- Hugh Kenner, Samuel Beckett: A Critical Study (NY: California UP 1961; London: Calder 1962), 208pp. [ded. Vivian Mercier, polymath [Chaps., The Man in the Room, The Rational Domain, The Cartesian Centaur, Life in the Box, Voices in the Dark], Do. [rev. edn] (Berkeley: California UP 1968; rep. 1973), 226pp. [with add. chap., Progress Report 1962-65 [see extract].
- Hugh Kenner, The Stoic Comedians: Flaubert, Joyce and Beckett [3 lectures at 3rd Annual Georgetown University Conference on Contemporary Literary Criticism, July 1961] (Boston: Beacon Press 1962), ill. Guy Davenport; Do. [rep.] (London: W. H. Allen 1974), xviii, 106pp., and Do. [rep.] (Norman, Illinois: Dalkey Archive Press 2004), xviii, 106pp., ill. [Davenport].
- Martin Esslin, The Theatre of the Absurd (NY: Doubleday 1961; Anchor 1962), Do. [rev. edn] (Harmondsworth: Penguin 1968). [see extract]
- Ruby Cohn, Samuel Beckett: The Comic Gamut (New Brunswick: Rutgers UP 1962)., 340pp.
- John Fletcher, The Novels of Samuel Beckett (London: Chatto & Windus 1964), 256pp., and Do. [2nd rev. edn] (London: Chatto & Windus 1970), 252pp., and Do. [another edn.] (NY: Barnes & Noble 1970, rep. 1972 ) [see extract].
- Josephine Jacobsen & Frederick J. Mueller, The Testament of Samuel Beckett (London: Faber 1964) [see extract].
- J. M. Coetzee, The Manuscript Revisions of Becketts Watt, in Journal of Modern Literature (Nov. 1972), pp.472-80 [see extract].
- Richard N. Coe, Beckett (Edinburgh & London: Oliver & Boyd 1964), Do. [rev. edn] (Oliver & Boyd 1968) [see extract].
- F. J. Hoffman, Samuel Beckett: The Language of Self (NY: Dutton 1964).
- Raymond Federman, Journey to Chaos: Samuel Becketts Early Fiction (California UP 1965).
- Nathan A. Scott, Samuel Beckett (London: Bowes & Bowes 1965; NY: Hillary House 1965; rep. 1969).
- Ludovic Janvier, Pour Samuel Beckett (Paris: Editions de minuit 1966).
- Pierre Mélese, Samuel Beckett (Paris: Seghers 1966).
- John Fletcher, Samuel Becketts Art (London: Chatto & Windus 1967).
- Robert Harrison, Samuel Becketts Murphy: A Critical Excursion (Georgia UP 1968) [v., 99pp.]
- Ronald Hayman, Samuel Beckett (London: Heinemann 1968; 2nd edn. 1974; 3rd edn. 1980).
- Alec Reid, All I Can Manage, More Than I Could: An Approach to the Plays of Samuel Beckett (Dublin: Dolmen 1968), 94pp.
- Michael Robinson, The Long Sonata of the Dead: A Study of Samuel Beckett (NY: Grove 1969) [2 pts.].
- Ludovic Janvier, Beckett par lui-même (Paris: Editions du seuil 1969).
[ top ]
- Olga Bernal, Language et fiction dans les romans de Beckett [Nouvelle revue française] (Paris: Gallimard 1970).
- Raymond Federman & John Fletcher, Samuel Beckett: His Works and His Critics (Berkeley: California UP 1970).
- Patrick Murray, The Tragic Comedian: A Study of Samuel Beckett (Cork: Mercier 1970), 131pp.
- Eugene Webb, Samuel Beckett: A Study of His Novels (London: Peter Owen 1970; rep. 1972; Seattle: Washington UP 1970; reps. 1972, 1974), 192pp.
- G. C. Barnard, Samuel Beckett: A New Approach: A Study of the Novels and Plays (London: Dent 1970), 144pp.
- Edith Kern, Existential Thought and Fictional Technique: Kierkegaard, Sartre and Beckett (Yale UP 1970).
- Lawrence E. Harvey, Samuel Beckett: Poet and Critic (New Jersey: Princeton UP 1970), 451pp. [incl. interview, Beckett on Life and Art].
- Sighle Kennedy, Murphys Bed: A Study of Real Sources and Sur-real Associations in Samuel Becketts First Novel (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP 1971), 325pp. [available at Google Books - online].
