James Joyce Criticism - Tables of Contents (3): 2000-

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General Index of Criticism
Monographs, Collections & Articles Selected Articles (Annual Listing) Criticism & Reference [title & type]*
Tables of Contents (1929-1979) Tables of Contents (1980-1999) Tables of Contents (2000-Present)
*i.e., On individual works (e.g., Dubliners, Ulysses, &c.) or else by type (e.g., Biography or Chronology, &c.)

Tables of Contents - Monographs & Collections
Attridge & Howes (2000)
Derek Attridge (2000)
Zeller, Frehner & Vogel (2000)
Christine van Boheemen & Lamos (2001)
Michael Patrick Gillespie (2001)
Michael Seidel (2002)
Michael Begnal (2002)
Andrew Gibson (2002)
Marian Eide (2002)
Dirk Van Hulle (2002)
Laurent Milesi (2003)
Mark A. Wollaeger (2003)
Julia Sloan Brannon (2003)
Margot Norris (2003)
Julia Sloan Brannon (2003)
Jean-Michel Rabaté (2004)
Ian Pinder (2004)
Lucca Crispi [NLI] (2004-05)
Fogarty & Martin (2005)
Colleen Jaurretche (2005)
Andrew Gibson & Platt [2006]
Andrew Thacker (2006)
David Pierce (2006)
Finn Fordham (2007)
Lucca Crispi & Sam Slote (2007)
Len Platt (2007)
Rubin Borg (2007)
Alistair Cook (2008)
Richard Brown (2008)
John McCourt (2009)
Harold Bloom (2009)
Sean Latham (2010)
Finn Fordham (2010)
John McCourt (2010)
Ruggeiri & Fogarty (2010)
Kim Allen Gleed (2011)
Vicki Mahaffey (2012)
V. Bénejam & J. Bishop (2011)
Boscgali & Duffy (2011)
Len Platt (2011)
Frank Shovlin (2012)
John Nash (2013)
Andrew Gibson (2013)
Brazeau & Gladwin (2014)
Sean Latham (2014)
M. J. Kochis & H. Lusty (2015)
Luke Gibbons (2015)
Laura Pelaschiar (2015)
John McCourt (2016)
Genevieve Sartor [2016]
John McCourt (2016)
Culleton & Shleibe (2017)
Vincent J. Cheng (2018)
Len Platt (2021)
Colm Tóibín (2022)

Derek Attridge & Marjorie Howes, eds., Semi-Colonial Joyce (Cambridge UP 2000), 269pp. CONTENTS: Seamus Deane, ‘Dead Ends: Joyce’s Finest Moments’; Enda Duffy, ‘Disappearing Dublin: Ulysses, Postcoloniality, and the Politics of Space’; Marjorie Howes, ‘“Goodbye Ireland I’m going to Gort”: Geography, Scale, and Narrating the Nation’; Emer Nolan, ‘State of the Art: Joyce and Postcolonialism’; Joseph Valente, ‘“Neither fish nor flesh”: Or How “Cyclops” Stages the Double-bind of Irish Manhood’; David Lloyd, ‘Counterparts: Dubliners, Masculinity, and Temperance Nationalism’; Luke Gibbons, ‘“Have you no homes to go to?”: Joyce and the Politics of Paralysis’; Katherine Mullin, ‘Don’t cry for me, Argentina: “Eveline” and the Seductions of Emigration Propaganda’; Willy Maley, ‘“Kilt by kelt shell kithagain with kinagain”: Joyce and Scotland’; Elizabeth Butler Cullingford, ‘Phoenician Genealogies and Oriental Geographies: Joyce, Language, and Race’; Vincent J. Cheng, ‘Authenticity and Identity: Catching the Irish Spirit’.

Derek Attridge, Joyce’s Effect on Language, Theory and History (Cambridge UP 2000), 208pp., CONTENTS: Acknowledgments; References and Abbreviations; Preface; Introduction: On Being a Joycean [1]; Chap. 1 - Deconstructive Criticism of Joyce [22]; Chap. 2: Popular Joyce? [30]; Chap. 3 - Touching ‘Clay’: Reference and Reality in Dubliners [35]; Chap. 4 - Joyce and the Ideology of Character [52]; Chap. 5 - ‘suck Was a Queer Word’: Language, Sex, and the Remainder in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man [59]; Chap. 6 - Joyce, Jameson, and the Text of History [78]; Chap. 7 - Wakean History: Not Yet [86]; Chap. 8 - Molly’s Flow: the Writing of ‘Penelope’ and the Question of Women’s Language [93]; Chap. 9- The Postmodernity of Joyce: Chance, Coincidence, and the Reader [117]; Chap. 10 - Countlessness of Livestories: Narrativity in Finnegans Wake [126]; Chap. 11 - Finnegans Awake, or the Dream of Interpretation [133]; Chap. 12: The Wake’s Confounded Language [156]; Chap. 13 - Envoi: Judging Joyce [163]; Works Cited ; Index. Note: references to Attridge [as auth.] in “Works Cited” incl.: ‘Countlessness of Livestories: Narrativity in Finnegans Wake’, in Beja and Norris, eds., Joyce in the Hibernian Metropolis, 290-6; ‘Criticism’s Wake’, in Benstock, ed., James Joyce: The Augmented Ninth, 80-7; ‘Finnegans Awake, or the Dream of Interpretation’, in James Joyce Quarterly, 27 (1989): 11-29; ‘Innovation, Literature, Ethics: Relating to the Other’, in PMLA, 114 (1999), 20-31; ‘Joyce and the Ideology of Character’, in Benstock, ed., James Joyce: The Augmented Ninth , 152-7; ‘Joyce, Jameson, and the Text of History’, in Scribble 1: genèse des textes [La Revue des Lettres Modernes, Série James Joyce, 1], ed. Claude Jacquet (Paris: Minard, 1988), 185-93; ‘Joyce’s “Other.”’, in James Joyce Literary Supplement , 2.2 (fall 1988): 7-8; ‘Molly’s Flow: The Writing of “Penelope” and the Question of Women’s Language’, in Feminist Readings of Joyce , ed. Ellen Carol Jones [Special issue of Modern Fiction Studies , 35] (1989): 543-65; ‘Oppressive Silence: J. M. Coetzee’s Foe and the Politics of the Canon’, in Decolonizing Tradition: New Views of 20th-Century ‘British’ Literature , ed. Karen Lawrence (Illinois UP 1991), 212-38; Peculiar Language: Literature as Difference from the Renaissance to James Joyce (Cornell UP 1988); ‘The Postmodernity of Joyce: Chance, Coincidence, and the Reader’, in Joyce Studies Annual (1995): 10-18; ‘Remembering Berni Benstock’, in Hypermedia Joyce Studies , 1.1 (summer 1995); The Rhythms of English Poetry (Harlow: Longman 1982); ‘Singularities, Responsibilities: Derrida, Deconstruction, and Literary Criticism’, in Critical Encounters: Reference and Responsibility in Deconstructive Writing , ed. Cathy Caruth & Deborah Esch (Rutgers UP 1994), 106-26; ‘Theories of Popular Culture’, in Brandon Kershner, ed., Joyce and Popular Culture , 23-6 [. &c.].

Ursula Zeller, Ruth Frehner & Hannes Vogel, eds., James Joyce: “Gedacht durch meine Augen” / Thought through my eyes (Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2000), 237pp. [Parallel text in German and English]; CONTENTS: Fritz Senn, ‘Do you hear what I’m seeing?’; Fritz Senn, ‘Finnegans Wake’; Ursula Zeller, ‘A Portrait of HCE as All-round Man’; Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, ‘Finnegans School of Seeing’; Ruth Frehner, ‘Of Curious Signs and Red Obel: The Book of Kells in Finnegans Wake’; Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, ‘Thunderwords’; Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, ‘Finnegans alphabet’; Fritz Senn, ‘Ulysses’; Fritz Senn, ‘From the Textual “Nacheinander” to the Visual(ized) “Nebeneinander”’; Ruth Frehner, ‘“A painting is mute poetry, and poetry is a speaking picture”: On the Limits of Painting and Poetry’; Ursula Zeller, ‘From Mirror Image to Kaleidoscope: Ulysses in the Light of Cubism’; Ursula Zeller, ‘“Parallax stalks behind”: The Walk-in Book, or the Text as Space in Ulysses’; Ruth Frehner, ‘Why a Thin Socked Clergyman Walks through other People’s Kitchen: Simultaneity in “Wandering Rocks”’; Ursula Zeller, ‘“Plasto’s high grade ha”: Joyce’s Ironic Language’; Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, ‘Hannes Vogel’s The beauty of broken pieces is not that of pots and the Ulysses extension by Joseph Beuys’; Ursula Zeller, ‘James Joyce: Biography (with extracts)’.

