Irish Literary Classics

Literary Texts
Irish Literary Classics Various Irish Writers
Celtic Texts & Criticism

Irish Literary Classics

Major Authors
[ separate indexes ]
W. B. Yeats Poems, Plays, Fiction, and Critical Writings
James Joyce Fiction, Poetry and Critical Writings

Wiliam Allingham to George Farquhar
William Allingham
Samuel Beckett
George Berkeley
George Birmingham
Edmund Burke
William Carleton
T. Crofton Croker
Michael Doheny
Maria Edgeworth
John Eglinton
L. Winifrid Faraday
George Farquhar
Samuel Ferguson to Le S. Fanu
Samuel Ferguson
Augusta Gregory
Oliver Goldsmith
Gerald Griffin
Douglas Hyde
James Joyce
Patrick Kavanagh
Geoffrey Keating
Charles Kickham
Benedict Kiely
J. S. Le Fanu
Thomas MacCarthy to Kate O’Brien
Thomas McCarthy
Charles McGlinchey
Louis MacNeice
Charles Macklin
C. R. Maturin
J. C. Mangan
John Mitchel
Lady Morgan
George Moore
Thomas Moore
Flann O’Brien
Kate O’Brien
Liam O’Flaherty to Richard Stanihurst [Stanyhurst]
Liam O’Flaherty
Sylvester O’Halloran
Seamus O’Kelly
Sydney Owenson
Walter Pater
St. Patrick
George Russell
G. B. Shaw
Somerville & Ross
Edmund Spenser
Henry de Stacpoole
Richard Stanihurst
James Stephens (b.1882) to William Butler Yeats
James Stephens
Bram Stoker
Jonathan Swift
J. M. Synge
Th. Wolfe Tone
Oscar Wilde
W. B. Yeats

[ Texts and extracts from numerous authors of lesser weight than those listed as Classics in RICORSO are given in the adjacent “Irish Writers” index - as infra. Likewise the authors of historical texts such as Geoffrey Keating or John Mitchel are given under “Irish Historical Studies” - as infra. A few pf the most prominent have fallen into both categories and all are easily reachable from their Author page(s). Online links to internet versions and originals of texts by Irish authors are to be found at the head of each copy and are occasionally to be met with in RICORSO Gateway > “Individual Authors” too - supra. ]

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Table of Contents
William Allingham
Sixteen Poems Selected by W. B. Yeats (1905)
Samuel Beckett
Waiting for Godot (1955) [ - 2 .htm files]
Waiting for Godot (1955) [ - 1 .pdf file.]
Endgame (1958)
Not I (1972)
Worstword Ho (1983)
Prose (Novels & Fiction)
First Love (1946)
[Others to be added]
“The Capital of the Ruins” (1946)
Note: Extensive extracts from the novels and criticism are to be found in Authors > Beckett > Quotations - supra. ]
George Berkeley
A Word to the Wise; or, an exhortation to the Roman Catholic clergy of Ireland [...]  (1749)
George Birmingham
Barrington’s Recollections (1918 Edn.) - Introduction
Spanish Gold(1908)

Edmund Burke
“Address to the British Colonists in North America” (1777)
Mr. Burke’s Speech at the Guildhall, in Bristol (1780)
Public letter(s)
“Letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe on [...] Catholics of Ireland” (1792)
Private Letters
Letter to the Duke of Portland (Sept. 14, 1794)
Letter to the Rev. Dr. Hussey ((Feb. 4, 1795
Letter to Rev. Dr. Hussey (May 18, 1795)
Letter to Thomas Keogh, Esq. (Nov. 17, 1796)
Letter to the Rev. Dr. Hussey (Dec. 1796)
Letter to the Right Hon. Wm. Windham (March 30, 1796)
Letter to Dr. Laurence (June 5, 1797)
Major works
Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)
Letters, Speeches, and Tracts on Irish Affairs, ed. M. Arnold (1881)
Preface by Matthew Arnold & Table of Contents
Tracts Relative to the Laws Against Popery (1763)
William Carleton
— from Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry (1830, & edns.)*
  Introduction (1843 Edn.)
“Ned M’Keown”
“The Three Tasks”
“Shan Fadh’s Wedding”
“The Battle of the Factions”
“Lough Derg Pilgrim”
“The Hedgeschool”
“Wildgoose Lodge”
*chiefly taken from Colliers 1881 Edn. (NY 1881) - via Gutenberg.
Various collections
  “Death of a Devotee”
“Condy Cullen and the Gauger”
“The Fate of Frank M’Kenna”
Fardorougha the Miser; or, The Convicts of Lishnamona (1839)
A copy of Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry (1834 Dublin Edition) is available here in a separate window in pdf.

