The short list ... |
Shaw, G. B.
Sheridan, R. B.
Sheridan, Thos. (b.1687)
Sheil, Richard Lalor
Sigerson, George |
Simmons, James
Smithson, Annie M. P.
Somerville & Ross
Spenser, Edmund
Stephens, James (d.1950) |
Sterne, Laurence
Stoker, Bram
Stuart, Francis
Swift, Jonathan
Synge, John Millington |
Index of Authors & Journals - S
Franc Sadleir to Francis Sheridan |
Sadleir, Franc
Sadleir, John
Sadleir, Mary Anne
Sadler, Michael T.
Sadlier, Anna F.
Said, Edward W.
Salinger, William
Salkeld, Blanaid
Salkeld, Cecil
Sall, Andrew
Salmon, George
Salmon, John H.
Sampson, William
Sanderson, Robert
Sands, Bobby
Sankey, Richard H.[Sir]
Sarma, Ursula Rani
Sarr, Kenneth
Sarsfield, Patrick
Saunderson, Edw. [Col.]
Saurin, William
Savage, John
Savage, Marmion W.
Savage, Armstrong G. F.
Sayers, Jack
Sayers, Peig
Scanlan, Patricia
Scanlon, Michael
Scoltock, Jack
Scott, Michael
Scott, C.
Scott, John |
Scott, Michael
Scrope, G. P.
Scully, Denis
Scully, Maurice
Sean, Torpeist
Sebright, John [Sir]
Sedgwick, C. A.
Sedulius, Coelius
Sedulius, Scotus
Segrave, Michael
Semple, John
Seward, William W.
Sewell, Frank
Sexton, John
Seymour, St. John D
Shackelton, Abraham
Shackleton, Betsy
Shackleton, Ernest H., [Sir]
Shackleton, Richard
Shadwell, Charles
Shadwell, Thomas
Shanahan, Eileen
Shanly, Charles Dawson
Shannon, Cathal
Shannon, Edward N.
Share, Bernard
Sharp, E. A.
Sharp, William
Sharpe, Anne
Shaw, Flora Louisa
Shaw, Francis [Fr.]
Shaw, George Bernard |
Shawe-Taylor, John
Shea, David
Shea, John
Shea, John Augustus
Shea, Patrick
Sheane, Michael
Sheares, Henry
Sheares, John
Shearman, Hugh
Shee, Martin Archer [Sir]
Shee, William [Sir]
Sheed, Frank J.
Sheehan, D. D. [Capt.]
Sheehan, John
Sheehan, P. A. [Canon]
Sheehan, Ronan
Sheehan, V.
Sheehy, David
Sheehy, Michael
Sheehy, Edward
Sheehy, Eugene [Fr.]
Sheehy, Eugene
Sheehy, Nicholas [Fr.]
Sheehy Skeffingon, Francis
Sheehy Skeffingon, Hanna
Skeffington, Owen
Sheil, Richard Lalor
Sheppard, Oliver
Shepperson, Janet
Sheridan, Charles F.
Sheridan, Caroline H.
Sheridan, Frances |
Helen Sheridan to George Steele, John Haughton |
Sheridan, Helen [Dufferin]
Sheridan, Jim
Sheridan, John D.
Sheridan, Margaret
Sheridan, Niall
Sheridan, Peter
Sheridan, R. B.
Sheridan,Thos. (b.1646)
Sheridan,Thos. (b.1687)
Sheridan,Thos. (b.1719)
Sheridan, Thos. (d.1749)
Sheridan, Tom
Sheridan, William
Sherlock, Martin
Sherlock, Paul
Sherlock, Richard
Shields, Arthur
Shiels, George
Shiels, Robert
Shirley, James
Shorter, Dora Sigerson
Shute, Nevil
Sidney, Philip [Sir]
Sigerson, Dora
Sigerson, George
Sigerson, Hester
Sigerson, Hester (b.1828)
Silliard, P. A.
Simmons, Barth.
Simmons, James
Simms, J. G.
Simons, J.
Sinclair, Arthur
Singleton, Norry
Sinnich, John |
Sirr, Henry [Major]
Sirr, Peter
Skrabanek, Peter
Skeffington, Francis
Skelton, Robin
Skelton, Philip
Skinner, Knute
Slade, Jo
Slingsby, Freke
Sloan, Edward L.