Christine van Boheemen-Saaf & Colleen Lamos, eds., Masculinities in Joyce: Postcolonial Constructions [European Joyce Studies, 10] (Amsterdam: Rodopi 2001), 262pp. CONTENTS. van Boheemen & Lamos, ‘Joycean Masculinities: An Introduction’ [7]; Margot Norris, ‘Masculinity Games in “After the Race”’ [13]; Paul Lin, ‘Standing the Empire: Drinking, Masculinity, and Modernity in “Counterparts” [33]; Lamos, ‘Duffy’s Subjectivation: The Psychic Life of “A Painful Case” [59]; Richard Brown, ‘”As If a Man Were Author of Himself”: Literature, Mourning and Masculinity in “The Dead” [73]; Elizabeth Brunazzi, ‘Narrative Authority in Joyce’s Portrait and Flaubert’s Novembre’ [893]; Tracey Teets Schwartze, ‘”Do You Call That a Man”: The Culture of Anxious Masculinity in Ulysses’ [113]; Vicki Mahaffey, ‘Ulysses and the End of Gender’ [137]; Karen Lawrence, ‘”Twenty Pockets Aren’t Enough for Their Lies”’: Pocketed Objects as Propers of Bloom’s Masculinity in Ulysses’ [163]; Sheldon Brivic, ‘Dealing in Shame: Gender in Joyce’s “Circe”’ [177]; ‘Michael Heumann, ‘The Haunted Inkbottle: Shem’s Shit-Script and Anal Eroticism in Finnegans Wake’ [195]; van Boheemen-Saaf, ‘Postcolonial Masculinity and Gender Trauma’ [219]. Contribs. [261].

Michael Patrick Gillespie, James Joyce and the Fabrication of an Irish Identity [European Joyce Studies, 11] (2001), 193pp. CONTENTS: Biographical Note. Michael Patrick Gillespie, ‘James Joyce and the Fabrication of an Irish Identity: An Introduction’; Vincent J. Cheng: ‘“Terrible Queer Creatures”: Joyce, Cosmopolitanism, and the Inauthentic Irishman.’ Garry Leonard, ‘Holding on to the Here and the Now: Juxtaposition and Identity in Modernity and in Joyce; Maria Pramaggiore, ‘Unmastered Subjects: Identity as Fabrication in Joseph Strick's A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses’; Colleen Jauretche, ‘Poetry, Prayer and Identity in Finnegans Wake’; John Rickard, ‘“A quaking sod”: Hybridity, Identity and Wandering Irishness’; Margot Backus, ‘Sexual Figures and Historical Repression in “The Dead”’; Kevin Dettmar, ‘Vocation, Vacation, Perversion: Stephen Dedalus and Homosexual Panic’; Joan Jastrebski, ‘Pig Dialectics: Women’s Bodies as Performed Dialectical Images in the Circe Episode of Ulysses’; Lauren Onkey, ‘Teaching Joyce’s Multiple Identities’. Contributors.

Michael Seidel, James Joyce: A Short Introduction [Blackwell Introductions to Literature] (Oxford: Blackwell 2002), ix, 162pp. CHAPTERS: 1. Introducing Joyce; 2. Master Plots; 3. Dubliners; 4. Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man; 5. Exiles; 6. Levels of Narration; 7. Homer in Ulysses; 8. Three Dubliners; 9. Reflexive Fiction; 10. Strategic Planning; Notes. Index.

Michael Begnal, ed., Joyce and the City: The Significance of Place [Irish Studies] (Syracuse UP 2002), xx, 212pp. CONTENTS: Heyward Ehrlich, ‘James Joyce’s four-gated city of modernisms’; Martha Fodaski Black, ‘Joyce on location: place names in Joyce’s fiction’; Catherine Whitley, ‘Gender and interiority’; Deirdre Flynn, ‘An uncomfortable fit: Joyce’s women in Dublin and Trieste’; Christopher Malone, ‘The sense of place in Joyce and Heaney’; Stanley Sultan, ‘Dublin boy and man in “The Sisters”’; Vivian Valvano Lynch, ‘A pedagogical note on ‘The Dead” of Dubliners’; Michael Murphy, ‘Political memorials in the city of “The Dead”’; Desmond Harding, ‘“The Dead”: Joyce’s epitaph for Dublin’; Ignacio López-Vicuña, ‘But on the other hand: the language of exile and the exile of language in Ulysses’; Michael Begnal, ‘Hosty’s ballad in Finnegans Wake : the Galway connection’; Mark Morrisson, ‘Tambour, the “revolution of the word”, and the parisian reception of Finnegans Wake’; Jean-Michel Rabat, ‘Eternest cittas, heil!: a genetic approach’.

Andrew Gibson, Joyce’s Revenge: History, Politics, and Aesthetics in Ulysses (Oxford: OUP 2002; rep. 2005), 306pp. CONTENTS: Introduction; 1. ‘Patiens Ingemiscit’: Stephen Dedalus, Ireland and History; 2. ‘Only A Foreigner Would Do’: Leopold Bloom, Ireland and Jews; 3. ‘Gentle Will is Being Roughly Handled’: “Scylla and Charybdis” 4. ‘A Look Around’: “Wandering Rocks”; 5. ‘History, All That’: “Sirens”, “Cyclops”; 6. ‘Waking Up i8 Ireland’: “Nausicaa”; 7. ‘An Irish Bull in an English Chinashop’: “Oxen of the Sun”; 8. ‘Strangers in My House, Bad Manners to Them!’: “Circe”; 9. ‘Mingle Mangle or Gallimaufry‘: “Eumaeus”; 10. ‘An Aberration of the Light of Reason’: “Ithaca”; 11. ‘The End of All Resistance’: “Penenlope” Bibl. & Index. [Reviewed by James Fairhall, in JJQ, Summer 2004, pp.853-57.]

Marian Eide, Ethical Joyce (Cambridge UP 2002), x, 199pp. CHAPTERS: ‘Ethical Interpretation and the Elliptical Subject’; ‘Ethical Knowledge and Errant Pedagogy’; ‘Ethical Opposition and Fluid Sensibility’; ‘Ethical Representation through Lucia’s Looking Glass’.]

Dirk Van Hulle, ed., James Joyce: The Study of Languages [Vol. 6 of New Comparative Poetics/Nouvelle poétique comparatiste] (Bern, &c.: Peter Lang, 2002), 168pp. [see contents] Contents: Geert Lernout/Dirk Van Hulle, Introduction; Sam Slote, “Odd’s without Ends”: Raymond Queneau and the Twisted Language of the Wake; Finn Fordham, The Corrections to Finnegans Wake: For “reading” read “readings” (VI.H.4.b-2; JJA 63: 352); Erika Rosiers/Wim Van Mierlo, Neutral Auxiliaries and Universal Idioms: Otto Jespersen in Work in Progress; Ingeborg Landuyt: The Revolution of Language: James Joyce and Cymbeline; Laurent Milesi, Supplementing Babel: Paget in VI.B.32; Dirk Van Hulle, “Out of Metaphor”: Mauthner, Richards and the Development of Wakese; Gregory M. Downing: Diverting Philology: Language and its Effects in Popularised Philology and Joyce’s Work.

Laurent Milesi, ed., James Joyce and the Difference of Language [Papers orig. as panel at JJIS, Dublin 1992] (Cambridge UP 2003), xiii, 232pp. CONTENTS: List of contribs. [viii]; Acknowledgements [xi]; List of abbreviations [xiii]; Milesi, Introduction: Language(s) with a difference [1]; Fritz Senn, ‘Syntactic glides’ [28]; Benoit Tadié, ‘“Cypherjugglers going the highroads”: Joyce and contemporary linguistic theories’ [43]: Beryl Schlossman, ‘Madonnas of Modernism’ [58]; Diane Elam, ‘Theoretical modelling: Joyce’s women on display’ [79]; Marie-Dominique Garnier, ‘The lapse and the lap: Joyce with Deleuze’ [97; see infra]; Thomas Docherty, ‘“sound sense”; or “tralala”/’“moocow’”: Joyce and the anathema of writing’ [112]; Derek Attridge, ‘Language, sexuality and the remainder in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ [128]; Ellen Carol Jones, ‘Border disputes’ [142]; Patrick McGee, ‘Errors and expectations: the ethics of desire in Finnegans Wake’ [161]; Lucia Boldrini, ‘Ex sterco Dantis: Dante’s post-Babelian linguistics in the Wake’ [180]; Sam Slote, ‘No symbols where none intended: Derrida’s war at Finnegans Wake’ [195]; Works cited [208]; Index [225]. Milesi has prev. written “The ‘sub-stance’ of Joyce’s ‘Gramma(r)’ and Language(s) at the Wake” (Oxon PhD. 1992).]