Note: Several prefaces of other works and longer extracts from the Autobiography, &c., are to be found under Carleton in the “Authors” region of this website.

T. Crofton Croker
Researches in the South of Ireland (1824)
Adventures of Barney Mahoney [actually by Mrs. Croker] (1832)
Notes on Letters of Thomas Moore to ... James Power (1854)
Michael Doheny
The Felon’s Track ([1849; 1867] 1920) .htm or .pdf & .doc
Maria Edgeworth
Castle Rackrent (1800)
“The Limerick Gloves” (from Popular Tales, 1804)
John Eglinton
Irish Literary Portraits (1935) .pdf & .docx
L. Winifred Faraday
The Cattle Raid of Cooley [Táin Bó Cuailgne] (1904)
George Farquhar
The Beaux-Stratagem (1707)
Samuel Ferguson
“Head and Heart of an Irish Protestant” (DUM 1833)
Lady Gregory
See separate index.
Gerald Griffin
The Collegians, or A Tale of Garryowen (1829; 1918 Edn.)
Oliver Goldsmith
“The Deserted Village” (1770)
The Vicar of Wakefield (1776)
Seamus Heaney
A Selection of the Poems (1/2)
A Selection of the Poems (2/2)
Douglas Hyde
“The Necessity for De-Anglicising Ireland” (1892)
James Joyce
See separate index
Patrick Kavanagh
Poetry Prose
The Great Hunger (1942) Self-Portrait (1962)
Geoffrey Keating
A full-text copy of Keating’s History of Ireland is available in sections at RICORSO
1. David Comyn’s Preface & Geoffrey Keating’s Introduction - as .doc or .pdf or .htm.   2. Keating’s Foras Feasa na hEireann/History of Ireland - as .doc or .pdf or .htm.
3. Notes to Comyn’s Introduction and Keating’s History of Ireland - as .doc or .pdf or .htm.   4. Irish Genealogies and compiled by Geoffrey Keating - as .doc or .pdf or .htm.
“People and Places”(compiled P. S. Dinneen) - available as .doc or .pdf or .htm.

A second set of copies of Keating's History (ed. Comyn) and related articles also available:
Introduction to History of Ireland, trans. David Comyn (ITS 1902), pp.4-95 .pdf & .doc
History of Ireland, trans. David Comyn (ITS 1902-14) - the text .pdf & .doc
William Holliday, ‘Memoir of Keating’, in A Complete History of Ireland (London 1811) .pdf & .doc
Michael Doheny, ‘Memoir of Keating’, in The History of Ireland, ed. O’Mahony (NY 1857) .pdf & .doc
David Comyn, Editors Preface to Foras Feasa ar Eirinn (London: ITS 1902-14) .pdf & .doc
Charles Kickham
Knocknagow; or, The Homes of Tipperary (1873; 1977 edn. .pdf; & .doc.
Benedict Kiely
Drink to the Bird (1991)
J. S. Le Fanu
Carmilla (1857) “Madam Crowl’s Ghost” (1870)
Uncle Silas (1864) “Green Tea” (1871)
Thomas McCarthy
  “The Dying Synagogue at South Terrace”, and “Moonlight Cooler, 1948”
  “State Funeral”,“Mr Nabokov’s Memory” and “Persephone, 1978”
  ‘Why I Write’
John McGahern
Amongst Women (1990)
Charles McGlinchey
“The Fair at Pollan” by Denis O’Donnell, in The Last of the Name (1986) [Chap. 7]
Louis MacNeice
A selection of poems ..
Bagpipe Music Birmingham The Brandy Glass British Museum RR
Carrickfergus The Drunkard Entirely I Am That I Am
Perseus Prayer Before Birth Prospect Refugees
The Strand Snow Stylite Thalassa
Sunday Morning Sunlight in the Garden ylphides Valediction
... more poems
‘Three Poems’ [“The Streets of Laredo”, “Slum Song” and “Carrick Revisited”]
‘Two Poems’ [“Schizophrene”, “Prayer Before Birth”]
‘War Poems’ [“Brother Fire”, “Whit Monday”, “Neutrality”, “Nostalgia”, “The Springboard”]

Note: The above poems appeared in Penguin New Writing, ed. John Lehmann (1942, 1944 & 1946).

Charles Macklin
The True-born Irishman; or, Irish Fine Lady (1762)
Deirdre Madden
One by One in the Darkness (1996)
J. C. Mangan
Selected Poems …
“A Vision of Connaught in the 13th Century” “Gone in the Wind”
“My Dark Rosaleen” “The Lover’s Farewell”
“The Nameless One” “Siberia”
“Lament for the Prince of Tir-Owen and Tirconnell” “The Woman of the Three Cows”
“Hussey’s Ode to the Maguire” “And Then No More”

Also ...

