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LEM2013 - The Semantics of the English Language - (2023.1 - 3M3456)

Dr. Bruce Stewart DLLEM / CCHLA / UFRN
Professor in English Literature & Language
Reader Emeritus in English / Ulster U (UK)

Bem-vindo! / Welcome!
Timetable Classroom Texts
Auxiliary Texts
Reading Tasks (new)
Course Description


 This page is designed to deliver texts for use in the study of the Semantics of the English Language at UFRN (LEM2013). The main contents of the page are in-class teaching materials which you are invited to study and complete, in cases of exercises. Arising chiefly from the teachers’ change of hands in mid-semester, we are using two textbooks in this course. The first is Meaning in Language by Alan Cruse (2000) which serves very well as general introduction to the subject, especially place of Semantics in Linguistics and its relation to Philosophical Logic. The second textbook is Semantics, written by John Saeed (2007 edn.) which offers a detailed and well-organised study of the Lexical Semantics, Sentence Semantics and Pragmatics. The last topic is handled well in Cruse also.

  Behind both of these lies John Lyons’s Semantics (1972) - an authoritative study which is we will only occasionally visit in the classtoom. (Textbooks by Additional texts such as the Portuguese-language Semântica by Roberta de Oliveira and Pragmática by Joana Plaza Pinto in Fernanda Mussalim’s edited collection Linguistica: Dominíos e fronteiras (Cortez 2001) will also be supplied at some point - and perhaps incorporated in the timetable to replace lost class periods. Evaluations will also be scheduled on irregular days and counted as class meetings for purposes of comprising the required curricular sum of 60 hours (36 hour-long periods). If you have any queries or requests relating to these materials or the platform, please use my email at

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[ Important Notice: All PDF files have now been set for viewing in a separate window when clicked. 02.05.2023.]


In view of changing teachers at a given point in the course and the loss of teaching periods through other causes, I have not been able to use the existing timetable other than by marking blank events which have to be replaced - as indicated in the message above. As time progresses I will make this replacements in SIGAA and announce them to you but I do not anticipate adding them to this timetable. (There now three contexts of information involved - my records, SIGAA, and this webpage.)

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Course Introduction: Syllabus and the Textbook
[to be replaced]
[to be replaced]
Alan Close, Meaning in Language, Chap. 1: Fundamental Notions
Alan Close, Meaning in Language, Chap. 2: Logical Matters
Alan Close, Meaning in Language, Chap. 3: Types and Dimensions of Meaning
Alan Close, Meaning in Language, Chap. 4: Compositionality
John Saeed, Semantics, Chap. 3: Word Meaning
John Saeed, Semantics, Chap. 5: Sentence Semantics 1: Situations
John Saeed, Semantics, Chap. 6: Sentence Semantics 2: Participants
John Saeed, Semantics, Chap. 7: Context and Inference (Deixis)
John Saeed, Semantics, Chap. 8: Function of Language: Speech as Action (Austin)
Alan Close, Meaning in Language, Chap. 11: Extensions of Meaning
Alan Close, Meaning in Language, Chap. 12: Syntagmatic Relations
Alan Close, Meaning in Language, Chap. 14: Semantics & Grammar
Alan Close, Meaning in Language, Chap. 16: Speech Acts
Alan Close, Meaning in Language, Chap. 17: Implicatures
John Saeed, Chap 11: Cognitive Semantics

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Classroom Texts

D. Alan Cruse John I. Saeed

DAlan CruseMeaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics (Oxford 2000)
Full -Text Copy   .pdf .docx scan
Front Pages Table of Contents & Abbreviations .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 1 Fundamental Notions .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 2 Logical Matters .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 3 Types and Dimensions of Meaning .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 4 Compositionality .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 5 Words and Meaning .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 6 Contextual Variability .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 7 Word Meanings and Concepts .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 8 Paradigmatic Sense Relations (Inclusion & Identity) .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 9 Paradigmatic Relations of Inclusion and Exclusion .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 10 Word Fields .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 11 Extensions of Meaning .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 12 Syntagmatic Relations .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 13 Lexical Decomposition .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 14 Semantics & Grammar .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 15 Reference and Deixis .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 16 Speech Acts .pdf .docx scan
Chapter 17 Implicatures .pdf .docx scan
  Conclusion .pdf .docx scan
  Answer Book [pages to be supplied individually in SIGAA] .pdf .docx scan

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D. Alan Cruse John I. Saeed

John Saeed, Semantics (Oxford University Press 2007)
Table of Contents   .pdf .docx scan

Part I: Preliminaries

  Chapter One Semantics in Linguistics .pdf .docx scan
  Chapter Two Meaning, Thought and Reality .pdf .docx scan

