
The short list ...
Cambrensis [Giraldus]
Campbell, Joseph
Carleton, William
Carolan, Turlough
Carr, Marina
Carson, Ciaran
Cary, Joyce
Casement, Roger
Clarke, Austin
Croker, T. Crofton
Curran, John Philpot
Curry, John (b.1710)

Recently edited ...
[Sir] John Carr

Index of Authors & Journals - C

Authors Journals

John Caball to Robert Carr
Caball, John
Caddell, Cecilia Mary
Caffyn, Kathleen (“IOTA”)
Cairnes, John Elliot
Cairns, Hugh [Earl Cairns]
Calcraft, J. W.
Caldwell, James [Sir]
Caldwell, Lucy
Callaghan, John
Callaghan, Louise C.
Callaghan, Mary Rose
Callan, Nicholas Joseph
Callanan, Helena
Callanan, J. J.
Callwell, J. M.
Cambrensis [Giraldus]
Camden, William
Campbell, Agnes
Campbell, Beatrice
Campbell, Charles
Campbell, Flann
Campbell, Frances
Campbell, George
Campbell, Gertrude
Campbell, H. M.
Campbell, J.
Campbell, James
Campbell, J. H. M.
Campbell, J. J.
Campbell, John
Campbell, John (b.1936)
Campbell, Joseph
Campbell, Mary
Campbell, Michael
Campbell, Nancy
Campbell, Patrick
Campbell, Thomas (b.1777)
Campbell, Thomas (fl.1807)
Campbell, Thomas [Rev.]
Campbell, William [Rev.]
Campion, Edmund
Campion, John
Cane, Robert [Dr.]
Cantwell, Andrew
Canning, Alfred Stratford
Canning, George (b.1730)
Canning, George (b.1770)
Cannon, Moya
Carbery, Ethna
Carbery, Mary
Carew, George [Sir]
Carew, P. J. [Rev.]
Carey, Henry
Carey, James
Carey, James (b.1845)
Carey, John
Carey, Matthew
Carey, William
Carey, William Paulet
Carleton, William
Carlin, Francis
Carlyle, Thomas
Carmichael, Andrew
Carmichael, Richard
Carnduff, Thomas
Carney, Frank
Carney, James
Carolan, Turlough
Carpenter, Andrew
Carpenter, Joseph E.
Carr, Hugh
Carr, John [Sir]
Carr, Marina
Carr, Robert

[ back ] [ top ]

Ruth Carr to S. M. Christina
Carr, Ruth
Carroll, Patrick [Rev.]
Carroll, Paul Vincent
Carson, Ciáran
Carson, Edward [Sir]
Carson, William A.
Carsuel, Seon
Carte, Thomas
Carthy, Charles [Rev]
Carty, Francis
Carty, James
Carve, Thomas
Carver, Robert
Carville, Daragh
Cary, Elizabeth
Cary, Henry Francis
Cary, Joyce
Casement, Kathleen
Casement, Roger [Sir]
Casey, E. O. Blackburne
Casey, James [Rev.]
Casey, John
Casey, John Keegan
Casey, Juanita
Casey, Kevin
Casey, Philip
Casey, William Francis
Cashman, Seamus
Casserley, Ann
Casserley, Gordon [Col.]
Castillo, John
Castle, Agnes Egerton [Mrs]
Castlehaven, Earl of
Castlereagh, Viscount
Caulfield, Edward H
Caulfeild, James [Lord Charlemont]
Caulfield, Max
Caulfield, Richard
Cavanagh, Maeve
Ceannt, Eamonn
Centlivre, Susannah
Chaigneau, William
Chalmer, Patrick R
Chambers, Anne
Chamberlaine, Frances
Chamberlaine, Walter [Rev.]
Chapman, Derek
Chart, D. A.
Chapman, Mary Francis
Charlemont, Earl of
Charles, Mrs Rundle
Charleville [Lord]
Charlton, Maureen
Cheasty, James
Chenevix, Richard (b.1698)
Chenevix, Richard (b.1774)
Chenevix, Richard [Archb.]
Cherry, Andrew
Chesney, Chas. Cornwallis
Chesney, F. R. [Gen.]
Chesson, Nora
Chesterfield [Lord]
Chesterton, G. K.
Chetwood, W. R.
Cheyney, Peter
Chichester, Arthur [Lord]
Chichester, Arthur [Sir]
Chichester, Frederick R.
Childers, Erskine (d.1922)
Childers, Erskine Hamilton
Childers, Robert Barton
Christina, S. M.