- James Knowlson, Samuel Beckett: An Exhibition Held at Reading University, May to July 1971 with a foreword by A. J. Leventhal (London: Turret Books 1971), 123pp.
- David H. Hesla, The Shape of Chaos: An Interpretation of the Art of Samuel Beckett (Minnesota UP/OUP 1971), 252pp.
- Francis Doherty, Samuel Beckett (London: Hutchinson UP 1971), 156pp.
- James Knowlson, Light and Darkness in the Theatre of Samuel Beckett [Public lecture delivered at Trinity College, Dublin, on 7 Feb. 1972] (London: Turret Books 1972), 41pp.
- Sighle Kennedy, The Devil and Holy Water - Samuel Becketts Murphy and Flann OBriens At Swim-Two-Birds, in Modern Irish Literature: Essays in Honour of William York Tindall, ed. R. J.Porter & J. D. Brophy (NY: Iona College Press 1971), 252-60
- Eugene Webb, The Plays of Samuel Beckett (London: Owen 1972; Seattle: Washington UP 1972; rep. 1974).
- A. A. Alvarez, Beckett [Modern Masters ser. gen. ed. Frank Kermode] (NY: Viking; London: Fontana/Collins 1973), 144pp.; Do. [another edn.] (London: Woborn Press 1974), 144pp., and Do [2nd rev. edn.] (London: Fontana Press 1992), 156pp. [actually given as A. Alvarez].
- Brian H. Finney, Since How It Is: A Study of Samuel Becketts Later Fiction [Covent Garden Essays, 2] (London: Covent Garden 1973), 45pp..
- Hugh Kenner, Samuel Beckett: A Readers Guide (NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux; London: Thames & Hudson 1973), 208pp. [see extract].
- Hans-Joachim Schulz, This Hell of Stories: A Hegelian Approach to the Novels of Samuel Beckett (The Hague/Paris: Mouton 1973), 117pp.
- H. Porter Abbott, The Fiction of Samuel Beckett: Form and Effect (California UP 1973), 167pp.
- Hélène L. Baldwin, Samuel Becketts Real Silence (Philadelphia: Pennsylvania UP 1974; rep. 1981), viii, 171pp.
- Kathleen McGrory & John Unterecker, eds., Yeats, Joyce, and Beckett: New Light on Three Modern Irish Writers (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP [1976]), 184pp., ill. [incls. Chronological Bibliography of Works compiled by William York Tindall, pp.183-84].
- Ruby Cohn, Back to Beckett (New Jersey: Princeton UP 1973; rep. 1976), 274pp.
- Philip H. Solomon, The Life after Birth: Imagery in Samuel Becketts Trilogy [Romance Monographs] (Mississipi UP 1975).
- John Pilling, Samuel Beckett (London: Routledge 1976).
- Dina Sherzer, Structure de la trilogie de Beckett (The Hague/Paris: Mouton 1976).
- Stephen Rosen, Samuel Beckett and the Pessimistic Tradition (New Brunswick: Rutgers UP 1976).
- Alice and Kenneth Hamilton, Condemned to Life: The World of Samuel Beckett (Mich: William B. Eerdmans 1976).
- Raili Elovaara, The Problem of Identity in Samuel Becketts Prose (Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia 1976).
- Clas Zilliacus, Beckett and Broadcasting: A Study of the Works of Samuel Beckett for and in Radio and Television (Finland: Abo Akademi 1976).
- Vivian Mercier, Beckett/Beckett (NY: OUP 1977; rep. 1990), and Do. [rep. edn.] (Souvenir Press 2008), 273pp.
- S. E. Gontarski, Becketts Happy Days: A Manuscript Study (Columbus: Ohio State University Libraries 1977).
- Brian T. Fitch, La trilogie de Beckett (Paris: Minard 1977).
- Bert O. States, The Shape of Paradox: An Essay on Waiting for Godot (California UP 1978), 120pp.
- Beryl Fletcher & John Fletcher, A Students Guide to the Plays of Samuel Beckett (London: Faber 1978; 2nd edn.1985).
- Richard L. Admussen, The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts: A Study (Boston: G. K. Hall 1979).
- Ramona Cormier & James L. Pallister, Waiting for Death: The Philosophical Significance of Becketts En Attendant Godot (Alabama UP 1979), 155pp.
- Barbara Reich Gluck, Beckett and Joyce: Friendship and Fiction (Bucknell UP 1979), 225pp. [see contents].
