William Butler Yeats: Criticism (1)

Annual List of Yeats Criticism Yeats Studies by Type & Topic
Note that the contents of the above listings are not at all points coextensive and should therefore be browsed or searched separately.

Yeats Studies by Type & Topic
Literary biographies & major studies
Literary guides & companions
General studies
Bibliographies & concordances
Miscellaneous series & collections

See also ...
Steven Cranmer, Bibliography of Yeats Studies (1996) - as attached.
Preliminary listing of articles on Yeats in Eire-Ireland - as attached.
Richard M. Kain, ‘Yeats Bibliography’ in , Hogan, ed., Dictionary of Irish Literature (1996) as attached.]

Annual Listing of Yeats Criticism
  • Horatio Sheafe Krans, William Butler Yeats and the Irish Literary Revival (NY: Macmillan 1904) [var. McClure Press n.d.].
  • J. M. Hone, William Butler Yeats: The Poet in Contemporary Ireland [Irishmen of Today] (Dublin & London: Maunsel 1916), and Do., facs. rep. NY: Haskell Hse. Publ. 1972), 134pp.
  • Dorothy M. Hoare, The Works of Morris and Yeats in Relation to Early Saga Literature (Cambridge UP 1937; rep. edn. NY: Russell & Russell 1971), viii, 179pp.
  • J. H. Pollock, William Butler Yeats [Famous Irish Lives Ser.] (Dublin: Talbot Press 1935) [q.pp.]; Do. [another edn. in Noted Irish Lives ser.] (London: Gerald Duckworth 1935).
  • Allen Wade, ed., A Bibliography of the Writings of W. B. Yeats [The Soho Bibliographies I] (London: Hart-Davis Nov. 1951), and Do. [rev. edn. 1958; 3rd rev. edn. 1968).
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    Southern Review, 7, 3 (Winter 1942) incls. Cleanth Brooks, Jr., ‘The Vision of William Butler Yeats’; L. C. Knights, ‘W. B. Yeats: The Assertion of Values’; John Crowe Ransom, ‘The Irish, the Gaelic, and the Byzantine’, 538; R. P Blackmur, ‘Between Myth and Philosophy: Fragments of W. B. Yeats’ - also contribs. by Delmore, T. S. Eliot, Allen Tate, Randall Jarrell, et mult. al.

  • Louise Bogan, ‘William Butler Years’ [An Atlantic Portrait], in The Atlantic [NY] (May 1938), pp.637-45.
  • Stephen Gwynn, ed., Scattering Branches Tributes to the Memory of W. B. Yeats (London: Macmillan 1940).
  • Louis MacNeice, The Poetry of W. B. Yeats (London: OUP 1941); Do. [rep. edn.] (London: Faber & Faber 1967), 202pp., and Do. [another edn.] foreword by Richard Ellmann (NY: OUP 1969).
  • J. M. Hone, W. B. Yeats 1865-1939 (London: Macmillan 1942; NY 1943), 535pp. with index; Do. (2nd edn. 1962).
  • V. K. Narayana, The Development of W. B. Yeats (1943) [review by George Orwell in Sonia Orwell & Ian Angus, eds., Collected Essays, Vol. 2., 1968, pp.312-17].
  • Peter Ure, Towards a Mythology: Studies in the Poetry of W. B. Yeats (Liverpool UP 1946), 233pp.; Do. (NY: Russell 1967), 123pp., and Do. [rep. edn.] (Conn: Greenwood Press 1986), 123pp. [orig. as Aspects of Mythology, MA Thesis, Liverpool Univ., 1944].
  • Cleanth Brooks, ‘Yeat’s Great Rooted Blossomer’, in The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry (NY: Harcourt, Brace & World 1947), pp.178-91.
  • Northrop Frye, ‘Yeats and the Language of Symbolism’, The University of Toronto Quarterly, 17, 1 (Oct. 1947), pp.1-17.
  • Richard Ellmann, Yeats: The Man and the Masks (London: Macmillan 1948, 1949; rev. edn. 1962; new edn. NY: W. W. Norton & Co. 1979), ix, 336pp.
  • A. Norman Jeffares, W. B. Yeats: Man and Poet (Yale Univ. Press 1949), viii, 365pp. [extracts]; 2nd Edn. (London: Routledge & K. Paul 1962), viii, 365, 4 pls.; 3rd. Edn. (London: Cathie Kyle; Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1996), x, 338pp.
  • Donald A. Stauffer, The Golden Nightingale: Essays on Some Principles of Poetry in the Lyrics of William Butler Yeats (NY: Macmillan 1949), 165pp., and Do. [rep. edn.] (NY: Hafner 1971).
  • T[homas] R. Henn, The Lonely Tower: Studies in the Poetry of Yeats (London: Methuen 1950; rev. edn. 1965), 375pp.
  • J. Hall & M. Steinmann, eds., The Permanence of Yeats: Selected Criticism (London: Macmillan 1950; 1961) [incls. W. H. Auden, ‘Yeats as an Example’, et al.; A. N. Jeffares, ‘Yeats and His Method of Writing Verse’].
  • George Whalley, ‘Yeats and Broadcasting’, in Allan Wade, ed., A Bibliography of the Writings of W. B. Yeats (London: Hart-Davis 1951), pp.467-77.
  • Thomas F. Parkinson, W. B. Yeats Self-Critic: A Study of His Early Verse (California UP 1951), 202pp. [see rep. as infra]
  • Vivienne Koch, W. B. Yeats: The Tragic Phase - A Study of the Last Poems (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1951; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press 1952), and Do. [rep. edn.] (London: Archon 1969), 151pp.
  • Margaret Rudd, Divided Image: A Study of William Blake and W. B. Yeats (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1953), xv, 239pp., and Do. [reiss.] (NY: Haskell 1970).
  • Ursula Bridge, ed., W. B. Yeats & T. Sturge Moore: Their Correspondence 1901-1937 (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1953).
  • Richard Ellmann, The Identity of Yeats (London: Macmillan 1954; rep. Faber 1964; 1983), ix, 343pp. [Appendix, Chronology, and Notes, pp.250ff.; see extracts]
  • Virginia Moore, The Unicorn: William Butler Yeats’s Search For Reality (NY: Macmillan 1954), xvii, 519pp., ill. [port.], and Do. [rep. edn.] NY: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux 1973).
  • G[eorge] S[utherland] Fraser, W. B. Yeats [British Council: “Writers and Their Work” ser. ] (London: Longmans, Green 1954, 1962, 1965), 40pp., ill.
  • Hazard Adams, Blake and Yeats: The Contrary Vision [Cornell Studies in English, Vol. XL] (Ithaca NY: Cornell UP 1955; reiss. NY: Russell & Russell 1968) xvii, 328pp.
  • Frank Kermode, Romantic Image (London: Routledge & Paul 1957).
  • R. P. Blackmur, Form and Value in Modern Poetry (NJ: Doubleday 1956)
  • George B. Saul, Prolegomena to the Study of Yeats’s Plays (Philadephia 1958).
  • John Unterecker, A Reader’s Guide to W. B. Yeats (NY: Noonday 1959).
  • Thomas R[ussell] Whitaker, Swan and Shadow: Yeats’s Dialogue with History (N. Carolina UP 1959; rep. 1964), and Do., [2nd edn.] (Washington: Catholic University of America 1989), 181pp.
  • Monk Gibbon, The Masterpiece and the Man, Yeats As I Knew Him (1959).
  • F[rancis] A[lexander] C[auvin] Wilson, W. B. Yeats and Tradition (London: Gollancz 1958), 349pp.
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  • Wilson, Yeats’s Iconography (London: Gollancz 1960), 286pp.
  • B. L. Reid, William Butler Yeats: The Lyric of Tragedy (Oklahoma UP 1961).
  • A[my] G[eraldine] Stock, W. B. Yeats, His Poetry and Thought (Cambridge UP 1961, 1964), xii, 254pp.
  • Giorgio Melchiori, The Whole Mystery of Art: Pattern into Poetry in the Work of W. B. Yeats (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1960).
  • Morton Irvine Seiden, William Butler Yeats: The Poet as Mythmaker (East Lansing: Michigan State UP 1962), 397pp.
  • Richard Kain, Dublin in the Age of W. B. Yeats and James Joyce (Oklahoma UP 1962; 1992), xvi, 216pp., and Do. [rep. edn.] (Newton Abbot: David & Charles 1972), xi, 216pp.
