John Mitchel (1815-1875)
[freq. err. Mitchell;] b. 3 Nov. 1815, in Dungiven, Co. Derry, born in the manse, being the son of Presbyterian minister, and served as Moderator in 1822, but left the Presbyterian church to became a Unitarian; ed. Derry, and afterwards at Dromolane House, Newry, on his father accepting a post as minister in that town [c.1819]; entered TCD, 1830; grad. LLB, 1834; began law apprenticeship in Newry; eloped with 16-year old Jenny Verner, dg. of Captain Verner and a great beauty; brought back to Newry by police while chastely awaiting marriage papers in Chester; married Jenny at Drumcree Parish Church, Armagh, 1837; qualified as solicitor, 1840; practised law in Banbridge, Co. Down; met Davis and Charles Gavan Duffy in Dublin, 1842; co-opted to Repeal Association by Duffy, 1843; joined Young Ireland; taken on as editor of The Nation by Duffy at the death of Thomas Davis, moving to Dublin with his family and editing the paper during 1845-47; wrote Life and Times of Hugh ONeill (Dublin 1845) published with Thomas MacNevins Confiscation of Ulster (1846) in the Irish Library; contrib. an article to the Nation detailing tactics for ambushing troops to be promulgated by Repeal wardens, eliciting a protest from OConnell; |
[ Click on image to view in separate window] |
espoused James Fintan Lalors doctrine of rent-resistance and armed rebellion during 1845-49 Famine; withdrew from the Repeal Movement, with Devin Reilly, and formed the Irish Confederation, acting as the leading member, 1846; brought with him the poet James Clarence Mangan Mangan and the patriotic priest Fr. John Kenyon; resigned editorship of The Nation, Dec. 1847; founded the United Irishman, in the belief that legal and constitutional agitation in Ireland is a delusion; openly avowed the holy hatred of English rule; professed at an Irish Confederation debate of Feb. 1848 that there are worse things going on around us than bloodshed, that every man (except a born slave, who aspires only to get slaves and die a slave) ought to have arms and to promote the use of them; |
and that no good can come from an English parliament, advised on the construction of barricades; infamously portrayed in The British Lion and the Irish Monkey, in Punch, 1848; United Irishman suppressed under new Felony-Treason Act and Mitchel arrested, 13 May, 1848; living at at 8 Ontario Tce., Charlemont Bridge, Dublin, prior to his arrest; held in Newgate Prison for a fortnight; tried before Baron Lefroy, Jeremiah Dunne (Lord Mayor of Dublin) and Judge Moore, to a packed jury; defended with great tact by Robert Holmes father of the N. E. Circuit, and br.-in-law of Robert Emmet with Samuel Ferguson as a member of his team but found guilty and convicted, 26 May 1848; sentenced by Chief Baron Lefroy [Le Froy] and 14 years labour in Van Diemens Land [Tasmania]; removed from Dublin in chains [I walked down the steps; and amidst all that multitude the clanking of my chains was the loudest sound] and carried to Cove [Cobh] on board HMS Shearwater, where he wrote the first entry of Jail Journal [After all, for what has this sacrifice been made?] - occupying an officers cabin in view of his social status; encountered Edward Walsh [q.v.] on Spike Island; |
transferred at Cobh to prison ship and transported aboard the Scourge to Bermuda - where he almost died - departing Cobh, 1 June 1848; moved to Cape of Good Hope on the Neptune and held off-shore for much of two years since the colonists refused to accept convicts though offering to except political prisoners; sailed to Van Van Diemens Land, arriving 7 April 1850; there encountered other Irish political prisoners such as John Martin, T. F. Meagher, ODoherty and others; shared a cottage at Bothwell prison colony with Martin, later his br.-in-law; joined by Jenny and their children after three years; given parole with Meagher; joined in Tasmania by P. J. Smyth [styled Nicaragua], travelling from America with the purpose of planning his escape, 1853, gave up his parole to the magistrate and rode away with Smyth, 8 June 1853; journeyed to San Francisco; moved to New York, where he worked in journalism; ran several short-lived newspapers, the Irish Citizen chief amongst them [ODNB cites the Enquirer and the Examiner]; his Jail Journal published serially in the Citizen (NY, 14 Jan. to 19 Aug. 1854); strenuously opposed the abolition of slavery seeing it as the best state of existence for the Negro and an alternative to international capital - dismissing Henry Ward Beechers criticism of his position on slavery as abolitionist cant; founded the Southern Citizen, at Knoxville; and edited Richmond Examiner during Civil War; engaged in controversy with Archbishop John Joseph Hughes and others, his reactionary views being the subject of much surprise and general rebuke; |
visited Virginia and New Orleans; moved to Richmond (Tennessee) and lived by lecturing and farming; contrib. the revenue from his Virginia Univ. lectures to the Henry Grattan statue in College Green, Dublin, 1860 [Jail Journal, 1913, 393n.]; issued An Apology for the British Government in Ireland serially in Southern Citizenduring 1858 - responding to American nativist aggression towards Irish immigrants then arriving in largely numbers; revised that work as The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) (Dublin 1861) and substantially rewrote it twice after that; championed Southern States and sent three sons to fight in the Civil War; lost the eldest, Capt. John C. Mitchel (commem. in Charleston), and also the youngest Willy, at Gettysburg (at John Fort Sumner); the third, James, lost an arm but survived; edited The Enquirer, a semi-official organ of President Jefferson Davis; moved to New York after the war and joined the New York Daily News, 1864-65; arrested in the office of that paper on account of articles defending the South; imprisoned nearly five months by Union authorities at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, along with Jefferson Davis and Senator Clay; his release secured by friends on condition that he left America; travelled to Paris and acted as financial agent for Fenians, 1865-66; a dg. Henrietta converted to Catholicism and died as a member of the community in a Paris [see note]. |
renewed publ. of Irish Citizen in New York, 1867-72; denounced the Fenians and quarrelled with James Stephens; visited Ireland in 1875, and greeted as a hero by nationalists there and received a large sum of money in testimony of respect; returned to America, but was summoned back when the Tipperary seat became vacant; found on arrival in Cork, 17 Feb. 1875, he discovered that he been elected MP for Co. Tipperary; declared ineligible as undischarged felon, but re-elected in March, 1875; died at home, in Dromolane Hse., nr. Newry [var. at home of John Martin] 20 March - eight days after re-election; unaccompanied by his wife, who lived on to 1899 (d. 31 Dec.; bur. Wooodlawn, Bronx); Mitchel is author of the phrase, The Almighty indeed sent the potato blight, but the English created the Famine and a prayer for war (Send war in our time, O Lord!) which is echoed in Yeatss Under Ben Bulben; there is a death mask by Thomas Farrell (NGI); a dg., Henrietta, become a Catholic and a nun in Paris, and died young, being buried in the Convent of the Sacred Heart; a grandson became an anti-Tammany mayor of New York; some Mitchel letters are held in the Public Records Office, Belfast; Mitchels Jail Journal is one of the earliest texts to use the terms West-Briton and Castle-Catholic - both of which reflect his keen suspicion of the middle-class and gentrified Catholics in post-Emancipation Ireland. CAB ODNB JMC DIB DIW DIL/2 OCEL MKA RAF OCIL |
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[The entry in the Dictionary of Irish Biography (RIA 2009) is by James Quinn - online; accessed 02.06.2024.] |
Mitchels journalism is cited in the Wikipedia article on him as "employers" are: The Nation (Dublin), The United Irishman (Dublin), Irish Citizen (New York City), Southern Citizen (Knoxville TN), Daily Enquirer (Richmond VA); Richmond Examiner (Richmond VA), New York Daily News. The Irish Citizen, founded in 1853-4, was discontinued when he moved to Tennessee and resumed in 1867 on his return to New York in the post-bellum period, 1867-72 after his return from Paris where he represented the Fenians in 1865-66. |
Works |
- Life and Times of Aodh ONeill, Prince of Ulster (Dublin: Duffy 1846, 1862), 252pp. [ded. to Thomas Davis], xii, [13]-252pp.; Do. [another edn.] (Dublin: Duffy 1874), 246pp. [includes preface to American edition pp. xii-xx] & Do. [London: Edmund Burke & Co. 1846) [details].
- Jail Journal; or, Five Years in British Prisons, by John Mitchel, Editor of The United Irishman (NY: Office of the Citizen 1854), 370pp. [this edition is available at Google Books - online; for other edns. see details].
- Irish Political Economy (Dublin 1847), incl. 100 of Berkeleys Queries, with annotations. pp.26-39; History of Ireland Since the Treaty of Limerick (Glasgow, London, and Dublin: Duffy 1868) [var. 1869 FDA].
- The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) (Dublin: The Irishman Office 1861), 221pp.; Do. [another edn.] (Glasgow: R T. Washbourne; London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne 1876, 1882, 1899), 220pp; and Do., ed. Patrick Maume [rep. edn.] (UCD Press 2005), xxx, 220pp. [see details].
- An Ulsterman for Ireland, Being the Letters to the Protestant farmers, labourers, and artisans of the North of Ireland, with a foreword by Eoin MacNeill (Candle Press 1917).
- An Apology for the British Government in Ireland (M. H. Gill 1920) [Synonymous with Last Conquest .. &c.].