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Mark A. Wollaeger, ed., James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: A Casebook (Oxford UP 2003), 372pp. Contribs.: Wayne Booth [‘The Problem of Distance in A Portrait of the Artist’, 1961], Hélène Cixous, Maud Ellmann [‘Polytropic Man’ prev. in MacCabe, ed., New Perspectives, 1982; rev.], Marjorie Howes, Hugh Kenner [‘Portrait in Perspective’ prev. in Dublin’s Joyce, 1955]; Joseph Valente, ‘Thrilled by His Touch: The Aesthetizing of Homosexual Panic in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, pp.245-80; also essays by Michael Levenson, Vicki Mahaffey, Patrick Parrinder, and Fritz Senn.

Julie Sloan Brannon, Who Reads Ulysses? The Rhetoric of the Joyce Wars and the Common Reader (London: Routledge 2003), xxii, 200pp. CONTENTS: 1. Joyce’s Canonisation in which the Professors are Kept Busy; 2. Joyce.com in which Image is Everything; 3. Editions in Progress or Preventing Accidentals in the Tome; 4. Tales From the Front in which the American Shoots the Prussian General; 5. Selected Papers of the Joyce Wars in which a Midden Heap Becomes a Pile of Letters; 6. Whose Book Is It, Anyway? or, Pruning the Bloom.

Margot Norris, Suspicious Readings of Joyce’s “Dubliners” (Pennsylvania UP 2003), viii, 279pp. CONTENTS: The Gnomon of the Book: “The Sisters”; A Walk on the Wild(e) Side: “An Encounter”; Blind Streets and Seeing Houses: “Araby”; The Perils of “Eveline”; Masculinity Games in “After the Race”; Gambling with Gambles in “Two Gallants”; Narrative Bread Pudding: “The Boarding House”; Men under a Cloud in “A Little Cloud”; Farrington, the Scrivener, Revisited: “Counterparts”; Narration under the Blindfold in “Clay”; Shocking the Reader in “A Painful Case”; Genres in Dispute: “Ivy Day in the Committee Room”; Critical Judgment and Gender Prejudice in “A Mother”; Setting Critical accounts Aright in “Grace”; The Politics of Gender and Art in “The Dead” [available at Google Books - online.]

Jean-Michel Rabaté, James Joyce Studies [Palgrave Advances Ser.] (London: Palgrave/Macmillan 2004), 293pp. CONTENTS: Chronology [ix]; list of abbreviations’ [xvii]; Jean-Michel Rabaté, Introduction: The Whole of Joyce’ [1]; 1: Ronald Bush, ‘Joyce’s Modernisms’ [10]; 2: Garry Leonard, ‘James Joyce and Popular Culture’ [39]; 3: Eric Bulson, ‘Topics And Geographies’ [52]; 4: Joseph Valente, ‘Joyce’s Politics: Race, Nation, and Transnationalism’ [73]; 5: Marian Eide, ‘Joyce, Genre, and the Authority of Form’ [97]; 6: Vicki Mahaffey, ‘Joyce and Gender’ [121]; 7: Laurent Milesi, ‘Joyce, Language, and Languages’ [144]; 8: Sam Slote, ‘Joyce and Science’ [162]; 9: R. Brandon Kershner, ‘Dialogical and Intertextual Joyce’ [183]; 10: Margot Norris, ‘Joyce, History, and the Philosophy of History’ [203]; 11: Michael Groden, ‘Genetic Joyce: Textual Studies and the Reader’ [227]; 12: Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Classics of Joyce Criticism’ [251]; Selected Bibliography’ [275]; Index 287.

Ian Pindar, A Life of James Joyce, introduced by Terry Eagleton [Life & Times Ser.] (London: Haus Pub. 2004), 176pp., ill. CONTENTS: Terry Eagleton, Introduction; 1. From Baby Tuckoo to Sunny Jim (1882-1898); 2. The Dante of Dublin (1898-1902); 3. The wanderer (1902-1904); 4. Nora (1904); 5. Self exiled in upon his ego (1904-1907); 6. OMINOUS--FOR HIM! (1907-1912); 6. Litterarum Anglicarum Pontifex Maximus (1912-1922); 7. The Blue Book of Eccles; 8. O! Infamy! (1922-1927); 9. The strangest dream that was ever halfdreamt; 10. Inkbattle (1927-1941); 11. Envoy: mememormee! [Bibl. pp.158-64; Index; available at Google Books - online.]

Lucca Crispi [gen. ed.], National Library of Ireland Pamphlet Series (2004-2005):

SERIES ONE: 1. Patricia Cockram, “James Joyce and Ezra Pound: A More than Literary Friendship”; 2. Michael Patrick Gillespie, “Ulysses and the American Reader”; 3. John Gordon, “Almosting It”; 4. Joe Schork, “Joyce’s Realism Joyce and the Classical Tradition”; 5. Sam Slote, “Ulysses in the P[l]ural: The Variable Editions of Joyce’s Novel”; 6. Robert Spoo,, “Three Myths for Aging Copyrights: Tithonus, Dorian Gray, Ulysses”; 7. Dirk Van Hulle, “Joyce & Beckett: Discovering Dante”.

SERIES TWO: 9. Vincent J. Cheng, “Joyce, Race and Colonialism”; 10. Kimberly J. Devlin, “Taste and Consumption in Ulysses”; 11. Nicholas Fargnoli, “James Joyce’s Catholic Moments”; 12. Cheryl Temple Herr, “Joyce and the Art of Shaving”; 13. Sebastian D. G. Knowles, “Humour Detection in Ulysses”; 14. Geert Lernout, “James Joyce, Reader” [2004]; 15. Margot Norris, “Ulysses for Beginners”.

SERIES THREE: 16. Hans Walter Gabler, “The Rocky Road to Ulysses”; 17. Judith Harrington, “James Joyce: Suburban Tenor”; 18. Sean Latham, “Joyce’s Modernism”; 19. Gerard Long, “A Twinge of Recollection: The National Library in 1904 and Thereabouts”; 20. Patrick McCarthy, “Joyce, Family, and Finnegans Wake”; Ira Nadel, “Joyce and His Publishers”; 21. Fran O’Rourke, “Joyce’s Quotations from Aristotle: Allwisest Stagyrite”. [Note: pamphlets vary from 22 to 57pp.; last vol. issued in June 2005.]

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Anne Fogarty & Timothy Martin, eds., James Joyce on the Threshold [17th International James Joyce Symposium] (Florida UP [2005]), 299pp., ill. CONTENTS: Karen R. Lawrence, ‘Bloom in circulation: who’s he when he’s not at home?’; Reed Way Dasenbrock, ‘Infinity, the “terribly burned” Bruno, and Ulysses’; Mary Lowe-Evans, ‘Freddy Malins: a fool for Chrisssake! ; Heyward Ehrlich, ‘Joyce, Yeats and Kabbalah’; Andrew Gibson, ‘“An Irish bull in an English Chinashop”: “Oxen” and the cultural politics of the anthology’; John Nash, ‘Reading Joyce in English’; Brian G. Caraher, ‘Trieste, Dublin, Galway: Joyce, journalism, 1912’; P. J. Mathews, ‘“AEIOU”: Joyce and the Irish Homestead’; Catherine Driscoll, ‘Felix culpa: sex, sin and the discourse in Joyce’s fiction’; Katharina Hagena, ‘Towers of babble and of silence’; Ruth Frehner, ‘Text as architecture: putting simulated simultaneity in “Wandering Rock” into space’; Paul K. Saint-Amour, ‘Ride’em cowpoyride: literary property metadiscourse in Ulysses’; Patrick O’Neill, ‘Extending the text: textuality and transtextuality’; William S. Brockman, ‘Collecting Joyces’.

