James Joyce: Commentary - Index

File 1 File 2 File 3 File 4 File 5
File 6 File 7 File 8 File 9 File 10
File 11 File 12 File 13 File 14 File 15

An index of authors quoted in this compilation of commentaries on Joyce follows - as infra.
See also some miscellaneous extracts these and other authors on this page - infra.

“A Short Life of James Joyce” by Bruce Stewart

Wallace Steevens

These Gaeled and fitful-fangled darknesses
Made suddenly luminous, themselves a change,
An east in their compelling westwardness.

Steevens [“Our Stars Come from Ireland” (1950)], quoted in Denis Donoghue, “Huston’s Joyce” [review of the film], in The New York Review (3 March 1988, p.18; quoted in Magda Velloso Fernandes de Tolentino, ‘Dubliners: The Journey Westward’ (MA Thesis, Fed. Univ. of Minas Gerais [UFMG], 1989, p.94; available online; accessed 22.03.2021.)

Commentaries: Index of Critics

File 1
London Illustrated News (1914) - News Review (1945)
London Illustrated
Irish Book Lover
Freeman’s Journal
Sunday Chronicle
Sunday Express
Sporting Times
Guardian (1939)
The Irish Times (1924)
Time Magazine (1934)
Times [London] (1941)
New York Times (1941)
News Review (1945)

Thomas Kettle (1907) to Edmund Wilson (1944)
Thomas Kettle
H. G. Wells
Arnold Bennett
Francis Hackett
Padraic Colum
Ezra Pound
Valery Larbaud
T. S. Eliot
Virginia Woolf
Alessandro Francini
Eugene Jolas
Stuart Gilbert
Edmund Wilson

File 2
John M. Murry
Shane Leslie [Sir]
C. C. Martindale
C. Maitland
Mary Colum
Joseph M. Hone
Stephen Gwynn
Ernest Boyd
Con Leventhal
Edmund Gosse
Wyndam Lewis
Italo Svevo
Seán O’Faoláin
John Eglinton
Frank O’Connor
Harold Nicholson

File 3
L.A.G. Strong (1935) to F. R. Leavis (1948)
L.A. G. Strong
G. B. Shaw
Mrs. [George] Yeats
Susan (“Lily”) Yeats
Augusta Gregory
J. M. Synge
George Russell [AE]
George Moore
Dermot Freyer
D. H. Lawrence
Oliver St. J. Gogarty
Elizabeth Bowen
J. F. Byrne
Stephen Spender
Francis Stuart
William T. Noon
Mitchell Morse
Frank Kermode
Karl Radek
John Cowper Powys
F. R. Leavis
James T. Farrell
Evelyn Waugh
William Peery

W. B. Yeats Stanislaus Joyce Samuel Beckett

File 4
Frank Budgen (1934) to Anthony Cronin (1989)
Frank Budgen
Theodore Spencer
Louis Gillet
Flann O’Brien
Patrick Kavanagh
Denis Johnston
W. B. Stanford
Andrew Cass
John V. Kelleher
Patricia Hutchins
George Lukacs
Jean-Paul Sartre

Anthony Burgess Anthony Cronin Brendan Behan

File 5
Herbert Gorman Hugh Kenner Harry Levin Arland Ussher William York Tindall

File 6
Stephen Spender
J. I. M. Stewart
A. Walton Litz
Richard Ellmann
Walter Allen
William G. Fallon
Curtis Bradford
Austin Clarke
Forrest Read
V. S. Pritchett
Maurice Harmon
Roland McHugh
S. L. Goldberg
Alice Curtayne
Niall Montgomery
James Liddy
Clive Hart
Arthur Power
Monk Gibbon
Maurice Beja

File 7
Richard M. Kain
Francis Harvey
Edna O’Brien
C. P. Curran
Thomas Connolly
Stan Gébler Davies
Frank Tuohy
Matthew Hodgart
Malcolm Brown
C. H. Peake
J. Mitchell Morse
Michael Hollington
Jacques Aubert Maurice Beja Roland McHugh

File 8
James H. Maddox
David Lodge
Don Gifford
Colin McCabe
Seamus Heaney
Dominic Manganiello
Frederic Jameson
Terence Brown
Charles Rossman
Bernard Benstock
Vivian Mercier
Phillip Herring
Ann Saddlemyer
Jeremy Hawthorn
Attridge & Ferrer
James Simmons

Colin MacCabe, ed., James Joyce: New Perspectives (1982)
Gaskell & Hart, Ulysses: A Review of Three Texts (1988)

Letters of Marshal McLuhan, ed. Corrine McLuhan, et al. (1987)

File 9
Franco Moretti
Seamus Deane
Richard Kearney
Sheldon Brivic
Zack Bowen
Grace Eckley
Donald Torchiana
Richard Brown
Bonnie Kime Scott
Daniel R. Schwartz
Michael Begnal
Terry Eagleton
Julia Kristeva
Stephen Heath
Hélène Cixous
Vicki Mahaffey
Frances Restuccia
D. Rose & J. O’Hanlon
Magda Tolentino