Additional |
- Ireland Since '98 : Daniel OConnell; the repeal agitation; the miseries of the famine; the Young Ireland Party: Smith OBrien, Thomas Davis, Mitchel, Meagher, &c., &c. / by John Mitchel. [The Nineteenth Century, N.1.1.4637] (Glasgow & London: Cameron & Ferguson [copyright receipt stamp 1871]), [96]-264pp., [1], 22cm. [This work embraces the last seventy years of The history of Ireland, by Mr. Mitchel, and is unquestionably the best account published of the interesting and important period of which it treats (t.p.); rep. from Vol. 2 [of Nineteenth Century], 1869 [2 vols.]; Do. [facs. rep.] (Cambridge : Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., 1991).
In translation |
- Eoghan Ó Neachtain, trans., [Jail Journal, as] Irisleabhar Príosúin nó chúig bhliadhna i bpríosunaibh no Breataine / iar na chur i nGaedhilge do Eoghan Ó Neachtain, 2 vols. (Baile Átha Cliath, 1910-1911).
Editions & supplements |
- MacGeoghegan & Mitchel, The History of Ireland, Ancient and Modern, Taken from the Most Authentic Records and Dedicated to the Irish Brigade, by the Abbé Mac-Geoghegan. With a continuation from the Treaty of Limerick to the present time by John Mitchel (NY & Montreal: D. & J. Sadlier [1865-68]), 640pp., [3]; available at Internet Archive - online; see further details under MacGeoghegan - as supra.
Miscellaneous |
- Poems by James Clarence Mangan (NY: P. M. Haverty 1859; 1870]); Do. (Dublin: James Duffy and Sons 188-), 460pp.; Do. as Poems by James Clarence Mangan, ed., pref. & notes by D. J. ODonoghue; intro. by John Mitchel (Dublin: D. J. ODonoghue 1903), xlvii, 336pp. [see details].
- Poems of Thomas Davis, with historical illustrations, &c., and an introduction (NY: D. & J. Sadlier & Co. 1866), 251pp., ill. front port. [see details].
Translation |
Seán Mhisteil [John Mitchel], Iris Leabhar Priosuin [Jail Journal], trans. Eoghan Ó Neachtain, 2 vols. (1st edn. 1910).
Works of Mitchel available in RICORSO Library > Irish Classics. |
Jail Journal [1854], ed. Arthur Griffith (Dublin: M. H. Gill 1913) |
.htm |
.doc |
.pdf |
The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) [1861] (Edinburgh 1876) |
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Bibliographical details
The Life and Times / of / AODH ONEILL, / Prince of Ulster; / Called by the English / Hugh, Earl of Tyrone. / with some account of his predecessors, / Con, Shane, and Tirlough. / By John Mitchel / Cu mam croinic do cíoinn Neill / Come let us make a chronicle for the ONeills / Dublin: James Duffy & Sons 15 Wellington Quay, and 1 Paternoster Row, London. [verso:] printed by Edmund Burke & Co., 61 & 62 Great Strand St., Dublin. To the Memory of my Dear Friend, Thomas Davis, with deep Reverence I inscribe This Book. John Mitchel, Banbridge Sept. 22, 1845. (See further under Quotations, infra.) Note 1845 Dublin edn. printed by stereotyped and printed by T. Coldwell; 1862 Dublin edn. printed by Pattison Jolly.
Poems by James Clarence Mangan, mainly hitherto uncollected, edited with a preface and notes by D. J. ODonoghue; intro. by John Mitchel [Centenary Edn.] (Dublin: D. J. ODonoghue 1903), xlvii, 336pp. CONTENTS: Preface of editor; Introduction by John Mitchel; Versions (more or less) from the Irish; Original poems relating to Ireland; Original poems, personal and miscellaneous; Oriental versions and perversions; Oversettings from the German; Miscellaneous versions; Extravaganzas; Notes on the sources of the poems, pp.325-32.
Poems of Thomas Davis, with historical illustrations, &c and an introduction by John Mitchel (NY: D. & J. Sadlier & Co. 1866), 251pp., ill. front port. [see details]. Do. (NY: P. M. Haverty 1868) [2nd edn.]; also Do., as The Poems of Thomas Davis, with notes, historical illustrations, and an introduction; literary and historical essays by Thomas Davis (NY: P .J. Kenedy [n.d.]), 251, 245pp. [titles transcribed from orig. t.pp.; Introduction by the Editor, [ix]-xxviii [initialed T[homas] W[allis].
John Mitchels Jail Journal [1854] (Dublin: M. H. Gill 1913)
1st Edn. - NY: Office of The Citizen 1854 |
Jail Journal; or, Five Years in British Prisons, commenced on board the Shearwater steamer, in Dublin bay, continued at Spike island - on board the Scourge war steamer - on board the Dromedary hulk, Bermuda - on aboard the Neptune convict ship - at Pernambuco - at the cape of Good Hope (during the anti-convict rebellion) - at Van Diemens land - at Sydney - at Tahiti - at San Francisco - at Greytown - and concluding at No. 3 pier, North river, New York. With an introductory narrative of transactions in Ireland. / By John Mitchel, Editor of The United Irishman (NY: Published at the Office of the Citizen, No. 8 Spruce Street 1854), 370pp. T.p. verso: Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by / JOHN MITCHEL, / in the clerks office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern / District of New York [W. H. Tinson, printer and stereotyper, 34 Bookman Street]. (See editions available at Google Books - online.) Epigraph:
[Jail Journal / Commenced on board the Shearwater steamer in Dublin bag, continued at Spike Island - on board the Scourge war steamer - on board the Dromedary Hulk, Bermuda - on board the Neptune Convict Ship - at Pernambuco - at the Cape of Good Hope (during the Anti-Convict Rebellion) - at Van Diemens Land - at Sydney - at Tahiti - at San Franciso - at Greytown - and concluding at No. 3 Pier, North River, New York. with an introductory narrative of transactions in Ireland / by John Mitchel / Prisoner in the hands of the English / [Greek inscrip.] / ORIGINAL EDITION / with a continuation of the Journal in New York and Paris, a Preface, Appendices, and Illustrations / Dublin / M. H. Gill & Son, Ltd. 1913), xlvii, 459pp. Front. port. facing t.p. [ii]; t.p. [iii]; t.p. verso: Printed and bound in Ireland by M. H. Gill & Son, Ltd [iv]. Statement [The present edition .. &c., [v]; John Mitchel, sketch of May 1848 [vii]; Preface, ix-xvi [signed Arthur Griffith]; Trial of Mitchel [pl.]; facing xvi; Acknowledgements, xvii; Contents, xix-xxiv; List of Ills., xxv-vi; Introductory [by Mitchel], xxvii-ix-xlvii; Appendices [1. The Famine Year; II: The Mitchel-Duffy Controversy; III: The Cape and Mitchel; IV: The Cuban Filibusters; V: Mitchel County, Iowa]; Contemporaries Mentioned in the Jail Journal [alphabetical], pp.433ff; Mitchels Escape, pp.451-53; Index Hominum., 455ff. Gill publ. notices: On Hundred Volume [3pp.] (Available at Internet Archive - online.)
Statement [Gill Edn. 1913, pref. by Arthur Griffith:] The present edition is reprinted from “The Citizen” — Mitchel’s first New York newspaper — in which the “Jail Journal” was originally published, from January 14th, 1854, to August 19th, 1854. Save for some half-dozen verbal changes subsequently made by Mitchel, this Edition is an exact reproduction of the “Jail Journal” as it first appeared. [v]. [COPAC cites M. H. Gill & Son (Dublin) and T. Fisher Unwin (London) with edns. imprints in 1913, 1914, 1921, ?1940; xlvii, 459pp., 8.) [online].
[Colophon:] PRINTED BY M. H. GILL & Son, Ltd., 50 UPPER OCONNELL STREET, DUBLIN [p.459 verso] |
[ Click to enlarge. ] |
Other editions: Jail Journal [another edn.] (Glasgow & London: R. & T. Washbourne 1854), viii, 320pp.; Do. [another edn.] (Dublin: James Corrigan 1864), xxvi, 204pp.; Jail Journal, &c (NY: P. M. Haverty 1868); Do. [another edn.] (Glasgow: Cameron & Ferguson [1876]), viii, [9-], 320pp. [styled Authors Edition]; Do. [rep. edn.] (Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son, Ltd. 1921) [front., pls. & ports], xlvii, 463pp.; Do. [facs. of 1913 Edn.] with a critical introduction by Thomas Flanagan ([Shannon]: IUP 1982), and Do. [rep. edn.] (London: Sphere 1983); Do. [rep. of 1876 Glasgow Edn; [Hibernia: Literature and Nation in Victorian Ireland] (Poole: Woodstock Books 1996), 320pp., 21cm.
Note Mitchels remarks in the Continuaton of the Journal: After all, this Journal of mine is not, strictly speaking, a Journal at all; though, for convenience, it is occasionally dated. In truth and fact, it is written long after its ostensible dates (Jail Journal, 1913 Edn. [ed. Arthur Griffith], p.372.) |
Jail Journal by John Mitchel (NY 1854; rep. Dublin, ed. Arthur Griffith 1913) |
1854 Edition at Google Books
(scrolling page format; b&w)
1913 Edition at Internet Archive
(all formats - djvu, htm, pdf, &c.)