Sloane, Hans [Sir]
Smedley, Jonathan [Rev.]
Smith, Charles
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Erasmus
Smith, G.
Smith, Michael
Smith, Paul
Smith, Sydney Bernard
Smithson, Annie M. P.
Smyllie, R. M.
Smyth, Ailbhe
Smyth, Edward
Smyth, Gerard
Smyth, Patrick James
Smyth, Thomas Alexander
Smyth, William (b.1765)
Smyth, William (b.1813)
Smythe, Colin
Smythe, James Moore
Smythe, P. C. S. [Strangford]
Smythe, Thomas
Solomon, Estella
Somerville, Edith |
Somerville-Large, Peter
Souter, Camille
Southerne, Thomas
Sparling, H. Halliday
Speed, John
Spenser, Edmund
Spottiswood, James
Spring Rice, Mary
Springfield, Dusty
Squires, Geoffrey
St. James, James [Dr.]
St. John Gogarty, Oliver
St. John, Pete
Stack, Edward
Stack, Richard
Stacpoole, Henry de Vere
Stafford, Alexis
Stafford, Maelíosa
Stafford, Thomas [Sir]
Standún, Pádraig
Stanford, Charles Stuart
Stanford, Charles V. [Sir]
Stanford, W. B.
Stanley, Mary
Stanyhurst, Richard
Stapleton, Theobald
Starkey, Digby Pilot
Starkey, James Sullivan
Starkie, Enid
Starkie, Walter
Staunton, Michael
Stawell, Wm. Foster [Sir]
Stayley, George
Stearne, John
Steele, John Haughton |
Richard Steele [Sir] to William Webb Synge |
Steele, Richard [Sir]
Stembridge, Gerry
Stephens, Edward
Stephens, Henry P.
Stephens, Henry Pottinger
Stephens, James (b.1825)
Stephens, James (d.1950)
Stephenson, John
Stephenson, Samuel M.
Sterling, James [Rev.]
Sterne, John (b.1624)
Sterne, John (b.1660)
Sterne, Laurence
Steuart, James
Stevens, George Alexander
Stevenson, John
Stevenson, John [Sir]
Stewart, Agnes M.
Stewart, Alexander
Stewart, A. T. Q.
Stewart, E.
Stewart, E. M.
Stewart, John D.
Stewart, Robert [Castlereagh]
Stewart, S. A.
Stock, Joseph
Stockley, William F. P.
Stoker, Bram
Stokes, George T. |
Stokes, Margaret
Stokes, Whitley (b.1763)
Stokes, Whitley (b.1830)
Stokes, William (b.1804)
Stokes, William [Sir]
Stone, George
Story, George
Stott, Thomas
Strafford, Earl of
Strahan, James Andrew
Strickland, W. G.
Strong, Eithne
Strong, L. A. G.
Strong, Rupert
Stuart, Charles
Stuart, Francis
Stuart, James
Stubbs, Jean
Stuckley, Thomas
Suibne mac Maelumnha
Sullivan, A. M. (b.1830)
Sullivan, A. M. (b.1871)
Sullivan, Barry
Sullivan, Edward [Sir]
Sullivan, John [Gen.]
Sullivan, Mortimer
Sullivan, Richard Joseph
Sullivan, T. D.
Sullivan, William Francis
Sullivan, William K.
Supple, Gerald Henry
Swanzy, Mary
Sweeney, Declan
Sweeney, Eamon
Sweeney, Matthew
Sweetman, Elinor Mary
Sweetman, Gerard
Sweetman, John
Sweetman, Mary E.
Sweetman, Milo [Archb.]
Sweetman, Rosita
Sweetman, Walter
Swift, Carolyn
Swift, Deane (b.1707)
Swift, Deane (fl.1790)
Swift, Edmund Lewis
Swift, Jonathan
Swift, Theophilus
Sylvius Jacobus
Symon Semionis
Synge, Charles
Synge, Edward (b.1659)
Synge, Edward (b.1691)
Synge, Edward [Archb.]
Synge, Francis
Synge, George
Synge, John Millington
Synge, William Webb |