Rose & O’Hanlon, eds., The Lost Notebook [VI.D.7] (Split Pea 1989)
Magda Tolentino, “Dubliners: The Journey Westward” (UFMG 1989)

File 10
John Harrington
Andrew Sanders
David G. Wright
John Banville
Bruce Arnold
Edward Hirsch
Derek Attridge
Eamon Grennan
Jennifer Levine
Margot Norris
Edward Said
John McGahern
Vincent Sherry
Weldon Thornton
Suman Gupta
Jeri Johnson
Robert Spoo
Emer Nolan
Claus Melchior
Michael F. Hart
Richard Pearce, ed. Molly Blooms: A Polylogue on “Penelope” (1984)

File 11
Declan Kiberd
Vincent J. Cheng
Thomas Hofheinz
Len Platt
David Spurr
John Bishop
Luke Gibbons
James H. Murphy
R. F. Foster
Joseph Valente
Richard Bradford
C. Van Boheemen
] Jean Kimball
Gerry Smyth
Denis Donoghue
Michael Malouf
Terry Killeen
Conor McCarthy
Patsy McGarry
David Fuller
Charles Mudede
Jean-Michel Rabaté
Carol Loeb Shloss
Denis Donoghue
Jean-Michel Rabaté

File 12
Justin Beplate
Eric Bulson
Alan Roughley
Kevin Whelan
Gareth J. Downes
Val. Cunningham
Garry Leonard
Maria Tymoczko
Sam Slote
Hans Walter Gabler
John Gross
Maud Ellmann
Aaron Kelly
David Pierce
Fran O’Rourke
Martin Dowling
Gregory Castle, Modernism and the Celtic Revival (Cambridge UP 2001)

File 13
Alistair Cormack
Heather Ingman
Fintan O’Toole
Marilyn Reizbaum
Sean Latham
Michael Groden
J. W. Foster
Lidia Vianu
Frank Callanan
Bernice Martin
Colm Tóibín
John McCourt
Clare Hutton
Gordon Bowker
Antonio Cintra
Frank Shovlin
Oonagh Frawley
Enrico Terrinoni
Claire Culleton
Ellen Schleibe
[ See also Luke Gibbons under Gibbons > Life - supra; also long extracts and review of Joyce's Ghosts under Library > Criticism > Major Authors > James Joyce - as attached. ]

Sally Rooney on “Misreading Ulysses”
The Paris Review (7 Dec. 2022)

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The Beaugency Files: Commentators on The Cat and the Devil
Janet E. Lewis
Marie-Dominique Garnier
Amanda Sigler
Marcelo Amorim Ilaria Natali Annalisa Sezzi

Judge Woolsey’s High Court Decision [USA] on Ulysses (1933)

Stephen Greenblatt on Joyce, in Will of the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare (2004)

Note: Extracts on the pages linked to this index are given for each author in the order of publication by same rather than distributed by date through the whole dataset - i.e., each extract is given chronologically under its author’s name, which is listed according to the date of his/her first intervention. Subsequent interventions by the same authors are then added on directly afterwards for the convenience of this compilation and to avoid a more complex sorting process.
Where longer extended extracts are given, these are presented in successive blocks of convenient length for the browser screen. In certain instances still longer extracts - i.e., reading notes or whole texts from which these samples are taken - can be accessed in the Ricorso Library under various sub-headings by means of a link provided at the end. This will either bring up the text in the current window or lead to the relevant index of the Library.
In all instances the methods involved are based on the practice of copy-typing while reading the texts in question. As such, the samples given here reflects a personal voyage in the secondary literature. It is hoped that they alert readers to the interest of the texts in question and hence inspire an examination of the books themselves.
If and when the matter can be systematically addressed, full-text copys and authors’ permissions regarding the use of each will be sought - either in the full or abbreviated form - along with a request further contributions and/or commissions contributing to the development of Ricorso.

