The short list ... |
Gamble, John
Gibbons, Luke
Gilbert, John [Sir]
Giraldus Cambrensis
Goldsmith, Oliver
Gore-Booth, Eva
Grattan, Henry
Graves, A. P. |
Gregory, Augusta
Griffith, Arthur
Griffin, Gerald
Gwynn, Stephen |
Index of Authors & Journals - G
Mariella Gable [Sr.], to Gilbert of Louth |
Gable, Mariella [Sr.]
Gaffey, M. H. [Rev.]
Gaffney, J. J. [Rev.]
Gage, Thomas [Rev.]
Gageby, Douglas
Gahan, William [Rev.]
Gallagher, Brian
Gallagher, Frank
Gallagher, James [Bishop]
Gallagher, Lee
Gallagher, Mia
Gallagher, Patrick
Gallaher, Frances M.
Gallen, John
Galligan, Frank
Gallivan, G. P.
Galvin, Patrick
Galvin, John
Galway, Honoria
Gamble, Frederick
Gamble, John
Gamble, R. W.
Gandon, James
Gandy, James
Ganly, Andrew
Ganly, Patrick
Gannon, Nicholas John
Gardiner, Luke
Gardiner, Matthew
Garland, David John
Garrett, James Ramsay
Garrick, David
Garrity, D. A.
Garvin, John
Garvin, Tom
Gaskin, Catherine
Gaskin, James J.
Gaskin, John
Gast, John
Gatty, Alfred [Mrs.]
Gearnon, Antoin
Gébler, Carlo
Gébler, Ernest
Geddes, Wilhelmina
Geldof, Bob
Gent, Thomas
Gentleman, Francis
Geoghegan, Arthur Gerald
Geoghegan, James [Rev.]
Geoghegan-Quinn, Máire
Gerard, William [Sir]
Gernon, Luke
Getty, Edmund
Gibbings, Robert
Gibbon, Monk
Gibbons, Luke
Gibbons, Margaret
Gibson, Charles B. [Rev.]
Gibson, Edw. [Ashbourne]
Gibson, Ian
Gibson, Violet
Giffard, John
Gifford, Countess
Gifford, Grace
Gifford, Sydney
Gilbert, George
Gilbert, John [Sir]
Gilbert, Stephen
Gilbert of Louth |
Elizabeth Eliza Gilbert (Lola Montez) |
Henry Joseph Gill to Daphne Gray |
Gill, Henry Joseph
Gill, Michael Henry
Gill, T. P.
Gillece, Karen
Gillis, Alan
Gilmore, George
Giraldus Cambrensis
Giltinan, Donal
Given, Thomas
Gladstone, W. E. H.
Glass, James [Rev.]
Glavin, Anthony (b.1945)
Glavin, Anthony (b.1946)
Gleeson, Evelyn
Glenavy, Lady
Glenavy, Lord
Glendinning, Robert
Glendinning, Victoria
Glover, Edward
Glynn, Joseph Aloysius
Godfroi of Waterford
Godkin, Edwin Laurence
Godkin, James
Godley, Maude |
Godley, John [Kilbracken]
Godwin, William
Gógan, Liam
Gogarty, Oliver St. John
Goldsmith, Oliver
Gonne, Maud
Good, James
Goodfellow, Kathleen
Goodman, James
Gookin, Vincent
Gookin, Vincent [Sir]
Goold, Thomas
Gordon, James B. [Rev.]
Gordon, J. E.
Gore, Albert Augustus
Gore-Booth, Constance
Gore-Booth, Eva
Gorham, Maurice
Gorman, Michael
Gorman, Rody
Gougaud, Louis [Dom]
Gough, Hugh [Sir]
Gough, Julian
Goulding, Basil [Sir]
Grady, Thomas |
Graham, Brendan
Graham, John (b.1774)
Graham, John (b.1822))
Graham, Matthew Moore
Gramont, Antoine de
Grand, Sarah
Granier, Mark
Grant, J.
Grattan, Henry
Grattan, H. P.
Grattan, Thomas Colley
Grattan, William [Lieut.]
Grattan Flood, W. H.
Graves, A. P.
Graves, Arnold
Graves, Charles
Graves, C. L.
Graves, Clara
Graves, Clotilde
Graves, Robert (b.1797)
Graves, Robert (b.1895)
Graves, Robert Perceval
Gray, Betsy
Gray, Daphne |
Eileen Gray to Brion Gysin |
Gray, Eileen
Gray, John
Gray, John [Sir]
Gray, Nigel
Gray, Tony
Greacen, Robert
Greally, Hanna
Greaves, Desmond
Green, Alice Stopford
Green, E. R. R.
Green, F. L.
Green, Harry Plunkett
Green, Henry
Greene, Angela
Greene, David W.
Greene, David H.
Greene, George
Greenwood, J
Greer, Patrick
Greer, Thomas
Gregg, John
Gregg, John A. F.
Gregg, J. R. H.
Gregg, Robert Samuel |
Gregg, Tresham Dames
Gregory, Anne
Gregory, Augusta [Lady]
Gregory, Jarlath
Gregory, Padraic
Gregory, Robert
Gregory, William Henry
Greig, Dennis
Grennan, Eamon
Greville, Violet
Grierson, Constantia
Grierson, Francis
Grierson, George
Grierson, Robert [Rev.]
Griffin, Gerald (b.1803)
Griffin, Gerald
Griffin, Victor
Griffith, Amyas
Griffith, Arthur
Griffith, Elizabeth
Griffith, Richard [Sir]
Griffith, Richard (b.1704)
Griffith, Richard (b.1753)
Grikble, Augustus |
Grimshaw, Beatrice
Grimshaw, William
Groarke, Vona
Grose, Francis
Groves, Edward
Gubbens, Charlotte
Guckian, Mary
Guinan, John
Guinan, Joseph [Canon]
Guiney, Louise Imogen
Guinness, Bryan
Guinness, Desmond [ Hon.]
Guinness, Selina
Gunn, John
Guthrie, Tyrone [Sir]
Gwynn, Aubrey
Gwynn, Denis
Gwynn, E. J.
Gwynn, John
Gwynn, Lucius
Gwynn, R. M.
Gwynn, Stephen
Gysin, Brion |