[Note: the copy-text for the Internet Archive edition is held in University of Illinois Library and bears a type-written label: From the collection of James Collins, Drumcondra, Ireland. Purchased 1918. [Dewey 941.5 M69 cop.2; stamped Remote Store - available online]. |
View this contents table in a separate window. |
John Mitchels Jail Journal (1854) |
Jail Journal, Commenced on Board the Shearwater Steamer, Dublin Bay, Continued at Spike Island - On board the Scourge War Steamer - On Board the Dromedary Hulk, Bermuda - On Board the Neptune Convict Ship - At Perambuco - At the Cape fo Good Hope (During the Anti-convict Rebellion) - A Van Diemans Land - At Sidney - At Tahiti - At San Francisco - At Greytown And Concluding at No. 3 Pier, North River, New York: with an introductory Narrative of Transactions in Ireland, by John Mitchel / prisoner in the hands of the English / original edition with a continuation of the journal in New York and Paris, a Preface, Appendices, and illustrations. [Greek inscription; 1854] (Dublin: M. H. Gill & Sons 1913) [Printed and bound in Ireland; 8°.], xlvii. 459pp. [List of Illustrations, xv-xvii - infra.]
Contents |
INTRODUCTORY: Irish History belongs to England — How she tells it! — Another Version — Ireland finally subdued five times — The Penal Laws — Irish Industry, how fostered — Agriculture — Our Forefathers Famines — Berkeley — Swifts Proposal for a Relief Measure — Eighteen years — Ireland unprotected and unameliorated — The Volunteers — Project of the Union — Union carried — Famines in 1817 and 22 — The OConnell Agitations — Emancipation — Extermination — Devon Commission — Campaign against the Celts — Slaughter — The Last Famine — British Law helps the Famine — The Famine helps British Law — Utter Desolation — Project for Resistance at last — Clubs — Pikes — United Irishman — Lord Clarendon — Birch, Privy Counsellor to the Viceroy — Treason Felony — OBrien and Meagher — Trial by ones Country — British Providence works out His wise Dispensations [xxvii] |
—See full-text copy in RICORSO Library via index, or direct.]
CHAPTER I: Newgate — Travelling Toilet — Drive to the North Wall — No Disturbance — Hospitalities of the Shearwater — Capt. Hall of the Dragon — Not Basil Hall — Self-Interrogation — My Fellow-Felons — Spike Island — Edward Walsh — Order for removal to Bermuda The Scourge War Steamer — At Sea. [1]
CHAPTER II: Yachting in the Scourge — Two Years before the Mast — Review of an Edinburgh Reviewer — The Nineteenth Century — Bombarding the Moon — Macaulay on Bacon — The New Philosophy — Chasing our own Shadows—Good Night, Nineteenth Century! — Bermuda — Ireland Island. [19]
CHAPTER III: An English Steamer — The Morning Post — Edmund Burke Roche — The Irish Felon — Handed over to a Man in Blue — Receipt taken — Hospitalities of the Dromedary — Genesis and Growth of the Bermudas — Description of my cell — Precautions against Mutiny — Removed to an Hospital-ship for ten days — Back again — The Devils Acre, or Cemetery of Cut-throats — Sympathy in New York — Precautions at Bermuda against an American Squadron — Prison Biography — Suicide, pro and contra — The 42nd Highlanders — Discipline — Letter from Ireland [36]
CHAPTER IV: Precautions against my Receipt of News from Ireland — The last Planks of the Constitution — Contraband Intelligence — English Chartists Imprisoned — Meagher Arrested — Martin, Williams and ODoherty committed for Felony — Warrant out against OBrien — Government will have to pack Juries — Duties of Juries in Ireland — Method of Rigmarole — Books — Feeding like the Laplanders or the Ducks of Pontus — Necessity of Work — Autobiographies — Gifford, Elwood and Crichton — Gibbon, Evelyn, and Rosseau — Sulky Prisoners — Cut-throats attending Divine Service — More Contraband Intelligence — John Martin transported — Habeas Corpus Act suspended — Gaols full — Dumeis — Attempted Insurrection in Tipperary — Failure — Flight — Famine — Clonmel Juries. [55] |
CHAPTER V: London paper falls from Heaven — OBrien, Meagher, MacManus, ODonoghue, Sentenced to Death — Kindness of the Spirit of the Age — General Estimate of the Results of this Irish Movement — OConnells Son and the Catholics — Letter from New York — The French Republic and the Carthaginian Newspapers — Herr Doppelganger Expostulates with the Ego — Republicanism in the Abstract — In the Concrete — France marches in the Van — Doppelganger severely handled in Argument — Doppelganger stands out — The Credit-funds, Peace and Progress — Courage, Jacobins! — The Ego leaves Herr Doppelganger not a leg to stand upon — Arterial Drainage [74]
CHAPTER VI: Escape of Three Cut-throats — Hot pursuit — Capture — Solemn mang- ling of the Cut-throats — Six Months in Bermuda — Sickness — More Bad Books — Life of Walter Scott — of Cowper — Fall back on Rabelais — Shakespeare for ever! — Sir Alexander Burnes — His Journey up the Indus — Takes Soundings for British War Steamers — Surveys Hyderabad with a View to British Burglary — Examines the Capacities of Lahore for British Cotton and Christianity — Takes the Measure of the Koh-i-noor in the interests of Civilisation — Band of the 42nd — Captain Alexanders Book — Sickness — Medical Superintendent tells me I am going to die soon — Note to the Governor of Bermuda [94]
CHAPTER VII: The First Mate — Goethe never in the Galleys — Prospect of a Ship for the Cape of Good Hope — Trial and Doom of ODoherty — The Catholic Clergy — Christmas on board the Dromedary — News of Election of Louis Napoleon for President — Deadly Sickness, and Living against Time — Literary Deposit, in Six Strata — Uses of Bad Books — Metaphysics — Bermuda a School of Reformation — Irish Prisoners graduate for the Gallows — Criminal Jurisprudence — A Plea for the Drop — Prayer for the Soul of Walter Scott — Order to despatch me to the Cape — A Spirit of Disaffection in Ireland still — Sad! [113]
CHAPTER VIII: Ten Months Bondage — Arrival of the Neptune, Bound for the Cape — Perils of British Rule in Ireland — Trial of the Editor of the Nation — Editor a Recreant — Removal to the Hospital Ship again — Reflections unusually Pious — News from Europe and Asia — Lord Gough in the Punjab — Imaginary Programme of European Movements — Preparing for Voyage to Africa — Phenomena of Memory — Innocence of Childhood — The Pen of Rigmarole — The Scourge again — British Public Opinion — Parliamentary Falsehoods by Admiral Dundas and Lord Lansdowne — At Sea once more — Bright Prospects — OConnell, a Portrait — Conversation with Surgeon-Superintendent. [128]
CHAPTER IX: An American Brig — Stray copy of the Daily News — Memorial on behalf of Mr. Duffy — The Failure at Ballingarry — Arms Bills — Use of Riots — French Army besieging Rome — Order — Hungary holds her Ground — Review of my Shipmates — Becalmed for many Weeks — Sickness — Short of Water — The Dead to the Sharks — Tropic Seas — Danger of Mutiny — The Parson Frightened — Pernambuco — Oranges — Slaves — No Facts in my Journal — Humboldts Howling Monkeys — Cyanometer — English Papers at Pernambuco — Six Irish Rebels on their Way to Van Diemens Land — Two American Skippers — Prince Louis Napo- leon on this Coast — Home Secretary thinks me Dead — Brazilians Lazy Foreign Lubbers. [144]
CHAPTER X: Slaves and Slave-trade in Brazil — Benevolent Pirates — Elections in Brazil — Vanish South America — Ocean Visions — Lessons from Sea-Pigeons — British Convict System — The Railway Swindler — The Railway King — Habits of British Soldiers — Promotion to the Hulks — Night at Sea — The Irish Prisoners — Dismal Songs — The Cape of Good Hope — Africa, Beware! — Africa brings forth Aliquid Novi. [159]
CHAPTER XI: Ferment at the Cape — British Governor under Duress — Anti-Convict Association — News of OBrien and the Traitors — Neptune at Anchor — Simons Bay — Cape Heaths and Geranium — Anti-Convict Council of War — Simultaneous Meetings — Note from the Governor — Anti-Convict Pledge — Starvation — Dr. Dees falls Sick — Excitement Increases — Cape Newspapers — The Bandieten — The 18th of August in Zwartland — The Boers — Starvation — Fishing to support Existence — Non-intercourse — Steward of the Neptune — Our Skipper Ashore — People will hold no Intercourse — Indignation of the Men-of- Wars Men — Commodore rides on a Foray. [175]
CHAPTER XII: Committee of Vigilance — Business at a stand in Capetown — The Moderates and Immoderates — Dr. Dees Dead — A Rebel Bishop — Violent Ferment in the Interior — -Advantage of Inhabiting a Sphaeroid — Rage of the Colonists — Resolution to shut Shops — Mr. Ebden — Fairbairn, able Editor — Mynheer Smuts — Chances of a Revolt — Cape Wines — Traitors Excommunicated — Benjamin Norden — Captain Stanford feeds Sir Harry — The Neptune Instructor would a-shopping go — No Intercourse — Solemn Fast — Secretary Montague — The Coolies now Hungry — Mobs — Suggestion for Sir Harry — Wives or reputed Wives. [188]