  • Jon Stallworthy, Between the Lines: W. B. Yeats’s Poetry in the Making (OXford: Clarendon Press 1963).
  • John Unterecker, ed., Yeats: A Collection of Critical Essays (NJ: Prentice-Hall 1963), 180pp. [incls. Hugh Kenner, ‘The Sacred Book in the Arts’, pp.10-22.]
  • Oliver St John Gogarty, W. B. Yeats, A Memoir, with a preface by Myles Dillon (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1963), 27pp.
  • Peter Ure, Yeats the Playwright: A Commentary on Character and Design in the Major Plays (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1963), vii, 182pp.
  • Peter Ure, Yeats [Writers & Critics] (Edinburgh: Oliver Boyd 1963; 1967 Edn.), 129pp.
  • Helen H[ennessy] Vendler, Yeats’s “Vision” and the Later Plays (Harvard UP 1963), ix, 286pp.
  • Denis Donoghue, ed., The Integrity of Yeats [RTE/Thomas Davis Lectures, 1960] (Cork: Mercier Press 1964), 70pp., & Do. (Folcroft Library Editions, 1971), [3], 70pp.
  • Thomas Parkinson, W. B. Yeats: The Later Poetry (Berkeley 1964; Cambridge UP 1964), xii, 260pp. [available at Google Books - online].
  • Priscilla Washburn Shaw, Rilke, Valéry and Yeats: The Domain of the Self (Rutgers UP 1964), 278pp.
  • Edward Engelberg, The Vast Design: Patterns in W. B. Yeats’s Aesthetic (Toronto UP 1964; enl. edn. 1974); 2nd [rev.] edn. (Washington: Catholic University of America Press 1988), [viii]-xv, 284pp., ill. pls.
  • Robin Skelton & David R. Clark, eds., Irish Renaissance: A Gathering of Essays, Memoirs, and Letters from the Massachusetts Review (Dublin: Dolmen 1965) [see contents].
  • D. E. S. Maxwell & Suheil B. Bushrui, eds., Centenary Essays on the Art of W. B. Yeats (Ibadan UP [1965]) [incls. Ian Fletcher, ‘Yeats and Lissadell’, pp.67-77, W. H. Stevenson, ‘Yeats and Blake: The Use of Symbols’ pp.219-65].
  • Shotaro Oshima, W. B. Yeats and Japan (Hokuseido Press 1965), xiv, 198pp., ills. pls., ports. [+dupl. in pocket]; music & bibl. [ltd. edn. 1,000; section four includes interviews with Yeats in 1938; also with Jack Yeats, Lolly Yeats, and Junzo Sato].
  • T. R. Henn, W. B. Yeats and the Poetry of War [Warton Lecture 1965; Proc. Brit. Acad., Vol. 51] (OUP 1965), pp.[301]-19.
  • Kathleen Raine, ‘Yeats’s Debt to William Blake’, in Texas Quarterly, VIII, iv (1965), pp.165-181.
  • Frederick Grubb, ‘Tragic Joy: W. B. Yeats’, in A Vision of Reality: A Study of Liberalism in Twentieth-century Verse (London: Chatto & windus 1965), pp.25-45.
  • David R Clark, W. B. Yeats and the Theatre of Desolate Reality (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1965), rev. edn. with Rosalind Clarke (Washington Catholic Univ. of American Press 1993).
  • Corinna Salvadori, Yeats, Poet and Castiglione Courtier (Dublin: Allen Figgis 1965).
  • Leonard E. Nathan, The Tragic Drama of William Butler Yeats: Figures in a Dance (Columbia UP 1965, 1966), vii, 307pp.
  • Robin Skelton & Ann Saddlemeyer, eds., The World of W. B. Yeats: Essays in Perspective (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1965; Washington UP 1967), 231pp.
  • Denis Donoghue & J. R. Mulryne, eds., An Honoured Guest: New Essays on W. B. Yeats (London: Edward Arnold 1965), [8], 196pp. [incl. Northrop Frye, et al.]
  • C. Salvatori, Yeats and Castiglione: Poet and Courtier (Dublin: Figgis 1965) [q.p.].
  • A. N. Jeffares & K. W. Cross, eds., In Excited Reverie: A Centenary Tribute to William Butler Yeats 1865-1939 (London: Macmillan 1965) [incls. Conor Cruise O’Brien, ‘Passion & Cunning: An Essay on the Politics of W. B. Yeats’, pp.207-77].
  • Alex Zwerdling, Yeats and the Heroic Ideal (London: Peter Owen; NY: New York UP 1965), 196pp.
  • Curtis B. Bradford, Yeats at Work (Southern Illinois UP 1965), 407pp. [i.m. Ho. O. White 1885-1963].
  • Brian Farrington, Malachi Stilt-Jack: A Study of W. B. Yeats and His Work (London: [James] Connolly Publ. 1965).
  • Suheil Badi Bushrui, Yeats’s Verse-Plays: The Revisions 1900-1910 (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1965; rep. 1972) xv, 240pp.
  • Balachandra Rajan, W. B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction [Hutchinson Univ. Library] (London: Hutchinson 1965), 207pp. [see extract].
  • Donald Torchiana, W. B. Yeats and Georgian Ireland (Northwestern UP 1966), xvi, 378pp., and Do. [rep. edn.] (Washington: CUA Press 1992), xxii, 378pp.
  • Michael Yeats, ‘W. B. Yeats and Irish folk-song’, in Southern Folklore Quarterly, XXX (2 June, 1966), pp.153-78.
  • William M. Murphy, ‘Father and Son, The Early Education of W. B. Yeats’, in Review of English Literature, ed. A. N. Jeffares (1967), pp.76-96.
  • Daniel Hoffmann, Barbarous Knowledge: Myths in the Poetry of Yeats, Graves, and Muir (OUP 1967).
  • Joseph Ronsley, Yeats’s Autobiography: Life as Symbolic Pattern (Harvard UP 1968), 172pp.
  • Harold Bloom,‘Yeats and the Romantics’, in John Hollander, ed., Modern Poetry: Essays in Criticism (OUP 1968), [q.pp.]
  • Liam Miller, ed. & intro., The Dolmen Press Yeats Centenary Papers, with a Preface by John Stallworthy (Dublin: Dolmen; London: OUP; Chester Springs, US: Dufour Edns. 1968), 523pp. [see details].
  • Jon Stallworthy, ed., W. B. Yeats’s Last Poems: A Selection of Critical Essays [A Macmillan Casebook] (London: Macmillan 1968), 280pp. [incl. J. R. Mulryne, on ‘The Last Poems’, q.pp.]
  • A. N. Jeffares, A Commentary on the Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats (London: Macmillan; Stanford: California UP 1968), xxxii, 563pp. ill. maps - available online], and Do. [rev. edn. as] A New Commentary on the Poems of W. B. Yeats (London: Macmillan 1984), xxxv, 543pp., ill. [maps].
  • Jon Stallworthy, ed., W. B. Yeats’s Last Poems: a Casebook (London: Macmillan 1968), 280pp.
  • Robert Beum, The Poetic of William Butler Yeats (NY: Ungar 1969).
  • Hugh Kenner, ed., Yeats[Twentieth-Century Views] (NY: Prentice Hall 1969).
  • Allen Grossman, Poetic Knowledge in the Early Yeats: A Study of “The Wind Among the Reeds” (Virginia UP 1969).
  • Peter Ure, W. B. Yeats and the Shakespearian Moment: On W. B. Yeats’s Attitude Towards Shakespeare as Revealed in his Criticism and in his Work for the Theatre [guest lecture of 27 April 1966] (Belfast: IIS/QUB 1969), 25pp. [rep. in Yeats and Anglo-Irish literature,Liverpool UP, 1974].
  • Jon Stallworthy, Vision and Revision in Yeats’s Last Poems (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1969), viii, 181pp.
Dolmen Centenary Yeats Papers (1965-68)
The Dolmen Press Yeats Centenary Papers MCMLXV, ed. by Liam Miller, with a pref. by Jon Stallworthy [Dublin: Dolmen Press; Chester Springs, Pa.: Dufour Editions [1968]), xvi, 523pp., ill. [facsims., music, ports.], 24cm. [12 papers published separately between March 1965 and April 1968;

CONTENTS: No. I: Edward Greenway Malins, ‘Yeats & the Easter Rising’; No. II: Raymond Lister, ‘Beulah to Byzantium’; No. III: Russell K. Alspach, ‘Yeats & Innisfree’; No. IV: Giles W. L. Telfer, ‘Yeats’[s] Idea of the Gael’; No. V: Peter Faulkner, ‘Yeats and the Irish Eighteenth Century’; No. VI: Hiro Ishibashi ‘Yeats and the Noh’ [1966]; No. VII: George Brandon Saul, ‘In [...] luminous wind’; No. VIII: Curtis Baker Bradford, ‘Yeats’ Last Poems Again’; No. IX: George Mills Harper, ‘Yeats' Quest for Eden’; No. X: John Eugene Unterecker, ‘Yeats & Patrick McCartan’ [1967]; No. XI: Richard Ellmann, ‘Yeats and Joyce’; No. XII: Edward Malins, ‘Yeats and Music’ [1968].

