Starry Threshhold, The, VIII: 108.
Start of Waterford, VI: 10.
State Papers, Calendar of, Reference to in, XVIII:
State Policy in Irish Education, VIII: 66.
Stationer to his Majesty in Ireland, XIX: 82.
Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, The, Millen, S. Shannon. XII: 16.
Staunton, Michael, III: 137.
Steele, Robert, III: 24.
Steenson, W. J., XIV: 46.
Steevens’ Hospital, The History of, T. Percy C. Kirkpatrick,
Stephens, James,I: 19, III: 169, IV: 68, 95, V: 108, 123, VI: 47,
78, 163, VII: 36, VIII: 15, 47, 64, XII: 13, 66, XIV: 28, 140,
XV: 64, XVI: 27, XIX: 25, 58, 97, XXXI: 130.
Stephens, James, and Edmund Dwyer Gray, XX: 15.
Stephens, James, ’Dunphy’s Corner’, VII: 95.
Stephens, James, Fionn der Held, XXV: 118.
Stephens, James, History of Fenianism, XVIII: 146.
Stephens, James, In Land of Youth, XIV: 140.
Stephens, James, Insurrection in Dublin, VIII: 64.
Stephens, James, Insurrections, I: 19.
Stephens, James, Mangan and Smith O’Brien, (see Smith O’Brien, Mangan),
XVIII: 173.
Stephens, James, MS. Memoirs of, XVIII: 173.
Stephens, James, MSS. of his History of Fenianism, XVIII:
Stephens, James, Songs from the Clay, VI: 167.
Stephens, James, Strict Joy, XIX: 146.
Stephen’s Green, XXX: 88.
Stern, V: 99.
Sterne, Life, of, I: 88.
Stevens, John, Journal, IV: 104.
Stevenson, B. E., VII: 17.
Stevenson, John, IX: 50, XI: 14, 113.
Stewart, James, II: 60.
Stewart, Rev. D., I: 11, V: 135.
Stockley, W. F. P., Essays in Irish Biography, XXII: 98.
Stockwell, La Tourette, E.R. McC. Dix, An American Appreciation,
XXIV: 122.
Stockwell, La Tourette On Example of Seventeenth-century Dublin
Printing, XVIII: 122.
Stockwell, La Tourette, XVII: 95.
Stockwell, La Tourette, Dublin Theatres and Theatre Customs,
XXVII: 166.
Stoker Bram, III: 73, 171.
Stokes, Whitley, I: 119, IV: 163, XXI: 20.
Stolen Waters, A Page in the Conquest of Ulster, XIX: 36.
Stones of Bray, V: 145.
Stoney, G. J., Dr., III: 11.
Stopford Brooke on Ireland, P. S. O’Hegarty, XXX: 109-110.
Stopford Brooke on Ireland, XXX: 108-110.
Storey, George, IV: 9.
Story of a Toiler’s Life, XIII: 59.
Story of Diarmaid Mac Cerbaill, A,- Late Rev. Fr. Paul Walsh,. XXVIII:
Story of Irish Nation, XV: 30.
Story of Iveleary, XIII: 33.
Story of St. Nicholas Galway, V: 87.
Story of St Patrick For Boys and Girls, The, M. H. Gaffney,
Rev., O.P., XIX: 153.
Story of the Irish Society, V: 10.
Story of the Munsters, VII: 73.
Story Teller’s Holiday A, George Moore, X: 46-47.
Stott, Thomas, XII: 4, 123, XIII: 17.
Stott, Thomas, ’ Hafiz’, XII: 123-126.
Stoye, Johannes, Irland frei von England, XXVI: 89.
Strabane Magazine, The, III: 144.
Strabane Morning Post, Tuesday. XIX: 90-91.
Strabane Printing, (see Printing), IV: 48, 114, 134, VII: 68, 91.
Strahan, J. A., I: 33, XI: 24, 43, 58, 95, 111, 129, XII: 32, 34,
60, 61, 81.
Strahan, James Andrew, Author of Articles on History and Topography
of Ulster, Death of, XVIII: 37.
Strahan, S., I: 33.
Straight and Crooked, VI: 186.
Straight Talk [1922?], XVIII: 31.
‘Stranger Minstrel, The’, XIII: 58.
Strauss, E., Irish Nationalism and British Democracy, 1951,
XXXII: 19.
Stray Thoughts and Memories, XIII: 14.
Street and Seymour, Christ’s Church Cathedral, XXII: 2.
Strickland, Mr. W.G., IV: 16, V: 51, 119.
Strong, L. A. G., XIII: 179.
Strong, L. A. G., Corporal Tune, XXII: 95.
Strong, L. A. G., King Richard’s Land, XXII: 70.
Strong, L. A. G., Mr. Sheridan’s Umbrella, XXIII: 153.
Strong, L. A. G., The Garden, XIX:67.