Part II: Semantic Description

  Chapter Three Word Meaning .pdf .docx scan
  Chapter Four Sentence Relations of Truth .pdf .docx scan
  Chapter Five Sentence Semantics 1: Situations .pdf .docx scan
  Chapter Six Sentence Semantics 2: Participants .pdf .docx scan
  Chapter Seven Context and Inference .pdf .docx scan
  Chapter Eight Function of Language: Speech as Action .pdf .docx scan

Part III: Theoretical Approaches

  Chapter Nine Meaning Components .pdf .docx scan
  Chapter Ten Formal Semantics .pdf .docx scan
  Chapter Eleven Cognitive Semantics .pdf .docx scan
    Solutions (Answer Book) .pdf .docx scan
Titles in bold are included in the classroom schedule (see Timetable). The others listed here are offered as additional reading. Obviously there is a deliberate order and plan in Saeed’s treatment of the subject and it is therefore a good idea to look at each chapter and see how it fits in the whole. Besides that, there are lots of things to be learned there which are not often assumed and less-often repeated elsewhere in the book.

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Auxiliary Texts

[Viewable in separate window - here ]

Ernst Cassirer, ‘Language’, in Essay on Man [1944] (Yale UP 1972) [Chap. VIII] .pdf .docx
David Crystal, Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (1980; rev. ed. 2008) .pdf  
David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of English (6th Edn. 2008) [full text] .pdf [38.8MB]
Cambridge Encyclopedia of English (6th Edn. 2008) - Pt. 2: Vocabulary
Cambridge Encyclopedia of English (6th Edn. 2008) - Chap. 16: Sentences
H. Paul Grice, Logic and Conversation [Harvard Lecture] (1975) .pdf .docx
Ronald Huddleston, ‘Semantics’, The Grammar of the English Language (2002) [from Intro.] .pdf .docx
John Lyons, Semantics (Cambridge University Press 1977) - brief notes on Reference [BS] .pdf .docx
Roberta de Oliveira, ‘Semântica’, in Linguistica: dominíos e fronteiras, ed. Mussalim (2001) .pdf  
Steven Pinker, The Language Instinct: The New Science of Mind and Language (1994) [full text] .pdf  
  Pinker, "Words, Words, Words" (Language Instinct, 1994) - Chapter 5. .pdf  
Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window on Human Nature (2007)    

Ch. 4 - Cleaving the Air, Sect. 1: Introduction (The Stuff of Thought, 2007)

.pdf .docx

Ch. 4 - Cleaving the Air, Sect. 3: Digital Clock (The Stuff of Thought, 2007)

.pdf .docx
Joana Plaza Pinto, ‘Pragmática’, in Linguistica: dominíos e fronteiras, ed. F. Mussalim (2001) .pdf  
Hilary Putnam, ‘The Meaning of Meaning’, in Minnesota Studies [...] Philosophy of Science (1975) .pdf .docx
Note: PDF files will appear in this window and can be download at the tab; Word files must be saved to your own folders.

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Reading Tasks

Students Chapter Titles links
Andressa Freitas Dos Santos Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought (2007) [Ch. 4; Sect. 3: Digital Clock] .pdf
Ane Karoline Lopes Marque David Crystal, “Vocabulary” (Cambridge Encyc. of English, 2008) .pdf
Arthur Luiz Jeronimo da Silva H. Paul Grice, Logic and Conversation (1975) .pdf
Bruna Fernandes Nunes da Silva Steven Pinker, ‘Words, Words, Words’ (in Language Instinct, 1994) .pdf
Eduardo Jefferson Cunha da Silva Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought (2007) [Ch. 4: Cleaving the Air - Intro.] .pdf
Fabiane Karolina Costa de Souza Roberta de Oliveira, ‘Semântica’ (Mussalim 2001) .pdf
Felype Joseh de Souza L.A. e Silva Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought (2007) [Ch. 4; Sect. 3: Digital Clock] .pdf
Gustavo Augusto Lima de Sousa Ernst Cassirer, ‘Language’, (Essay on Man, 1944) .pdf
Hudson Santos Lima Leite Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought (2007) [Ch. 4; Sect. 3: Digital Clock] .pdf
Isabela Maranhão Amorim Roberta de Oliveira, ‘Semântica’ (ed. Mussalim 2001) .pdf
Isac Karon da Silva Andrade Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought (2007) [Ch. 4: Cleaving the Air - Intro.] .pdf
João Pedro Gomes Coelho Steven Pinker, ‘Words, Words, Words’ (in Language Instinct, 1994) .pdf
Jose Lucas Teixeira da Silva David Crystal, ‘Vocabulary’ (Cambridge Encyc. of English, 2008) .pdf
José Wildiney de Lima Costa R. Huddleston, ‘Semantics’, Grammar of English (2002) .pdf
Leticia Alves Marques David Crystal, ‘Sentences’ (Cambridge Encyc. of English, 2008) .pdf
Leticia Cardoso Lourenco Joana Plaza Pinto, ‘Pragmática’ (ed. Mussalim 2001) .pdf
Lucas Eduardo Bezerra Ferreira H. Putnam, ‘Meaning of Meaning’ (Minnesota Studies 1975) .pdf
Lucas Pereira de Andrade H. Paul Grice, Logic and Conversation (1975) .pdf
Maria Clara Toscano de Medeiros R. Huddleston, ‘Semantics’, Grammar of English (2002) .pdf
Maria de Lourdes Brito M. de Farias Joana Plaza Pinto, ‘Pragmática’ (ed. Mussalim 2001) .pdf
Pedro José Garcia de Menezes Steven Pinker, Stuff of Thought (2007) [Ch. 4; Cleaving the Air - Intro.] .pdf
Rafael Pedro Gomes da Silva R. Huddleston, ‘Semantics’, Grammar of English (2002) .pdf
Rafaela Lemos Macedo David Crystal, ‘Vocabulary’ (Cambridge Encyc. of English, 2008) .pdf
Renata Nobre Bezerra H. Putnam, ‘Meaning of Meaning’ (Minnesota Studies 1975) .pdf
Tailson Vasconcelos Rodrigues Ernst Cassirer, ‘Language’, (Essay on Man, 1944) .pdf
Válber Rodrigo Ribeiro de Medeiros Steven Pinker, ‘Words, Words, Words’ (in Language Instinct, 1994) .pdf
Victor Hugo de Almeida Araujo H. Paul Grice, Logic and Conversation (1975) .pdf
Willian Cesar de Castro Faria Ernst Cassirer, ‘Language’ (Essay on Man 1972) .pdf