  • Edward Malins, Yeats and the Easter Rising: [...; a lecture delivered to the Yeats International Summer School at Sligo, 17 August, 1962) [Dolmen Press Yeats Centenary Papers, 1] (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1965), 28pp.
  • [...]
  • Hiro Ishibashi, Yeats and the Noh: Types of Japanese Beauty and Their Reflection in Yeats’s Plays, ed. Anthony Kerrigan [Dolmen Press Yeats Centenary Papers MCMLXV, No. 6; Dolmen XXV No. 84] (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1966), 129-96pp.
  • [...]
  • Hiro Ishibashi
    [Image supplied by Alison Armstrong on Facebook, 22 May 2017.]
    See further details > Criticism (2) - as attached.

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    • Marjorie Perloff, Rhyme and Meaning in the Poetry of Yeats[De proprietatibus litterarum; Series practica, 5] (The Hague: Mouton 1970), 249pp.
    • George Bornstein, Yeats and Shelley (Chicago UP 1970), xv, 239pp.
    • A. N. Jeffares, The Circus Animals: Essays on W. B. Yeats (London: Macmillan 1970), x, 183pp.
    • Bernard Levine, The Dissolving Image: The Spiritual-Esthetic Development of W. B. Yeats (Wayne State UP 1970), 180pp.
    • Phillip L. Marcus, Yeats and the Beginning of the Irish Renaissance (Cornell UP 1970; 2nd edn. NY: Syracuse UP 1987) [available at Google Books - online].
    • Andrew Parkin, ‘Similarities in the Plays of Yeats and Beckett’, in Ariel, 1, 3 (July 1970), pp.49-55.
    • Northrop Frye, ‘The Top of the Tower: A Study of the Imagery of Yeats’, in The Stubborn Structure: Essays on Criticism and Society (London: Methuen 1970), pp.257-77.
    • Donald James Gordon, W. B. Yeats: Images of a Poet: My Permanent or Impermanent Images (NY: Barnes & Noble 1970), 151pp.
    • Dwight Eddins, Yeats: The Nineteenth Century Matrix (Alabama UP 1971), 173pp .
    • Harold Bloom, Yeats (OUP 1970; London: Fontana 1971), 500pp., ill. [front. by Jack Coughlin].
    • Thomas F. Parkinson, W. B. Yeats Self-Critic: A Study of His Early Verse [orig. 1951; based on thesis of 1948] with The Later Poetry [orig. 1964], 2 vols. in 1 (California UP 1971), xiv, 196pp.
    • Terry Eagleton, ‘History and Myth in Yeats’s “Easter 1916”’, in Essays in Criticism, XXI, 3 (July 1971), pp.248-60.
    • Raymond Cowell, ed., Critics on Yeats: Readings in Literary Criticism (Miami Press UP 1971), 114pp.
    • W. H. Pritchard, ed., W. B. Yeats: A Critical Anthology (Harmondsworth: Penguin 1972), pp.190-91.
    • Denis Donoghue, Yeats [Fontana Modern Masters; intro. by Frank Kermode] (London: Fontana/Collins 1971), xiii, 160pp.
    • Rupin W. Desai, Yeats’s Shakespeare (Northwestern UP 1971).
    • Roger McHugh, ‘The Municipal Gallery Revisited’, in Brian O’Doherty, The Irish Imagination 1959-1971 [Rosc Exhib. Cat.] (1971).
    • James [John] Rees Moore, Masks of Love and Death: Yeats as Dramatist (Cornell UP 1971), 361pp.
    • Terry Eagleton, ‘History and Myth in Yeats’s “Easter 1916”, Essays in Criticism, 21, 3 (1971), pp.248-60.
    • A. N. Jeffares, ‘Yeats’, in Seán Lucy, Irish Poets in English (Cork: Mercier Press 1972), pp.105-117.
    • W. H. Pritchard, W. B. Yeats, A Critical Anthology (Penguin 1972).
    • Daniel Albright, The Myth Against Myth: A Study of Yeats’s Imagination in Old Age (London: OUP 1972).
    • Ian Fletcher, ‘The Ellis-Yeats-Blake Manuscript Cluster’, in The Book Collector, 21 (1972), pp.72-94.
    • Kathleen Raine, Yeats, Tarot, and the Golden Dawn (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1972), 60pp.
    • William Robert Rodgers, Irish Literary Portraits: W.B. Yeats, James Joyce, George Moore, George Bernard Shaw, Oliver St John Gogarty, F.R. Higgins, A.E. [broadcast conversations with those who knew them] (London: BBC 1972).
    • Mary Helen Thuente, W. B. Yeats and Nineteenth-century Irish Literary Tradition (Kansas UP 1973) [microfilm/thesis].
    • C. L. Wrenn, W. B. Yeats: A Literary Study (FLE 1973) [ltd. edn. 150].
    • Patrick J. Keane, ed., William Butler Yeats: A Collection of Criticism [Contemp. Studies in Lit. Ser.] (NY: McGraw-Hill 1973), v, 151pp.
    • D[aniel] A. Harris, Yeats, Coole Park & Ballylee (Johns Hopkins UP 1974).
    • Reg Skene, The Cuchulain Plays of W. B. Yeats (London: Macmillan 1974), 278pp.
    • Peter Ure, Yeats and Anglo-Irish Literature: Critical Essays, with a memoir by Frank Kermode, ed. C. J. Rawson [Liverpool English Texts & Studies] xvi, 292pp.
    • Harbans Rai Bachchan, W. B. Yeats and Occultism: A Study of his Works in Relation to Indian Lore, the Cabbala, Swedenborg, Boehme and Theosophy (Delhi: Luzac 1974; NY: Samuel Weiser Inc. 1974), xxii, 296pp.
    • Edward Malins, Preface to Yeats[Preface Books] (NY: Scribner 1974), xii, 212pp., ill., and Do. (London: Longman 1978) [see rev. edn. with adds. by John Purkis [Higher Ed. Ser.] (London: Longman 1994), 21pp.[see extract].
    • Kathleen Raine, ‘Death-in-Life and Life-in-Death’: ‘Cuchulain Comforted’ and ‘News for the Delphic Oracle’ (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1974), 64pp., incl. 20 ills.
    • George Mills Harper, ‘Go Back to Where You Belong’: Yeats’s Return from Exile (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1974), 44pp.
    • George Mills Harper, Yeats’s Golden Dawn: The Influence of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn on the Life and Art of W. B. Yeats (London: Macmillan 1974), 322pp.; rep. edn. (Wellingborough: Aquarius Press [1987]), pb., 322pp.
    • Colin Meir, The Ballads and Songs of W. B. Yeats: The Anglo-Irish Heritage in Subject and Style (London: Macmillan; NY: Barnes & Noble 1974; rep. Macmillan 1983), 141pp.
    • Robert O’Driscoll, Symbolism and Some Implications of the Symbolic Approach: W. B. Yeats During the Eighteen-Nineties [Yeats Papers, 9] (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1975), 84pp.
    • Thomas Flanagan, ‘Yeats, Joyce and the Matter of Ireland’, in Critical Inquiry, 2, 1 (1975), pp. 43-67.
    • George Mills Harper, ed., Yeats and The Occult [Yeats Studies Series; gen. eds. Robert O’Driscoll & Lorna Reynolds] (London: Macmillan 1976), iii-xxi, 322pp. ill. [8pp. of pls.; see contents].
    • Sheila O’Sullivan, ‘W. B. Yeats’s Use of Irish Oral and Literary Tradition’, in Bo Almqvist et al., eds. Heritage: Essays and Studies presented to Seamus Ó Duilearga (1975), pp.266-79 [also in Béaloideas, 39-41, 1971-73 [1975], pp.266-79.
    • A. N. Jeffares & A. S. Knowland, A Commentary on the Plays of W. B. Yeats (London: Macmillan 1975).