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Miscellaneous extracts

Louis MacNeice: ‘Joyce, instead of cultivating his garden, attempted with superb effrontery and industry to assimilate the modern world.’ (“Poetry To-day”, 1935; rep. in Selected Criticism, ed. Alan Hauser, Oxford 1987, p.16.
James Baldwin: ‘Joyce is right about history being a nightmare from which no one can awaken ... People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.’ (‘Stranger in the Village’, in The Price of the Ticket: Collected Nonfiction 1948-1985, Michael Joseph 1985), quoted in Vivienne Steele, UU Diss., UUC 2011, citing Rutledge M. Dennis, Biculturalism, Self Identity and Societal Transformation, Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing 2008, p.151; see also note - attached.)
Philippe Soupault: ‘As for James Joyce, he is the one who is courageous enough to propose to all those who endeavor to write to forget their methods, their routines, and to finally dominate literature and to find again a new vision.’ (Philippe Soupault in ‘Autour de James Joyce’, in Bravo, Paris, Sept. 1930)
Vladimir Nabokov: ‘[...] Nabokov recalled a conversation with James Joyce at dinner in Léon’s flat about 1937. Joyce said something disparaging about the use of mythology in modern literature. Nabokov replied in amazement, “But you employed Homer!” “A whim,” was Joyce’s comment. “But you collaborated with Gilbert,” Nabokov persisted. “A terrible mistake,” said Joyce, “an advertisement for the book. I regret it very much.”’ (Richard Ellmann, James Joyce [1959; rev. edn.], Oxford University Press 1982, p.616n.)

Iggy McGovern’s “Uylmericks” (Bloomsday 2012)

Buck Mulligan, plump and statelee,
Rags Stephen whose mum’s RIP.
The tower’s a kip,
Buck goes for a dip
In the scrotumtightening sea.

“Sir” Stephen shows weary regard
For someone who finds sums too hard.
His foot in his mouth,
Old Deasy’s uncouth
To our bullockbefriending bard.

  [...; see full text - as attached.]

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Bruce Stewart, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 93, 370 (Summer 2004) - notice by Sadbh [Caroline Walsh, Lit. Ed.] in The Irish Times (q.d.): ‘A fascinating episode in the long story of Ireland’s reaction to James Joyce is analysed in the current issue of Studies. In an essay by Bruce Stewart called Another Bash in the Tunnel: James Joyce and the Envoy, the focus is on a volume called A Bash in the Tunnel: James Joyce by the Irish (1970), edited by man of letters and publican John Ryan, and including articles by Flann O’Brien, Patrick Kavanagh and others which they had contributed to a James Joyce special issue of Envoy, which Ryan had published in 1951. / Stewart says that apart from isolated enthusiasms in that issue of Envoy and its sequel, the pieces represented a moment when the expropriation of Joyce’s Dublin triggered apoplectic irritation on the part of its living literary denizens. They simply carped, he adds, giving a flavour of what was said at the time. “It remains a pity that they did seek in Joyce’s works an explanation for their own confusions at the same time as they berated transatlantic Joyceans for their inevitable failings,” Stewart concludes.

Ulick O’Connor, ‘Joyce should join Yeats in the Irish soil’, in Irish Independent, [Sunday] 30 Jan. 2011: ‘[...] As Yeats is widely recognised as the finest poet of the 20th Century and Joyce as its outstanding prose writer, it would be appropriate if both their graves were in the country of their birth. / There is no doubt that Joyce's feelings for his own country were extreme. “I am attracted to it daily and nightly like an umbilical cord’ is how he put it to Sean Lester, the Irish Secretary of the League of Nations, only a fortnight before he died in Zurich in 1941. Lester learned from Joyce that he listened to Radio Eireann every day. / During their meeting, Joyce was quite excited as he had just heard a Radio Eireann broadcast of Question Time in which one of his books had been mentioned by an Irish labourer as his favourite one. He told Lester that he was so moved he got up and bowed to the radio. During the conversations that they had, Joyce was ravenously hungry for news of Dublin.’ (Available online).

Stephen Greenblatt [citing Stephen’s thoughts on Shakespeare in “Scylla & Charybdis” chapter of Ulysses], ‘Wooing, Marrying, and Repenting’ [Ch. 4], in Will of the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare (2004) - on Shakespeare’s relations with his wife Ann Hathaway: ‘In his rented rooms in London, he contrived to have a private life - that too, perhaps, is the meaning of Aubrey’s report that he was not a “company keeper”, that he refused invitations to be “debauched”. Not the regular denizen of taverns, not the familiar companion of his cronies, he found intimacy and lust and love with people whose names he managed to keep to himself. “Women he won to him”, says Stephen Daedalus, James Joyce’s alter ego in Ulysses, in one of the greatest meditations on Shakespeare’s marriage, “tender people, a whore of Babylon, ladies of justices, bully tapsters’ wives. Fox and geese. And in New Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet as fresh as cinnamon, now her leaves falling, all, bare, frighted of the narrow grave and unforgiven.”
 Sometime around 1610, Shakespeare, a wealthy man with many investments, retired from London and returned to Stratford [...]’ (Greenblatt, q.p.; Kindle edition - loc. 2130; copied 25.04.2017.).

Note that Greenblatt has already underscored the biographical connection between life and works earlier in the same chapter, where he is engaged on measuring the effect of Shakespeare’s seemingly broken marriage with Anne Hathaway: ‘[T]he whole impulse to explore Shakespeare’s life arises from the powerful conviction that his plays and poems spring not only from other plays and poems but from things he knew firsthand, in his body and soul. [Kindle, loc. 1728.]’

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