Colleen Jaurretche, ed., Beckett, Joyce and the Art of the Negative [European Joyce Studies, ‘16] (Amsterdam: Rodopi 2005), 246pp. CONTENTS: Jaurretche, ‘Introduction’; Keri Elizabeth Ames, ‘Joyce’s Aesthetic of the Double Negative and his Encounters with Homer’s Odyssey’; Dirk Van Hulle, ‘“Nichtsnichtsundnichts”: Beckett’s and Joyce’s Transtextual Undoing’; Russell Kilbourn, ‘The Unnamable: Degenerative Dialogue’; Ulrika Maude, ‘Mingled Flesh’; John L. Murphy, ‘Beckett’s Purgatories’; Lois Oppenheim, ‘The Uncanny in Beckett’; Nels Pearson, ‘Death Sentences: Silence, ‘Colonial Memory and the Voice of the Dead in Dubliners’; John Pilling, ‘Something for Nothing: Beckett’s Dream of Fair to Middling Women’; Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Joyce’s Negative Esthetics’; Fritz Senn, ‘The Joyce of Impossibilities’; Asja Szafraniec, ‘“Wanting in Inanity”: Negativity, ‘Language and “God” in Beckett’; Yuan Yuan, ‘From Ideology of Loss to Aesthetics of Absence: The Endgame in Beckett’s The Lost Ones.

Andrew Gibson & Len Platt, eds., Joyce, Ireland, Britain, with a foreword by Sebastian D. G. Knowles [Florida James Joyce Ser.] (Florida UP [2006]), viii, 243pp. CONTENTS: Richard Brown, ‘Joyce’s Englishman: “That het’rogeneous thing” from Stephen’s Blake and Dowland to Defoe’s “True-born Englishman”’; Steven Morrison, ‘“My native land, goodnight”: Joyce and Byron’; Katherine Mullin, ‘English Vice and Irish Vigilance: The Nationality of Obscenity in Ulysses’; Andrew Gibson, ‘“That Stubborn Irish Thing”: A Portrait of the Artist in History: Chapter 1’; Anne Fogarty, ‘Parnellism and the Politics of Memory: Revisiting “Ivy day in the committee room”’; Clare Hutton, ‘Joyce, the Library Episode, and the Institutions of Revivalism’; John Nash, ‘Irish Audiences and English Readers: The Cultural Politics of Shane Leslie’s Ulysses reviews’; Len Platt, ‘“No such race”: The Wake and Aryanism’; Wim Van Mierlo, ‘The Greater Ireland Beyond the Sea: James Joyce, Exile, and Irish Emigration’; Finn Fordham, ‘The Universalization of Finnegans Wake and the Real HCE’; Vincent J. Cheng, ‘Nation without Borders: Joyce, Cosmopolitanism, and the Inauthentic Irishman’.

Andrew Thacker, ed., Dubliners [Palgrave Casebook Ser.] (London: Palgrave/Macmillan 2006), 226pp. CONTENTS: Andrew Thacker, Introduction; Tom F. Staley, ‘ A Beginning: Signification, Story and Discourse in Joyce’s  “The Sisters”’; Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Silences in Dubliners’; Suzette A. Henke, ‘Through a Cracked Looking-Glass: Desire and Frustration in Dubliners’; Margot Norris, ‘Narration Under a Blindfold: Reading Joyce’s “Clay”; T. L. Williams, ‘No Cheer for the Gratefully Oppressed’: Ideology in Joyce’s Dubliners’; R. B. Kershner, ‘An Encounter’: Boys’ Magazines and the Pseudo-Literary’; R. Spoo, ‘Uncanny Returns in “The Dead”’; V. J. Cheng, ‘“Araby”: The Exoticised and Orientalized Other’; K. J. H. Dettmar, ‘The Dubliners Epiphony: (Mis)Reading the Book of Ourselves’; Luke Gibbons, ‘“Have You No Homes To Go To?”: James Joyce and the Politics of Paralysis’.

David Pierce, Joyce and Company (London: Continuum 2006; pb. 2008), 186pp. CONTENTS: Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; 1. Introduction; Part I: Joyce and History; 2. Joyce, Sterne and the Eighteenth Century; 3. Joyce, Erudition and the Late Nineteenth Century; Part II: Joyce and the City; 4. Reading Dublin 1904; 5. Joyce, Woolf and the Metropolitan Imagination; Part III: Joyce and Language; 6. The Issue of Translation; 7. Joyce’s Use of Language in “Sirens”. Part IV: Joyce and the Contemporary World; 8. On Reading Ulysses after the Fall of the Berlin Wall; 9. Joyce and Contemporary Irish Writing; Notes; Select Bibliography; Index.

Finn Fordham, Lots of Fun at Finnegans Wake (Oxford: OUP 2007), 270pp. CONTENTS: Introduction; Part I - A. Shem’s ‘Cyclewheeling History’ (185.27-186.10); B: Anna Livia’s ‘very first time’ (203.16-204.04); Part. II - ‘BUTT: I Shuttm!’ (351.36-355.9); Part III - ‘Nircississies’ (526.20-528.24); Part IV - Revising character: the Maggies and the Murphys; Bibliography.]

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Luca Crispi & Sam Slote, eds., How Joyce Wrote “Finnegans Wake”: A Chapter by Chapter Genetic Guide (Wisconsin UP 2007), xix, 522pp. Michael Groden, Preface; Luca Crispi, Sam Slote, & Dirk Van Hulle, Introduction; Geert Lernout, ‘Beginning: Chapter I.1’; Bill Cadbury, ‘“March of a maker”: Chapters I.2-4; Mikio Fuse, ‘Letter and the groaning: Chapter I.5’; R. J. Schork, ‘Genetic primer: Chapter I.6’; Ingeborg Landuyt, ‘Cain - Ham - (Shem) - Esau - Jim the Penman: Chapter I.7’; Patrick A. McCarthy, ‘Making herself tidal: Chapter I.8’; Sam Slote, ‘Blanks for when words gone: Chapter II.1’; Luca Crispi, ‘Storiella as she were wryt: Chapter II.2’; David Hayman, ‘Male maturity or the public rise & private decline of HC Earwicker: Chapter II.3’; Jed Deppman, ‘Chapter in composition: Chapter II.4’; Wim Van Mierlo, ‘Shaun the post: chapters III.1-2’; Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘Fourfold root of Yawn’s unreason: chapter III.3’; Daniel Ferrer, ‘Wondrous devices in the dark: Chapter III.4’; Dirk Van Hulle, ‘Lost word: Book IV’; Finn Fordham, ‘“End”; “Zee End”: Chapter I.1’; Appendix 1: Draft sections and subsections; Appendix 2: Chronology of drafts and notebooks; Appendix 3: Publication history of work in progress/Finnegans Wake. [See review by Hans Walter Gabler, ‘Luca Crispi, Joyce’s Creative Process and the Construction of Characters in Ulysses: Becoming the Blooms’, in Variants, 14, 1, pp.186-90 [available online].

Len Platt, Joyce, Race and Finnegans Wake (Cambridge UP 2007), ix, 211pp. CONTENTS: Joyce, Race and Racism: Introduction [1]; ‘No Such Race’: Finnegans Wake and the Aryan Myth [14]; Celt, Teuton and Aryan; ‘Our Darling Breed’ [42]; The Wake, Social Darwinism and Eugenics [69]; Atlanta-Arya: Theosophy, Race and the Wake [95]; ‘Hung Chung Egglyfella’: Staged Race in Ulysses and the Wake [121]; ‘And the Prankquean Pulled a Rosy One’: Filth, Fascism and the Family [146]; Race and Reading: Conclusion [164]. Notes [181]; Index. [205].

Rubin Borg, The Measureless Time of Joyce, Deleuze and Derrida( London: Bloomsbury 2007), 175pp., and Do. (London: Continuum 2008) - Publisher’s notice: ‘By examining the relation between time and processes of figuration in James Joyce’s later work, this ground-breaking study identifies his attempt to engage with the philosophical problem of describing time’s characteristic movement whilst acknowledging the impossibility of reducing this movement to anything that can be observed, represented or even experienced. Ruben Borg argues that this problem informs the narrative structure, imagery and complex rhetorical strategies in Finnegan’s Wakeand Ulysses. Drawing on the work of Deleuze and Derrida, Borg challenges the assumption that Joycean time is organised around the idea of a totalising present. Emphasising his treatment of time as a force of measureless passing, Borg offers a better understanding of Joyce’s endeavour to characterise time as a multiplicity that resists representation or objective measurement and its role as a central theme and structural element in his later work.’

Alistair Cormack, Yeats and Joyce: Cyclical History and the Reprobate Tradition (Aldershot: Aldgate 2008), 220pp. [CONTENTS: Yeats and Joyce: the Punch and Judy Show of Irish Modernism; Giambattista Vico and Idealist History; Yeats, Joyce and the Hermetic Tradition; Blake the Irishman; Idealist History: Nationalism, Modernism and Minor literature; Ulysses; Yeats’s 1937 A Vision; Finnegans Wake.] (Reviewed by Bonnie Roos in James Joyce Quarterly, Winter 2009, pp.396-99.)