    • D. E. S. Maxwell, ‘Time’s Strange Excuse: W. B. Yeats and the Poets of the Thirties’, in Journal of Modern Literature, 4, 3 (Feb. 1975), pp.717-34.
    • Brenda S. Webster, Yeats: A Psychoanalytical Study (London: Macmillan 1975), 246pp.
    • George Mills Harper, The Mingling of Heaven and Earth: Yeats’s Theory of Theatre (NY: Humanities Press 1975) [presum. Dolmen].
    • Edward O’Shea, Yeats as Editor (Dublin: Dolmen Press; distrib. by Humanities Press, NJ, 1975), 80pp., ill [1 facs.], 25cm.
    • Yeats at His Last [New Yeats Papers, 11] (Dublin: Dolmen Press; distrib. by Humanities Press, NJ, 1975), 48pp., ill. [1 facsim.], 25cm.
    • Frank Tuohy, Yeats: An Illustrated Biography (London & NY: Macmillan 1976; Herbert Press 1991), 232pp., ill. [16pp. of pls.].
    • James W. Flannery, W. B. Yeats and the Idea of a Theatre: The Early Abbey Theatre in Theory and Practice (Yale UP 1976), 404pp. [see extract].
    • Kathleen McGrory, John Eugene Unterecker, eds., Yeats, Joyce, and Beckett: New Light on Three Modern Irish Writers (Bucknell UP 1976), 184pp.
    • [incls. Chronological Bibliography of Works compiled by William York Tindall, pp.183-84].
    • Northrop Frye, ‘The Rising of the Moon: A Study of A Vision’, in Spiritus Mundi: Essays on Literature, Myth and Society (Indiana UP 1976), pp.245-74 [also in Denis Donoghue & J. R. Mulryne, eds., An Honoured Guest: New Essays on W. B. Yeats, 1965, pp.8-33].
    • Richard Taylor, The Drama of W.B. Yeats: Irish Myth and the Japanese No (Yale UP 1976), xiii, 247pp.
    • Geoge Bornstein, Transformations of Romanticism in Yeats, Eliot, and Stevens (Chicago UP 1976) [actually 1977], xiii, 263pp.
    • Robert Hogan, et al., ‘Yeats and the Critics: A Review-Symposium’, in The Journal of Irish Literature, Vol. 5, No. 2 (May 1976) [contribs. incl. Donald Torchiana, Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, &c.].
    • James McGarry, ed Place Names in the Writings of W. B. Yeats, intro. by Edward Malins (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1976).
    • Liam Miller, The Noble Drama of W. B. Yeats (Dublin: Dolmen Press; NJ: Humanities Press 1977), xiv, 365pp., ill. [8] lvs. of pls.]; 26 cm.
    • Barton R. Friedman, Adventures in the Deeps of the Mind: The Cuchulain Cycle of W. B. Yeats [Princeton Essays in Literature] (Princeton UP 1977).
    • Seán Lucy, ‘The Irishness of Yeats’, in The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 3, 2 (Nov. 1977), pp.6-17.
    • Daniel S. Lenoski, ‘The Metaphysics of Yeats’s Aesthetics’, in Anglo-Irish Studies, III (1977), pp.19-34.
    • E[dward] H[alim] Mikhail, ed., W. B. Yeats: Interviews and Recollections, with a forefword by A. Norman Jeffares, 2 vols.(London: Macmillan 1977), 426pp. [see contents].
    • Denis Donoghue, ‘Yeats: The Question of Symbolism’, in Joseph Ronsley, ed., Myth and Reality in Irish Literature (Wilfred Laurier UP 1977), pp.99-115.
    • A. Norman Jeffares, W. B. Yeats: The Critical Heritage (London: Routledge 1977; rep. 1997), xvi, 483pp. [available online].
    • Seamus Deane, ‘Yeats, Ireland and Revolution’, in Crane Bag, 1.2 (1977), rep. in The Crane Bag Book of Irish Studies (1982), pp.139-147.
    • Mary Katharine Flannery, Yeats and Magic: The Earlier Works (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1977).
    • William Murphy, The Yeats Family and the Pollexfens of Sligo (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1977).
    • Katherine Worth, The Irish Drama from Yeats to Beckett (London: Athlone Press; US: Humanities Press 1978).
    • Karin Strand, ‘W. B. Yeats’ American Lecture Tours’ (Ph.D.; Northwestern Univ. 1978).
    • Andrew Parkin, The Dramatic Imagination of W. B. Yeats (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1978), 208p.
    • Lloyd Parks, ’The Influence of Villiers de L’Isle Adam on W. B. Yeats’, in Nineteen-Century French Studies, 6:3/4 (Spring-Summer 1978(, pp.258-76
    • Macha L. Rosenthal, Sailing into the Unknown: Yeats, Pound, and Eliot (OUP 1978), 224pp.
    • William Murphy, Prodigal Father: The Life of John Butler Yeats (Cornell UP 1978), 680pp., ills. [map, ports].
    • Mary H. Thuente, ‘W. B. Yeats and Celtic Ireland 1885-1900’, in P. J. Drury, ed., Anglo-Irish Studies, IV (1979), pp.91-104.
    • G[eorge] J. Watson, ‘W. B. Yeats: From “Unity of Culture” to “Anglo-Irish Solitude”’, in Irish Identity and the Literary Revival (London: Croom Helm 1979), pp.87-150.
    • Anthony Bradley, William Butler Yeats (NY: Ungar 1979), 306pp.
    • Philip Edwards, Threshold of a Nation: A Study in English and Irish Drama (Cambridge UP 1979) [Part 2 - Yeats’s Ireland incls. chaps. on Irish national theatre, Yeats and Shakespeare, George Moore, Sean O’Casey, et. al.]
    • [ top ]

    • Seamus Heaney, ‘Yeats as an Example?’, in Preoccupations: Selected Prose 1968-78 (London: Faber; Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1980), pp.61-78.
    • Mary Helen Thuente, W. B. Yeats and Irish Folklore (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1980; Totowa: Barnes & Noble 1981), x, 286pp.
    • A. Norman Jeffares, ed., Yeats, Sligo and Ireland, Essays to mark the 21st Yeats Summer School [Irish Literary Studies 6] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1980), 267pp. [see contents]
    • James Olney, The Rhizome and the Flower: The Perennial Philosophy - Yeats and Jung (California UP 1980), 379pp.
    • George Mills Harper, W. B. Yeats and W. T. Horton: The Record of an Occult Friendship (London: Macmillan 1980), x, 160pp.
    • Elizabeth Butler Cullingford, Yeats, Ireland and Fascism (London: Macmillan 1981), viii, 251pp.
    • Grattan Freyer, W. B. Yeats and the Anti-Democratic Tradition (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1981), 164pp.
    • Alan Warner, ‘William Butler Yeats’, in A Guide to Anglo-Irish Literature (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1981), pp.169-81.
    • Daniel T. O’Hara, Tragic Knowledge: Yeats’s Autobiography and Hermeneutics (NY: Columbia UP 1981).
    • Bernard G. Krimm, W. B. Yeats and the Emergence of the Irish Free State, 1918-1939 (NY, Troy: Whitston Publ. 1981), xvi, 305pp.
    • Vinod Sena, W. B. Yeats: The Poet as Critic (Delhi: Macmillan 1980; London: Macmillan 1981), xii, 232pp.
    • Dudley Young, Out of Ireland, the Poetry of W. B. Yeats (Dingle Brandon Press 1982), 169pp.
    • Shirley C. Neuman, Some One Myth: Yeats’s Autobiographical Prose [Yeats Papers, 19] (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1980, 1982), 160pp. , ill. [2 ports].
    • Richard F. Peterson, William Butler Yeats [Twayne’s English Authors Series, 328] (Boston: Twayne 1982), 228pp. [1 port.].
    • Otto Bohlmann, Yeats and Nietzsche: An Exploration of Major Nietzche Echoes in the Writings of William Butler Yeats (London: Macmillan 1982), xviii, 222pp., ill. [4 pls.]
    • Anthony Cronin, ‘W. B. Yeats: Containing Contradictions’, in Heritage Now: Irish Literature in the English Language (Dingle: Brandon 1982), pp.87-94.
    • Gale C. Schricker, A New Species of Man: The Poetic Persona of W. B. Yeats (Bucknell UP; London: AUP 1982), 214pp. [winner of the First Bucknell Univ. Press Award].
    • Cairns Craig, Yeats, Eliot, Pound and the Politics of Poetry (Croom Helm 1982), 323pp.