- James Knowlson & John Pilling, Frescoes of the Skull: The Later Prose and Drama of Samuel Beckett (London: John Calder 1979), xx, 292pp., and Do. [1st Evergreen Edn.] (NY: Grove Press 1980), xx, 292pp.
- Ronald Hayman, Theatre and Anti-theatre: New Movements since Beckett (London: Secker & Warburg 1979), 272pp.
[ top ]
- Eric P. Levy, Beckett and the Voice of Species: A Study of the Prose Fiction (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan; Totowa: Barnes & Noble 1980), ix, 145pp. [see contents].
- Ruby Cohn, Just Play: Becketts Theater (New Jersey: Princeton UP 1980; rep. Ann Arbor: UMI Books on Demand 1996), 314pp., ill.
- James Knowlson, Theatre Workshop I: Krapps Last Tape (London: Brutus 1980).
- Eugene Kaelin, The Unhappy Consciousness: The Poetic Plight of Samuel Beckett (Dordrecht/Boston/London: D. Reidel 1981; Boston: Kulwer 1982).
- John C. Di Pietro, Structures in Becketts Watt (York, NC: French Literature Publications 1981).
- Noëllle Ryan, Samuel Beckett: Early Days in Foxrock (Foxrock: Foxrock Local Hist. Club 1982), 9pp.
- Angela Moorjani, Abysmal Games in the Novels of Samuel Beckett (Chapel Hill: North Carolina UP 1982).
- J. E. Dearlove, Accommodating the Chaos: Samuel Becketts Nonrelational Art (Durham: Duke UP 1982).
- Morris Beja, S. E. Gontarski & Pierre Astier, eds., Samuel Beckett: Humanistic Perspectives (Ohio State UP [1982]), x, 217pp.
- Charles R. Lyons, Samuel Beckett (NY: Grove 1983).
- Kristin Morrison, Canters and Chronicles: The Use of Narrative in the Plays of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter (Chicago UP 1983).
- Rubin Rabinovitz, The Development of Samuel Becketts Fiction (Chicago: Illinois UP 1984), 231pp.
- Lance St. John Butler, Samuel Beckett and the Meaning of Being: A Study in Ontological Parable (London: Macmillan 1984), 213pp.
- Gottfried Buttner, Samuel Becketts Novel Watt: A Gnosiological Reading, trans. Joseph P. Dolan (Pennsylvania UP 1984).
- Sidney Homan, Becketts Theatres: Interpretations for Performance (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP 1984).
- James Knowlson, Happy Days: Samuel Becketts Production Notebook (London: Faber; NY: Grove 1985).
- Michael Sheringham, Molloy (London: Grant & Culter 1985).
- Floyd Merrell, Deconstruction Reframed (West Lafayette: Purdue UP 1985).
- Virginia Cooke, Beckett on File (London: Methuen 1985).
- John Fletcher & John Spurling, Beckett the Playwright [expanded editon of Beckett: A Study of His Plays] (London: Methuen; NY: Hill & Wang 1985).
- S. E. Gontarski, The Intent of Undoing in Samuel Becketts Dramatic Texts (Bloomington: Indiana UP 1985; rep. Ann Arbor: UMI 1998), xviii, 221pp.
- Richard Ellmann, Samuel Beckett: Nayman of Noland [lecture] (Library of Congress 1986), 31pp., rep. in Ellmann, Wilde, Yeats, Joyce and Beckett: Four Dubliners (Washington DC: Library of Congress 1986; London: Hamish Hamilton 1987), [q.p.].
- Linda Ben-Zvi, Samuel Beckett (Boston: Twayne 1986).
- Alec Reid, Impact and Parable in Beckett: A First Encounter with Not I, in Terence Brown & Nicholas Grene, eds., Hermethena: A Trinity College Review, CXLI (Winter 1986), pp.12-21.
- Peter Gidal, Understanding Beckett: A Study of Monologue and Gesture in the Works of Samuel Beckett (London: Macmillan 1986).
- Beckett at Eighty: A Celebration compiled and edited by James Knowlson [Souvenir programme of events for the Reading Festival of the Arts 9-17 May 1986] (Reading: The Beckett Archive 1986), vi, 26pp., ill. [ports.; ltd. edn. of 750 copies].
- Enoch Brater, Beyond Minimalism: Becketts Later Style in the Theater (NY/Oxford: OUP 1987).
