Authors A-Z: Index

[ The alphabetical index remains visible in the left-hand frame whichever letter you pick. M or Mac will take you to Mac/Mc.]

Irish literary journals are included by title under each the alphabetical listings - as above. Irish Studies journal can be met with separately under Bibliography with copious tables of contents - as infra.

Contents: A-Z Datasets provide comprehensive biographical & bibliographical information on 5,000 Irish authors along with extracts from their works and commentaries on them. Irish serial publications are treated in a similar fashion.

Getting In: Each alphabetical listing (A-Z) be reached at any time by clicking on the left-hand frame. Authors are listed by surname (e.g., “Carleton, William”) and journals by title without the article (e.g., The Honest Ulsterman under “H”).

Browsing: Once you have reached a given author you can browse through seven types of information by clicking the corresponding button in the navigation bar - i.e., Life, Works, Criticism, Commentary, References, Quotations & Notes.

Navigation: Click the buttons on the left to move to another region of the website - i.e., “Bibliography”, “Library”, “Gazette”, “Bulletin”, &c. (The “Author” index in the right-hand frame is only visible when you are in this region - as now.)

History: You can move around by means of the ‘Back’ & ‘Forward’ buttons in your browser. Alternately, you can turn off the Standard Toolbar for more screen-space and use the key-combinations <Alt+Left Arrow> and <Alt+Right Arrow>.

Most extensive records...

W. B. Yeats James Joyce Samuel Beckett Flann O’Brien Seamus Heaney

Unlikely giants ...

Edmund Spenser St. Patrick Thomas Carlyle Edmund Burke

Some recently edited pages ...

During Sept. 2023—Aug. 2024 a thorough sweep has been made of all pages emending code formats and adjusting pages design. Similtaneously, a great number of author's pages and library texts have been edited or added innumerable great and small adjustments have been made to the records on very many pages. The following list of files under B in the author-alphabetical region of the website is merely indicative of the wider number under all other letters which have received significant attention as to content of each kind corresponding to the headings Life, Works, Criticism, Commentary, Quotation, Reference & Notes in that period. Just because there are no updates listed on this page doesn’t mean I haven’t been editing and even adding files ...!!!!
August 2024
Gerry Adams C. F. Alexander Molly Allgood Sara Allgood
Wiliam Allingham Elmer Andrews John Anster Mervyn Archdall
Richard Archdekin Matthew Arnold Francis Bacon John Bale
John Banim Michael Banim Mary Banim Mary Barber
Alex Barclay E. S. Barrett George Barrett (Elder) George Barrett (Younger)
John Barrett Sir Jonah Barrington David Barry [Lo:] James Barry [Santry]
James Barry (d.1806) Sebastian Barry Thomas Bartlett William Bathe
Arnold Bax Samuel Beckett William Bedell Richard Bellings
George Berkeley Isaac Bickerstaffe F. T. Blackwood [Dufferin] Helen Blackwood
Edmund Borlase Wiliam G. Borlase Dion Boucicault Robert Bourke
Ulick Bourke Ernest Boyd Henry Boyd (d.1832) Hugh Macauley Boyd
Francis Boyle Richard Boyle [1st Earl] Roger Boyle [Orrery] Robert Boyle [Hon.]
Samuel Boyse Anne M. Brady W. Maziere Brady George Brittaine
Charlotte Brooke Francis Brooke Gustavus V. Brooke Henry Brooke
Stopford Alice Brooke Stephen Brown Terence Brown Peter Browne
William Buckley William Bulfin Sean Fadh Bullock Edward Bunting
Walter Hussey Burgh Edmund Burke Thomas Henry Burke Robert Burrowes
William Burrowes Frederick W. Burton Isaac Butt  
Josephine Hart Charles Johnstone Eleanor Hull Lady Gregory
March 2023
      Louis MacNeice
Maurice Scully Mary O’Donnell Declan Kiberd Seamus Heaney
Uh .., hundreds of pages edited and thousands of minor emendations made during 2022 not noticed in this year !!
[... occasional records ..]
April 2021
Seamus Deane Gerald Griffin Stanislaus Joyce Luke Gibbons
March 2021
Kate O’Brien Sybil Le Brocquy Patrick Kavanagh Frank )’Connor
February 2021
[...] St. Thomas (under Joyce) Michael Longley  
January 2021
  Flann O’Brien Tony O’Malley P. S. O’Hegarty
December 2020
Frank Sheehy-Skeffington Hanna Lynch Alice Stopford Green Norah Hoult
Jennifer Johnson Jaki McCarrick Dorothy Macardle Caoillin Hughes
November 2020
  [...] Medbh McGuckian Louis le Brocquy
Geoffrey Taylor Hannah Lynch Thomas Kinsella Pierce Egan
September 2020
[...] Dermot Bolger Kevin Myers  
  Patrick Pearse George Russell Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa
June 2020
James Stephens John McGahern James Larkin Annemarie Ní Churreáin
George Roberts George Moore Francis Ledwidge John Redmond
December 2017
Desmond O’Grady Andrew Donlevy Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill Henry O’Brien
Mrs Despard Samuel Beckett James Barry

Francis Bacon

Sept 2017
    [...] Eimear McBride
Douglas Hyde Bram Stoker Seamus Deane Sir Richard Burton
Eimar McBride Maria Edgeworth James Connolly Jonathan Swift
June 2017
[...] [...] [...] Eugene O’Curry
Sebastian Barry James Connolly Roger Casement Brian Fallon
Feb. 2017
Sebastian Barry Eamon de Valera Colm Tóibín [...]
tempus fugit ...
March 2015
[...] Edmund Curtis William Bathe
February 2015
... Dermot A. MacManus Charles O’Conor William Bedell
Sidney Owenson (Morgan) Laurence Halloran Alan Titley  
January 2015
[...] [...] [...] Trevor Joyce
Michael Longley Aodhan Madden F. Sheehy Skeffington Seán Lysaght
D. D. Sheehan Charles Stewart Parnell John Redmond Sir Hugh Lane
December 2014
[...] [...] Maurice Walsh Lola Montez
[ No attempt was made to log daily alterations to RICORSO files before this date. ]

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