    • Richard Ellmann, Wilde, Yeats, Joyce and Beckett: Four Dubliners (London: Hamilton 1982); also [Library of Congress] (NY: G. Braziller 1986), and Do. [another edn.] (London: Cardinal 1986), x, 106pp.
    • Douglas N. Archibald, Yeats [Irish Studies Ser.] (Syracuse UP 1983), xiv, 280pp.
    • Richard J. Finneran, Editing Yeats’s Poems: A Reconsideration (London: Macmillan 1984, rep. 1990), xii, 205pp.
    • A. S. Knowland, W. B. Yeats: Dramatist of Vision, with a preface by Cyril Cusack [Irish Lit. Studies, 17] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe; NJ: Barnes & Noble 1983), xvi, 256pp.
    • David R. Clark, Yeats at Songs and Choruses ( Gerrards Cross Colin Smythe 1983), xxiv, 283pp., ills.
    • Andrew Parkin, ‘Women in the Plays of W. B. Yeats’, in Woman in Irish Legend, Life and Literature, ed. S. F. Gallagher [Irish Literary Studies, 14] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1983), pp.38-57.
    • Hugh Kenner, ‘The Look of a Queen’, in Woman in Irish Legend, Life, and Literature, ed. S. F. Gallagher [Irish Literary Studies 14] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe; Barnes & Noble, 1983], pp.115-24.
    • Jacqueline Genet, ‘Blake et Yeats: Deux modes d’approche d’une Même tradition’, in Études Irlandaises, [nov. sér.] (Dec. 1983), pp.21-39.
    • Michael Steinman, Yeat’s Heroic Figures: Wilde, Parnell, Swift, Casement (London: Macmillan 1983).
    • W. H. O’Donnell, A Guide to the Prose Fiction of W. B. Yeats [UMI Research; Studies in Modern Literature, gen. ed., A Walton Litz; consulting ed. Richard Finneran] (Ann Arbor: Michigan UP 1983), viii, 182pp.
    • Augustine Martin: W. B. Yeats [Gill’s Irish Lives] (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1983), 146pp.
    • Terence Diggory, Yeats and American Poetry: The Tradition of the Self (Princeton UP 1983; rep. 2014), 284pp.
    • Geoffrey Thurley, The Turbulent Dream: Passion and Politics in the Poetry of W. B. Yeats Queensland University Press 1983).
    • Richard Taylor, A Reader’s Guide to the Plays of W. B. Yeats (London: Macmillan 1984), ix, 197pp.
    • Karen Dorn, Players and Painted Stage: The Theatre of W. B. Yeats (Brighton: Harvester Wheatsheaf; NJ: Barnes & Noble 1984), 143pp.
    • Elizabeth Cullingford, ed., Yeats - Poems, 1919-1935: A Casebook [Casebook Ser.] (London: Macmillan 1984), 240pp. [incls. Hugh Kenner, et al.]
    • Graham Hough, The Mystery Religion of W. B. Yeats (Brighton: Harvester Wheatsheaf 1984), 129pp. [reviewed by Seamus Deane in LRB, 18 Oct. 1984, p.27.]
    • Joseph Adams, Yeats and the Masks of Syntax (London: Macmillan 1984), [192]pp.
    • Okifumi Komesu [Komescu], The Double Perspective of Yeats Aesthetic (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1984), 200pp.
    • Taylor, A Reader’s Guide to the Plays of W. B. Yeats (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan London: Macmillan 1984).
    • Deane, ‘Yeats and the Idea of Revolution’, in Celtic Revivals: Essays in Modern Irish Literature 1880-1980 (London: Faber & Faber 1985), pp.38-50.
    • Terry Eagleton, ‘Politics and Sexuality in W. B. Yeats’, in The Crane Bag, 9, 2 (1985), pp.138-42.
    • Donald Masterson & Edward O’Shea, ‘Code Breaking and Myth Making: The Ellis-Yeats Edition of Blake’s Works’, in Warwick Gould, ed., Yeats Annual, No. 3 (London: Macmillan 1985), pp.53-80.
    • Edward O’Shea, A Descriptive Catalog of W. B. Yeats’s Library (NY: Garland Press 1985), xxiii, 390pp.
    • Stephen Putzel, Reconstructing Yeats: “The Secret Rose” and “The Wind Among the Reeds” (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1985), 242pp., ill. [available online].
    • Peter Kuch, Yeats and AE: “The Antagonism that Unites Dear Friends” (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986), 291pp.
    • Joseph Hassett, Yeats and The Poetics of Hate (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1986).
    • Richard J. Finneran, ed., Critical Essays on W. B. Yeats (Boston: G. K. Hall 1986), 258pp.
    • Kathleen Raine, Yeats the Initiate: Essays on Certain Themes in the Work of W. B. Yeats (Dublin: Dolmen Press; London: Allen & Unwin 1986), and Do. [another edn.] (NY: Barnes & Noble Books 1990), xxiv, 449pp, ill. [see extracts; available in part online].
    • Douglas Archibald, ‘On Editing Yeats’s Autobiographies, Gaeliana 8 (1986).
    • Elizabeth Bergmann Loiseaux, Yeats and the Visual Arts (Rutgers UP 1986; Syracuse Press [2003]), 264pp.
    • Heather Martin, W. B. Yeats: Metaphysician as Dramatist (Wilfrid Laurier UP 1986), 153pp.
    • George M. Harper, The Making of Yeats’s “A Vision”: A Study of Automatic Script, 2 vols. (London: Macmillan 1987), Vol. I: 301pp; Vol. 2: 463pp.
    • Elizabeth Bergmann Loizeaux, Yeats and the Visual Arts (New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers UP [1987]), 238pp..
    • Frances Nesbitt Oppel, Mask and Tragedy: Yeats and Nietzsche, 1902-10 (Virginia UP 1987), x, 255pp.
    • Patrick J. Keane, Yeats’s Interactions with Tradition (Missouri UP 1987), xx, 332pp.
    • Peter Faulkner, Yeats [Open Univ. Guides to Literature] (Milton Keynes: Open UP 1987).
    • Peter Alderson Smith, W. B. Yeats and the Tribes of Danu: Three Views of Ireland’s Fairies [Irish Literary Studies, 27] Gerrards Cross; Colin Smythe 1987), 350pp. [Bibl., p.325ff.; see summary]
    • Carmel Jordan, A Terrible Beauty: The Easter Rebellion and Yeats’s “Great Tapestry” (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell 1987), 132pp.
    • Maeve Good, W. B. Yeats and the Creation of the Tragic Universe (London: Macmillan; NJ: Barnes & Noble 1987), ix, 176pp. [formerly TCD thesis].
    • Barbara L. Croft,‘Stylistic Arrangements’: A Study of William Butler Yeats’s “A Vision” (London: AUP 1987), 195pp. [see extracts].
    • Ian Fletcher, W. B. Yeats and His Contemporaries (Brighton: Harvester Press 1987), 350pp.
    • Marjorie Reeves & Warwick Gould, Joachim de Fiore and the Myth of the Eternal Evangel in the Nineteenth Century (Oxford: OUP 1987), x, 365pp. [incls. account of Yeats’s “Tables of the Law”].
    • Eitel Timm, W. B. Yeats: A Century of Criticism (S. Carolina: Camden House 1987), 101pp.
    • Donald T. Torchiana, ‘W. B. Yeats and Italian Idealism’, in Wolfgang Zach & Heinz Kosok eds., Literary Interrelations: Ireland, England and the World, Vol. II: Comparison and Impact (Tübingen: Guntar Narr Verlag, 1987), pp.245-53.
    • David G. Wright, Yeats’s Myth of Self: The Autobiographical Prose (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1987).
    • David Young, In Troubled Mirror: A Study of Yeats’s “The Tower” (Iow UP 1987).
    • Richard Ellmann, W. B. Yeats’s Second Puberty (Washington DC: Central Serv. Div., Library of Congress [1987]), 32pp.
    • Paul Scott Stanfield, Yeats and the Politics of the 1930s (London: Macmillan 1988), x, 227pp. [PhD., Northernwestern U., 1984].
    • Daniel S. Lenoski, ‘The Symbolism of the Early Yeats: Occult and Religious Backgrounds’, in Studies of the Literary Imagination, XIV, 1 (Spring 1981), pp.85-100.
    • Conor Cruise O’Brien, Passion and Cunning: Essays on Nationalism, Terrorism, and Revolution (NY: Simon & Schuster 1988), 293pp. [incls. title essay formerly in Jeffares, ed., In Excited Reverie, 1965 - as infra].
