Sundry Critical Texts: Index

Irish Critical Classics Various Critical Writings
On Major Irish Writers Reviews & Interviews
International Critics Irish Historical Studies
General Index

Edited Collections Monographs & Papers

The texts held in this region of the website are either tables of contents, whole texts, or shorter extracts from published works of criticism and comprise a small selection of Irish critical discourse assembled here for purposes of research and writing by means of internet search technology. Some might equally be listed under “Irish Critical Classics” and are held here only by reasons of length (extract or full-text) or other website management reasons. [See Note on Copyright, infra.]


Edited Collections
[ chiefly tables of contents ]
Elmer Andrews (1996)
Barfoot & d’Haen (1989)
Brearon & Hughes (2001)
Sarah Briggs, et al. (1998)
Matthew Campbell (2003)
Julia Carlson (1990)
Clare Carroll (2003)
Claire Connolly (2003)
Neil Corcoran (1992)
Dawe & Longley (1985)
Douglas Dunn (1975)
Tadhg Foley (1998)
Jacqueline Genet (1996)
Hayley & Murray (1992)
Joris Duytschaever (1998)
Frank Kernowski (1975)
Hyland & Sammells (1991)
Liam Harte (2007)
Brian J. Graham (1997)
Halliday & Coyle (1994)
Jürgen Kamm (1999)
Aaron Kelly, et al., (2001)
Michael Kenneally (1992)
Michael Kenneally (1995)
Kosok & Zach (1987)
Geert Lernout (1991)
Litvack & Hooper ( 2000)
Edna Longley (1991)
Marshell & Sammells (1985)
Ronald Schliefer (1980)
Augustine Martin (1985)
Donald Morse (1993)
Munira H. Mutran (2005)
Theresa O’Connor (1996)
Patrick O’Sullivan (1997)
Eibhear Walshe (1995)
Westarp & Böss (1998)
Bruce Stewart (1995) [PDF]
Bruce Stewart (1999)
Shaun Richards, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth Century Irish Drama (2004)
*Only the table of contents is provided in many instances

Monographs & Papers
[ Extracts & some full texts; note: A Ricorso password is occasionally required to access these files.]
Michael Allen (1974)
Anna Asiána (1988)
John Barrell (2017)
Ellek Boehmer (1995)
Francis Bickley (1912)
Scott Boltwood (2000)
Joseph Brooker (2014)
Andrew Boyd (2003)
Cyril & Harry (1986)
James Cahalan (1983)
Mary Carr (1999)
Gregory Castle (2001)
Richard Allen Cave (1980)
Richard Cole (1986)
Luke Clancy (2006)
Christopher Craft (1989)
Anthony Cronin (1989)
John Cronin (1990)
Michael Cronin (1996)
Patrick Crotty (2004)
B. Cunningham (1999)
L. P. Curtis (1971)
Tony Curtis (1994)
Seamus Deane (1984)
Gearóid Denvir (1997)
Brian Doherty (1997)
Charles Doherty (1991)
Denis Donoghue (1997)
G. C. Duggan (1937)
Breda Dunne (1990)
Maurice Egan (1904)
Dylan Emerick-Brown (2020) [.pdf]
Bryan Fanning (2017)
Allen Feldman (1979)
Thomas Flannery (2007)
R. F. Foster (1993)
Adrian Frazier (1990)
Robert Garrett (1986)
Luke Gibbons (1997)
Seán Golden (1979)
N. Gordon-Bowe (1988)
Colin Graham (2001)
Nicholas Grene (2005)
Louise Guiney (1897)
A. P. Graves (1913)
tephen Gwynn (1936)
Peter Haining (1987)
Patrick Henchy (1986)
T. R. Henn (1976)
Cheryl Herr (1990)
Edward Hirsch (1991)
Brian Hollingworth (1997)
Michael Hurst (1969)
Rüdiger Imhof (1990)
Ib Johansen (2002)
Peter Kavanagh (1946)
Hugh Kenner (1983)
Sophie Hillan King (1994)
Sybil Le Brocquy (1962)
John Liddy (2003)

Liliane Louvel (2000)
A. E. Malone (1926)
Fiona McIntosh (1994)
Conor McCarthy (2000)
Peter McDonald (2001)
John McCafferty (1998)
Jaki McCarrick (2016)
Patricia McFate (1979)
Philip McGuinness (1997)
Brendan MacNamee
James Mackey (1992)
John Matthews (1991)
Christina Mahony (2004)
Frank Molloy (2004)
Julian Moynihan (1995)
Willa Murphy (2001)
Patrick Maume (1996)
Vic Merriman (1999)
Christopher Morash (1995)
Michael V. Moses (1997)
Daniel Murphy (1987)
Maureen Murphy (2020)
Julian Moynahan (1995)
James H. Murphy (1997)
Christopher Murray (1991)
Patrick Murray (1970)
Munira Mutran (1999)
Munira Mutran (2005)
Allardyce Nicoll (1925)
Éamon Ó Cíosáin (1991)
Frank O’Connor (1967)
Brian Ó Cuív (1996)
Robert O’Driscoll (1982)
Kevin O’Farrell (2013)
Liam de Paor (1998)
Laura Pelaschiar(1998)
Richard Pine (2014)
Patrick Rafroidi (1979)
Thomas Dillon Redshaw (2012)
Kathleen Raine (1981)
W. P. Ryan (1894)
Susan Shaw Sailer (1999)
Loredana Salis (2004)
Damian Smith (1992)
Christopher Smart (1989)
Peter Sirr (2009)
Barry Sloan (1986)
Gerry Smyth (2001)
W. B. Stanford (1976)
Rebecca Stout (2006)
Diane Stubbings (2000)
Colm Tóibín (2011)
Loreto Todd (1989)
Pamela Travers (1981)
Kate Trumpener (1993)
Norman Vance (1990)
Patrick Ward (2002)
George Watson (1989)
Anne O. Weekes (1990)
Charles Welsh (1904)
Masahiko Yahata (1999)

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