Translations from the Gaelic, sel. by Louise Guiney (1897)
C. R. Maturin
Melmoth the Wanderer (1820)
“Leixlip Castle” (1825)
John Mitchel
Jail Journal [1854] (Dublin: Gill 1913) .htm & .pdf & .doc.
The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) [1861] (Edinburgh 1876) .htm & .pdf & .doc
Note: The .htm/.html copies are unusually long and will take some moments to download.
George Moore
Confessions of a Young Man (1886)
Drama in Muslin (1886; as Muslin, 1915 Edn.)
Esther Waters (1899)
The Untilled Field (1903) - story collection
I. In the Clay VIII. The Wedding-Gown
II. Some Parishioners IX. The Clerk’s Quest
III. The Exile X. ”Alms-giving”
IV. Home Sickness XI. So On He Fares
V. A Letter To Rome XII. The Wild Goose
VI. Julia Cahill’s Curse XIII. The Way Back
VII. A Playhouse in the Waste
Thomas Moore
The Loves of Angels (1823)
Memoirs of Captain Rock (1824) - extracts
Flann O’Brien
At Swim-Two-Birds (1939)
The Third Policeman (1967)
Sean O’Casey
The Plough and the Stars (1926)
Kate O’Brien
The Ante Room(1934)
Liam O’Flaherty
Novels (longer extracts)
Skerrett (1934)
Famine (1937)
Short fiction
“The Sniper” (1923)
Sylvester O’Halloran
General History of Ireland (1778) - “Preliminary” .html & .pdf & .doc
Seamus O’Kelly
“The Weaver’s Grave”
Sydney Owenson
The Wild Irish Girl (1806)
Walter Pater
Marius the Epicurean (1885)
Saint Patrick
“Confession of St. Patrick”
“Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus”
“The Life of St. Patrick” (by Muirchú)
“AE” Russell
[View on screen (.htm)]  
“Nationality and Imperialism” (1901) .htm
“Open Letter to the Masters of Dublin (1913) .htm
The National Being (1916) [extracts] .htm
[Download (.doc/docx)]  
The National Being (1916) .doc
Imagination and Reveries (1916) .docx
Collected Poems (1926) .docx
Letters from AE, ed. Denson (1962) .docx
G. B. Shaw
John Bull’s Other Island (1904) [Preface & Sel. Text]
“What Protestants Think [about] Home Rule (1912)”
Somerville & Ross
The Silver Fox (1897)
Edmund Spenser
A View of the Present State of Ireland [1956]
Henry de Stacpoole
The Blue Lagoon (1908)
Richard Stanihurst
De Rebus in Hibernia Gestis (1584)
De Vita S. Patricii (1587)
James Stephens
The Crock of Gold (1912) .htm & .pdf & .doc
The Charwoman’s Daughter (1912) .htm & .pdf & .doc
Here Are Ladies (1913) .htm & .pdf & .doc

Insurrection in Dublin (1916)

.htm & .pdf & .doc
Irish Fairy Tales (1920) .htm & .pdf & .doc
Bram Stoker
Dracula (1897)
Jonathan Swift
An Argument [on] the Abolishing of Christianity (1708) “The Art of Political Lying”, Examiner (9 Nov. 1710)
“Proposal for Correcting … the English Tongue” (1712)  
The Drapier’s First Letter (1724)
Gulliver’s Travel (1726)
A Modest Proposal (1729)
The Drapier’s Fourth Letter (1725)
Short View of the State of Ireland (1727
“A Lady’s Dressing Room” (1732)
“Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift” (1739)
“On Dreams: An Imitation of Petronius”
J. M. Synge
Riders to the Sea (1905)
The Playboy of the Western World (1907) [.htm & .doc]
“Old & New (1907)”
The Aran Islands (1907)
Th. Wolfe Tone
“An Argument on Behalf of the Catholics of Ireland (1791)”
Oscar Wilde
“The Ballad of Reading Gaol” [1897]
“The Decay of Lying” (1889)
“The Critic as Artist” (1890)
An Ideal Husband (1895)
The Importance of Being Earnest (1895)
Longer Prose
The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891)
The Soul of Man Under Socialism (1891)
De Profundis (1905)
Short Stories (from The Happy Prince, 1888)
“The Happy Prince”
“The Nightingale and the Rose”
“The Selfish Giant”
“The Devoted Friend”
Others …
“The Fisherman and His Soul”
W. B. Yeats
See separate index.

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