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Basil Chubb to Peter Fenelon Collier
Chubb, Basil
Church, Richard [Sir]
Church, Samuel Harden
Ciaran, St.
Cibber, Theophilus
Cináed Ó hArtacáin
Citron, Lana
Claffey, Anne
Clancy, Michael
Clancy, Willie
Clanricarde [Burgh]
Clarkin, Sean
Clare, Anthony
Clare, Lord [Fitzgibbon]
Clarendon, Earl of
Clark, William Smith
Clarke, Adam
Clarke, Aidan
Clarke, Austin
Clarke, Bernard
Clarke, Bertridge
Clarke, David R.
Clarke, Desmond
Clarke, Harry
Clarke, J. I. C.
Clarke, Kathleen
Clarke, Olivia [Lady]
Clarke, Sarah
Clarke, Thomas J.
Clayton, Eleanor
Clayton, Robert
Cleaver, Euseby Digby
Cleeve, Brian
Clerke, Ellen Mary
Clery, Arthur
Clery, Michael
Clewe, Brian
Clifton, Harry
Clive, Catherine
Clinch, James B.
Cloney, Thomas
Clonmell, Lord
Coady, Michael
Coates, H. J.
Cobbe, Frances Power
Cobbett, William
Cochrane, Ian
Cockburn, Claude
Code, Henry Brereton
Coffey, Brian
Coffey, Charles
Coffey, Diarmaid
Coffey, George
Coffey, Tom
Cogan, Anthony
Coghill, Rhonda
Cohn, Nick
Coigly, James [Fr.]
Coimin, Daithi (David)
Cole, John William
Colfer, Eoin
Colgan, John
Colhoun, David
Colles, Abraham
Collie, George
Collier, Peter Fenelon

[ back ] [ top ]

Willliam Collier to Tim Pat Coogan
Collier, William
Collins, Jude
Collins, Michael (d.1922)
Collins, Michael (b.1964)
Collins, Patrick
Collins, Thomas
Collins, William
Collis, J. S.
Collis, Maurice
Collis, Ramsay
Collis, Robert
Colman,George (b.1732)
Colman, George (b.1762)
Colman [the Irishman]
Colman mac Lenini
Colquhoun, Ithell
Colthurst, Emily [Miss]
Colum, Padraic
Colum, Mary
Colum Cille
Comerford, R. V.
Comerford, Thomas
Comyn, David
Comyn, Michael
Conall, Cearnach
Concanen, Mathew
Concannon, Helena
Condon, Edward
Condon, John
Condon, Thomas
Coneys, Thomas de Vere
Congreve, William
Conlon, Evelyn
Conlon, Gerry
Conlon-McKenna, Marita
Conmee, John [Fr]
Connaughton, Shane
Connell, F. Norreys
Connell, Jim
Connell, Vivian
Connellan, Owen
Connellan, Thaddeus
Conner, Rearden
Conner, William
Connington, J. J.
Connolly, James
Connolly, John
Connolly, Joseph
Connolly, M. E.
Connolly, Norman
Connolly, Peter
Connolly, Sean
Connor, Bernard
Connor, Elizabeth
Connor, Jerome
Conolly, Luke Alymer [Rev.]
Conry, Florence
Considine, June
Conway, William [Card.]
Conwell, Eugene Alfred
Conyers, Dorothea
Conyngham, David P.
Conyngham, Mrs G. L.
Coogan, Beatrice
Coogan, Tim Pat

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[ top ]

