
International Critics: Index

Irish Critical Classics Various Critical Writings
On Major Irish Writers Reviews & Interviews
International Critics Irish Historical Studies
General Index

The common denominator of texts held in this region is the international (or “non-Irish”) character of their authors - generally writers or critics of different periods whose remarks are often quoted in connection with Irish literature, and especially by imperialist, revolutionary and - most latterly - by post-colonial critics. [See Note on Copyright, infra.]

Multiple Files Single Files

Authors (Multiple Texts)

Roland Barthes ‘The Nautilus and the Drunken Boat’ [1957] (English trans. 1972)
‘The Death of the Author’ (1967), rep. in Image-Music-Text (1977)
Sundry Quotations from the Writings of Roland Barthes
Walter Benjamin ‘The Task of the Translator’ [1923] ( rep. Illuminations, 1968)
‘The Storyteller [in] Nikolai Leskov’ [1936], (rep. Illuminations (1968)
Sundry Quotations from the Writings of Walter Benjamin
Homi K. Bhabha The Location of Culture (1994) - et al.
“DissemiNation” (Nation & Narrative, 1990)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Biographia Literaria (1817)
Literary Remains (1836-39)
Table Talk & Omniana (1835)
The Friend (1812)
The Friend (1837)
Coleridge Listings in NLI Catalogue for 1904
T. S. Eliot The Class and the Elite’, in Notes Towards a Definition of Culture (1948)
Extracts from Selected Essays of T. S. Eliot [New Edn.] (1964)
Franz Fanon The Wretched of the Earth (Fr. 1961], with intro. J. P. Sartre (Eng. 1967)
Sigmund Freud ‘The “Uncanny”’ (1919)
Freud on the “uncanny”
‘Family Romances’ (1909)
‘On Transformations in Instinct as Exemplified in Anal Eroticism’ (1917)
Catherine Gallagher ‘The Rise of Fictionality’, in The Novel (2006)
Do., Short teaching extracts
Eric J. Hobsbaum ‘Building Nations’, in The Age of Capital, 1845-75 (1975)
‘Karl Marx [...]’, ‘Vietnam [...]’, and ‘Class Struggle’, in Revolutionaries (1977)
Karl Marx ‘The Communist Manifesto’ [1848] (trans. Engels, 1888)
Sundry quotations from Marx"s writings of interest for Irish Studies
Walter Pater The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry (1873) - Preface and Conclusion
Marius the Epicurean: His Sensations and Ideas (1885; 1921) - extracts
“Giordano Bruno, Paris, 1586”, in Fortnightly Review (Aug. 1889)
Edward Said Nationalism Colonialism and Literature (1988)
Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism (1993)
Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient (1995) - Intro.
Chap. 1 [Sect. I]: “The Scope of Orientalism”
Chap. 1 [Sect. II]: “The Scope of Orientalism”

Authors (Single Texts)

Classical & Early Modern
Dante Alighieri

19th Century & Before
Francis Bacon
Charles Baudelaire
Homi Bhabha
Madame Blavatsky
G. K. Chesterton
Winston Churchill
Oliver Cromwell
Thomas de Quincey
Benjamin Disraeli
Frederick Douglass
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Friedrich Engels
Henry Fielding
Sigmund Freud
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Henry VIII
G. H. Herder
David Hume
Travers Humphreys
Samuel Johnson
Franz Kafka
John Keats
Charles Kingsley
Rudyard Kipling
John Locke
Guglielmo Marconi
Friedrich Neitzsche
Marcel Proust
La Rochefoucauld
John Ruskin
Viscount Samuel
George Sand
Sir Walter Scott
William Shakespeare
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sydney Smith
William Wordsworth
Arthur Young

20th Century
Al Alvarez
Mohamed Ali
Louis Althusser
Benedict Anderson
Hannah Arendt
Conrad Arensberg
Bill Ashcroft, et al.
Jean Baudrillard
Harold Bloom
Jorge Luis Borges
George Bornstein
Anthony Burgess
Italo Calvino
Rex Cathcart
Christopher Caudwell
J. M. Coetzee
L. P. Curtis
Gilles Delueze
Jacques Derrida
Ernest Gellner
B. J. Gibbons
Antonio Gramsci
Germaine Greer
Geoffrey Grigson
John Gross
L. P. Hartley
Michael Hechter
John Hutchinson
Frederic Jameson
Frank Kermode
F. R. Leavis
Claude Levi-Strauss
George Lukacs
Pierre Macheray
Guglielmo Marconi
Herbert Marcuse
Alberti Memmi
Ashis Nandy
E. R. Norman
George Orwell
Eric Partridge
Marcel Proust
Raja Rao
Paul Ricoeur
Salman Rushdie
Edward Said
Jean-Paul Sartre
Richard Sennett
George Steiner
Annie Thomasson
Tzvetan Todorov
Arnold Toynbee
George M. Trevelyan
Katie Trumpener
Benjamin Lee Whorf
Raymond Williams
W. K. Wimsatt
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Note on Copyright: The rights associated with texts listed here belong to their authors. It hoped that at some future date electronic editions of these and other critical writings held in Ricorso will be included there by means of permissions and commissions and in this way will benefit their authors as well as visitors to the website.  In the meantime, all the files listed here remain accessible to those closely associated with the Ricorso project and by password only providing that the relevant login.php file is not lost or corrupted. Application for access may be made to editor@ricorso.net with no guarantee that access can be granted.
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