Contents: A-Z Datasets provide comprehensive biographical & bibliographical information on 5,000 Irish authors along with extracts from their works and commentaries on them. Irish serial publications are
treated in a similar fashion.
Getting In: Each alphabetical listing (A-Z) be reached at any time by clicking on the left-hand frame. Authors are listed by surname (e.g., “Carleton, William”) and journals by title without the article (e.g., The Honest Ulsterman under “H”).
Browsing: Once you have reached a given author you can browse through seven types of information by clicking the corresponding button in the navigation bar - i.e., Life, Works, Criticism, Commentary, References, Quotations & Notes.
Click the buttons on the left to move to another region of the website - i.e., “Bibliography”, “Library”, “Gazette”, “Bulletin”, &c. (The “Author” index in the right-hand frame is only visible when you are in this region - as now.)
You can move around by means of the Back & Forward buttons in your browser. Alternately, you can turn off the Standard Toolbar for more screen-space and use the key-combinations <Alt+Left Arrow> and <Alt+Right Arrow>.