Emma Cooke to George Croly [Rev.]
Cooke, Emma
Cooke, Henry [Rev.]
Cooke, John
Cooke, Robert
Cooke, William
Cooper, Edward Joshua
Coote, Charles [Sir]
Cope, Joan Penelope
Coppard, A. E.
Coppinger, J. J.
Corbet, William
Corbett, F. St. John
Corish, Patrick J.
Corkery, Daniel
Corkey, William
Cormac Mac Cuileannáin
Corrigan, Dominic [Sir]
Corry, Henry T. L.
Corry, Isaac
Corry, John
Corry, T. C. S
Costell, Dudley
Costello, John Aloysius
Costello, Louisa Stuart
Costello, Mary
Costello, Mary (b.1955)
Costello, Peter
Cotton, Henry
Coulter, John
Coulter, John (b.1888)
Courci, John de
Cousins, James H.
Cousins, Margaret
Cowan, S. K.
Cowley, H. [Mrs]
Cox, Arthur
Cox, Richard [Sir]
Cox, Trevor
Cox, Walter
Coxhead, Elizabeth
Coyle, Kathleen
Coyne, Joseph Stirling
Craig, H. A. L.
Craig, James
Craig, J. D.
Craig, Maurice James
Craig, Patricia
Craig, William Alexander
Craik, Dinah [Mrs]
Crampton, Philip [Sir]
Crawford, Julia
Crawford, W. S. (b.1739)
Crawford, W. S. (b.1781)
Creagh, Michael [Sir]
Creagh, Peter [Archb.]
Creagh, Richard
Creely, Robert
Cregan, Mairin
Cregan, Martin
Crichton, Mrs. F. E.
Crofton, W. M.
Crofts, Freeman Wills
Croke, Thomas W. [Archb.]
Croker, B. M. [Mrs.]
Croker, John Wilson
Croker, Richard
Croker, Thomas Crofton
Crolly, William [Archb.]
Croly, Elizabeth
Croly, George [Rev.]

[ back ]

[ top ]

Countess Cromartie to Mrs Czira [née Gifford]
Cromartie, Countess
Cromer, George
Cromie, Robert
Crommelin, Mary
Crommelin, Samuel-Louis
Cromwell, Thomas
Crone, Annie
Crone, David
Crone, John S.
Cronin, Anthony
Cross, Eric
Crossley, Aaron
Crottie, Julia M.
Crotty, Raymond
Crowe, Eyre Evans
Crowley, Elaine
Crown, John
Crozier, Francis Rawdon
Crozier, Frank Percy
Cruise, William
Crumpe, Samuel
Cuellar, Franciscode
Cuffe, Hamilton J. A.
Cuffe, Maurice
Cuffe, William O’Connor
Cullen, Leo
Cullen, Louis
Cullen, Paul [Card.]
Cullen, Stephen
Cullimore, Claudine
Cullinan, Maxwell C.
Cumberland, Richard
Cumming, W. H.
Cummings, James S.
Cummins, Geraldine
Cunningham, John
Cunningham, Peter
Cunningham, Richard
Cunningham, Timotheo
Cunningham, William
Curran, Constantine
Curran, Henry Grattan
Curran, John Philpot
Curran, Sarah
Curran, William Henry
Currie, Austin
Curry, John
Curry, John (b.1710)
Curry, William
Curtayne, Alice
Curtin, Jeremiah
Curtis, Edmund
Curtis, L. Perry [Jnr]
Curtis, Robert
Curtis, Tony
Cusack, Cyril
Cusack, Margaret Anne
Cusack, Michael
Cusack, Patrick
Cusack, Ralph (b.1912)
Cusack, Ralph (b.1916)
Cusack, Thomas [Sir]
Cutts, John
Czira, Mrs [née Gifford]

Capuchin Annual, The
Carlow College Magazine
Casket; or, Hesperian Magazine
Catholic Bulletin, The
Catholic Penny Magazine
Celt, The
Celtic Christmas, A
Celtic Review
Christian Examiner
Citizen, The
Claidheamh Soluis, An
Colby Quarterly
Collectanea Hibernica
Comet, The
Cork Examiner
Cork Magazine, The
Crane Bag, The

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