- Katherine Barkman, Myth and Ritual in the Plays of Samuel Beckett (AUP 1987), 166pp.
- Susan Schurman, The Solipsistic Novels of Samuel Beckett (Cologne: Paul Rugenstein 1987).
- Jennifer Birkett, Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot (London: Macmillan 1987).
- Jane Alison Hale, The Broken Window: Becketts Dramatic Perspective (Purdue UP 1987).
- Susan D. Brienza, Samuel Becketts New Worlds: Style in Metafiction (Norman/London: Oklahoma UP 1987).
- Paul Foster, Beckett and Zen: A Study of the Dilemma in the Novels of Samuel Beckett (London: Wisdom 1987), 295pp.
- H. Porter Abbott [et al.], Samuel Beckett on Stage and Page, in Romance Studies [Special issue] (Swansea: University College of Swansea 1987), 95pp.
- Ruby Cohn, From Desire to Godot: Pocket Theater of Postwar Paris (Berkeley: California UP 1987; London: Calder 1998), 204pp.
- Steven Connor, Samuel Beckett: Repetition, Theory and Text (London: Basil Blackwell 1988).
- Laura Barge, God, Quest, the Hero: Thematic Structures in Becketts Fiction (North Carolina UP 1988), 346pp.
- Nicholas Zurbugg, Beckett and Proust (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1988).
- Brian T. Fitch, Beckett and Babel: An Investigation into the Status of the Bilingual Work (Toronto UP 1988), 242pp.
- Mary A. Doll, Beckett and Myth: An Archetypal Approach (Syracuse UP 1988; 1990), xiv, 206pp..
- Sylvie Debevec Henning, Becketts Critical Complicity: Carnival, Contestation, and Tradition (Kentucky UP 1988), 228pp [see extract].
- Dougald McMillan and Martha Fehsenfeld, Beckett in the Theatre: The Author as Practical Playwright and Director, Vol. I: From Waiting for Godot to Krapps Last Tape (London: J. Calder; NY: Riverrun 1988).
- Rosemary Pountney, Theatre of Shadows: Samuel Becketts Drama 1956-76 (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1988.
- Totowa: Barnes & Noble 1988; rep. 1998), 310pp.
- Hema V. Raghavan, Samuel Beckett: Rebels and Exiles in His Plays (Liverpool: Lucas 1988).
- Valerie Topsfield, The Humour of Samuel Beckett (London: Macmillan 1988).
- Jonathan Kalb, Beckett in Performance (Cambridge UP 1989).
- Lawrence Graver, Waiting for Godot (Cambridge UP 1989, 2004), ix, 107pp.
- Andrew K. Kennedy, Samuel Beckett (Cambridge UP 1989).
- Enoch Brater, Why Beckett (London: Thames & Hudson 1989), rep. as The Essential Samuel Beckett: An Illustrated Biography (London: Thames & Hudson 2003), 144pp.
- Paul Foster, Beckett and Zen (London: Wisdom 1989).
[ top ]
- Gordon Armstrong, Samuel Beckett, W. B. Yeats, and Jack Yeats: Images and Words (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP 1990).
- Katherine Worth, Waiting for Godot and Happy Days : Text and Performance (London: Macmillan 1990).
- Thomas Cousineau, Waiting for Godot: Form in Movement (Boston: Twayne 1990).
- Alan Astro, Understanding Samuel Beckett (Columbia: South Carolina UP 1990, rep. 1992), 222pp. [available at Google Books - online]
- Leslie Hill, Becketts Fiction: In Different Words [Cambridge Studies in French] (Cambridge UP 1990), xii, 187pp.
- Carla Locatelli, Unwording the World: Samuel Becketts Prose Works after the Nobel Prize (Pennsylvania UP 1990).
- Shimon Levy, Samuel Becketts Self-Referential Drama (London: Macmillan 1990).
- Christopher Ricks, Becketts Dying Words: The Clarendon Lectures (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1990).
- David Watson, Paradox and Desire in Becketts Fiction (London: Macmillan 1990).
- Thomas Trezise, Into the Breach: Samuel Beckett and the Ends of Literature (New Jersey: Princeton UP 1990).
- P. J. Murphy, Reconstructing Beckett: Language for Being in Samuel Becketts Fiction (Toronto UP 1990).
- Joseph H. Smith, Two Worlds of Samuel Beckett (Johns Hopkins UP 1991).