Strong, L. A. G., The Last Enemy, XXIV: 116.
Strong, L. A. G., The Seven Arms, XXIII: 101.
Strong, L. A. G., The Swift Shadow, XXV: 111.
Strong, L. A. G., They went to the Island, XXVII: 287.
Stronge, E. M., 195.
Stuart Ireland, II: 9.
Stuart, Dr., XVII: 2.
Stuart, Francis, Glory, XXI: 144.
Stuart, Francis, The Coloured Dome, XX: 119.
Stuart, H. F., XIV: 25.
Stuart, T. P., XI: 6.
Stubbs, J. W., XIII: 83.
Studdert-Kennedy, XIV: 14.
Studies, xxiii, XXIII: 77, 92.
Studies in Early Irish Law, Rodolf Thurneysen, XXIV: 66.
Stukeley, Sir T., XIII: 141.
[ top ]
Su-Sy |
Suaitheantas Uí Lochlainn Boirne, XXXI: 75.
Sugar Beet Diseases in Ireland, 1952, XXXII: 69.
Suibhne, Maolmordha Mac, XXVII: 266.
Súileabháin, MS Diary of Ó Amhlaoibh, (see
also Ó Súilleabháin), XXII: 101.
Sullivan, Sir Edward, VI: 29.
Sullivan, Sir Edward, Book of Kells, The, XII: 108, 109.
Sullivan and O’Looney’s Edition of Táin Bo Cualnge, XVII:
Sullivan, A. M., III: 89, 106, 107.
Sullivan, T. D., III: 91, 107, V: 173.
Sullivan, T. D., Query if he published a Second Volume of his History
of England, XVIII: 95.
Sullivan, T. D., Story of England, XVIII: 143.
Sullivan, W. K., XIII: 82, XVII: 20.
Sullivan’s Irish MSS., John, XVII: 139.
‘Summe of Intelligence’, VIII: 52.
Sunburst, The, James Hackett, XXIII: 148, XXIV: 63.
Sunset and Evening Star. 1954, Seán O’Casey, XXXII:
Sunset on the Window panes, 1954, Walter Macken, XXXII: 119.
Supposed Place-Name, A, Pól Breathnach, XXVII: 179.
Suppression of Nationalist Press, VI: 116.
Surnames in Ireland, XIV: 58.
Survey of Irish Libraries, XXIV: 62.
Sutach ’sa Mháthair, An, XXII: 65.
Sutherland, Donald, Gertrude Stein, A Bibliography Of Her Work.
Feb., 1952, XXXII: 22.
Swan, H. P., Changing World, The, XXX: 120.
Swan, H. P., Geographical Society of Ireland, The, XXX: 45,
Swan, H. P., Romantic Inishowen, XXX: 71.
Swan, Percival, Twixt Foyle and Swilly, XXXI: 91.
Swanlinbar, M de Buitléir, XXX: 114.
Swanlinbar, P. Ó Conail, XXX: 114.
Sweeney, Myles, IV: 160.
Sweet County Down, XV: 58.
Sweet Portaferry, XXIII: 115.
Swift in Switzerland, J. Hennig, XXX: 54, 55.
Swift, An Unrecorded Item: M. J. macmanus, XXX: 52-54.
Swift, Dean, II: 47, 91, 129, 156, III: 12, 84, IV: 47, 49, 50,
XII: 107, 133, XIX: 25, 58, 61
Swift, Dean, Almanac Annotated by, XVIII: 18.
Swift, Dean, On ’A Book from his Library’, XVIII: 158 sqq.
Swift, Dean, His ’Point’ System of Marking Notable Passages in Margins,
XVIII: 138.
Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels and Selected Writings in
Prose and Verse. Ed. by John Hayward, XXIV: 6.
Swift, Jonathan, The Drapier’s Letters. Ed. By Herbert Davis,
XXIV: 6.
Swift, Jonathan, XIII: 44, 86, XVII: 12, 27, 100.
Swift’s Auction Catalogue, XXI: 64, 85.
Swift-A Note on Recent Books, XXIV: 6.
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, I: 10.
Swinney, Letter Founder, Myles, XVII: 93.
Sword of Justice, The, Gore Booth, Eva, X: 46-47.
Synass, Benjamin, VI: 81.
Synge And Anglo-Irish Literature, Corkery, Daniel, XIX: 102.
Synge and the Irish Theatre, V: 85.
Synge, Archbishop, IV: 172.
Synge, J. M., II: 14, 44, 125, 155, 158, 197, III: 2, 14, 24, 31,
132,187, IV: 7, 70, 127, 128, 155, 170, 198, V: 108, 144, VI: 154,
IX: 126, XIII: 37, 37, 179, XIV: 71.
Synge, J. M., Plays, XXI: 71.
Synge’s Press, XIV: 110.
Synge’s Private Press, IX: 7.