James Joyce: Notes - Index

Files 1-4 Files 5-7 File 8 File 9
Textual History Literary Figures Joyce’s People Sundry Remarks


Epiphanies [1902]
“Portrait” Essay (1904)
Stephen Hero (1944)
Chamber Music (1907)
Dubliners (1914)
A Portrait [...] (1916)
Giacomo Joyce (1968)
Exiles (1919)
Ulysses (1922)
Finnegans Wake (1939)
Critical Writings (1959)
Joyce Papers (NLI)
“Day of the Rabblement” (1901)
“The Holy Office” (1905)
“Gas from a Burner” (1912)

“The Sisters”
“After the Race”
“The Two Gallants”
“The Boarding House”
“A Painful Case”
“Ivy Day in the Committee Room”
“A Mother”
“The Dead” ...
[ See also Chronology of Works - as attached ]
“Scylla & Charybdis”
“Oxen of the Sun”
Finnegans Wake
1st Draft of FW [1923]
FW - “The Hen” [first draft]
The Tunc page of FW
Latin me that! ... (FW)
Scribbledehobble (1961)
Sigla of Finnegans Wake
Finnegans Wake Notebooks
Critical Writings (ed. S. Joyce)

Joyce Papers 2000 Joyce Papers 2002 Joyce Papers 2005

James Joyce’s Notebooks, 1904-07

Notes on various stories in Dubliners and the chapters of Ulysses are here filed under the title-headings of those works respectively - with occasionally links to particular items at other locations such as Joyce Quotations and further afield in connection with other authors treated on this website. Further notes on “The Dead” occupy two additional files (File 4 & File 5).

Some Additional NotEs

‘Dark mutinous Shannon waves’ in “The Dead” (Dubliners) - infra.
Incidence of the word ‘soul’ in Joyce’s Dubliners - infra.
James Joyce on the use of inverted commas in dialogue - infra. ]

[ top ]

Literary Figures

Ancient & Renaissance
Aristotle (Stagyrite)
Saint Augustine
Scotus Erigena
St. Patrick
Thomas Aquinas
John Chrysostom
Sir Thomas Browne
Joachim Abbas [of Flora]
Jacopone da Toda
Giordano Bruno*
Dante Alighieri
Nicolas of Cusa
Giambattista Vico
Sir Philip Sydney
William Shakespeare*
Neo-classical & Romantic
Jonathan Swift
J-W. von Goethe
Samuel Johnson
Percy Bysshe Shelley
S. T. Coleridge *
Thomas de Quincey
Thomas Moore
C. R. Maturin
Caesar Otway
W. M. Thackeray
Thomas Carlyle
Ralph Waldo Emerson
John Mitchel
Gustave Flaubert
J. H. Newman
Benedetto Croce
Hugh Miller
Henrik Ibsen
Cesare Lombroso
Lewis Carroll
Modern & Contemporary
Sigmund Freud
Edgar Quinet
Walter Pater
Edouard Dujardin
Oscar Wilde
George Meredith
Mme Blavatsky *
William Archer
Alice Stopford Green
Somerville & Ross
John Todhunter
W. B. Yeats *
Bret Harte *
Percy French
William James
Valery Larbaud
Carl G. Jung
Wyndham Lewis
* Separate files [as attachments]
Arnold Schoenberg Samuel Beckett Takaoki Katta
Extended Treatment
Giordano Bruno S. T. Coleridge Mme. Blavatsky W. B. Yeats

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Joyce’s People

Irish Figures
Emma Clery [E.C.]
May Joyce
Josephine Murray
Nora Joyce
Lucia Joyce
Stephen Joyce
Eileen Joyce [Schuarek]
Alfred Hunter
Fr. John Conmee
Fr. Charles Ghezzi
John Henry Alleyn
Henry Blackwood Price
James Fitzharris
George Clancy
Michael Lennon
Alfred Bergan
Hugh Kennedy
Vladimir Dixon
John Eglinton
Monk Gibbon
Caitlin Murphy
Albert Altman
Joe O’Connor
International Figures
Ezra Pound
John Quinn
Sylvia Beach
John Slocum
Herbert Gorman
Harriet Weaver
John Cage
Herbert Hughes
Harry Levin
Cyril Connolly
Hans Walter Gèbler
Gisèle Freud
Berenice Abbott
James Baldwin
J. F. Kennedy
Adaline Glasheen
Terry Eagleton
Franco Moretti
John Berryman

[ top ]

Sundry Topics

Clongowes Wood
Carysfort Avenue
Christmas dinner
UCD/Royal Univ.
Spiritual Paralysis
15 Usher’s Island
7, Eccles Street
Epiphany (liturgy)
Epiphany (now)
Trojan letters
Lodgers in Zürich
Type of our race
First copy of Ulysses
Ben Bloom Elijah
Film of Ulysses
Union Jacks
“Finnegan’s Wake”
Cad with a Pipe
Black men
Irish Racing World
Ulysses in Nighttown
Librarian’s-eye view
Jim the Penman
Molly’s songs
Gordon Bennett Race
And more ...
Irish Catechism [1917]
Bloom’s library
Joyce’s family portraits
“No Joyceans, please ...”
Joyce’s encyclopaedias
Volta Cinema (Mary St.)
The Invincibles
Hill St. Church (Eccles)
‘that other wor(l)d’
Elias [...]?
Joyce’s work-wear
Ireland’s €10
The Volta Cinema
Price of Ulysses

Joyce’s Paris homes [list]
Joyce at Shakespeare & Co.

Incidence of the word soul in Dubliners (1916)
Incidence of the word famine in Joyce’s works
Incidence of the word absence in Joyce’s works
Joyce’s thoughts on the use of inverted commas

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