- John P. Harrington, The Irish Beckett (Syracuse UP 1991), 215pp. [see extract].
- François Bruzzo, Samuel Beckett (Paris: H. Veyrier 1991).
- Torsten Ekbom, Samuel Beckett (Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 1991).
- Gerhard Hauck, Reductionism in Drama and the Theatre: The Case of Samuel Beckett (Potomac: Scripta Humanistica 1992).
- Marius Buning, Sjef Houppermans and Danièle de Ruyter-Tognotti, eds., Samuel Beckett 1970-1989 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1992), 172pp.
- Toyama, Jean Yamasaki, Becketts Game: Self and Language in the Trilogy [American university studies, ser. 2] (NY & London: Peter Lang [1992]), 129pp.
- Kees Hessing, Beckett on Tape: Productions of Samuel Becketts Work in Film, Video, and Audio (Leiden: Academic Press 1992).
- Sidney Homan, Filming Becketts Television Plays: A Directors Experience (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP 1992).
- Rubin Rabinovitz, Innovation in Samuel Becketts Fiction (Illinois UP 1992), 218pp.
- Lawrence Miller, Samuel Beckett: The Expressive Dilemma (London: Macmillan; NY: St. Martins 1992), xv, 189pp.
- Lance St. John Butler, A Mythology with Which I am Perfectly Familiar: Samuel Beckett and the Absence of God, in Irish Writers and Religion, ed. by Robert Welch (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1992), pp.169-84.
- Robert Cochran, Samuel Beckett: A Study of the Short Fiction [Twayne, Studies in Short Fiction ser., 27] (Twayne Publ. 1992), q.pp.
- Roy Clements, The Alternative Wisden on Samuel Barclay Beckett (Daripress 1992).
- Angela Moorjani, The Aesthetics of Loss and Lessness (London: Macmillan 1992).
- Gregory Johns, In the Dim Void: Samuel Becketts Late Trilogy (Kiddermaster: Crescent Moon 1993), 69pp. [concerns Company Illseen, Ill Said and Worstward Ho].
- Eyal Amiran, Wandering and Home: Becketts Metaphysical Narrative (Pennsylvania State UP 1993).
- Jeremy Robinson, Samuel Beckett Goes into Silence (Kiddermaster: Crescent Moon 1993), 120pp.
- Anna McMullan, Theatre on Trial: Samuel Becketts Later Drama (NY/London: Routledge 1993), 155pp.
- Arthur N. Athanason, Endgame: The Ashbin Play (NY: Twayne 1993).
- S. E. Gontarski, ed., The Beckett Studies Reader (Florida UP [1993], 238pp., ill. [ports.].
- Mary Bryden, Women in Samuel Becketts Prose and Drama: Her Own Other (London: Macmillan; Lanham: Barnes & Noble 1993).
- Enoch Brater, The Drama in the Text: Becketts Later Fiction (NY/Oxford: OUP 1994), 233pp.
- Paul Davies, The Ideal Real: Beckett s Fiction and Imagination (Rutherford, Madison & Teaneck; Farleigh Dickinson UP 1994), 270pp.
- Gönül Pultar, Technique and Tradition in Becketts Trilogy of Novels (Lanham [Md.]: University Press of America [1996]), 177pp.
- Marius Buning, Intertexts in Beckett s Work (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi 1994), 135pp.
- Mary Junker, Beckett: The Irish Dimension (Dublin: Wolfhound 1995), 208pp. [see contents].
- Billie Whitelaw, Billie Whitelaw ... Who He? (London: Hodder & Stoughton 1995).
- Charles Juliet, Conversations with Samuel Beckett and Bram van Velde, trans. Janey Tucker, with intro. & notes by Adrian van der Weel & Ruud Hisgen (Leiden: Academic Press 1995) [first pub. in French as Rencontres avec Bram van Velde (Montpellier: Fata Morgana 1973; Aug. 1978) and afterwards as Rencontres avec Samuel Beckett (1986)].
- Mel Gussow , Conversations with (and about) Beckett (London: Nick Hern 1996), 160pp. [Gussown, a NY critic, met Beckett annually from 1978- ].
- James Knowlson, Damned to Fame: The Life of Samuel Beckett (London: Bloomsbury 1996), xxiv, 872 pp., ill. [32pp. of pls.]
- Adam Piette, Mallarmé, Proust, Joyce, Beckett: Remembering and the Sounds of Words (OUP 1996).