Richard Brown, ed., A Companion to James Joyce (Oxford: Blackwell 2008), xviii, 440pp. CONTENTS. Introduction: Brown, ‘Re-readings, relocations, and receptions’’; Vicki Mahaffey, Dubliners: surprised by chance’; John Paul Riquelme, ‘Desire, freedom, and confessional culture in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’; Maud Ellmann, ‘Ulysses: The Epic of the Human Body’; Finn Fordham, ‘Finnegans Wake: Novel and Anti-novel’; Geert Lernout, ‘European Joyce’; John Nash, “In the Heart of the Hibernian Metropolis”? Joyce’s Reception in Ireland, 1990-1940’; John McCourt, ‘His città immediata: Joyce’s Triestine Home from Home’; Robert K. Weninger, ‘James Joyce and German Literature, or Reflections on the Vagaries and Vacancies of Reception Studies’; Richard Brown, ‘Molly’s Gibraltar: the Other Location in Joyce’s Ulysses’; Mark Wollaeger, ‘Joyce and Postcolonial Theory: Analytic and Tropical Modes’; Eishiro Ito, ‘“United States of Asia”: James Joyce and Japan’; Krishna Sen, ‘Where Agni Araflammed and Shiva Slew: Joyce’s Interface with India’; David G. Wright, ‘Joyce and New Zealand’; Biography, Censorship, and Influence’; Declan Kiberd, ‘Joyce’s Homer, Homer’s Joyce’; Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘The Joyce of French Theory’; R. Brandon Kershner, ‘Joyce, Music, and Popular Culture’; Daniel Ferrer, ‘The Joyce of Manuscripts’; Mark Taylor-Batty, ‘Joyce’s Bridge to Late Twentieth-century British Theater: Harold Pinter’s Dialogue with Exiles’; Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, ‘The Joyce Effect: Joyce in Visual Art’; Derval Tubridy, ‘“In His Secondmouth Language”: Joyce and Irish Poetry’; Luke Gibbons, ‘“Ghostly Light”: Spectres of Modernity in James Joyce’s and John Huston’s “The Dead”’; Katherine Mullin, ‘Joyce through the Little Magazines’; Jane Lewty, ‘Joyce and Radio’; Luke Thurston, ‘Scorographia: Joyce and Psychoanalysis.’

John McCourt, ed., James Joyce in Context (Cambridge UP 2009), xx, 414pp. CONTENTS [chaps.]: Stacey Herbert, ‘Composition and publishing history of the major works: an overview’; Finn Fordham, ‘Biography’; William S. Brockman, ‘Letters’; John Nash, ‘Genre, place, and value: Joyce’s reception, 1904-1941’; Joseph Brooker, ‘Postwar Joyce’; Sam Slote, ‘Structuralism, deconstruction, post-structuralism’; Marian Eide, ‘Gender and sexuality’; Luke Thurston, ‘Psychoanalysis’; Gregory Castle, ‘Postcolonialism’; Dirk Van Hulle, ‘Genetic Joyce criticism’; Jolanta Wawrzycka, ‘Translation studies’; Eric Bulson, ‘Joyce and world literature’; Sean Latham, ‘21st century critical contexts’; Cheryl Temple Herr, ‘Being in Joyce’s World’; L. M. Cullen, ‘Dublin’; Matthew Campbell, ‘Nineteenth-century lyric nationalism’; Clare Hutton, ‘The Irish Revival’; Patrick Parrinder, ‘The English literary tradition’; Jean-Michel Rabate, ‘Paris’; John McCourt, ‘Trieste’; Brian Arkins, ‘Greek and Roman themes’; Vike Martina Plock, ‘Medicine’; Michael Levenson, ‘Modernisms’; Timothy Martin, ‘Music’; Brian Caraher, ‘Irish and European politics, nationalism, socialism, empire’; R. Brandon Kershner, ‘Newspapers and popular culture’; Tim Conley, ‘Language and languages’; Fran O’Rourke, ‘Philosophy’; Geert Lernout, ‘Religion’; Mark Morrisson, ‘Science’; Maria di Battista, ‘Cinema’; Christine Froula, ‘Cinema’. [Available in part at Google Books - online.]

Harold Bloom, James Joyce [Bloom’s Literary Criticism/Bloom’s Modern Critical Views] (NY: Chelsea House 2009), vii, 262pp. CONTENTS: Derek Attridge, ‘Unpacking the portmanteau; or, Who’s afraid of Finnegans Wake? ‘; Richard Poirier, ‘The Pater of Joyce and Eliot’; Weldon Thornton, ‘The Structures’; David Leon Higdon, ‘Gendered Discourse and the Structure of Joyce’s “The Dead’; Klaus Reichert, ‘Shakespeare and Joyce: Myriadminded Men’; Roy K. Gottfried, ‘ “The Comic Irishman in the Bench Behind”: The Portrait with Two Heads’; Margaret McBride, ‘The Ineluctable Modality: Stephen’s Quest for Immortality’; Keri Elizabeth Ames, ‘ The rebirth of heroism from Homer’s Odyssey to Joyce’s Ulysses’; Jennifer Margaret Fraser , ‘Intertextual sirens’; Neil Murphy, ‘James Joyce’s Dubliners and Modernist Doubt: The Making of a Tradition’; Vicki Mahaffey, ‘ Love, Race, and Exiles: The Bleak Side of Ulysses ‘; Margot Norris, ‘Possible worlds theory and the fantasy universe of Finnegans Wake’.

Geert Lernout, Help My Unbelief: James Joyce and Religion (London: Bloomsbury 2010), 256pp. CONTENTS: Acknowledgements. List of Abbreviations. Introduction. 1. Joyce and the church according to the critics. 2. The Holy Roman Apostolic Church. 3. Heresy, Schisma and Dissent. 4. Joyce's own crisis of belief. 5. Loss of religion in retrospect: from Epiphanies to Exiles. 6. You behold in me a horrible example of freethought. 7. Free money, free rent, free love and a free lay church in a free lay state. 8. After Ulysses. Conclusion. Select Bibliography. Index.

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Sean Latham, ed., James Joyce [Visions & Revisions Ser.] (Dublin & Portland: IAP 2010). CONTENTS: List of Contributors [ix]; List of Abbreviations [xi]; 1. Sean Latham, Introduction: Joyce’s Modernities [1]; Bruce Stewart, ‘A Short Literary Life of James Joyce [19]; 3. David G. Wright, ‘The Curious Language of Dubliners’ [45]; 4. Kevin J. H. Dettmar, ‘The Materiality and Historicity of Language in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ [67]; 5. Miranda Hickman, ‘“Not . love verses at all, Iperceive”: Joyce’s Minor Works’ [83]; 6. Michael Groden, ‘The Complex Simplicity of Ulysses’ [105]; 7. Tim Conley, ‘Finnegans Wake: Some Assembly Required’ [132]; 8. Christine van Boheemen-Saaf, ‘Joyce in Theory/Theory in Joyce’ [153]; 9. Katherine Mullin, ‘Joyce’s Bodies’ [170] ; 10. Aaron Jaffe, ‘Joyce’s Afterlives: Why Didn’t He Win the Nobel Prize?’ [189]; Select Bibliography [215]; Index [220]. (For extracts from some articles, see RICORSO Library, Criticism > On Major Writers > Joyce, via index or direct.)

Finn Fordham, I Do, I Undo, I Redo: The Textual Ggenesis of Modernist Selves in Hopkins, Yeats, Conrad, Forster, Joyce, and Woolf (Oxford: OUP 2010), viii, 281pp. CONTENTS: Texts and selves in process: writing between self and selflessness; Modernism and the self: inside-out; The self in Descartes and Heidegger: overlooking drafts, erasing process; Hopkins and compression; The young Yeats and selection; Conrad’s “Heart of darkness”: doubling and doubling back; Forster’s A Passage to India: blurring and hollowing out; Joyce’s Ulysses and multiplying personalities; Woolf’s The Waves and writing classes.