CHAPTER XIII: News from Europe — Hungary still holds her Ground — Opinion stronger than Arms — Dublin Nation, New Series — Queen in Ireland — Tim OBrien — Young Ireland nowhere — Her Majesty in a green silk visite — Does not visit Skibbereen — Thomas Carlyle in Ireland — Despatch from England — Hungary is down — Kossuth and Bem — Hungary Immortal — England in Asia — England in Europe — The Future of America — Dublin Nation again — The Irishman — Government Massacre in Ireland — A Slave-ship — The Southern Hemisphere — Confusion of Feasts and Fasts — The Anti-Convict Association — Letter of W. P. Laubscher — Letter of Hendrick Morkel. [201]
CHAPTER XIV: No Despatch — Wearing the Ring of our Anchor — An Alarm — Victor of Aliwal shall not have a Statue — Curious Law-suit — Plaintiffs and Defendants Repudiate the Judges — News of the Felons in Van Diemens Land — Despatch at Last — Conditional Pardon to all on Board — Except Prisoner Mitchel — Pleasing Anticipations — English Newspapers — Ireland Tranquil — Neptune gets ready for Sea — Rejoicings — Illuminations — Good-night to Africa — Van Diemens Land Appears — DEntre- casteaux Channel — Hobart Town — Official Documents — Ticket-of-Leave — Parole — The Irish Exile, Newspaper — A Smoke with John Martin. [214]
CHAPTER XV: Valley of Bothwell — The Gum-trees — Balsam in the Forest — Rendez- vous at Lake Sorel — Snow-Storm in the Woods — Lake Crescent — Coopers Hut — Meeting with Meagher and ODoherty — Evil Plight of Smith OBrien— The Dogs Head —Ride to Bothwell. [229]
CHAPTER XVI: Taismanian Hills — A Scottish Glen in Van Diemens Land — Letter from Smith OBrien — Generosity of the British Public — Colonists at Home — Irish Newspapers — Conciliation Hall — Irish Factions in New York — Rebels at Church — Rebels at the Lakes — Reformatory Discipline — Write for my Family — Visit from MacManus — The Lakes again — The River Shannon — A Rhapsody of Rivers — Clarence Mangan — Sample of Tasmanian Population — Hiatus in the Journal — Go to Hobart Town to receive my Wife [239]
CHAPTER XVII: Ride to Browns River — Gardens — Flowers of Van Diemens Land — Kindly Climate — Breeds of Dogs and Horses — Mea and Women — A Beauty — St. Kevin — Romantic residence for Burglars — My Wife arrives at Adelaide — Expected at Launceston — I go to Launceston — Imprisonment there for 24 hours — Mr. Gunn — Letter to the Colonial Times — Arrival of my Wife in Hobart Town — Meeting at Greenponds — Back to Bothwell. [251]
CHAPTER XVIII: Nant Cottage-Ride to Avoca — Visit to Mr. OBrien — Vigour of Sir W. Denison — Clemency of Government — Van Diemens Land Stage-coaches — Tasmania a Bastard England — Van Die- mens Land Election — Anti-Transportation — The Australasian League — Balfe — Policy of the Gaoler Party — Valley of Avoca — Meeting with OBrien — A Day spent with Him — The Priests of Tipperary — His Attempt to Escape from Maria Island — Return to Bothwell. [260]
CHAPTER XIX: A Family of Irish Colonists — Mrs. Connell and the Bushrangers — Ride up the Mountains — Meagher and His Dog— Lake Sorel on the Mountain-top — Visit to Meaghers Cottage— Meagher aids the League — Loveliness of Lake Sorel — Tricolour and Fleur-de-lis — Ride to Nant Cottage Young Kangaroo — Hiatus in the Journal — New Years Day, 1853 — Stupor and Torpor of our Life — No Thunder and Lightning — Kossuth In America— Meagher in America. [271]
CHAPTER XX: A Kangaroo-hunt — Dean and Dart — Incredible Sagacity— Three Kangaroos killed — Philosophic Reflections— My Convict Hay-makers — Descent into Hell — Letter from Devin Reilly — Reilly on the Republicans — His interview with Kossuth — An Intellectual Kalmuck — The Celt Lectures the Kalmuck — Reilly and the Democratic Review — His Sorrows — His Wife — Senator Douglas, Spicy to the Core. [282]
CHAPTER XXI: Reillys Letter — Failure of The People — The Whig Review — A Gascon Irishman — A Scarlet Democrat, Piratic and Honest — Mr. Corry — Irish Affairs — The Priests and Holy Wells — Destiny of Reilly — Haymaker goes to the Diggings — A Stranger Appears amongst us — P. J. Smyth — Meeting with ODoherty and OBrien — Smyth in Hobart Town — We visit OBrien at New Norfolk — Consultations about Escape — To Bothwell — Smyth Reconnoitres the Police Office — His Life in America — Daylight begins to dawn. [294]
CHAPTER XXII: Smyth at Lake Sorel — Goes to Melbourne — I buy the Police Magistrates Horse — Letter from Nicaragua — The Waterlily — Plan of Escape — Plan Discovered — Council of War — Arrest of Nicaragua — I visit Hobart Town — Resolution taken — New Plan of Escape — We ride into Bothwell — I revoke my Parole before the Magistrate — Conversation at Police Office — Offer Myself for Arrest — Adieu to Bothwell — A Days Hard Riding — A Winters Night in the Forest — Job Sims Cottage — The Beard Movement — An English Guide — Meet a new Friend on the Mountains — Ride to Westbury — News of Nicaragua — The Police Force on the alert. [304]
CHAPTER XXIII: Nicaragua in Hobart Town — The Don Juan — Rendezvous at Emu Bay — Winter Floods — Emu Bay inaccessible — Express to the Don Juan — Ride to Port Sorel — Savage Country — Home of an Irish Settler — Irish Customs — A Caoine in the Bush — Crossing a Ravine — Another Night in the Woods — -The Sea at Last! — No Don Juan — At Mr. Millers. — -Miller an Englishman — Retreat within a Mile of a Police-Barrack — Project to Sail as Millers Brother — -Messengers from Launceston — Severe Riding — Boating patty proposed — Night Expedition down the Tamar. [318]
CHAPTER XXIV: Another Disappointment — Flight down the River-Barretts Boat — We Miss the Steamer — Back to Launceston — The Chapel House — Father Blake — Meeting with ODoherty — Father Blake at Hobart Town — Nicaragua — Mr. Davis unhappy — To Sail by the Emma — Farewell to Van Diemens Land — Sydney. [330]
CHAPTER XXV: Sydney — My Wife at Wooloomooloo — The Orkney Lass — Take Passage for Honolulu — Dangerous Delays — Sail for the Sandwich Islands — My Fellow-Voyagers — Four Actresses — Tahiti — Papeete — Actresses give a Concert — French Frigate — Le Forte — Ride up the Fowtowa River — Basss Pale Ale — Gala at Queen Pomares Palace — The Tahitian Girls — The Julia Ann appears — The Stars and Stripes — Off for San Francisco — California — Isthmus of Nicaragua — The San Juan River — Grey town. [340]
CHAPTER XXVI: Greytown — The Pampero — Cuba and the Cubans — -News from Europe — The Czar is up — Refreshment for the Refugees — Kossuth — Mazzini — Ireland — Leaving Greytown — Nicaragua lectures on Central America — Arrive at Cuba — The Moro — Havana — Atares Castle — Cuba and Ireland — Captain-Generals Palace — Dublin Castle — Pass near Bermuda — Doubts — New York at last — Brooklyn. [353]
THE CONTINUATION: The New York Reception — Foundation of The Citizen — Mitchel and the Russian Minister — The Know-Nothing Agitation — The Release of Smith OBrien — The Virginian Address — Irish Organisations in America — The Controversy with Archbishop Hughes — At Stonington — Anglo-Saxonism in New York — New York and the Irish Political Prisoners — Retirement from The Citizen — Miles Byrne — Marshal MacMahon — Mitchels Children — Mitchel and Victor Hugo — Mitchel and Fenianism — Mitchel at the Irish College — Napoleons Irish Legion — Mitchels Final Departure from France. [367]
I. The Famine Year — II. The Mitchel-Duffy Controversy — III. The Cape and Mitchel — IV. The Cuban Filibusters — V. Mitchel County, Iowa. [421]
Contemporaries mentioned in Jail Journal [433];
Mitchels Escape: Letter to Mr. Miller [451];
Index [455];
List of Illustrations [pp.xxv-vi]
John Mitchel [frontispiece]; John Mitchel - A sketch in May, 1848; Trial of Mitchel; The Bench at the Opening of the Commission which Convicted Mitchel, May, 1848; Newgate Prison; Mitchels Dublin Residence in 1848; Fortifications and Dockyard of Ireland Island, Bermuda, in 1848; View of Ireland Island, Bermuda, 1848, showing Batteries, the Medway, the Coromandel, the Dromedary, Victualling Stores, Keep, and Commissioners House; View of Ireland Island, Bermuda, 1848, showing the Naval Hospital, the Tenedos, the Weymouth, the Stone Quarry, Cockburns Cut and Bridge; The Convict Garb at Bermuda in 1848; The Mitchel Family Residence, Dromolane House, Newry; Forging Pikes, 1848; British Military Camp at Tipperary, July, 1848; The Arrest of Smith OBrien at Thurles Railway Station; Trial of Smith OBrien at Clonmel, 1848; Removal of Smith OBrien to Prison under Sentence of Death; William Smith OBrien, 1848; John Martin, 1848; John Martin, about 1865; Father John Kenyon; Thomas Francis Meagher. A sketch in May, 1848; Brig.-Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher; John Blake Dillon; Thomas Devin Reilly; Michael Doheny; Terence Bellew MacManus; Kevin Izod ODoherty; Eva of The Nation, Mrs. Kevin ODoherty.