- John Minihan, Samuel Beckett, intro. Aidan Higgins (London: Secker & Warburg 1996), 96pp., ill..
- Lois Gordon, The World of Samuel Beckett 1906-1945 (Yale UP 1996; rep. 1998), 250pp.
- C[hris] J. Ackerley, Demented Particulars: The Annotated Murphy (Tallahassee, Fla.: Journal of Beckett Studies Books 1998), and Do. [new edn.] (Edinburgh UP 2010), 246pp.
- H. Porter Abbott, Beckett Writing Beckett: The Author in the Autograph (Cornell UP 1996), xii, 192pp.
- Richard Begam, Samuel Beckett and the End of Modernity (Stanford UP 1997), 237pp.
- James Acheson, Samuel Becketts Artistic Theory and Practice: Criticism, Drama and Early Fiction (London: Macmillan 1997), 254pp.
- John Pilling, Beckett Before Godot (Cambridge UP 1998), 277pp.
- John P. Riquelme, Location and Home in Beckett, Bhabha, Fanon, and Heidegger, in Centennial Review, 42, 3 (1998), pp.541-68.
- Mary Bryden, Samuel Beckett and the Idea of God (London: Macmillan 1998), 204pp.
- J. D. OHara, Samuel Becketts Hidden Drives: Structural Uses of Deep Psychology (Florida UP 1998), 320pp.
- Phil Baker, Beckett and the Mythology of Psychoanalysis (London: Macmillan 1998), 225pp.
- Richard Begam, Samuel Beckett amd the End of Modernity (Stanford UP/Cambridge: CUP 1998), 237pp.
- Cousineau, Thomas J., After the Final No: Samuel Becketts Trilogy (Delaware UP 1999), [q.pp.]
- Scott Dale, The Intangible Iridescence of Samuel Becketts Proust [Working Papers in Irish
Studies, 99-2] (Nova Southeastern University [1999]), 10pp. [29 cm.]
- Daniel Katz, Saying I No More: Subjectivity and Consciousness in the Prose of Samuel Beckett (Northwestern UP 1999) [q.pp.].
- Christopher Ricks, The Other Beckett: The Fiction and Poetry of Samuel Beckett [Beckett festival 1999] (London: BBC 1999) [80 mins. cassette].
- Andrew Gibson, Ethics of the Event: Beckett [chap.], in Postmodernity, Ethics and the Novel (London: Routledge 1999), 134-58 [incls. sects.: Ethical saying: The Force of Interruption: Becketts Later Prose; Badiou and Beckett]
[ top ]
- Paul Davies, Beckett and Eros: Death of Humanism (London: Macmillan; NY: St Martins s 2000), ix, 239pp. [see contents].
- Jennifer Birkett and Ruth Ince, eds., Samuel Beckett (London: Routledge 2000), xi, 291pp. [see contents].
- Darren Gribben, Samuel Beckett and the Disembodied Irish Narrative Voice (MA Diplo in Anglo-Irish Literature, Univ. of Ulster 2000).
- David Pattie, The Complete Critical Guide to Samuel Beckett (London: Routledge 2000; NY: Routledge 2001), 219pp. [with bibl., as infra.]
- Herbert Blau, Sailing the Herring Fleet: Essays on Samuel Beckett (Michigan UP [2000]).
- Alan Warren Friedman, ed., Beckett in Black and Red: The Translations for Nancy Cunards Negro [1934] (Kentucky UP 2000), xl, 207pp.
- Marius Buning, Matthijs Engelberts, & Onno Kosters, eds., Beckett and Religion: Beckett [Samuel Beckett today/aujourdhui ser., No. 9; Conferences at Stirling, 1999 and Sussex, 1997 (Amsterdam : Rodopi 2000), 331pp. [See contents]
- Anthony Uhlmann, Beckett and Poststructuralism (Cambridge UP 2000), x, 202pp. [see contents].
- Anne Atik, How It Was: A Memoir of Samuel Beckett (London: Faber & Faber 2001), 129pp., ill. [26 cm.; Do., [trans. in French by Atik], Comment cétait: souvenirs sur Samuel Beckett, avec quatre portraits dAvigdor Arikha, traduit de langlais par Emmanuel Moses ([France]: LOlivier 2003),
169pp. [orig. in English, as supra].
- John Calder, The Philosophy of Samuel Beckett (London: Calder Publs. 2001; pb. 2002), 152pp. [see extracts].
