Irish Critical Classics: Index
The texts held in this region are either whole texts or longer extracts of published works that stand as monuments of Irish criticism - either because of the influence of the text or the eminence of the author - and deal with more than one author. While the selection criteria is inevitably influenced by personal taste and current teaching requirements, the aim is to gather in for ready reference the key interventions in the subject-area. See also Note on Copyright, infra. |
On modern Irish literature |
Samuel Beckett |
Dante... Bruno. Vico.. Joyce, in Exagmination [... &c.] (1929) |
Elizabeth Bowen |
The Demon Lover & Other Stories (1945) - Postscript.
“The Short Story in England” (May 1945) |
Ernest A. Boyd |
The Irish Literary Renaissance (1916) [ as .doc & pdf] |
Padraic Colum |
to Mary, Mary, by James Stephens (NY 1912)
Introduction to The
Collegians, by Gerald Griffin (1918 Edn.)
Introduction to Anthology of Irish Verse (1922) |
Claire Connolly |
Irish Romanticism, 1800-1839, in Cambridge History of Irish LitSerature (2006) |
Daniel Corkery |
On Anglo-Irish Literature (1931) |
Seamus Deane |
Irvin Ehrenpreis |
Irvin Ehrenpreis, Gulliverss Travels , in Swift, Vol. 3 (1983) |
Robert Farren |
The Course of Irish Poetry (1947) |
Thomas Flanagan |
Thomas Flanagan, The Irish Novelists 1800-1850 (1959) |
J. W. Foster |
Revisitations: Criticism and Benedict Kiely (2009)
Colonial Consequences: Essays on Irish Literature and Culture (1991)
The e Irish Novels 1890-1940: New Bearings in Culture and Fiction (2008) |
James Hardiman |
Introduction to Irish Minstrelsy, or Bardic Remains (1831) |
Barbara Hayley |
Foreword to Carletons Traits and Stories (1979) |
Maurice Harmon |
Introduction to William Carleton (1973)
First Impressions: 1968-78 (1979) |
Seamus Heaney |
Patrick Kavanagh |
Margaret Kelleher |
Prose Writing and Drama in English, 1830-1890 [...] (2006) |
Brendan Kennelly |
Patrick Kavanagh (1970)
Flann OBrien: An Beal Bocht (1977) |
Richard Kearney |
Myth and Motherland (1984) [pamph.]
The Irish Mind: Exploring Intellectual Traditions (1986) |
Declan Kiberd |
Benedict Kiely |
Writings on William Carleton (1947 & 1996) |
Joep Th. Leerssen |
David Lloyd |
Anomalous State: Irish Writing and the Post Colonial Moment
Ireland After History (1999) |
R. & M. Loebers |
Guide to Irish Fiction, 1650-1900 (2006) |
Edna Longley |
Not Guilty? in The Dublin Review, 16 (Autumn 2004) |
John McGahern |
Augustine Martin |
"James Stephens: The Crock of Gold" (1962)
"James Stephens: The Short Stories" (1963) |
Gerardine Meaney |
Sex and Nation: Women in Irish Culture and Politics (1993) |
Vivian Mercier |
The Irish Comic Tradition (1962), Preface
Irish Literary Revival (1996) |
John Montague |
The Impact of International Modern Poetry on Irish Writing (1972)
A tribute to Patrick Kavanagh (1967) |
Munira Mutran |
Wildes Thread in the Fabric of Decadent Art (1999)
The Mysterious Dimension of the Human Spirit in Barry’s Whistling Psyche (2005) |
Frank OConnor |
The Future of Irish Literature (1942) The Irish Short Story (1957) |
Norreys J. O'Conor |
Changing Ireland: Literary Backgrounds for the Free State(1924) - |
Patrick Sheeran |
A Brief Historical View [in Novels of Liam OFlaherty (1972)] |
Esther K. Sheldon |
Thomas Sheridan of Smock-Alley (1967) |
James Simmons |
A Study of Three Works by Ulster Protestant Authors (1985) |
W. B. Stanford |
Ireland and the Classical Tradition (1976) |
Robert Welch |
Language and Tradition in the Nineteenth Century (1993)
Irish Writing in English (1996) |
Kevin Whelan |
The Memories of The Dead, in The Yale Journal of Criticism (2002) [.pdf]
Reading the Ruins, in Surveying Irelands Past (2004)
Review of The Atlas of the Great Irish Famine (The Irish Times, 1 Sept. 2012) |
Some Papers by Bruce Stewart (Ricorso Editor) |
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Note on Copyright |
The copyright associated with the texts listed here belongs to their authors. It is hoped that at some future date electronic editions of these and other critical writings at Ricorso will be authorised, with benefit to their owners as well as the visitors to this web site. In the meantime, all the files listed here will remain inaccessible except by password and only to those closely associated with the Ricorso project. Application can be made by email, but no guarantee can be given that access will be allowed. |
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