[Source: Internet Archive - online [accessed 15.02.2012]; see extracts, under Quotations [infra] and full text copies in via index.]
A full-text copy of Mitchels Jail Journal [1854] (Dublin 11813) is available in RICORSO Library as ..htm & .pdf or .doc]. |
[ top ]
The Last Conquest of Irealnd (Perhaps) [1861] (1876, &c.)
The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps), by John Mitchel [Authors Edition] (Glasgow: R. & T. Washbourne 248 Buchanan Street; Head Office: 1, 2 & 4 Paternoster Row, London; Manchester Depot; 74 Bridge Street [1876]), vi, 220pp. Authors Edition [This copy held in John Hughes Mem. Collection, Boston College]. (Available at Internet Archive - online.)
The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps), by John Mitchel [Authors Edition] (Glasgow: Cameron & Ferguson; London, 4 Sailisbury Court, Fleet St. [n.d.]) [Univ. of Illinois Library - from the collection of James Collins, Drumcondra, Ireland. Purchased 1918] (available at Babel Hathi Trust - online.) Other digital copies are available at
Sarkoups [online] An Cartlann [online]; and Library Ireland [online] -
variously accessed at 10.08.2020 and 25.05.2024.
Bibliographical note: First issued as An Apology for the British Government in Ireland in serial-form at Mitchels newspaper The Southern Citizen in 1858; subsequently published in book form in Dublin as Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) (Dublin: The Irishman Office 1861), 221pp., 12°; Do. [Authors Edition] (Glasgow & London: R. T. Washbourne 1876), vi, 7-220pp.; [see contents]; Do. (Glasgow: Cameron, Ferguson, [1876,] 1882, 1890, 1899, 1903),
vi, 220pp.; 19 cm.; Do., ed. Patrick Maume [rep. edn.] (UCD Press; distrib. Chicago UP 2005), xxx, 220pp.; Do. (Memphis: General Books 2010), 155pp.; Do. [facs. rep. of 1876 edn.] (Kessinger Publ. 2010); Do. (Books Ulster 2019), q.pp.; and Do. [digital edition] (An Cartlann [q.d.]) - online.
[ The illustration shows the cover associated with the Cameron & Ferguson edition held at UCD Library Dublin and catalogue at Illinois Univ., Urbana as posted a the HathiTrust Mitchel pages - online. Click the image to enlarge and view in a separate window. |
Links to page images [full edns.] at Hathi Trust— |
[ Tip: Links will bring you to the HathiTrust page for each edition. Click on Full View to reach the digital copy of each work. ] |
[ See extensive extracts in Quotations - as infra.; a full-text copy of the Glasgow edition of 1876, &c.
is available in RICORSO Library > Irish Classics - via index [infra] or as attached [.doc, or .pdf. ]
Note on Dating Editions of Mitchels Last Conquest |
Much confusion surrounds the edition of Last Conquest employed as source for Internet Archive copy online. This edition bears the Glasgow publisher Washbournes name and the untypically bold over-printed title Authors Copy but no date of publication. It is various ascribed to 1861, 1876, 1882 and 1889 in further copies available on internet - many of them plainly copied from the Archive pages even when presented in scroll-down format. (A b&w copy of another order edition exists on internet but at the time of writing I am unable to relocate it.) The matter is complicated - even fowled up - but the fact that the Archive notice attached to the book identifies it as the edition from Cameron & Ferguson of 1882 - an attribution repeated in the Hathi Trust page [online]. (It may be that Cameron & Ferguson simply acquired Washbourne and its stock yet the edition digitised at the University of California shares the same title-page excepting only for the publishers name but does not share the telling botched line at the end of p.125 which I mention below - ergo, it is a different impression - though clearly from the same plates [online].) |
This above account of the Cameron & Ferguson edition of Last Conquest (Perhaps) mentioned a little expansion here. In the invaluable HathiTrust author catalogue [online], it is listed as a work held in the University of California but the full-view link leads to copy held in University College, Dublin [UCD] with a complex array of front-matter in which a virtual saga of prior publications is reproduced. The cover bears the dual signature of Cameron & Ferguson and Burns Oats & Washbourne (London, Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow). It is styled the Cameron & Ferguson Edition in much the way that the earlier Washbourne edition is styled Authors Edition. An advertisement page then blazons Mrs Sadliers The Confederate Chiefs, a Historical Tale of the Insurrection of 1641 (n.d.;341pp.), issued likewise by Cameron & Ferguson of 63 North Frederick Street, Glasgow. There is a half-title-page bearing the stamp of the UCD Library, another book-notice about A. M. Sullivans New Ireland [racy anecdote, eloquence and humour), and then the title-page: The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) by John Mitchel / Authors Edition / Glasgow: Cameron and Ferguson & Co. [n.d.] This is followed by a text identical with the Washbourne edition held on Boston College Library excepting the botched type already mentioned - which must have derived from a badly laid page and would therefore be unique to that edition which, not infrequently, shows weak impressions at the bottom of numerous pages. [See |
COPAC lists several editions of the book up to and including Patrick Maumes edition from Cork University Press and introduction of 2005 [online]. Patrick Maumes edition is based on the original identified as that issued by The Irishman Office in Dublin during 1861 - i.e., the office of The Irishman newspaper which ran from 1858-1885. (There were other, earlier and later, iterations of that title). It is known, of course, that the earliest version of Last Conquest was published by Mitchel in his newspaper The Southern Citizen (Tennessee) in 1858. (Jail Journal had already appeared in his New York newpaper The Citizen in 1854.) Following the Dublin publication of the book it was apparently reprinted in Glasgow in the imprint which is to be met with at Internet Archive, being a copy held in Boston College Library [online]. As said, this copy bears no date on the title page or any other part.
This was then followed by another edition under the Cameron & Ferguson imprint, apparently from the same plates since it shares the same pagination ([vi], 7-220pp.) It may have been a new printing - easy enough to check since the Washbourne edition has some distinctive elements of botched type and, of course, orthographical vagaries possibly from the authors hand (e.g., surburban, p.112). The dates of each of these is difficult to determine with certainty and they are usually assigned in relation to the acquisition date in the library catalogues where they are held. Nonetheless sundry records opt to cite the date of the Dublin edition assuming the one in hand to be the first edition - hence 1861. In reality it is more likely to be an edition of 1876.
So many dates are listed for the Cameron & Ferguson edition based on library-acquisition dates and other deductive means employed by institutional cataloguers that it is only possible to construct a conjectural chronology for these. Among the dates recurrently mentioned are 1876, 1882 and 1889 - but there is also a citation for a Washbourne edition in 1882. This is unlikely since the plates seem to have passed to Cameron & Washbourne by that date. it remains possible that the Washbourne edition was produced in Glasgow in 1861, simultaneously or slightly later than the Irishman edition produced in Dublin in that year.
The copy of Last Conquest presented at Sarkoups [online] is identical with that held at Internet Archive excepting that it employs scrolling instead of turning pages excepting that the date 1861 was been overlaid in a different font and hue — viz. [1861]. Both share, for instance, the Boston College Library stamp on title-page and the botched line of type at p.125 which is rendered in OCR as:
< One would not iJiiuUro t)ic Endish lal)Ourer his dinne his tea; and 1 refer to hii; excellent table only to ren^ > [end. p.125; my italics].
Luckily the copy digitised by the website publisher An Cartlann in a rather different format fills the blanks with the phrases. Here the botched line is replaced with a coherent sentence , I would not like to grudge the English labourer his dinner nor his tea; and I refer to his excellent table only to remark that [...; end of p.163). Sad to say, An Cartlanns preface merely adds to the confusion with a bibliographical note that reads: A brief transcribers note also is that spelling of words from the original transcription published in 1882 [...] [see An Cartlann edn. - online]. This casts no light on identity of the copy-text other than that was printed in America in the year stated. (Why change it to British spell is not at all clear.)
Interestingly, Washbourne did produce a separate edition of Last Conquest - or, at least, another one bound with Thomas Moores life Fitzgerald (orig. 2 vols., 1831) and Jail Journal by Mitchel himself — viz., The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, by Thomas Moore [with] The last conquest of Ireland (perhaps) and Jail Journal: or, Five Years in British Prisons (Glasgow: Cameron & Ferguson [1875?]) 283pp. The edition is very odd since the date given in COPAC for its publication is that of Mitchels death 14 years after the Dublin first edition and one year before the stand-alone edition from Washbourne of Glasgow. (If it were the same year one would suspect a different way of packaging the same imprint -and this itself suggests that the cataloguers date 875 is out by one year.)
Yet, considering the publishers name, Is it the case, then, that Cameron & Ferguson published first and then resumed control of the text after the Washbourne edition appeared? What is clear is that both Washbourne and Cameron & Ferguson were in the business of publishing Irish nationalist classics, while Washbourne chiefly functioned as a Catholic publisher based in Glasgow with offices at Paternoster Row in London and depots in Birmingham and Manchester.
