Scholarly Bibliographies: Index

The lists held here have been largely compiled or simply copied from existing bibliographical resources including common reference works cited in RICORSO Sources (About) along with the bibliographies contained in numerous commentaries and historical studies

Major Authors Sundry Writers

Major Authors

W. B. Yeats
John Frayne (1970)
Frayne & Johnson (1975)
Majorie Howes (1996)
James Joyce
Vincent Cheng (1995)
R. Dunbar Ortiz (1999)
James Fairhall (1993)
Jean-Michel Rabaté (2004)
Donald Torchiana (1986)
Richard M. Kain (1996)
Samuel Beckett
Richard N. Coe (1968)
David Pattie (2001)
John Pilling (1994)

Individual Critics

Sr. Una Agnew (1998)
Jonathan Allison (c.2010)
Russell Alspach (1959)
Robin Alston (2000)
Henry Bradshaw (1916)
Stephen Brown, SJ (1912)
Terence Brown (I975)
James Cahalan (1988)
Matthew Campbell (2003)
James Carney (1973)
Neil Corcoran (1992)
Anne Crookshank (1965)
Seamus Deane (1986)
Seamus Deane (1991)
Myles Dillon (1969)
Máire de Paor (1998)
Estyn E. Evans (1957)
Fanning & Garvin (2014)
R. F. Foster (1980)
Robert F. Garrett (1986)
A. Halliday & K. Coyle (1994)
Cheryl Herr (1991)
Irish Book Lover [Index I]
Irish Book Lover [Index 2]
Richard M. Kain (1996)
Peter Kavanagh (1946)
Declan Kiberd (1995)
Conor McCarthy (2000)
James McKillop (1996)
Joseph McMinn (1991)
Christopher Morash (2002)
Julian Moynahan (1995)
James H. Murphy (1997)
Alan Peacock (1993)
Stephen Regan (2011)
Frank Sewell (1994)
Gerry Smyth (1998)
Weldon Thornton (1979)
Clair Wills (1993)
Julia Wright (2010)

James Wurtz (2005)

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