The short list ... |
Lavin, Mary
Lawless, Emily
Le Fanu, J. Sheridan
Lecky, W. E. H. |
Ledwidge, Francis
Leitch, Maurice
Lever, Charles
Longley, Michael
Lover, Samuel
Lynch, John (d.1673)
Lynch, Patrick
Lynd, Robert |
Index of Authors & Journals - L
LEstrange, Joseph, to Lecky, Thomas |
LEstrange, Joseph
Laffan, May [Hartley]
Laffan, Michael
Laird, Nick
Lally, Soinbhe
Lally, Thomas Arthur
Lalor, James Fintan
Lamb, Hilda
Lambert, Dorothy
Lamont, Elish
Lane, Denny
Lane, Hugh [Sir]
Lane, Temple
Lane, Timothy
Lane, Timothy ONeill
Langbridge, Frederick
Langbridge, Rosamund
Langrishe, Hercules [Sir]
Langrishe, Mary
Langtry-Lynas, J.
Lanigan, James
Lanigan, John [Rev.]
Lanyon, Charles [sir]
Laoide, Seosamh
Larcom, Thomas
Lardner, Dionysius
Large, Dorothy [Mrs]
Larkin, Emmet
Larkin, James
Larkin, Mary A.
Larminie, William
Latimer, W. T. [Rev.]
Latocnaye, Le Chevalier de
Laughlin, James
Lavelle, Patricia
Lavelle, Patrick [Fr.]
Lavelle, Thomas
Laverty, Maura
Laverty, Paul
Lavery, Felix
Lavery, John [Sir]
Lavin, Mary
Law, Bonar
Law, Hugh (1818-1883)
Law, Hugh Alexander
Lawler, C. F.
Lawler, Dennis
Lawless, Emily
Lawless, John
Lawless, Matthew
Lawless, Valentine Browne
Lawless, William
Lawlor, Denis Shine
Lawlor, Hugh Jackson
Lawrence, Henry M.
Lawrence, Richard [Col.]
Lawrence, T. D.
Lawrence, T. E.
Lawrence, T. D. [Col.]
Lawrence, W. J.
Lawson, Edward
Lawson, James Anthony
Lawson, John
Leadbeater, Lydia
Leadbeater, Mary
Leahy, A. H.
Leahy, E.
Leahy, Patrick
Leamy, Edmund
Leared, Arthur
Leask, Harold G.
le Brocquy, Louis
Le Brocquy, Sybil
Le Caron, Henri
Lecky, Thomas |
Lecky, W. E. H., to Logue, Patrick |
Lecky, W. E. H.
Ledwich, Edward
Ledwidge, Francis
Lee, Joseph
Lee, Sophia
Lee, Thomas
Leech, William
Leerssen, Joep
Leeson, Margaret
Le Fanu, Alicia (b.1753)
Le Fanu, Alicia (b.1791)
Le Fanu, J. Sheridan
Le Fanu, Peter
Le Fanu, Philip
Le Fanu, Sarah
Le Fanu, William
Lefevre, G
Lefroy, Thomas L.
Lefroy, William
Leighton, Maria
Leitch, Maurice
Leland, Mary
Leland, Thomas
Lemass, Seán
Lenihan, D. M. |
Lenihan, Edmund
Lenihan, Maurice
Lennon, John (fl.1843)
Lennon, John
Lentin, Ronit
Leonard, Hugh
Lepper, John
Lepper, John Heron
Leslie, Anita
Leslie, Desmond
Leslie, John
Leslie, Mary Isabel
Leslie, Shane [Sir]
Lester, Sean
Letts, Winifred M.
Leventhal, A. J.
Lever, Charles
Levine, June
Lewis, C. S.
Lewis, John
Lewis, Richard
Lewis, Samuel
Leyden, Brian
Lhuyd, Edward
Liddiard, William [Rev.]
Liddy, James
Lindsay, John
Lindsay, Robert
Graham Linehan
Linehan, Fergus
Lingard, Joan
Linin, P. D.
Linn, John Blair [Rev.]
Linton, William James
Lithgow, R. A. D.
Little, Arthur
Little, George A.
Lloyd, Bartholomew
Lloyd, Charles D. C.
Lloyd, David
Lloyd, Edward
Lloyd, Humphrey
Lloyd, John
Lloyd, Sylvester
Lloyd, William
Lobo, George Edmund
Lockington, W. J.
Lodge, John
Loftus, Adam
Logan, Patrick |
Logue, Antonia, to Lytton, Rosina [Lady] |
Logue, Antonia
Logue, Michael [Card.]
Lombard, Peter
LDerry, Bishop [Hervey]
LDerry, Marquis
LDerry, Marchioness
LDerry, 2nd Marquis
LDerry, 3rd Marquis
Long, Arthur
Longfield, Cynthia
Longfield, Ada Kathleen
Longford [family]
Longley, Edna
Longley, Michael
Love, Stewart
Lover, Samuel
Lowe, Hudson [Sir]
Luby, Thomas
Luby, Thomas Clarke
Lucan (Patrick Sarsfield)
Lucas, Charles
Lucas, Frederick
Luce, Arthur Aston |
Luckombe, Philip
Lucy, Seán
Luibheid, Tomas
Lundy, Robert
Luttrell, Henry
Lynam, Shevawn
Lynam, William F. [Col.]
Lynch, Alexander
Lynch, Arthur
Lynch, Brian
Lynch, Declan
Lynch, Eliza
Lynch, E. M.
Lynch, Hannah
Lynch, Henry
Lynch, Jack
Lynch, James
Lynch, John (d.1673)
Lynch, John (b.1961)
Lynch, Liam (b.1937)
Lynch, Liam
Lynch, Martin
Lynch, Patricia |
Lynch, Patrick
Lynch, Paul
Lynch, Richard
Lynch, Stanislaus
Lynd, Robert
Lynn, Adam
Lynn, Pauline
Lynott, Phil
Lyons, F. S. L.
Lyons, Genevieve
Lyons, J. B.
Lyons, J. K.
Lysaght, Edward (b.1763)
Lysaght, Edward (b.1887)
Lysaght, Séan
Lysaght, Sidney Royse
Lyte, Henry Francis
Lyttle, W. G.
Lytton, E. B. [Lord]
Lytton, Rosina [Lady] |