Finally, the COPAC record shows that yet another edition of Mitchels Last Conquest was issued by an American-Irish publisher in 1873 somewhat after the first Dublin edition and a little before the Glasgow one. It is likely that the text in it lies at an intermediate stage of correction between the two, since Mitchel is known to have revised - and even rewritten - his book several times. This edition contains two separate writings — viz., The Crusade of the Period and Last Conquest of Ireland (perhaps.) [Irish-American library, 4] (NY: Lynch, Cole & Meehan 1873), 332pp. [BS April 2024.] It is said to be related to James Anthony Froudes contentious The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century (Longmans 1872-74) and can be considered a rebuttal of the same. [See COPAC listing - online]. |
[ See Table of Contents - as infra ] |
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View this contents table in a separate window. |
The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) Authors Edition (Glasgow: Washbourne [1876]) |
Contents [Chapters] |
I: Introduction - Address of the American Congress To the People of Ireland, in 1775 - Satistics and Condition of Ireland - Ireland in 1843 - OConnell - The Repeal Debate in the Corporation of Dublin - The Monster Meetings in 1843 - Opinion in the English Parliament - Sir Robert Peels Declaration in Answer to Mr Bernal [Osborne]. |
II: Repeal Year (1843) - Resources of OConnell - Clare Election, and Catholic Emancipation - Shiel - Young Ireland - Davis, Dillon, Duffy - The Nation - Resources of the English - Disarming Laws. |
III: The Repeal Year still - OBriens Motion - Arms Bill - Sir Edward Sugden - Dismissed Magistrates - Arbitrators - More Monster Meetings. |
IV: OConnells Oratory - Its Themes - The Whigs - Davis and the Nation - The Young Agitators - Tara Meeting - Council of Three Hundred - The Queens Speech against Repeal - Great Meeting at Mullaghmast - Meeting at Clontarf forbidden. |
V: Determination of the Enemy - Clontarf - The Projected Massacre - Arrest of OConnell and the Conspirators - Opening of Conciliation Hall - OBrien joins the Repealers - Preparation for the Trials. |
VI: The Trial - System of Selecting a Jury in Ireland - Verdict against OConnell - Debate in Parliament on the State of Ireland - Operation of the Arms Act - Sentence and Imprisonment of OConnell. |
VII: OConnell in Prison - Davis; his Misgivings - Reversal of the Judgment - Whig Law Lords - Rejoicings in Dublin - The People disappointed - Federalism - OBrien. |
VIII: Approach of the Famine, in 1845 - Repeal prospects after the liberation of OConnell - Irish Produce exported to England in 1844 - Arms and Detectives in return for it - Landlord and Tenant Commission - Ejectment Legislation - Condition of Ireland in 1845 - The Devon Commission - The Tenant-Right of Ulster - Conspiracy of Landlords and Legislators - Sir Robert Peel. |
IX: Land-Tenure Report - OBrien - Eighty-Two Club - Grey Porter - A National Militia - President Polk and Orgeon Territory - Robert Tyler - Colleges Bill - MacNevin - James Haughton - John OConnell and General Jackson - Lord Stanleys Bill - Surplus Population - Death of Davis - Famine. |
X: Davis; his influence, aim, and labours - His opinion of Imposing Demonstrations - His Letters - His Death - Fate of MacNevin. |
XI: Duties of Government - Alms - Playfair and Lindley - Memorial of the Corporation and Citizens of Dublin - Lord Heytesbury - OConnells proposals - OBriens - Meeting of Parliament - Coercion Bill - Repeal of the Corn Laws - Relief. |
XII: Loss of the Irish Crops - Accounts between England and Ireland - Rapid export of Irish harvest and cattle - Sir Robert Peels Remedial Measures - OBrien in Parliament - English Press on Alms - Sir Robert Peels two weapons - Repeal Association - Resistance to the Coercion Bill - Extermination in Connaught - The Nation and Young Ireland - Another State Prosecution - Change of Ministry. |
XIII: Relief of Famine - Importations of grain - Imprisonment of OBrien - Destruction of the Repeal Association - The Labour-rate Act - More Poor Law Extermination - Recruiting. |
XIV: Labour-rate Act - Digging holes - England begs for us - Out-door Relief - Fast and humiliation - Quarter-acre clause - The Calculations of Political Circles - Two millions of Celtic corpses - America baffled - Parish coffins - Repudiation of Alms by the Nation. |
XV: Death of OConnell - His character - Arrangements for the next years famine - Emigration - Report of a Select Committee - A New Coercion Act - The Crisis approaches. |
XVI: Lord Clarendon, Viceroy - Subterranean agencies of Government - Monahan, Attorney-General - Galway Election. |
XVII: Dublin during the Famine - Young Ireland - Alarm of the Moneyed Classes - S. G. O. - Sudden meeting of Parliament - New Coercion Act - Differences in the Irish Confederation - Break up in the Nation Office - OBrien - The United Irishman. |
XVIII: The United Irishman Newspaper - Nature of the enterprise - Effect of the French Revolution of February, 1848 - Situation of the Government - Examples.
XIX: March, 1848 - The French Revolution - Waterford Election - Aggregate Meeting in Dublin - Prosecution of OBrien, Meagher, and Mitchel - OBrien in the English Parliament - The Treason-Felony Act - Trial of OBrien and Meagher for Sedition - The United Irishman - Trials for illegal drilling - Prosecution for Sedition abandoned - Arrest of Mitchel for Treason-Felony. |
XX: Rage of the British Press - Protestant Repeal Associations - Lord Clarendons Manoeuvres among the Orangemen - Proclamations against Communists - The Chartists and Irish in England - Letter to the Protestants of the North - Prosecution. |
XXI: Juries in Ireland - Whig professions of impartiality - In the Dock - Holmes - Challenging the array - Closing Scene - The Clubs restrained - Meaghers Account - My last week in Ireland. |
XXII: Triumph of the Enemy - The Irish Tribune - The Editors - Habeas Corpus suspended - Numerous Arrests - OBrien takes to the Country - Carrick - Killenaule - Ballingarry - Dispersion of the people - No Insurrection. |
XXIII: Arrest of OBrien; of Meagher; of MacManus, etc. - Trials - Excuse for more Jury-packing - Excitement in England - Trial of Chartists - Special Commission in Clonmel - Trial of OBrien for High Treason - Sentence of Death - Trials of MacManus, ODonohoe, and Meagher - Commutation of the Sentences of Death - Plan for a New Plantation of Ireland - Systematic vilification of the Celtic Irish by English writers. |
XXIV: Consummation of the Conquest - The Queens Speech in 1849 - More Coercion - More Poor-law - Depopulation: condition of the people, as described by Mr Duffy in 1849 - Lord John Russells Rate-in-aid - The Incumbered Estates Act - Result to Ireland of Incumbered Estates Court - Queens Visit to Ireland in 1849: Popular feeling in Dublin suppressed by the Police - Ireland tranquil, improving, and prosperous - Statistics - Recapitulation - Conclusion. |
—See extracts under Quotations - as infra. |
A full-text copy of The Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) [1861] (Glasgow 1876) is available in RICORSO Library [.pdf or .doc]. |
top ]
- William Dillon, Life of John Mitchel, 2 vols. (London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. 1888) [Vol. I, 343pp. [up to 1853] accessible at Google Books - online].
- Arthur Griffith, A Biographical Sketch appended to Jail Journal (Dublin: M. H. Gill 1913) [i.e., xlvii, 463pp].
- P. S. OHegarty, John Mitchel: An Appreciation with Some Account of Young Ireland (Dublin / London: Maunsel 1917).
- Louis J. Walsh, John Mitchel (1938).
- J. S[eamus] MacCall, Irish Mitchel: A Biography (London: T Nelson 1938).
- Niall Ó Dónaill, Beatha Sheáin Mistéil (1937).
- T[homas] Flanagan, Rebellion and Style, John Mitchel and the Jail Journal, in Irish University Review Irish University Review (Autumn 1970).
- Malcom Brown, [18]48 and the Insurrection, in The Politics of Irish Literature from Thomas Davis to W. B. Yeats (London: George Allen & Unwin 1972), [Chap. 7], pp.103ff.; also John Mitchel after 48, [Chap. 9], pp.134ff., et passim.
- Graham Davis, Making History, John Mitchel and the Great Famine, in Paul Hyland & Neil Sammells, eds., Irish Writing, Exile and Subversion (London: Macmillan 1991), pp.98-115.
- Christopher Morash, Mitchels Hunger, Writing the Irish Famine (London: Clarendon 1995), pp.52-78.
- ——, The Rhetoric of Right in Mitchels Jail Journal, in The Literature of Politics, The Politics of Literature [Proceedings of IASIL Leiden 1993], Vol. 1: ed. C. C. Barfoot, Theo Dhaen Tjebbe Westendorp, ed., Forging in the Smithy: National Identity and Representation in Anglo-Irish Literary History (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995), pp.207-17.
- James Quinn, John Mitchel (UCD Press 2008), 128pp.
- Christophe Gillissen, Charles Trevelyan, John Mitchel and the historiography of the Great Famine, in Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique [XIX-La grande famine en Irlande, 1845-51] (2014), pp.195-212 [available online; accessed 04.05.2024].
- Bryan Fanning & Tom Garvin, John Mitchel, The Jail Journal (1861) in Books That Define Ireland (Sallins: Merrion 2014), Chap. 7.
- ——, John Mitchel and the last conquest of Ireland, in Histories of the Irish Future (London: Bloomsbury 2015), pp.113-30 [Chap. 8; partially available at Google Books - online]; .