    • A. Norman Jeffares: W. B. Yeats: A New Biography (London: Hutchinson 1988; reps. 1989, 1990, 2001), x, 374pp. [see extracts]
    • Patrick J. Keane, “Terrible Beauty”: Yeats, Joyce, Ireland, and the Myth of the Devouring Female Missouri UP 1988), xvii, 146pp., ill.
    • Adele Dalsimer, The Unappeasable Shadow: Shelley’s Influence on Yeats (NY: Garland Publ. 1988), 210pp.
    • Edward Said, Yeats and Decolonialization [Nationalism, Colonialism and Literature] (Derry: Field Day 1988), 27pp..
    • Frank Kinahan, Yeats, Folklore, and Occultism: Contexts of the Early Work and Thought (London & Boston: Unwin Hyman 1988), 256pp., ill.
    • Steven Helmling, The Esoteric Comedies of Carlyle, Newman and Yeats (Cambridge UP 1988), xi, 273pp. [espec. chap. on A Vision].
    • James Longenbach, Stone Cottage, Pound, Yeats, and Modernism (OUP 1988), xviii, 329pp.
    • A. Norman Jeffares, ed., Yeats The European (Gerrards Cross Colin Smythe 1989), 356pp., 8 pls.
    • Joann Gardner, Yeats and the Rhymers’ Club: A Nineties’ Perspective (NY: Lang 1989), 249pp.
    • John Harwood, Olivia Shakespear and W. B. Yeats: After Long Silence (Basingstoke: Macmillan 1989), xvi, 218pp.
    • Robert Mahony, ‘Yeats and the Irish Language Revival: An Unpublished Lecture’, in Irish University Review, 19:2 (Autumn 1989), pp.220-26 [available at JSTOR - online].
    • [ top ]

    • Brian Arkins, Builders of My Soul: Greek and Roman Themes in Yeats [Irish Literary Studies 32] (Gerards Cross: Colin Smythe 1990), 263pp.
    • Adrian Frazier, Behind the Scenes: Yeats, Horniman, and the Struggle for the Abbey Theatre (Berkeley: California UP 1990), xxv, 258pp. [ded. to To Russell and Charlotte Durgin; available online at 19.12.2020].
    • Jonathan Allison, ‘The Attack on Yeats’, in South Atlantic Review, 55, 4 (Nov. 1990), pp.61-73 [rep. in David Pierce, ed., W. B. Yeats: Critical Assessments (Sussex: Helm Information 2000, vol. 4.).
    • Stan Smith, W. B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction (London: Macmillan; NY: Rowman & Littlefield 1990), ix, 179pp.
    • Suheil B. Bushrui & Tim Prentki, An International Companion to the Poetry of W. B. Yeats (Barnes & Noble Books 1990), 255pp.
    • Rachel V. Billigheimer, Wheels of Eternity: A Comparative Study of William Blake and William Butler Yeats, Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1990), 242pp. [Bibl. pp.227-37; incorp. here.]
    • Ravindran Sankaran, W. B. Yeats and Indian Tradition (Delhi: Konark 1990).
    • Masaru Sekine & Christopher Murray, Yeats and the Noh: A Comparative Study, with contributions by Augustine Martin [Irish literary Studies, 38] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1990), xviii, 182pp., ill. [16pp. of pls.], 22cm.
    • Jahan Ramazani, Yeats and the Poetry of Death: Elegy, Self-Elegy, and the Sublime (Yale UP 1990).
    • Nicholas Drake, The Poetry of W. B. Yeats [Penguin Critical Studies] (Harmondsworth: Penguin 1991).
    • Helen Vendler, Yeats’s Paradises (SF: Arion Press 1991), 20pp.
    • Hazard Adams, ‘Yeats and antithetical nationalism’, in ‘’, Vincent Newey & Ann Thompson, eds., Literature and Nationalism [Liverpool English texts and Studies] (Liverpool UP 1991), [q.pp.]
    • Leonard Orr, ed., Yeats and Postmodernism (Syracuse, NY, Syracuse UP 1991), 204pp. [see contents].
    • Wayne K. Chapman, Yeats and English Renaissance Literature (London: Macmillan 1991), x, 290pp.
    • Jacqueline Genet, ‘Yeats and the Big House’, in The Big House in Ireland, ed. Jacqueline Genet (Dingle: Brandon; NY: Barnes & Noble 1991), pp.255-80.
    • Leonard Orr, ed., Yeats and Postmodernism (Syracuse UP 1991), vii, 204pp. [see contents].
    • Philip L. Marcus, Yeats and Artistic Power [Macmillan Studies in Anglo-Irish Literature] (London: Macmillan 1992), xiii,263pp; Do. [another edn.] (NY: OUP 1997), 263pp., and Do. [another edn.] (NY: Syracuse UP 2001), xxvii, 266pp., and Do. [rep. edn.] (Syracuse UP 2001) [with a new introduction, pp.xv-xvi; available at Google Books online; see also note].
    • Mitsuko Ohno, ‘Yeats and Religion’, in Irish Writers and Religion, ed. by Robert Welch [Irish Literary Studies: 37; IASIL-Japan ser. 4] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1992), pp.105-15.
    • Deirdre Toomey, Yeats and Women (London: Macmillan 1992), 442pp.
    • Matthew DeForrest, ‘Stories of Michael Robartes and His Friends’, in The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 18:2 (Dec. 1992), pp.48-57 [available at JSTOR - online].
    • Jonathan Allison, ‘Ferguson’s “Barbarous Truth” and Yeats’s Spenser.’, in Yeats: An Annual of Critical and Textual Studies, [ed. Richard Finneran], 10 (Michigan UP 1992), pp.377-81.
    • Michael North, The Political Aesthetic of Yeats, Eliot and Pound (Cambridge UP 1991), 241pp.
    • Peter Th. M. G. Liebregts, Centaurs in the Twilight: W. B. Yeats’s Use of the Classical Tradition (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1993).
    • Robert Welch, ‘W. B. Yeats: “The Wheel Where the World is Butterfly”’, in Changing States: Transformations in Modern Irish Writing (London: Routledge 1993), pp.55-79.
    • Elizabeth Butler Cullingford, Gender and History in Yeats’s Love Poetry (Cambridge UP 1993; Syracuse UP 1996), xiii, 334pp.
    • Deborah D. Fleming, ed., Learning the Trade: Essays on W. B. Yeats and Contemporary Poetry (Connecticut: Locust Hill 1993).
    • Alasdair D. F. Macrae, W. B. Yeats, A Literary Life [Literary Lives] (London: Macmillan 1994), 204pp. & index; [partially available at Google Books - online.]
    • Catherine Fahy, W. B. Yeats and His Circle [1989; rep. edn.](Syracuse UP 1994), 64pp., ill. [123 photos].
    • M. L. Rosenthal, Running to Paradise: Yeats’s Poetic Art (OUP 1994), xvi, 362pp.
    • William M. Murphy, Family Secrets, William Butler Yeats and His Relatives (Syracuse UP 1994; Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1995), xxix, 534pp.
    • Anthony L. Johnston, The Verbal Art of W. B. Yeats (Pisa: Edizioni Ets. 1994), 178pp.
    • Edward Larrissy, Yeats the Poet: The Measures of Difference (London [Brighton] & NY: Harvester Wheatsheaf 1994), xii, 226pp. [see contents].
    • David Pierce, Yeats’s Worlds: Ireland, England, and the Poetic Imagination (Yale UP 1995), 352pp.[346pp.], col. ill., 36pp.
    • Julian Moynihan, ‘W. B. Yeats and the End of Anglo-Irish Literature’ [198]; XI: ‘After the End: The Anglo-Irish Postmortem’ [Chap. X], in Anglo-Irish: The Literary Imagination in a Hyphenated Culture ( Princeton UP 1995), pp.198-223.
    • Helen Vendler, Yeats at Sonnets [Parnell lecture; 1995; Magdalene College Occasional Papers, 12] (Cambridge: Magdalene College 1996), 30pp.
    • Declan Kiberd, ‘Childhood and Ireland’, in Inventing Ireland: The Literature of the Modern Nation (London: Jonathan Cape 1995), pp.102-29 [see ‘The National Longing for Form’, pp.115-29, ‘Revolt Into Style - Yeatsian Poetics’ pp.305-14; ‘The Winding Stair’, pp.438-53; et passim].