- David Bradby, Waiting For Godot (Cambridge UP 2001), xii, 255pp.
- Ronan McDonald, Tragedy and Irish Literature: Synge, OCasey, Beckett (London: Palgrave 2002), 214pp.
- John Haynes & James Knowlson, Images of Beckett (Cambridge UP 2003), 174pp. [75 pls.; photos of works in production by Haynes; commentary by Knowlson].
- John Fletcher, About Beckett [About the Playwrights & Their Works Ser.] (London: Faber & Faber 2003, 2006), 256pp.
- John Harrington, Samuel Beckett and the Countertradition, in The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-century Irish Drama, ed. Shaun Richards (Cambridge UP 2003) [Chap. 12].
- S. E. Gontarski, Beckett and Performance, in Journal of Irish Studies [IASIL-Japan], XVII (2002), pp.89-97.
- John Fletcher, Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot, Krapps Last Tape, Endgame (London: Faber & Faber 2000), 256pp.
- Lois Gordon, Reading Godot (Yale UP 2002), 214pp.
- John Robert Keller, Samuel Beckett and the Primacy of Love, with a foreword by Lance St. John Butler (Manchester UP 2002), 240pp.
- Paul Davies, Beckett after 1960: A Post-Humanist Context, in Irish Fiction since the 1960s: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Elmer Kennedy-Andrews (Dublin: Four Courts Press 2002) [Chap. 7]
- James H. Reid, Proust, Beckett, and Narration (Cambridge UP 2003), viii, 195pp.
- Daniel Albright, Beckett and Aesthetics (Cambridge UP 2003), vii, 179pp., ill. [see contents].
- Alberto Toscano & Nina Power, eds., Alain Badiou on Beckett [Dissymetries ser.] (Manchester: Clinamen 2003), xxxvi, 164pp.
- C. J. Ackerley & S.E. Gontarski, eds., The Faber Companion to Samuel Beckett: A Readers Guide to his Works, Life, and Thought (London: Faber & Faber 2004), 736pp.
- Dirk Van Hulle, Joyce & Beckett: Discovering Dante (Dublin: NLI 2004), 43pp.
- Anthony Uhlmann, Sjef Houppermans & Bruno Clément, eds., After Beckett / Daprès Beckett [Conference at University of Western Sydney, Jan. 2003; in Samuel Beckett Today/aujourdhui ser., No. 14] (Amsterdam: Rodopi Press 2004), 624pp.
- Seán Lennon, Godot go Deo: Waiting in Becketts Dublin (Fingal Co. Libraries), 85pp. [humour].
- Ruby Cohn, Beckett Canon [Theater - Theory/text/performance Ser.] (Michigan UP 2005), xii, 420pp.
- Ronan, McDonald, Samuel Beckett: The Life and the Work [ed. advisor, Declan Kiberd] (Dublin: Stationary Office 2005), [8]pp.
- Alan Gillis, Irish Poetry of the 1930s (Oxford: OUP 2005), viii, 228pp. [espec. Chap. 4. Denis Devlin, Brian Coffey, and Samuel Beckett: Across the Tempest of Emblems].
- Shane Weller. A Taste for the Negative: Beckett and Nihilism (London: Legenda 2005), xii, 212pp.
- James & Elizabeth Knowlson, eds., Beckett Remembering, Remembering Beckett: A Centenary Celebration: Uncollected Interviews with Samuel Beckett and Memories of Those Who Knew Him (London: Bloomsbury; NY: Arcade 2006; Penguin Group 2007), xx, 313pp.
- Elizabeth Barry, Beckett and Authority: The Uses of Cliché (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2006), x, 232pp.
- Andrew Gibson, Beckett and Badiou: The Pathos of Intermittency (Oxford: OUP 2006),xiii, 322pp. [viz., Alain Badiou].
- Eric Migernier, Beckett and French Theory: The Narration of Transgression NY: Peter Lang [2006]), 144pp.
- Shane Weller, Beckett, Literature, and the Ethics of Alterity (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2006), ix, 218pp.
- Fionnuala Croke, ed., Beckett: A Passion for Paintings [Cat. of Exhib., June-Sept. 2006] (Dublin: National Gallery of Ireland 2006), 104pp.
- Pascale Casanova, Samuel Beckett: Anatomy of a Literary Revolution [trans. from French] (London: Verso 2006), 119pp.