- Patrick Fitzgerald & Anthony Russell, eds., John Mitchel, Ulster and the Great Famine (Dublin: IAP 2017), 180pp.
See also [q. auth.,] remarks in David Lloyd, James Clarence Mangan; Nationalism and Minor Literature (1987), and James F. Donnelly, The Great Famine: Its Interpreters Old and New, in History Ireland, 1, 3 (Autumn 1993) [q.pp.]
[ top ]
See separate file [infra].
See separate file [infra].
References Irish Literature, gen. ed. Justin McCarthy (Washington 1904), selects passages from Jail Journal incl. Mitchels meeting with Edward Walsh [on Spike Island] before his departure on prison-ship from Queenstown.
Cabinet of Irish Literature, new edition, revised and greatly extended by Katherine Tynan Hinkson [orig. ed. Charles A. Read, 1867], (London: Gresham Publishing Company 1902-03), Vol. III, selects Farewell to Ireland (from Jail Journal); Character of OConnell (from Last Conquest of Ireland); and Exile (from Jail Journal), all. pp..71-78.
Notice on Mitchel [prob. by T. P. OConnor]; rep. in Katherine Tynan, ed., Cabinet (1902-03) |
The subject of this sketch was man of great literary talent, a lover of his country, and one of the most fearless, it may almost be said reckless, among the Young Ireland party [...] (p.70.) There follows an account of his political career:—
[...] In 1854, Mr Mitchel established the Citizen newspaper. He subsequently edited the Southern Citizen, and during the American civil war conducted the Richmond Examiner. He, much to the disappointment of his admirers, strongly advocated the Southern cause, but how his principles of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity could agree with slavery is difficult to understand. He proved his sincerity, however, by giving two grave sons to fight for the cause, both of whom fell during the war. The History of Ireland, from the Treaty of Limerick to the present time, appeared in 1868. In 1867 Mr. Mitchel had started the Irish Citzen in New York [...] (p.71.)
[...O]n 20th March, 1875, at the residence of his brother-in-law Honest John Martin, his stormy spirit at last found a peace. Irishmen of all classes and parties attended Mr. Mitchels funeral and the mourning was was deep and universal. It was felt that, however wild might be his opinions or rash his deeds, he was of that unbending soul and that incorruptible heart of which heroes are made; and, take him for all in all, he was, perhaps, the most unselfish public man that Ireland has produced in the present generation. It is unjust to his memory, however, to regard him as merely a revolutionary. He was not only a writer, but a writer of genius. His terse sentences have the vigour of perfect lucidity and directness; he is a master of grim humour; and his works are full of passages of picturesque beauty - the pictures being the more striking because, as a rule, drawn with few strokes. His Jail Journal has many beauties, but some of its finest parts appear to us tawdry and long-drawn out, - a not unnatural result of its being written in the too large leisure and too frequent solitude of convict life. The finest of his work. is The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps), which appears to us, in parts at least, worthy of Carlyle. A prefatory notice to the poems of hapless Clarence Mangan, is also a beautifully written sketch - a gem of biography. The History of Ireland, on the other hand, is for the most part slovenly, and probably was not much better than a pot boiler. Mitchel also published a series of scathing replies to the calumnious attacks on the Irish people by an English historian, under the title, Froude from the Stand-Point of an Irish Protestant; as well as The Repeal Agitation, The Nurseries of the Famine, and a collection of the poems of Davis.(pp.70-73; end.) |
See longer extracts from Jail Journal and The Last Conquest of Ireland [1861] in The Cabinet of Irish Literature - as attached.
[ top ]
Seamus Deane, gen. ed., The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing (Derry: Field Day 1991), Vol. 2, gives extracts from Jail Journal and from The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) (1861). Editorial essays and prefatory notes by Seamus Deane everywhere emphasis his theory that the famine involved a conspiracy or collusion between the British Govt. and the Irish landlords to oppress or even exterminate the Irish people; Deane concludes that his narrow rhetoric and political ideology, sharing in the radicalism of Lalor, does not however challenge the racist categories on which the British system in Ireland was based (indeed, Mitchel is blatantly white supremacist); Davitt, Aseneth Nicholson, Sigerson, and others speak of his forceful rhetoric and the influence of his propaganda on Irish and American-Irish nationalism. The scandalous savagery of his sentence in 1848 is underlined. Deane stresses that Jail Journal first appeared in The Citizen, his New York newspaper. Bibl., J. G. Hodges, Report of the Trial of John Mitchell [sic] for Felony at the Commission Court, Dublin, May 1848 (Dublin: Thom 1848); W. Dillon, Life of John Mitchel, 2 vols. (Kegan Paul, Trench 1888); S. MacCall, Irish Mitchel, a Biography (Nelson 1938); R. Davis, The Young Ireland Movement (Gill 1987). [See extracts, as supra.]
See also F. H. ODonnell (History, 1910): When John Mitchell [sic], the rebel editor of 1848, was carried away into transportation without the thousands of Dublin patriots lifting a finger, he spake thuswise, Adieu, Dublin … city of bellowing slaves and genteel villas! .. c. Ed. remarks that the actual quotation is: Dublin City, with its bay and pleasant villas - city of bellowing slaves - villas of genteel dastards - lies now behind us. [FDA2 339]
Brian McKenna, Irish Literature, 1800-1875: A Guide to Information Sources (Detroit: Gale Research Co. 1978), cites, W. B. Yeats, Irish National Literature, 1: From Callanan to Carleton, which eulogises Mitchel (repr. Yeats, Uncollected Prose, ed. J. Frayne 1970); Arthur Griffiths pref. to Gill edn. of Jail Journal (1903). Life by William Dillon (1888); Life, by P. A. Sillard (Duffy, 1889); and John Mitchel, by P. S. OHegarty (Maunsel 1917) 139p.
R. F. Foster, Modern Ireland (London: Allen Lane 1988) - bio-note: b. Co. Londonderry, ed. TCD; Banbridge solicitor till 1845, joined Repeal Association, 1843; wrote for Nation; Life of Aodh ONeill (1846); est. Irish Confederation; fnd. United Irishman advocating holy war to sweep England out of Ireland; arrested, March 1848; escaped to America during a sentence of 14 yrs., 1853; issued collected eds. of Mangan and Davis; wrote The Last Reconquest of Ireland (Perhaps) (1860); acted as a Fenian agent in Paris, 1866; declined secretaryship of IRB, 1867; elected MP Co. Tipperary, 1875, and re-elected on being charged ineligible; died 8 days later. Foster remarks: The Jail Journal (1854), a classic of prison literature (perhaps). (Op. cit., p.315.)
Arthur Ponsonby [author of English Diaries from the 16th to the 20th centuries, Methuen 1923], Scottish and Irish Diaries &c (1927), John Mitchel [184ff] and others.
Bernard Share, ed., Far Green Fields: 1500 Years of Irish Travel Writing, ed. (Belfast: Blackstaff 1992), contains extract from John Mitchel, Jail Journal (Dublin: Gill 1913; first publ. 1854)
[The entry in the Dictionary of Irish Biography (RIA 2009) is by James Quinn - online; accessed 02.06.2024.]
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British Library [1955 Cat.] holds John Mitchel [Editor of The United Irishman], The Life and Times of Aodh ONeill, Prince of Ulster, called by the English, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone; with some account of his predecessors, Con, Shane and Tirlough (Dublin: James Duffy 1846), 252pp.; P. A. S [Silliard], The Life of John Mitchel, with an historical sketch of the 48 movement in Ireland (Dublin: J. Duffy & Co. 1889), pp.xviii+285 [and no others].
University of Ulster (Central Library) holds Jail Journal (Dublin: Gill [1864]), Do., another edn. as Jail journal … with an introductory narrative of transactions in Ireland… with a continuation of the journal in New York and Paris […] (Dublin: Gill 1914); The History of Ireland from the Treaty of Limerick to the Present Time [3rd edn.] (Duffy 1868 [sic]), 2 copies; The Life and Times of Aodh ONeill, Prince of Ulster, Called by the English Hugh, Earl of Tyrone: with some account of his predecessors Con, Shane and Tirlough (Dublin: Duffy 1846); [Mitchel,] An Ulsterman for Ireland (Dublin: Candle Press 1917); The history of Ireland from the Treaty of Limerick to the present time: being a continuation of the history of the Abbé Macgeoghegan (Glasgow: Cameron & Ferguson [1869]); Jail journal: or, Five years in British prisons. Commenced on board the Shearwater steamer, in Dublin bay, continued at Spike island - on board the Scourge war steamer - on board the Dromedary hulk, Bermuda - on board the Neptune convict ship - at Pernambuco - at the cape of Good Hope (during the anti-convict rebellion) - at Van Diemens land - at Sydney - at Tahiti - at San Francisco - at Greytown - and concluding at No. 3. pier, North river, New York. By John Mitchel [Authors Edition] (Glasgow: Cameron & Ferguson [1876]); Ireland, France, and Prussia: A Selection from the Speeches and Writings of John Mitchel (Dublin: Talbot Press 1918); Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps), bound with Brigadier-General Thomas Francis Meagher: his political and military career with selections from his speeches and writings by W.F. Lyons and, 1641: reply to The falsification of history by James Anthony Froude, entitled The English in Ireland by John Mitchell [sic] (Glasgow & London: Cameron & Ferguson [n.d.]); John Mitchel, intro., Poems of James Clarence Mangan: many hitherto uncollected, edited, with pref. and notes by D. J. ODonoghue [Centenary edn.] (Dublin: ODonoghue 1903); Preface of editor; Introduction by John Mitchel; Versions (more or less) from the Irish; Original poems relating to Ireland; Original poems, personal and miscellaneous; Oriental versions and perversions; Oversettings from the German; Miscellaneous versions; Extravaganzas. Also, P. S. OHegarty, John Mitchel: an appreciation, with some account of Young Ireland (Dublin & London: Maunsel 1917); Louis J. Walsh, John Mitchel [Noted Irish Lives Series] (Dublin & Cork: The Talbot Press 1934), Do., rep. edn. (London: Duckworth 1934); Seamus MacCall, Irish Mitchel: A Biography (London: Nelson 1938).