    • Roselinde Supheert, Yeats in Holland: The Reception of the Work of W. B. Yeats in the Netherlands before Word War Two (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995), 319pp.
    • Deborah D. Fleming, ‘A Man Who Does not Exist’: The Irish Peasant in the Works of W. B. Yeats and J. M. Synge (Michigan UP 1995).
    • Julian Moynihan, ‘W. B. Yeats and the End of Anglo-Irish Literature’, in Anglo-Irish: The Literary Imagination in a Hyphenated Culture (Princeton UP 1995), pp.198-223; also, XI: After the End: The Anglo-Irish Postmortem’ (p.224ff.).
    • Sylvia Ellis, The Plays of W. B. Yeats: Yeats and the Dancer [Univ. of Wales’ (London: Macmillan; NY: St. Martin’s Press] 1995), 370pp.
    • Hazard Adams, The Book of Yeats’s Vision: Romantic Modernism and Antithetical Tradition (Ann Arbor: Michigan UP 1995), xiv, 178pp.
    • Peter Liebregts & Peter Van de Kamp, eds., Tumult of Images: Essays on W. B. Yeats and Politics [Conference Proceedings] (Amsterdam: Rodopi Press 1995), 249pp.
    • Keith Alldritt, W. B. Yeats: The Man and the Milieu (London: John Murray; NY: Clark Potter 1996), 388pp.
    • Marjorie Elizabeth Howes, Yeats’s Nations: Gender, Class and Irishness (Cambridge UP 1996), ix, 240pp. [see Bibliography - attached.]
    • Jonathan Allison, ed., Yeats’s Political Identities: Selected Essays (Michigan UP 1996) [see contents].
    • Michael J. Sidnell, Yeats’s Poetry and Poetics (NY: St. Martin’s Press [Macmillan] 1996), 208pp.
    • William T. Gorski, Yeats and Alchemy (NY: SUNY Press 1996), 223pp.
    • Jonathan Allison, ed., Yeat’s Political Identities: Selected Essays (Michigan UP 1996), 352pp. [see contents].
    • Anthony Jordan, Willie Yeats and the Gonne MacBrides (Westport Books 1997), 216pp.
    • David Holdeman, Much Labouring: The Texts and Authors of Yeats’s First Modernist Books [Editorial Theory & Literary Criticism (Michigan UP 1997), xiii, 255pp., ill.
    • Janis Tedesco Haswell, Pressed Against Divinity: W. B. Yeats’s Feminine Masks (Northern Illinois UP 1997), 189pp.
    • R. F. Foster, W. B. Yeats - A Life, Vol. I: The Apprentice Mage,1865-1914 (OUP 1997), xxxi, 640pp. [32pp. pls.].
    • Anthony Flinn, Approaching Authority: Transpersonal Gestures in the Poetry of Yeats, Eliot, and Williams (Bucknell UP 1997), 236pp.
    • Daniel Albright, Quantum Poetics: Yeats, Pound, Eliot and the Science of Modernism (Cambridge UP 1997), x, 307pp. [see contents]
    • James Fisher, ‘W. B. Yeats’, in Irish Playwrights, 1880-1995: A Research and Production Sourcebook , ed. Bernice Schrank & William Demastes (CT: Greenwood Press 1997), pp.402-26.
    • Edward Larrissy, W. B. Yeats [Writers and Their Work] (Plymouth [Estover, Northcote House]: British Council 1998), 82pp.
    • Alan Marshall & Neil Sammells, ed., Irish Encounters: Poetry, Politics and Prose (Bath: Sulis Press 1998) [incls. Stephen Regan, ‘The Celtic Spirit in Literature: Renan, Arnold, Wilde and Yeats’, Chap. 4; Richard Greaves, ‘W. B. Yeats: Poetry, Politics, Responsibilities’, Chap. 5.]
    • Eugene O’Brien, The Question of National Identity in the Writings of W. B. Yeats (Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press 1998), xiii, 283pp.
    • Vicki Mahaffey, States of Desire: Wilde, Yeats, Joyce, and the Irish Experiment (NY: OUP 1998), xix, 276pp., ill.
    • Lester I. Conner, A Yeats Dictionary: Persons and Places in the Poetry of William Butler Yeats (NY: Syracuse UP 1998), 224pp. [partially available at Google Books - online.]
    • Nicholas Meihuizen, Yeats and the Drama of Sacred Space (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1998), 190pp.
    • Kathleen Raine, W. B. Yeats & The Learning of the Imagination (Ipswich: Golgonooza Press 1999), 119pp.
    • Hiroshi Suzuki, ‘The Cultural Interaction of Yeats’s At the Hawk’s Well and Japanese Theatre, in Jürgen Kamm, ed., Twentieth-Century Theatre and Drama in English: Festschrift for Heinz Kosok on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 1999) - Part II: Ireland [q.pp.]
    • David Richman, Passionate Action: Yeats’s Mastery of Drama (Delaware UP 2000), 199pp.
    • Brenda Maddox, Yeats’s Ghosts: The Secret Life of W. B. Yeats (London: HarperCollins 1999), 474pp.
    • Terence Brown, W. B. Yeats: A Critical Life (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1999), 410pp. [ded. to Brendan Kennelly; rep. as The Life of W. B. Yeats,Oxford: Blackwell 2001].
    • Matthew deForrest, Yeats’s Stylistic Arrangement of Experience (International Scholars’ Publications 1999), 159pp.

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    • Jefferson Holderidge, Those Mingled Seas: The Poetry of W. B. Yeats, the Beautiful and the Sublime (Dublin: UCD Press 2000), 272pp.
    • Matthew Gibson Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage (Basingstoke: Macmillan Press 2000), 224pp.
    • David Pierce, ed., W. B. Yeats: Critical Assessments [The Helm Information Critical Assessments of Writers in English], 4 vols. (East Sussex: Helm Information 2000): Vol. 1 - Contemporary reviews; Select list of reviews of plays in performance; 1887-1988, xxx, 678pp.; Vol.2 - Assessments 1889-1959, ix, 587pp.; Vol. 3 - Assessments: 1960-1979, viii, 554pp.; Vol. 4 - Assessments: 1980-2000, viii, 856p. [incls. Elizabeth Butler Cullingford, ‘Swans on the Cesspool: Leda and Rape,’ cp.556].
    • Susan Johnston Graf, W. B. Yeats: Twentieth-century Magus: An In-depth Study of Yeats’s Esoteric Practices & Beliefs, including Excerpts from His Magical Diaries (NY: Samuel Weiser Inc. 2000), 224pp.
    • Declan Kiberd, ‘W.B. Yeats - Building Amid Ruins’, in Irish Classics (London: Granta 2000), pp.440-62.
    • Deborah D. Fleming, ed., W. B. Yeats and Postcolonialism (CT: Locust Hill Press 2000) [incls. Spurgeon Thompson, ‘Yeats and Eugenicism: The Garrison Mentality in a Decolonizing Ireland’, pp.27-49; Eugene O’Brien, ‘The Question of Ireland: Yeats, Heaney and the Postcolonial Paradigm’, pp.51-70.].
    • Steven Matthews, Yeats as Precursor: Readings in Irish, British and American Poetry (Palgrave Macmillan 2000), 248pp.
    • Yug Mohit Chaudry, Yeats: The Irish Literary Revival and the Politics of Print (Cork UP 2001), 280pp.
    • R. F. Foster, The Irish Story: Telling Tales and Making It Up in Ireland (London: Penguin 2001, 2002) contains: ‘Yeats at War: Poetic Strategies and Political Reconstruction’ [pp.58-79]; ‘“When the Newspapers Have Forgotten Me”: Yeats, Obituarists and Irishness’ [pp.80-94]; ‘The Normal and the National: Yeats and the Boundaries of Irish Writing’ [pp.95-112]; 7: ‘Square-built Power and Fiery Shorthand: Yeats, Carleton and the Irish Nineteenth Century’ [pp.113-26].
    • Jonathan Allison, ‘W. B. Yeats, Space, and Cultural Nationalism’, in ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles: Notes, and Reviews, 14, 4 (Fall 2001), pp.55-67.
    • David Pierce, ed., W. B. Yeats: Critical Assessments, 4 vols. ([London:] Helm Press 2001).
    • Terence Brown, The Life of W. B. Yeats (Oxford: Blackwell 2001), 432pp. [prev. as W. B. Yeats: A Critical Life (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1999).
