Irish Book Lover (Index V)


Valera, Mrs. De, Buaidhirt agus Brdd, XXIV: 140.
Valera, President De, Recent Speeches and Broadcasts, XXI: 141.
Valera, S. de, Coinneal na Nodlag, XXV: 143.
Vallancey, General, Sale of his Irish MSS., XVIII: 89.
Vallancey’s Irish Dictionary-Séamus Ó Casaide, XXI: 131.
‘Valley of the Roe, The,’ XIII: 69.
Van Hamel, Prof. A.G., Obiturary, XXX: 34.
Vanessa, XII: 136.
‘Vanessa,’ Jonathan Swift’s, I: 74.
Vanishing Spring, Sheridan, John Desmond, XXIV: 23.
Various Versifiers, XV: 63.
Vatican Catalogue. Commission appointed to compile, XVI: 46.
Vaudeville Magazine, XVII: 2.
Vendryes, J., Etudes Celtiques, XXV: 115.
Ventry Harbour, Battle of, IV: 212, V: 52.
Vere, Aubrey de, XXIV: 42.
Verey, Mrs., VI: 176.
Veronica, Sister St., XXXII: 93.
Verses, XV: 63.
Viceroys of Ireland, V: 12.
‘Viceroy’s Post-Bag, The,’ II: 10.
Victory of Sinn Fein, XV: 15.
Village Plays, XII: 134.
Violin Makers, Irish and British, XVII: 1, 56.
Visit to Belfast, September, XXIV: 126.
Visons and Beliefs in the West of Ireland,
Lady Gregory, XII: 84.
Vital Hour, VII: 114.
Vocations, XIII: 91.
Voice of Insurgency, A, VIII: 108.
Voice of Ireland, XV: 12.
Volunteer Sermon, XII: 19.
Volunteers of 1782, VI: 123, 144.
Volunteers, IV: 92, 108, 145.
Vorster, Elias, I: 157.

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