University of Ulster (Morris Collection) holds An Apology for the British Government in Ireland (ODonoghue 1905); The History of Ireland from the Treaty of Limerick to the Present Time, being a continuation of the history of the Abbé Mac Geoghegan [3rd edn.] (Duffy 1868); Ireland, France, and Prussia, a Selection of the Speeches … (1918); Jail Journal, or five years in British Prisons (1876, c.1924); The Life and Times of Aodh ONeill, Prince of Ulster, called by the English Hugh, Earl of Tyrone, with some account of his predecessors Con, Shane, and Tirlough (Duffy 1846), 246p.; An Ulsterman for Ireland (Candle Press, 1917).
Booksellers De Burca (Catalogue 18) lists History of Ireland, Ancient and Modern, taken from the most authentic records and dedicated to the Irish brigade by Abbé Mac Geoghegan, with a continuation from the Treaty of Limerick to the present time. (NY, Sadlier, n.d.).
Hyland Catalogue (1996) lists The History of Ireland, from the Treaty of Limerick to the Present time [n.d.]; Louis J. Walsh, John Mitchel (1938). [ top ]
The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) (1861) begins with a challenge to British historians in the tradition of Matthew Carey and Daniel OConnell. It is governed by an ironic refrain on the apparent finality of the English conquest of Ireland at each rebellion and includes familiar quotations from Irish history, many of them recycled from Jail Journal - as is the overarching idea of repeated attempts to conquer the island on the part of the English - notably Burkes remarks on the Penal Laws (quotes a wise and deliberate contrivance ... &c). The title is deemed to echo a song by Béranger, Ma dernière chanson, Peut-être [as indicated in the editorial apparatus to selections in The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing, 1992, Vol. II, p.177.)
Weekly Freeman review material on John Mitchel, An Apology for the British Government in Ireland, new edn., with new port. appears as cover-material, viz., scathing book … in Mitchels best style.
Maunsel & Co. book list appended to 1915 printing of St. John Ervine, Mrs. Martins Man (1914), giving notice of John Mitchel: A Study in nationalism, by Emile Montegut, intro. J. M. Hone, comparing its account of the romantic career of John Mitchel and its contrast of the English and Irish temperaments in the light of Anglo-French politics, to be compares as an analysis of Irish discontent only with the preface to Mr. Shaws John Bulls Other Island; quotes [as supra] specifically quoting the Irish critic Mr John Eglinton, [who] has said that every Irishman who wishes to see himself as others see him should read this essay; adds that Montegut was the translator of Shakespeare and a constant contributor to Revue Des Deux Mondes, chiefly on English subjects, from 1855 to his death at the end of last century.
Irish Confederates?: Mitchel, then editing Jefferson Davis Richmond Enquirer, wrote to the Dublin Nation (14 Feb 1863) during the American Civil War contending that some 40,000 Irishmen were fighting for the Confederacy - a figure now considered too high (see David Gleeson, The Irish in the South, q.d. and Kelly J. OGradys, the Confederate Way! The Irish in the Army of Northern Virginia, 2000). Those who enlisted did so because of the analogy between North/South and Britain/Ireland, and more particularly their opposition to the claims of centralised government, together with a felt comparison between the Repeal the Union campaign in both regions and a perception that they were safeguarding homes and loved ones from foreign invasion. Undoubtedly white supremacy played a role also. An Irishman in Macon, Georgia, wrote to the Nation expressing a desire to preserve slavery and the aristocracy of white blood while Mitchel wrote that the Confederates now universally repudiate Anglo-Saxonism ... and claim kindred with the Celts. (See Cian McMahon; email to Diaspora List, 19.12.2009.) Don McRaild adds: There were 85,000 Irish-born [people] in the South in the early 1860s [with] perhaps the total pool of serviceable age men was 20-25k. (Ibid., also 19.12.2009.)
Packed: A Jury was packed to convict poor John Mitchel / Determined upon their vengeance to wreak, / And when they had tried him and justice denied him / Like a patriot he to the jury did speak: / Saying, Unjustly you try me, and justice deny me, / And make me victim of tyrannical law, / I nothing am fearing for the rights of old Erin, / I am doomd to be banished - poor Erin-go-Bragh. (Given in Robert L. Wright, ed., Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs, Ohio: Bowling Green UP 1975, p.219; quoted in Daniel McAllister, Subversion in the Poetry of Ciaran Carson, UG Diss., UUC 2002.)
Thomas Carlyle: UUC stacks copy [of Jail Journal] (c.1880) continues handwritten note to effect that Thomas Carlyle - whose style Mitchel admired and imitated - predicted that Mitchel would be hanged, but added that they could not hang the immortal part of him. This copy includes short biographical notes on persons including M. J. Barry and Thomas Keightley and others less prominent.
Béranger: Note that the title of Mitchels The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) (1861), is probably taken from the French poet Béranger, Ma dernière chanson, Peut-etre (FDA2 177ftn). However, the phrase last conquest of Ireland is something of a refrain in Jail Journal from the first page in the Introductory onwards:
[Speaking of the Tudor Wars in Ireland:] So it runs; and so it might pass unchallenged for ever, if one could believe that the last conquest of Ireland was indeed the final and crowning conquest. But that Nation has been so often dead and buried, and has so often been born again [...]. (1913 Edn., p.xxvii; my italics.)
Henrietta Mitchel - daughter of John and Jenny Mitchel, decided to become a Catholic in Washington and converted during the familys sojourn in Paris (1865-66), joining a convent and later dying there, to be buried in Montparnasse Cemetery. The details are given in Arthur Griffiths appendix on Mitchels children in Jail Journal (1913 Edn.; pp.408-09) where he cites JMs journal [i.e., diary] for Jan. 1861. In it Mitchel narrates the circumstances attending his daughter, Henriettas, change of religion. As her father he was required by the ecclesiastical authorities to sign a document of consent, which he did in view of his daughters wishes (What would they have me do? Shut up my daughter in her room and give her the Westminster Confession to read! How should I like this usage myself?) The journal-entry concludes: In short, I believe that I acted aright. For the short remainder of her days she lived a devout Catholic ; and so she died. She lies buried in the Cemetery of Mount [sic] Parnasse.This last sentence appears to be Mitchels, which would put her date of death prior to 1861, but is most likely Griffiths added without a paragraph break or any other mark of authorship since he says in introducing the diary-fragment that she died in the same period as the American Civil war in which Mitchel lost two sons, a third losing an arm at Gettysberg. If so, she died young. Isabella Mitchel, his second daughter also became a Catholic and married Dr. Sloane while the third, Minnie, married a colonel in the Confederate Army.
Citizens Inc.: John Mitchel founded his short-lived New York paper The Irish Citizen in 1854 and folded it when he moved to Tennessee, where he founded the South Citizen, and resumed on his return. In it he published Jail Journal during 1869-70. That paper is referred to more briefly as the Citizen throughout the Journal- viz.,
At the moment of my arrival in New York the great Crimean War was breaking out. Great and mighty armies were in preparation in English ports, destined to execute sharp and summary justice on the Czar of Russia. The Czar had just been discovered (in England) to be a liar, a thief, and a cheat; and his shield as a Knight of the Garter had been broken to pieces in the Chapel of Windsor and swept out upon the dust-heap, as the escutcheon of a dishonoured Knight. /
I thought that I could foresee a war which would not confine itself to the Black Sea and Baltic; and with this hope resolved to establish a political organ in New York, for the behoof of our multitudinous Irish population in the United States. /
So was conceived, within two weeks after my arrival, the first issue of the Citizen. (1913 Edn., p.371; para breaks as slashes here.) |
The post-bellum issues of The Irish Citizen published in New York from 1867 to 1872 are preserved in the Library of Congress [online]. Another paper of that title appeared in Sydney (Australia, NSW) as The Irish Citizen from 2 Dec. 1871 to 31 Aug. 1872 (14 issues). Yet another, likewise called The Irish Citizen, was published by Hanna Sheehy Skeffington with Margaret and James Cousins during 1912-20. A bound copy of Vol. 2 of that organ was presented to the TCD Library by A[andré] D. Skeffington in memory of Owen Sheehy-Skeffington in Feb. 1977. (See further details under Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington - infra.)
Irish Confederates: J. D. ODonogue (Poets of Ireland, Dublin 1912) lists one W. G. Kennedy as probable author of Ichabod, or The Glory of the South has Departed, and Other Poems ( Sumter, South Carolina 1882), of which he writes: A bitter attack on the Northerns in the Civil War. The author was a Catholic, and probably Irish. (p.231.)
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