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Course Description

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas

Componente Curricular:


Carga Horária:

60 horas

Unidade Responsável:


Tipo do Componente: DISCIPLINA


Estudo teórico-prático dos aspectos semânticos da língua inglesa: significado linguístico e significado discursivo, significado e verdade, sentido e referência contemplados em contextos sociohistóricos, culturais internacionais, no que concerne o processo de ensino/aprendizagem e processos de aquisição da língua inglesa como língua adicional.
Modalidade: Presencial

Dados do Programa

Ano-Período:  2023.1


Apresentar, analisar e discutir os aspectos semânticos da língua inglesa a partir de uma abordagem teórico-prática para que se possa encaminhar a discussão tanto (a) para a relevância da semântica na formação profissional do aluno de Letras quanto para (b) os aspectos de como os conteúdos estudados podem ser transformados pedagogicamente para a prática docente do professor de inglês como língua estrangeira em diferentes contextos.

Módulo I
  A Semântica e seu objeto
O que é semântica
Significado, sentido e referência
Módulo II
  Semântica Formal, Semântica Argumentativa e Significação
Palavra, sentença, enunciado e proposições
Verdade lógica e condições de verdade
Linguagem e subjetividade
Linguagem e argumentação
Análise componencial
Polissemia, sinonímia e homonímia
Módulo III
  Semântica, Pragmática, Análise do Discurso e o Ensino de Línguas
A Semântica e sua relação com outras ciências da linguagem
A Semântica e sua aplicação ao ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira


Aulas expositivas, discussão dos temas selecionados, exercícios de análise semântica realizados individualmente e em grupos, pesquisa e análise de materiais didáticos utilizados no ensino de inglês e a abordagem utilizada para o ensino dos aspectos semânticos da língua.


A avaliação será contínua e levará em conta a participação em trabalhos de classe, nas discussões dos textos, participação em seminários e outras atividades desenvolvidas em aula. Serão utilizados também relatos de ensino e aprendizagem, além de 3 avaliações escritas, uma para cada módulo do curso.

Referências Bibliográficas
English titles
  • CRUSE, A. Meaning in Language – An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (Oxford University Press 2004).
  • FROMKIN, V; RODMAN, R.; HYAMS, N. ‘The Meaning of Language’, in An Introduction to Language (Boston: Wadswoth 2009).
  • HURFORD, J. E HEASLEY, B. 1989. Semantics: A Coursebook (Cambridge Univesity Press).
  • LEECH, G. 1981. Semantics [1974] (Penguin Books 1981).
  • LYONS, J. Language, Meaning and Context (Cambridge University Press 1977).
  • SAEED, J, Semantics (Oxford University Press 2007)
Portuguese titles
  • OLIVEIRA, ROBERTA PIRES DE, ‘Semântica’, in Introdução à Linguística, Vol. 2: Domínios e Fronteiras, ed. Fernanda Mussalim & Ana Cristina Bentes (Cortez 2017), pp.15-46.
  • PINTO, JOANA PLAZA, ‘Pragmâtica’, in Ibid., pp.47-68.
Note; Numerous Semantics textbooks are available at PDF Drive - online - including some of these.

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