John McCourt, ed., Roll Away the Reel World: James Joyce and Cinema (Cork UP 2010), 262pp. CONTENTS - McCourt, ‘Introduction: From the real to the reel and back: explorations into Joyce and cinema’; Luke McKernan, ‘James Joyce and the Volta Programme’; Erik Schneider, ‘Dedalus Among the Film Folk: Joyce and the Cinema Volta’; Katherine Mullin, ‘Joyce, Early Cinema and the Erotics of Everyday Life’; Maria DiBattista, ‘The Ghost Walks: Joyce and the Spectres of Silent Cinema’; Philip Sicker, ‘Mirages in the Lampglow: Joyce’s “Circe” and Melies’ Dream Cinema’; Carla Marengo Vaglio, ‘Futurist Music Hall and Cinema’; Marco Camerani, ‘Circe’s Costume Changes: Bloom, Fregoli and Early Cinema’; Cleo Hanaway, ‘“See Ourselves as Others See Us”: Cinematic Seeing and Being in Ulysses’; Louis Armand, ‘JJ/JLG’; Kevin Barry, ‘Tracing Joyce: “The Dead” in Huston and Rossellini’; Keith Williams, ‘Odysseys of Sound and Image: “Cinematicity” and the Ulysses Adaptations’; Jesse Meyers, ‘James Joyce, Subliminal Screenwriter?’; Luke McKernan, ‘Appendix: Volta Filmography’.

Franca Ruggeiri & Anne Fogarty, eds., Polymorphic Joyce: Papers from The Third Joyce Graduate Conference, Dublin 22-23 January 2010 [Roma Tre] (Roma: Edizioni Q 2010), 179pp. - CONTENTS: Sylvain Belluc, ‘Science, Etymology and Poetry in the “Proteus” episode of “Ulysses”[9]; Andrea Ciribuco, ‘“I’ve got the Stephen Dedalus Blues”: Joycean allusions, quotes and characters in Don DeLillo’s “Americana”’ [25]; Ann Fallon, ‘Stephen’s Ovidian Echoes in “Ulysses”’ [39]; Chih-hsien Hsieh, ‘Hark the Written Words - The Gramophone Motif in “Proteus”‘ [51]; Alison Lacivita, ‘Ecocriticism and Finnegans Wake’ [63]; Yi-peng Lai, ‘“Bloom of Flowerville”: An Agri-national Consumer [71]; Fabio Luppi, ‘Women and Race in the Last Two Chapters of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ [83]; John McCourt; ‘After Ellmann: the current state of Joyce biography’ [97]; Jonathan McCreedy, ‘An Argument for Characterology in the “Wake’s Old I.2”: HCE’s ‘Centrality’ and the “Everyman” Archetype’ [111]; Niko Pomakis, ‘Lean Unlovely English Turned Backward: Reading “Scylla & Charybdis” Hermetically’ [123]; Franca Ruggieri, ‘James Joyce: Tradition, and Individual Talent’[137]; Elizabeth Switaj, ‘Joyce, Berlitz, and the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language’ [151]; William Viney, ‘Reading Flotsam and Jetsam: The Significance of Waste in “Proteus”’ [165-79]. (No index; text available as PDF at James Joyce Italian Foundation - online; accessed 09.03.2022.)

Kim Allen Gleed, Bloom’s How to Write about James Joyce [Bloom’s How to Write About Literature] NY: (Bloom’s Literary Criticism [Chelsea House] 2011), viii, 264pp. CONTENTS: How to write a good essay; How to write about James Joyce; Dubliners; “The Dead” A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; Ulysses, Part 1: The Telemachiad; Ulysses, Part 2: The Wanderings of Ulysses; Ulysses, Part 3: The Homecoming.

Vicki Mahaffey, ed., Collaborative Dubliners: Joyce in dialogue (NY: Syracuse, UP 2012), xix, 402pp. CONTENTS: Michael Groden and Vicki Mahaffey,’Silence and fractals in “The Sisters”’; Margot Gayle Backus and Joseph Valente, ‘“An Encounter”: James Joyce’s Humiliation Nation’; Kathryn Conrad and Mark Osteen, ‘Lighted Squares: Framing “Araby”’; Derek Attridge and Anne Fogarty, ‘“Eveline“ at Home: Reflections on Language and Context’; Michael Patrick Gillespie and David Weir, ‘“After the Race” and the Problem of Belonging’; Marilyn Reizbaum and Maud Ellmann, ‘En garde: “Two Gallants”’; Richard Brown and Gregory Castle, ‘The Instinct of the Celibate’: Boarding and Borderlines in “The Boarding House”; Marian Eide and Vicki Mahaffey, ‘The Small Light in “A Little Cloud“’; James Hansen and Jean-Michel Rabaté, ‘“Counterparts”; Gabrielle Carey and Barbara Lonnquist, ‘Working with Clay’; Paul K. Saint-Amour and Karen R. Lawrence, ‘Reopening “A painful case”’; Jennifer Levine and Andrew Gibson, ‘“Ivy Day in the Committee Room”’; Kimberly J. Devlin and Carol Loeb Shloss, ‘The Politics of Maternity and Daughterhood in “A Mother”; R. Brandon Kershner and Mary Lowe-Evans, “Grace”: Spirited Discourses; Margot Norris amd Vincent P. Pecora, ‘Dead Again’. [Available at Google Books - online; accessed 24.09.2021.]

Valérie Bénejam & John Bishop, eds., Making Space in the Works of James Joyce [Routledge studies in twentieth-century literature, 19] (London: Routledge 2011), xii, 239 pp., ill. John Bishop, ‘Space in Finnegans Wake: An Archaeology’; Andre Topia, ‘Optical Space in Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’; Valérie Bénejam, ‘The Acoustic Space of Ulysses’; Luke Gibbons, ‘Text and the City: Joyce, Dublin and Colonial Modernity’; Liam Lanigan, ‘Gabriel”s Re-mapping of Dublin: The Fabricated Cityscape of The Dead’; Michael Rubenstein, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Urban Planner: Plumbing Consciousness in Joyce”s Dublin’; Eric Bulson, ‘Disorienting Dublin’; Laurent Milesi,‘The Habitus of Language(s) in Finnegans Wake’; David Spurr, ‘Joyce the Post’; Katherine O”Callaghan, ‘Mapping the Call from Afar: The Echo of Motifs in James Joyce”s Literary Landscape’; Sam Slote, ‘The Thomistic Representation of Dublin in Ulysses’; Daniel Ferrer, ‘Writing Space’.

Maurizia Boscagli & Enda Duffy, eds., James Joyce and Magical Urbanism [European Joyce Studies 21, gen. ed. Fritz Senn; assoc. ed. Christine Van Boheemen] (Amsterdam: Rodopi 2011), 249pp. CONTENTS; Enda Duffy and Maurizia Boscagli, Introduction: Joyce, Benjamin and Magical Urbanism [7]; Douglas Mao, Arcadian Ithaca [30]; Ellen Carol Jones, Memorial Dublin [59]; Patrick McGee, The Communist Flaneur, or, Joyce’s Boredom [122]; Maurizia Boscagli, Spectacle Reconsidered: Joycean Synaesthetics and the Dialectic of the Mutoscope [132]; Graham MacPhee, Benjamin, Joyce and the Disappearance of the Dead [150]; Enda Duffy, The Happy Ring House [169]; Heyward Ehrlich, Joyce, Benjamin and the Futurity of Fiction [185]; Scott Kaufman, “That Bantry Jobber:" William Martin Murphy and the Critique of Progress and Productivity in Ulysses [210]; Paul K. Saint-Amour, The Vertical Flaneur: Narratorial Tradecraft in the Colonial Metropolis [224] [Available on in Google Books - online; access 26.07.2021.

Frank Shovlin, Journey Westward: Joyce, “Dubliners” and the Literary Revival (Cambridge UP 2012), x, 180pp. Intro. ‘The journey westward’; 1. ‘Endless stories about the distillery’: Joyce and Whiskey; 2. ‘Their friends, the French’: Joyce, Jacobitism and the Revival; 2: ‘He would put in allusions’: The Uses and Abuses of Revivalism [incls. “Joyce and Yeats”, pp.125-32]; Conclusion: Protestant Power and Plates of Peas. Sel. Bibliography; Notes; Index. [Available in part at Google Books - online.]

John Nash, ed., James Joyce in the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge UP 2013), xi, 259pp. CONTENTS: Emer Nolan, ‘Joyce and the nineteenth-century Irish novel’; Luke Gibbons, ‘“He says no, your worship”: Joyce, free indirect discourse and vernacular modernism’; Richard Robinson, ‘“That dubious enterprise, the Irish short story”: The untilled field and Dubliners’; Andrew Gibson, ‘Thinking forwards, turning back: Joyce”s writings 1898-1903’; Jaya Savige, ‘Underwriting Ulysses: Bloom, risk and life insurance in the nineteenth century’; John Strachan, ‘Ulysses and the Dublin advertising business’; Matthew Hayward, ‘“To arrest involuntary attention”: advertising and street-selling in Ulysses’; Helen O’Connel, ‘“Food values”: Joyce and dietary revival’; John Nash, ‘Liberalism and domesticity in Ulysses’; Sylvain Belluc, ‘Language and (re)creation: Joyce and nineteenth-century philology’; Scarlet Baron, ‘Joyce, Darwin and literary evolution’; Ronan Crowley, ‘The queen is not a subject: Victoria’s Leaves from the journal in Ulysses’; Keith Williams, ‘Dubliners, “the magic-lantern business” and pre-cinema’.