- John Minihan, Samuel Beckett: Centenary Shadows (London: Robert Hale 2006), 124pp. [photo-ports]
- Anthony Uhlmann, Samuel Beckett and the Philosophical Image (Cambridge UP 2006), viii, 191 [see contents].
- Seán Lennon, Godot go Deo: Waiting in Becketts Dublin (Fingal Co. Libraries [2006]), 85pp. [humour].
- Ben Levitas & Richard Cave, Irish Theatre in Britain [Irish Theatre in the Diaspora, 2] (Dublin: Carysfort Press 2007), 200pp. [incl. Graham Sanders on Becketts Film].
- Eric P. Levy, Trapped in Thought: A Study of the Beckettian Mentality (NY: Syracuse University Press 2007), x, 248pp. [see contents].
- Brigitte le Jeuz, Beckett Before Beckett (London: Souvenir Press 2008), 91pp. [prev. as Beckett avant la lettre (2007)].
- Paul Lawley, Waiting for Godot [Character Studies] (London: Continuum 2008), 144pp.
- Kevin Branagan, Radio Beckett: Musicality in the Radio Plays of Samuel Beckett (Oxford: Peter Lang 2008), 268pp. [prev. NUI Maynooth PhD].
- Matthew Feldman, Becketts Books: A Cultural History of the Interwar Notes (London: Continuum 2009), 192pp.
- Emilie Morin, Samuel Beckett and the Problem of Irishness (London: Palgrave Macmillan 2009), xii, 224pp. [see contents].
- Kathryn [Nan Sharon] White, Beckett and Decay (London: Continuum 2009), ix, 197pp. [see contents].
- Peter Boxall, Since Beckett; Contemporary Writing in the Wake of Modernism (London: Continuum 2009), 192pp.
- Mark & Juliette Taylor-Batty, Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot (London: Continuum 2009), 128pp.
- Matthew Feldman & Mark Nixon, The International Reception of Samuel Beckett (London: Continuum 2009), 416pp.
- —— & Ulrike Maude, Beckett and Phenomenology (London: Continuum 2009), 208pp.
- Timothy OLeary, Foucault and Fiction: The Experience Book (London: Continuum 2009), 192pp. [incls. analysis of studies of Beckett].
- Stephen Watt, Beckett and Contemporary Irish Writing (Cambridge UP 2009), viii, 226pp. [see contents].
- Patrick Bixby, Samuel Beckett and the Postcolonial Novel (Cambridge UP 2009), viii, 238pp., ill. [reviewed by Feargal Whelan in Journal of Beckett Studies, Sept. 2013].
- Kathryn White, Beckett and Decay (London: Continuum 2009), 192pp.
- Dirk Van Hulle [&] Mark Nixon, ed., Beckett and Germany [Journal of Beckett Studies, Vol. 19, No. 2
(Edinburgh University Press 2010), [see contents - online].
- Chris Ackerley, Obscure Locks, Simple Keys: The Annotated Watt (Edinburgh UP 2010), 296pp.
- Dirk Van Hulle & Mark Nixon, ed., Beckett and Germany [Journal of Beckett Studies, Vol. 9, No. 1] (Edinburgh University Press 2010) [see contents].
- [...]
- —— & Mark Nixon, Becketts Library (Cambridge UP 2013), xvii, 311pp.[SBs library of 750 vols.; chaps.: Beckett as a reader; Literature in English; Literature in French; Literature in German; Literature in Italian; Classics and other literatures; Philosophy; Religion; Dictionaries; Science; Music and art.]
- Anthony Uhlmann, ed., Samuel Beckett in Context (Cambridge UP 2013), pp.456 [see contents].
- [...]
- Jennifer Birkett, Undoing Time: The Life and Work of Samuel Beckett (Kildare: Irish Academic Press 2015),
xii, 226pp.
- Jo Bakers A Country Road, a Tree (London: Doubleday 2016), 336pp. [biog. fiction].
- Emilie Morin, Becketts Political Imagination (Cambridge UP 2017), 266pp.
- Julie Bates, Becketts Art of Salvage: Writing and Material Imagination, 1932-1987 (Cambridge UP 2017), 248pp.
- [...]
- James Little, Making a Confinement: The Politics of Closed Space (London: Bloomsbury 2021), 256pp. [see contents]
- [...]
- Matthew Fogarty, Subjectivity and Nationhood in Yeats, Joyce and Beckett: Nietzschean Constellations (OUP 2023), 240pp.