    • Ann Saddlemyer, Becoming George: The Life of Mrs W. B. Yeats (Oxford UP 2002), 808pp. [App., Notes & Index, 655ff. [see extract]
    • Anthony J. Jordan, W. B. Yeats: Vain, Glorious Lout - A Maker of Modern Ireland (Westport Books 2003), 200pp. [by defender of John MacBride against hostile Yeatsians].
    • Barbara A. Suess, Progress and Identity in the Plays of W. B. Yeats, 1892-1907 [Studies in Major Literary Authors, 25] (London: Routledge 2003), xx, 189pp.
    • Elizabeth Bergmann Loizeaux, Yeats and the Visual Arts (Syracuse UP 2003), 264pp.
    • M. P. Sinha, W.B. Yeats: His Poetry And Politics, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers 2003), 193pp. [available at Google Books - online].
    • R. F. Foster, W. B. Yeats - A Life, II: The Arch-Poet 1915-1939 (Oxford: OUP 2003), 798pp. [with index; available online]
    • Christine Finn, Past Poetic Archaeology in the Poetry of W. B. Yeats and Seamus Heaney (London: Duckworth 2004), 214pp.
    • Helen Vendler, ‘W. B. Yeats Thinking: Thinking in Images, Thinking in Assertions’, in Poets Thinking : Pope, Whitman, Dickinson, Yeats (Harvard UP 2004), q.pp. [Chap. 4].
    • Alex Owen, The Place of Enchantment: British Ocultism and the Culture of the Modern (Chicago UP 2004), 355pp. [treats of Yeats and Annie Besant].
    • Michael O’Neill, A Routledge Sourcebook on the Poems of W. B. Yeats (London: Routledge 2004), xv, 194pp.
    • Joep Leerssen, ‘The Theatre of William Butler Yeats’, in The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-century Irish Drama, ed. Shaun Richards (Cambridge UP 2003) [Chap. 4].
    • Marjorie Howes & John Kelly, The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats (Cambridge UP 2004), 242pp. [4]pp. [see contents].
    • W. J. McCormack, Blood Kindred: The Politics of W. B. Yeats and his Death (London: Pimlico 2005), 224pp.
    • Alan Gillis, Irish Poetry of the 1930s (Oxford: OUP 2005), viii, 228pp. [espec. Chap. 5: ‘W. B. Yeats: Among the Deepening Shades’]
    • Brian Devine, Yeats - The Master of Sound (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 2005), 374pp.
    • John Greening, The Poetry of W. B. Yeats (Greenwich Exchange 2005), 100pp.
    • Margaret Mills Harper, Wisdom of Two: The Spiritual and Literary Collaboration of George and W. B. Yeats (Oxford: OUP 2006), xii, 382pp.
    • David Holdeman, ed., The Cambridge Introduction to W.B. Yeats (NY Cambridge UP 2006), xii, 148pp. [see contents].
    • Claire V. Nally, ‘National Identity Formation in W. B. Yeats’s A Vision’, in Irish Studies Review, 14, 1 (Feb. 2006), pp.57–67 [author of Manchester PhD diss.; see under Terry Eagleton, Notes, supra].
    • Klaus Peter Jochum, ed., The Reception of W. B. Yeats in Europe (London: Continuum 2006), 400pp.
    • Stephen Regan, ‘W. B. Yeats: Irish Nationalism and Post-Colonial Theory’, in Nordic Irish Studies, 5 (2006), pp.97-100 [available at JSTOR Ireland - online; accessed 24.05.2011].
    • Helen Vendler, Our Secret Discipline: Yeats and Lyric Form (Harvard UP [Belknap Press]; OUP 2007), 448pp. [see contents].
    • Helen Vendler, Primitivismus und das Groteske: Yeats’ Supernatural Songs [Themen, 88] München: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung [2007]), 87pp., ill. [incls. poems in English and German trans. ]
    • Ronald Schuchard, T he Last Minstrels: W. B. Yeats and the Revival of the Bardic Arts (Oxford: OUP 2008), xxvi, 447pp., ill. [24pp.of pls.; see contents].
    • David Holdeman & Ben Levitas, eds., William Butler Yeats in Context (Cambridge UP 2009).
    • David Dwan, The Great Community: Culture and Nationalism in Ireland (Field Day Co. / Keough-Naughton Inst. of Notre Dame UP 2009), [xi], 232pp. [prev. “Cultural Nationalism and Mass Culture in Yeats’s Ireland”. London Univ. PhD of 2002].
    • George Cusack, The Politics of Identity in Irish Drama: W.B. Yeats, Augusta Gregory and J. M. Synge (London: Routledge 2009), 210pp.
    • Timothy O’Leary, Foucault and Fiction: The Experience Book (London: Continuum 2009), 192pp. [incls. analysis of Swift].
    • John Wilson Foster, ‘Emblems of Diversity: Yeats and the Great War’, in Between Shadows: Modern Irish Writing and Culture (Dublin: IAP 2009), pp.3-16.
    • Heather Ingman, A History of the Irish Short Story (Cambridge UP 2009) [incls. reading of his fiction in Chap. 3: Fin de siècle visions: Irish short fiction at the turn of the century].
    • Pierre Joannon, Un Poète dans la tourmente: W. B. Yeats et La Révolution Irlandaise (Rennes: Terre de Brume 2010), 136pp.
    • David Holdeman & Ben Levitas, ed., W. B. Yeats in Context (Cambridge UP 2010), xix, 439pp. [contents].
    • Lauren Arrington, W. B. Yeats, the Abbey Theatre, Censorship, and the Irish State (OUP 2010), vi, 210pp. [prev. as “Adding the half-pence to the pence: subsidy and censorship at the Abbey Theatre, 1915-1939”, DPhil supervised by John Kelly, St. John’s College, Oxford, 2008].
    • Sander Feys, “Cultural Nationalism in the Life and Work of W. B. Yeats: The Man Behind the Myth” [MA Diss., Univ. of Ghent] (2010) [available online; accessed 23.05.2011].
    • Edward Larrissy, ed., W. B. Yeats: Visions and Revisions [Irish Writers in their Time] (Dublin: IAP 2010), 272pp.
    • R. F. Foster, Words Alone: Yeats and His Inheritances [Clark Lectures, Cambridge 2009] (Oxford: OUP 2011), 226pp. [see contents].
    • Ken Monteith, Yeats and Theosophy (London: Routledge 2012), 244pp.
    • Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, & Claire V. Nally, eds.,  W. B. Yeats’s “A Vision”: Explications and Contexts (Clemson UP 2012), 364pp. [9 contribs; available at Clemson Digital - online].
    • Geraldine Higgins, Heroic Revivals from Carlyle to Yeats (London: Palgrave Macmillan 2012), 236pp.
    • Tudor Balinisteanu, Violence, Narrative and Myth in Joyce and Yeats: Subjective Identity and Anarcho-Syndicalist Traditions (London: Palgrave Macmillan 2012), 256pp.
    • Matthew Campbell, Irish Poetry Under the Union, 1801-1924 (Cambridge UP 2013), ix, 252pp. [incls. chaps., ‘“Spelt from Sibyl’s leaves’: Hopkins, Yeats and the Unravelling of British Poetry’; ‘Violence and measure: Yeats after Union.’
    • Edna Longley, Yeats and Modern Poetry (Cambridge UP 2013), 268pp. [see contents].
    • Margorie Howes & Joseph Valente, ed., Yeats and Afterwords (Indiana: Notre Dame UP 2014), 348pp. [tp. Afterwords spelt backways].
    • Tudor Balinisteanu, Religion and Aesthetic Experience in Joyce and Yeats (London: Palgrave Macmillan 2015), 226pp.
    • Matthew Gibson & Neil Mann, Yeats, Philosophy and the Occult (Liverpool UP 2016), 237pp. [see contents].
    • [...]
    • Nicholas Grene, Yeats’s Poetic Codes (Oxford: OUP 2022), 260pp.
    • Wayne K. Chapman, “Something that I Read in a Book”: W. B. Yeats’s Annotations at the National Library of Ireland, 2 vols. (Clemson, SC: Clemson UP 2022), Vol. 1: lxvi, 475pp; Vol. 2: lxvi, 235pp. [reviewed by Neil Mann in International Yeats Studies, 7:1 (Aug. 2023), pp.307-20].
    • Matthew Fogarty, Subjectivity and Nationhood in Yeats, Joyce and Beckett: Nietzschean Constellations (OUP 2023), 240pp.
    • Daniel Mulhall, Pilgrim Soul: W.B. Yeats and the Ireland of His Time (Dublin: New Island Books 2023), 336pp.
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