Andrew Gibson, The Strong Spirit: History, Politics and Aesthetics in the Writings of James Joyce, 1898-1915 (Oxford OUP 2013), viii, 275pp. [CONTENTS - Resurgence: early writings from the Local Government Act to the Land Act, 1898-1903; Where we stand: Dubliners and the anatomy of Irish culture, 1904-1906; One of his explosives: Stephen Hero and the years of paralysis, 1904-1906; Desolating certainties: the “Triestine writings” and the return of the Liberals, 1906-1912; Inside the labyrinth: A portrait of the artist as a young man, 1907-1914; The impossibility of union: Exiles, 1912-1915; Endpiece. [Available at Google Books (pp.1-19; Bibl., & Index - online.]

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Robert Brazeau & Derek Gladwin, ed., Eco-Joyce: The Environmental Imagination of James Joyce (Cork UP 2014), 296pp. CONTENTS: Anne Fogarty, Foreword; Brazeau & Gladwin, Introduction: ‘James Joyce and Ecocriticism’. I: NATURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN JOYCE’S FICTION. Fiona Becket, ‘James Joyce, Climate Change and the Threat to our “Natural Substance”’; Cheryl Temple Herr, ‘Joyce and the Everynight’; Bonnie Kime Scott, ‘Joyce, Ecofeminism and the River as Woman’; Erin Walsh, ‘Word and World: The Ecology of the Pun in Finnegans Wake’; Yi-Peng Lai, ‘The Tree Wedding and the (Eco)Politics of Irish Forestry in “Cyclops”: History, Language and the Viconian Politics of the Forest’. II: JOYCE AND THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT. Margot Norris, ‘Negative Ecocritical Visions in “Wandering Rocks”’; Brandon Kershner, ‘Joyce Beyond the Pale’; Greg Winston, ‘“Aquacities of Thought and Language”: The Political Ecology of Water in Ulysses’; Christine Cusick, ‘“Clacking Along the Concrete Pavement”: Economic Isolation and the Bricolage of Place in James Joyce’s Dubliners’; Derek Gladwin, ‘Joyce the Travel Writer: Space, Place and the Environment in James Joyce’s Nonfiction.’ III: JOYCE, SOMATIC ECOLOGY AND THE BODY. Eugene O’Brien, ‘“Can excrement be art ... if not, why not?” Joyce’s Aesthetic Theory and the Flux of Consciousness’; Robert Brazeau, ‘Environment and Embodiment in Joyce’s “The Dead”; James Fairhall, ‘“Sunflawered” Humanity in Finnegans Wake’: Nature, Existential Shame and Transcendence’; Garry Leonard, ‘Ineluctable Modality of the Visible: “Nature” and Spectacle in “Proteus”’.

Sean Latham, The Cambridge Companion to Ulysses (Cambridge UP 2014), xxvi, 224pp. CONTENTS: Notes on Contributors [ix-xi]; Preface: Why Read Ulysses? [xiii-xviii]; Acknowledgements [xix-xx]; James Joyce Chronology [xxi-xxiv]; Abbreviations [xxv-xxvi]; Part I - Making Ulysses. Chap. 1: Michael Groden, Writing Ulysses [3-18]; Chap. 2: Joseph Brooker, Reception History [19-32]; Chap. 3: Jonathan Goldman, Afterlife [33-48]. Part II - The Story of Ulysses [49-110]. Chap. 4 - Scarlett Baron, Beginnings [51-68]; Chap. 5: Margot Norris, Character, Plot, and Myth [69-80]; Chap. 6: Enda Duffy, Setting: Dublin 1904/1922 [81-94]; Chap. 7: Maud Ellmann, Endings [95-110]. Part III - Reading Ulysses. Chap. 8: Michael Rubenstein, City Circuits: “Aeolus” and “Wandering Rocks” [113-27]; Chap. 9: Marjorie Howes, Memory: “Sirens” [128-39]; Chap. 10: Sean Latham, Interruption: “Cyclops” and “Nausicaa” [140-53]; Chap. 11: Cheryl Temple Herr, Difficulty: “Oxen of the Sun” and “Circe” [154-68]. Part IV - Contemporary Theory and Criticism. Chap. 12: R. Brandon Kershner, Intertextuality [171-83]; Chap. 13: Vike Martina Plock, Bodies [184-99]; Chap. 14: Paul K. Saint-Amour, Symbols and Things [200-16]; Abbreviated Schema for Ulysses [217-18]; Further Reading [219-24].

Matthew J. Kochis & Heather L. Lusty, eds., Modernists at odds : reconsidering Joyce and Lawrence, with a foreword by Sebastian D. G. Knowles [Florida James Joyce Ser.] (Univ. of Florida 2015), 272pp. CONTENTS: Zack Bowen, ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover and Ulysses’; Margot Norris, ‘Love, bodies, and nature in Lady Chatterley’s Lover and Ulysses; Earl G. Ingersoll, ‘The “odd couple” constructing the “new man”: Bloom and Mellors in Ulysses and Lady Chatterley’s lover; Gerald Doherty, ‘The end of sacrifice: Joyce’s “The Dead” and Lawrence’s “The Man who Died”; Martin Brick, ‘The Isis effect: how Joyce and Lawrence revitalize Christianity through foreignization; Louise Kane, ‘“In Europe they usually mention us together”: Joyce, Lawrence, and the little magazines’; Hidenaga Arai, ‘Lawrence and Joyce in T.S. Eliot’s Criterion Miscellany series’; Eleni Loukopoulou, ‘An encounter with the real: a Lacanian motif in Joyce’s “The Dead” and Lawrence’s “The shadow in the Rose garden” / Johannes Hendrikus Burgers and Jennifer Mitchell, ‘Masochism and marriage in The Rainbow and Ulysses’; Enda Duffy, ‘That long kiss: comparing Joyce and Lawrence’; Carl F. Miller, ‘“Result of the Rockinghorse Races”: the ironic culture of racing in Joyce’s Ulysses and Lawrence’s “The rocking-horse winner”.

Luke Gibbons, Joyce’s Ghosts: Ireland, Modernism and Memory (Chicago UP 2015), 288pp., ill. [32 half-tones]. CONTENTS: List of Figures; Preface; Acknowledgments. Introduction: ‘A Ghost by Absence’; 1. Text and the City: Dublin, Cultural Intimacy, and Modernity; 2. ‘Shouts in the Street’: Inner Speech, Self, and the City; 3. ‘He Says No, Your Worship’: Joyce, Free Indirect Discourse, and Vernacular Modernism; 4. ‘Ghostly Light’: Visualizing the Voice in James Joyce’s and John Huston’s “The Dead”; 5. ‘Pale Phantoms of Desire’: Subjectivity, Spectral Memory, and Irish Modernity; 6. ‘Spaces of Time through Times of Space’: Haunting the “Wandering Rocks”’; 7. ‘Famished Ghosts’: Bloom, Bible Wars, and ‘U.P. UP’ in Joyce’s Dublin; 8. ‘Haunting Face’: Spectral Premonitions and the Memory of the Dead.’ [available in part at Google Books - online; accessed 05.04.2021; Chap. 8: Haunting Face is given online at De Gruyter.com - online; password required.]

Laura Pelaschiar, ed., Joyce/Shakespeare [Irish Studies] (Syracuse UP 2015), 228pp. CONTENTS: Introduction [vii-xiv]; Abbreviations; Valérie Bénéjam, ‘Shakespeare’s Theater and the Critique of Mythmaking’ [1-20]; Dieter Fuchs, ‘He Puts Bohemia on the Seacoast and Makes Ulysses Quote Aristotle’ [21-37]; Pelaschiar, ‘“My Story Being Done, / She Gave Me for My Pains a World of Sighs”’ [38-55]; Guiseppina Restivo, ‘Joyce’ sExiles and Shakespeare's Tempest’ [56-71]; John McCourt,  ’Joyce’s Shakespeare A View from Trieste’ [72-88]; Viki Martina Plock, ‘Made in Germany Why Goethe’s Hamlet Mattered to Joyce’ [89-106]; Richard Brown ‘Joyce’s “Single Act” Shakespeare’ [107-27]; Sam Slote, ‘Loving the Alien Egoism, Empathy, Alterity, and Shakespeare Bloom in Stephen’s Aesthetics’ [128-39]; Vincent Cheng, ‘History and Possibility: Shakespeare and the Stage in Finnegans Wake’ [140-60]; Paul Fagan, ‘tart Crow, Beautified with Our Feathers” Finnegans Wake, Hamlet, and the Problem of Context [161-86]; Works Cited [189-200]; Contributors [201-04]; Index [205-10].

Len Platt, James Joyce: Texts and Contexts (London; NY: Continuum 2011), 192pp. CONTENTS: Abbreviations. 1. Introduction to a ‘biografiend’; 2. Earlier works; 3. Going forth by day - Ulysses; 4. Ulysses, Ireland, Empire; 5. Reading Finnegans Wake; 6. The Wake and the 1920s and 30s. 7. ‘I do not like that other world’ - Joyce’s publics \ Further Reading \ Index.

Genevieve Sartor, ed., Joyce and Genetic Criticism: Genesic Fields [European Joyce Studies, 28] (Leiden: Brill Rodopi [2016]), 142pp. CONTENTS: Tim Conley, ‘Revision Revisited’ [11]; Dirk Van Hulle, ‘Editing the Wake’s Genesis: Digital Genetic Criticism’ [37]; Sam Slote, ‘Correcting Joyce: Trial and Error in the Composition of Ulysses’ [55]; Genevience Sartor, ‘What Genetics Can Do: Linking II.2 and IV of Finnegans Wake’ [69]; Shinjini Chattopadhyah, ‘Giacomonic Oxen: Avant-texte or Intertext? [82]; Luca Crispi, ‘The Genesis of “Penelope” in Manuscript’ [65]; Sangam MacDuff, ‘Joyce’s Revelation: ‘“The Apocalypse of St. John” at Cornell’ [118]; Fritz Senn, ‘Opsigenettic Touches in Ulysses: Ithacan Corelatives’ [127]. Index [141].

John McCourt, ed., Shakespearean Joyce - Joycean Shakespeare [Joyce Studies in Italy] (Roma: Anicia 2016), 288pp. CONTENTS: McCourt - Introduction [7]; Paola Pugliatti, ‘Shakespeare, Joyce and the Order of Literary Discourse’ [15]; Valérie Bénéjam, ‘The Linguistic Drama in Joyce and Shakespeare’ [35]; Laura Pelaschiar, ‘“An Old Thing ‘Twas, But It Express’d Her Fortune”: Joyce’s “Eveline” and Shakespeare’s Othello [57]; Dipanjan Maitra, ‘An Apostolic Succession? Joyce’s Shakespeare Notes And The Poetics of Omniscience’ [75]; Francesca Caraceni, ‘How Shakespeare was used: Echoes of John Henry Newman’s Idea of Literature in Joyce’ [97]; Giuseppe Massara, ‘Metamorphoses of Sin’ [113]; Richard Barlow, ‘“Northern Ire” and “invertedness”: Macbeth, the Wake,and the North’ [121]; Fritz Senn, Jolanta Wawrzycka, & Veronika Kovács, ‘Spectral Shakespeare in Ulysses Translation’ [131]; Neslihan Ekmekçioglu, ‘The Haunting Spectres within Consciousness: Melancholia, Memory and Mnemonic Entrapment in Shakespeare and Joyce’ [153]; Annalisa Federici, ‘“The Mirror Up To Nature”: Reflexivity and Self-Reflexivity in Ulysses and Hamlet’ [163]; Benjamin Boysen, ‘Hamlet ... Shakespeare. Brandes ... Joyce’ [179]; Ioana Zirra, ‘Paronomastic Filiation, Vertical Intertextuality and the Family Reunion of Bloom’s and Stephen’s Shakespearean Ghosts in the “Circe” Psychodrama’ [193]; Brendan Kavanagh, ‘Shakespearean Soundings and Ulysses’s immunological-Musicological Interface’ [207]. JOYCEAN GLEANINGS: Shinjini Chattopadhyay, ‘“Cityful Passing Away”: Giacomo Joyce and Trieste’ [227]; Elizabeth M. Bonapfel, ‘Why Not Chamber Music? What Punctuation in Joyce’s Poetry Can Tell Us about His Style’ [249]. BOOK REVIEWS: Fabio Luppi, review of Richard Ambrosini, John McCourt, Enrico Terrinoni & Serenella Zanotti eds., Outside Influences, Essays in Honour of Franca Ruggieri [275]; Fabio Luppi review of Winston Greg, Joyce and Militarism [279]; Francesca Romana Paci review of Enrico Terrinoni, James Joyce e la fine del romanzo [282]. CONTRIBUTORS [287f.]

Claire A. Culleton & Ellen Schleibe, eds., Rethinking Joyce’s Dubliners: (Palgrave Macmillan 2017), 213pp. [CONTENTS - 1. Culleton (et al.), Introduction: ‘Rethinking Dubliners: A Case for What Happens in Joyce’s Stories’ [1-7; see extract]; 2. Culleton, ‘“The Thin End of the Wedge”: How Things Start in Dubliners’ [9-32]; 3. Margot Norris, ‘“No There There”: Place, Absence, and Negativity in “A Painful Case”’ [33-50]; 4. Jim LeBlanc, ‘A “Sensation of Freedom” and the Rejection of Possibility in Dubliners’ [51-68]; 5. Jasmine Mulliken, ‘“Scudding in Towards Dublin”: Joyce Studies and the Online Mapping Dubliners Project’ [69-94]; 6. Ellen Scheible, ‘Joyce’s Mirror Stages and “The Dead”’ [95-114]; 7. Joseph P. Kelly, ‘Joyce’s Blinders: An Urban Ecocritical Study of Dubliners and More’ [115-144]; 8. Miriam O’Kane Mara, ‘Clashing Cultures in “Counterparts”: Navigating among Print, Printing, and Oral Narratives in Turn-of-the-Century Dublin’ [145-159]; 9. Martin Brick, ‘Intermental Epiphanies: Rethinking Dubliners with Cognitive Psychology’ [161-173]; 10. Jack Dudley, ‘From “Spiritual Paralysis” to “Spiritual Liberation”: Joyce’s Samaritan “Grace”‘ [175-194]; 12. Enda Duffy, ‘Men in Slow Motion: Male Gesture in “Two Gallants”’ [195-213].

Vincent J. Cheng, Amnesia and the Nation: History, Forgetting, and James Joyce [New Directions in Irish and Irish American Literature] (Basingstoke: Palgrave 2018), xvii, 162pp., ill. [see contents]. 1 Introduction: Memory, Forgetting, and the Imagination. 2: The Nightmare of History and the Burden of the Past. 3: The Will to Forget: Nation and Forgetting in Ulysses. 4: The Memory of the Past: National Memory and Commemoration. 5: Joyce, Ireland, and the American South: Whiteness, Blackness, and Lost Causes. 6: Slavery, the South, and Ethical Remembrancing. 7: Afterword.

Len Platt, James Joyce and Education: Schooling and the Social Imaginary in the Modernist Novel (London: Routledge 2021), 214pp. CONTENTS: 1. Contexts and their problematics; 2. ‘Pinocchio! Oh Pinocchio! You’re a boy! A real boy!’ - boyology and stories of childhood in Pearse and Joyce. 3. ‘Is it with Paddy Stink and Mickey Mud?’ — systemization and portraits of the artist as schoolboy; 4. Early Joyce and radical education; 5. A Portrait of the Artist and the cultural politics of the public school novel; 6. Education and the social worlds of Ulysses; 7. Ulysses and the age of informatics; 8. Joyce and the textbook - “Oxen of the Sun” and “Eumaeus”; 9. ‘I’m not so ignorant’ - women and education 10. ‘Come si compita cunctitititilatus?’ — education and Finnegans Wake. 11. Bibliography. [See Routledge - online; accessed 01.05.2021.]

Colm Tóibín, ed., One Hundred Years of James Joyce’s “Ulysses” (Pennsylvania UP 2022), 184pp. CONTENTS: Colm Tóibín, The music of the future; Anne Fogarty, Ulysses and Dublin; John McCourt, Finding Ulysses in Trieste; Ronan Crowle, Ulysses in Zurich; Catherine Flynn, Joyce in Paris, 1920-1922; Maria Dibattista, Revisioning Ulysses; Joseph M. Hassett, Ulysses and free speech: looking back to move forward; Derick Dreher, The Rosenbach manuscript; James Maynard, The origins of the University at Buffalo James Joyce Collection; Sean Kelly interviewed by Colm Tóibín and John Bidwell; Rick Gekoski, The Sean and Mary Kelly Collection.

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